[OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive - OptimumOnline (2024)

Brooklyn, NY

difb to Anon54a16


2018-Oct-12 3:38 pm

to Anon54a16

Re: [OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive

A full reset was initiated remotely when I called Optimum the second time for the same problem. Nothing changed. We don't turn the box off, but still have the problem. Optimum is scheduled to switch us to the legacy system next week, unless we can fix the problem by then. I am well and truly fed up.

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 3:38 pm ·

united state



2018-Oct-12 6:22 pm

said by difb:

A full reset was initiated remotely when I called Optimum the second time for the same problem. Nothing changed. We don't turn the box off, but still have the problem. Optimum is scheduled to switch us to the legacy system next week, unless we can fix the problem by then. I am well and truly fed up.

This is very odd, some have a no issues at all and some all they have is issues. The no issues people, seem to have all their wiring replaced, that might be a good start.

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 6:22 pm ·




2018-Oct-12 7:39 pm

said by TheLeak3r:
said by difb:

A full reset was initiated remotely when I called Optimum the second time for the same problem. Nothing changed. We don't turn the box off, but still have the problem. Optimum is scheduled to switch us to the legacy system next week, unless we can fix the problem by then. I am well and truly fed up.

This is very odd, some have a no issues at all and some all they have is issues. The no issues people, seem to have all their wiring replaced, that might be a good start.

it IS odd, I had my wiring replaced, and STILL had an unresponsive box, after the full reset, not turning the box off fixed it, though..

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 7:39 pm ·

No Whammies

[OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive - OptimumOnline (3)



2018-Oct-12 9:14 pm

I’m generally not a fan of the all in one box, but it’s a necessary evil if you want 4K from Optimum.

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 9:14 pm ·

united state

TheLeak3r to Anon54a16


2018-Oct-12 9:59 pm

to Anon54a16
said by Anon54a16 :
said by TheLeak3r:
said by difb:

A full reset was initiated remotely when I called Optimum the second time for the same problem. Nothing changed. We don't turn the box off, but still have the problem. Optimum is scheduled to switch us to the legacy system next week, unless we can fix the problem by then. I am well and truly fed up.

This is very odd, some have a no issues at all and some all they have is issues. The no issues people, seem to have all their wiring replaced, that might be a good start.

it IS odd, I had my wiring replaced, and STILL had an unresponsive box, after the full reset, not turning the box off fixed it, though..

That is very odd.

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 9:59 pm ·


TheLeak3r to limegrass69


2018-Oct-12 10:00 pm

to limegrass69
said by limegrass69:

I’m generally not a fan of the all in one box, but it’s a necessary evil if you want 4K from Optimum.

Maybe as 4K becomes more main stream they will offer a stand alone 4K box from Arris they talked about awhile back.

· actions · 2018-Oct-12 10:00 pm ·


trainerbb to limegrass69


2018-Oct-13 8:01 am

to limegrass69
said by limegrass69:

I’m generally not a fan of the all in one box, but it’s a necessary evil if you want 4K from Optimum.

Why anyone would pay all that money for 4k when you can get 4k hdr from Netflix, Amazon, Vudu, iTunes, and countless others for a crap ton less money. I'm not even sure the alticeone does hdr10 or dv

· actions · 2018-Oct-13 8:01 am ·


Anon54a16 to TheLeak3r


2018-Oct-14 4:36 pm

to TheLeak3r
said by TheLeak3r:

That is very odd.

I was told by 2 Optimum techs to leave the box on, because if you shut it off, it won't get the updates at 2-3 AM. properly, probably a bug in the update system that won't turn the box on when it needs to do an update if the box was turned off manually.. btw, this is the second box that had the same problem, and they both looked factory new, they even had the protective films on them.. and I had perfect signals, too!.. not turning the boxes off manually solved that problem.. I don't have faith in Optimum having a bug free computer system..

· actions · 2018-Oct-14 4:36 pm ·

Brooklyn, NY



2018-Nov-1 8:22 pm

You seem to have such a different experience from everyone else, I'm wondering if we are in the same universe.

I cancelled the switch to the legacy system because I fell in love with the audio search feature. Meanwhile, I've been keeping track of the problem, and it happens every other day without fail. I suppose it might be related to the updates, but don't have a clue how to find out when they are pushed. We've plugged the box into a remote switch, so at least we can restart it without getting up. Will try having the sim replaced next.

Anon54a16, you said there is a "right number" to call for the info you've been getting. Would love to know what it is.

· actions · 2018-Nov-1 8:22 pm ·

Medford, NY

majortom1029 to difb


2018-Nov-1 9:57 pm

to difb

I have had the altice one for a week now. I noticed when the box goes into powersave after 4 hours it will not turn back on unless you turn it on before turning on the TV. I also turned off HDMI cec in the altice one settings.

I have tested this multiple times and so far so good.

So try turning off HDMI on the altice one and turn it on first then the tv.

· actions · 2018-Nov-1 9:57 pm ·




2018-Nov-24 4:10 pm

Does anyone know how to fix voice command on altice one? I reset box but voice command still does not work in living room. Works fine in bedroom? Any suggestions?

· actions · 2018-Nov-24 4:10 pm ·

united state



2018-Nov-24 7:34 pm

Did you try unpairing and repairing the remote?

· actions · 2018-Nov-24 7:34 pm ·

Holbrook, NY

ryan2011 to Anonfa4b9


2018-Nov-24 7:51 pm

to Anonfa4b9
said by Anonfa4b9 :

Does anyone know how to fix voice command on altice one? I reset box but voice command still does not work in living room. Works fine in bedroom? Any suggestions?

Is this for the main box or the mini? If it’s the mini it sounds like it lost the connection to the main box.

· actions · 2018-Nov-24 7:51 pm ·

Medford, NY

majortom1029 to Anonfa4b9


2018-Nov-24 9:21 pm

to Anonfa4b9

Do the pairing procedure again. That's what worked for me.

· actions · 2018-Nov-24 9:21 pm ·


Anon3de04 to difb


2018-Nov-24 10:40 pm

to difb

Yeah my secondary box does that. As well as my remote needs it’s batteries changed every two days. If I get close to it it lights up but seems to sensitive. My dog can get the thing to light up if it walks pass the remote on the coffee table.

· actions · 2018-Nov-24 10:40 pm ·


Anon48da7 to difb


2019-Jan-8 10:06 pm

to difb

I went out of my way to respond to your post because I've shared the frustration for nearly 5 months. I've had this same issue with the router/main box in my bedroom. Numerous calls to optimum and even a tech coming out and replaced the box. Ive narrowed it down and chalked the issue up to be stemming from the CEC capable hdmi port on my Philips 32In Lcd TV from 2010. I recently upgraded to a 43in LG 4K and the problem is now non existent. Apparently these boxes don't play well with CEC optimized HDMI ports. Hope this helps.

· actions · 2019-Jan-8 10:06 pm ·

Medford, NY



2019-Jan-8 10:31 pm

Please post this in the altice one faq topic. I said this and I was told more confirmation is needed. If you make sure the box is turned on first and turn off HDMI cec it wont be unresponsive.

· actions · 2019-Jan-8 10:31 pm ·


Anon14ca1 to difb


2019-Jan-24 5:10 pm

to difb

I am so pissed with this garbage of a product that i sent letters to the FTC FAA and Nassau county state attorney. I see this as simply BAIT and Switch. We all saw those great commercials promising cutting edge technology and boy it is NOT. After switching i got Altice and this thing was awful. First the setup box would update 5-7 times a week because they were still working out all the kinks. secondly my remote would stop working for no reason and there is nothing i could so except wait an hour on the phone to fix it. The INTERNET was much slower than Fios. So a few months later after complaining they switch me back to old box which was bad to begin with. Now this is the second time i am home waiting for the technician because it is not a simple swap. The thing that upset me the most is the technician telling he is doing more reverse to old box then new installation. again this is what BAIT and SWITCH IS. The letter i got back from NYSA is that they need more people to complain to them about this product then they can go and do something about.
Please write a letter and complain because this company has to stop with this BS

· actions · 2019-Jan-24 5:10 pm ·

united state



2019-Jan-24 6:14 pm

Anyone else see a pattern here??... Mostly see "anons" having issues
Try becoming a member is free and we are friendly bunch. [OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive - OptimumOnline (9)

· actions · 2019-Jan-24 6:14 pm ·

your moderator at work

Medford, NY

majortom1029 to difb


2019-Jan-24 8:47 pm

to difb

Re: [OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive

The altice one box does have some huge issues. Like the wifi being horrible. 2.4g GHz does get over 54mbps speeds and on 5ghz it alternates between nothing connecting and things having 0 upload . Right now I have my old Asus router connected to it to get my wifi back.

My parents just got the altice one box installed and it came with a defective remote out of the box.

· actions · 2019-Jan-24 8:47 pm ·




2019-Jan-24 10:23 pm

Im happily staying with my trusty Samsung until they get the bugs out of the Altice One Boxes. Im sure in 5 years everyone will be mandated to use that box but right now I see little incentive causing me to switch.

· actions · 2019-Jan-24 10:23 pm ·

Holbrook, NY



2019-Jan-25 7:47 am

People seem to be having mixed results. I have Altice One with 3 minis going on a year this February. In the beginning the software had a lot of bugs, I would constantly have to reboot and sometimes force a full download of the OS. They are always pushing out OS updates and it seems to be very stable now. I work in IT so it was easy for me to work through most of these issues but I can see how people would just give up and switch back to legacy equipment.

As far as hardware is concerned, about 8 months in I had to have one mini box replaced it lost the connection to the main box and it wouldn't re-pair. I haven't had any issues with WiFi reliability, for the most part I've been getting close to 300 Mbps down on 5GHz on the main and extenders.

· actions · 2019-Jan-25 7:47 am ·

Medford, NY



2019-Jan-25 9:07 am

what about the upload speeds? On my 5ghz i get perfect download but almost 0 upload. My problems only started with this 2.0 upgrade. The techs in the call center send me the old firmware which fixes everything then the box gets auto upgraded and goes right back to the bad firmware. I had that done tweice and gave up and connected my old router as an access point.

· actions · 2019-Jan-25 9:07 am ·

Holbrook, NY



2019-Jan-25 9:17 am

said by majortom1029:

what about the upload speeds? On my 5ghz i get perfect download but almost 0 upload. My problems only started with this 2.0 upgrade. The techs in the call center send me the old firmware which fixes everything then the box gets auto upgraded and goes right back to the bad firmware. I had that done tweice and gave up and connected my old router as an access point.

Very weird, my upload is consistently 35-36.

· actions · 2019-Jan-25 9:17 am ·

Massapequa, NY

CSmoney28 to difb


2019-May-21 2:50 am

to difb

Does anyone know how to fix error code OBV-055 on an altice one mini?

I had several technicians over the years I had this come and never we’re able to fix it.

I heard about rewire which was done outside my home but not inside...

Also had the interior and exterior splitters changed.

Got all brand new memory cards for the boxes too.

Even got a second set up done with the WiFi since the speed were like everyone said way lower than I was paying for...

Made a BBB complaint I suggest others do it also...

Customer service and the third party techs they send are useless...

[OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive - OptimumOnline (11)

· actions · 2019-May-21 2:50 am ·

Medford, NY



2019-May-21 11:52 am

What does the error mean? I am on my second altice one because my altice one wifi failed pretty much. My 5g would be either really slow or couldnt connect to it at all. Do the minis connect to the main box via wifi? maybe you need your main box replaced like i needed.

· actions · 2019-May-21 11:52 am ·

united state



2019-May-21 12:56 pm

said by majortom1029:

What does the error mean? I am on my second altice one because my altice one wifi failed pretty much. My 5g would be either really slow or couldnt connect to it at all. Do the minis connect to the main box via wifi? maybe you need your main box replaced like i needed.

The minis feed the dvr, guide, on demand from the main via unless you hardwire them

· actions · 2019-May-21 12:56 pm ·

Medford, NY



2019-May-21 1:49 pm

They get regular tv from coax?

· actions · 2019-May-21 1:49 pm ·

Holbrook, NY



2019-May-21 3:43 pm

said by majortom1029:

They get regular tv from coax?


· actions · 2019-May-21 3:43 pm ·

[OOL] Altice One Box Becomes Unresponsive - OptimumOnline (2024)
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