Again: your top 10 100% IV Pokémon (2024)


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These are maybe my rarest of 100% IVs, and yes it's windy in here right now. Hope that even one dragon-type would spawn and I could complete my 3 rare candy quest.



Blissey (caught from quest 2 days ago).
Venusaur with FP (caught as a lvl 34 ivysaur 2 month before CD).
Combusken (hatched as torchic and patiently waiting CD).
Jolteon (my only raid perfect).
Lapras (from quest).
Muk (hatched as grimer, my first perfect).
Magikarp (from quest).
Steelix (hatched as onix).
Wailmer (from quest).



Would've done the same if I had a perfect Combusken. Unfortunately I don't have any perfects left to spare for cd.



1. Zapdos - my team bird, one of my favorite Mons from gen 1, and my first hundo from a raid.
2. Kyogre - caught during its return run this month after having abysmal luck getting any with good IVs when it was first out.
3. Rayquaza - my favorite Gen 3 Mon by a mile. Replaced Dragonite as my go-to generalist.
4. Muk - hatched as a Grimer in the Fall of 2016. My very first hundo.
5. Tyranitar - hatched as a Larvitar while in the car with a few friends right as we were trying to remember what the CP was for a hundo hatched Larvitar.
6. Milotic - caught as a Feebas by my nephew after I picked him up from school last Fall.
7. Blissey - caught as a very low level Chansey during the Valentine's Day event in 2017. She's earned many a coin since then.
8. Gardevoir - caught as a Ralts last winter after a long, crappy day. Huge boost to morale.
9. Suicune - it's terrible and I likely won't ever invest anything into it, but it's a hundo and it saved me some money in an odd way. Caught it a few days after Suicune came out and promptly stopped doing Suicune raids after that.
9. Weezing - caught by my Go+ as a Koffing while I was having lunch with friends at a restaurant that had a lured Pokestop.
10. Machamp - hatched as a Machop. No special story behind it, but it easily gets more use than just about any other Mon I own.



My team bird too :D, annnnnd Rayquaza happens to be my favorite one too in gen 3, also my favorite legendary of all legendaries. But that's not surprising, 'cause Rayquaza is a fan favorite, after all.



Despite it being far less optimal, I'm one of the only people in my raid group that will use Zapdos over Raikou when electrics are needed because I like Zapdos that much. I'll still slot Raikou into my raid team, because it would be silly not to, but Zapdos will always get the #1 spot in the electric squad. 😁



Mine are not powered up at all (I only have three +90% Zapdos from breakthrough), so I'm using Raikou instead. Otherwise I might do the same thing. Speaking of favorite electric-types, I think my actual favorite is Jolteon (and alolan Raichu, when talking about a little less relevant Pokémon.) And there's a whole lot of fun electric-types that I like, but which are not my favorites. But I have to say that Zapdos is one of the coolest electric legendaries by far.



I only have 10... but the gem of my entire dex is the 100 Murkrow. I had been searching and searching for one since Gen 2 dropped, and then one showed up at home back in January.

Oddly, 5 of those 10 have been caught/hatched since the water event started.

(Snorlax, Hypno, Eevee [now Espeon], Murkrow, Baltoy [now Claydol], Lileep [now Cradilly], Totodile, [now Croconaw], Lapras, Swablu, Alolan Sandshrew [now Sandslash])



Saving Croconaw for cd, I see. Grats on the alolan one, though. I have got only two +90% Meowths... Still waiting for Vulpix, especially a perfect one.



I've been quite blessed with 100% Pokemon, having 26 of them. The 10 I am most proud of though:

1) Tyranitar (Bite/Crunch), hatched from an egg.
2) Tyranitar (Smack Down/Stone Egde) from Community Day.
3) Ho-oh, from the second batch of raids on my hunt for a shiny one (which I didn't succeed at).
4) Rhydon, egg hatch, one of my earliest 100%s.
5) Espeon, from a lucky wild caught Eevee around end of 2016.
6) Charizard (Blast Burn), from Community Day.
7) Alakazam, wild caught weather-booted Abra, though this one was spotted by a local fellow player who shared the location.
8) Ralts, wild caught weather-boosted. A very recent acquisition that I'm saving for Gen 4 Gallade (it's a male) or possible a Ralts Community Day.
9) Suicune. Not amazing, but it's legendary.
10) Magneton, hatched Magnemite. Looking forward to Gen 4.

Beyond that, I have a Magmar and a Porygon potentially sitting on Gen 4 greatness.



Charizard is my number 1 favorite, but couldn't get 100% one before or during the community day. Now I just have to find ppl, who are willing to trade Blast Burn Charizard and try to roll that 100% IVs out of it.



The ralts community day wont give it a double fairy set, the only remaining nonsignature move thats fairy type cant be learned by its line



Huh, turns out you're right. For some reason I thought Gardevoir learned Fairy Wind. Unless Niantic pulls a Rock Throw Omastar on us (which I doubt) Gardevoir gets shafted as a fairy attacker.

What I'm curious to know is why /every/ Fairy move added to the game had to be a charge move. Surely Disarming Voice could be better suited as a fast one?



...Is having 10+ 100% Pokemon really that common? I'm over halfway to level 38 and only have 4 perfects:

1. Caught Pidgey from a long time ago (now Pidgeot, what else am I gonna use the 3.5k candy on)
2. Hatched Tyrogue, now Hitmontop
3. Hatched Tyrogue, now Hitmonchan. Amusingly I hatched this one withing a week or two of the above one.
4. Caught Beldum, snow weather boosted. Only level 10 or something, heavy consideration as a walking buddy for the inevitable Beldum Community Day



Of course, the deciding factor is rng, but one reason why it's more common now is because of all the boosted events, raids, research tasks and now even trading could potentially roll you a perfect IV mon costing one of your mons; it's not all about hatching eggs and catching Pokémon from wild anymore. So yes I think it is quite common to have 10 or more perfects. I'm only a lvl 36 over halfway to lvl 37 and I still have 16 perfect IV individuals, 7 of which were caught this year. And I've been playing PoGO almost 2 years (which is one of the factors; how long you have been playing). 9 perfects in almost 1.5 years and 7 in half a year, so I would say it's much more rare to see ppl like you, who are higher than me, but have much less.



Some RNG. I've been playing pretty much since it came out, played through all the same events, never fell out of it, and still have less. Even with all the additions to tip the scales in my favor only one of my perfects can be attributed to that (Beldum). I check everything too so it's not like I accidentally transferred any.

That said, I've lost count of how many 98% I have. Amusingly enough I have just as many 0% as I do 100%, which are arguably rarer now due to the previously mentioned additions.



I don't know if I transferred any before I learned what Appraisal actually mean in mid-Sept 2016, but considering I was over 1 mil into level 39 before I picked up my 6th...I think that's pretty reasonable. A fair number of people picked up a bunch from scanners, and I know I definitely announced the Murkrow and Eevee I picked up at mine to the local group.



I forgot about scans. My Discord hid 100% scans behind a donation paywall so I never bothered.



I don't believe I picked up any from scans - my house is just blessed with a number of spawns that 'should' pop a perfect every 10-11 days.



Top 10 would probably be as follows:
Gyarados times 3 (all caught as Magikarp)
Chansey (field research last week)
Victreebel (caught as Bellsprout)
Walrein (caught as spheal)
Kingdra (caught as horsey)
Wailord (hatch)
Nidoqueen (catch as nidoran)
Meganium (catch as bayleef)



After all the increased spawns for Magikarps or generally for all water-types, I've been able to get a lot +90% IVs and two shinies, but no perfects so far.



I have exactly 10 perfect IV mons. I've been playing since the game came out in my area, but I got my first 100% only recently - about two days since the research tasks were launched.

1. Blissey (evolved from a research task Chansey). Maxed out at lvl 40, she's my pride and joy, and also a great asset for our local Valor group when it comes to gym defense.
2. Jolteon (from research task). Maxed out at level 40. When arrival of Zapdos and electric-themed tasks were announced, I was hellbent on getting a perfect Jolteon. I missed out on Raikou and my Zapdoses are not worth powering up. It took only three "evolve 3 electric-type Pokemon" tasks for this speedy beauty to be mine.
3. Tangela (research task). He'll make a great Tangrowth when Gen4 comes out.
4. Pinsir (research task). I'm currently collecting candy to power her up.
5. Snorunt (raid). My very first perfect mon. I was so happy to have her! I will be evolving a Froslass out of her, when Gen4 comes out.
6. Sableye (raid). My second perfect mon. Currently I don't have any plans for him.
7. Meditite (wild). Got her during the Fighting Event.
8. Shellder (research task). Useless, but I'll keep him as trophy.
9. Numel (research task). Same as above.
10. Camerupt (egg). I got a second perfect Numel, but I had plenty of candies lying around, so I went and evolved him. He's also an useless trophy.



Jolteon is one of my favorite electric-types, sadly I don't have a perfect one.



1- Shiny Frenzy Plant Venusaur - my pride and joy
2- Rayquaza - raid
3- Kyogre - first week bad catch circle time
4- Tyranitar - egg
5- Scizor - wild

- Magneton
- Murkrow

- Jigglypuff
- Spheal
- Pidgey



Only if my perfect Venusaur was shiny too, but I'm still quite happy to have it, 'cause of Frenzy Plant.



Gyarados and Xatu caught wild in their base forms.
Charizard from charmeleon raid and evolved during CD.
All the rest hatched.

Honourable mention? Electabuzz waiting for the release of Gen 4



Not a single one :D

But hey I'm not especially looking for those. Maybe I caught a 100% Rattata or Pidgey and never knew but it's not like it's gonna matter. And I don't check very low level pokemon, even if they are meta relevant. What it means is that I never catched/hatched a 100% mon above lvl 15-20.



1. Tyranitar ( larvitar caught from a lure during last Community Day with 5 minutes remaining to event´s end, I was with a friend, but unfortunately he wasn´t able to catch it. Yes, I managed to evolve it into Tyranitar and he has Smack Down)
2. Dragonite (hatched as Dratini, my egg number 500, Dragonite got Steel Wing and Hyper Beam when evolved, thanks God TMs)
3. Snorlax (caught from wild at a park in September, 2016, my first 100% with legacy move Body Slam)
4. Gyarados (hatched as Magikarp, legacy Dragon Tail fast move)
5. Magikarp (from a field research reward)
6. 2 Pidgeys (caught from wild, 1 at a square and the other at lvl33 at the airport)
7. Spheal (hatched recently)
8. Suicune (my only 100% legendary)
9. Omastar (boosted from a Raid)
10. Gengar (caught as Gastly during the last Helloween´s event at lvl30 in my work, my first lvl40 pokemon)

Honorable mentions:

- Girafarig (caught from wild almost in the same place where I found my perfect Snorlax)
- Sandslash (caught from wild as Sandshrew in a nest)
- Rapidash (hatched as Ponyta)
- Parasect (hatched as Paras)
- Venomoth (caught from wild as Venonat)
- Staryu (caught 2 days ago from a field research reward)
- Bellsprout (caught from wild at lvl33 in a nest)
- Seaking (hatched as Goldeen)
- Nidoking (caught from wild as male Nidoran)
- Raticate (caught from wild as Rattata)



I have exactly ten perfect mons!
1. Machop, caught while on a bus during Kanto event, immediately evolved and the first mon that I maxed upon reaching level 38.
2. Bulbasaur, hatched and immediately evolved (favourite starter) two months before it was featured on Community Day.
3. Magmar, the very first perfect that I caught. Only realised it was perfect when I almost transferred it to clear storage space a year later.
4. Gulpin, caught at level 35 a few days after the Gen III release. Remains my only perfect Gen III mon.
5. Igglybuff, hatched as a Christmas present.
6. Growlithe, caught at a nest shortly after Gen II release.
7. Tangela, the second perfect that I caught, saving for Tangrowth.
8. Marill, caught while walking from my house to the bus stop.
9. Wooper, hatched last year.
10. Meowth, caught two weeks ago.



1. Kyogre - from 2nd appearance; currently at L30
2. Latios - currently at L30, first raid perfect and the first Latios I caught.
3. Zapdos - from quests; currently at L20 with 66 candies
4-6. Gyarados, one each of B/C, DT/O, and WF/HP; all at L35; My office is two blocks from a park with a small pond that spawns a lot of Karp.
7. Exeggutor - double psychic - currently at L20
8. Arcanine - L20
9-10. Two Charizards, both at L20, both pre-CD so no blast burn.

Others: Aerodactyl, Baltoy, Crawdaunt, Kabuto, Magneton, Mankey, Misdreavus, Nidoking, Ninetails, Polywrath, Poochyena, Seadra, Swablu, Taillow, and Venusaur.



Have 9



All of them
1. Tyranitar(hatched)
2. Machamp (raid)
3. Clefable (caught, my top defender)
4. Lapras (hatched)
5. Slowing (hatched)
6. Arcanine (hatched)
7. Muk (raid)
8. Feraligator (caught)
9. Feebas (caught)
10. Jolteon (raid)
Forretress (hatched)
Wartortle (hatched)
Raichu (hatched)
Doduo (hatched)
Shellder (hatched)



1. Machamp triplets: All have won over 1.5K battles for me. Two hatches, one wild spawn
2. Dragonite quadruplets: have put in a lot of work for me during the dragon legendary raids and have won quite some gym battles. One hatch, three wild spawns (park on the opposite of my house had 6 common Dratini spawn points) of which one shiny during Community Day.
3. Tyranitar: MVP against many of the Mewtwo raids I've done. Wild spawn
4. Gardevoir: One of my favourite Pokemon that I have at 100% and puts in a lot of work against non-steel Machamps. Wild spawn
5. Milotic: Has not seen any battle on my side of the screen, but has been in gyms quite often. Wild lvl 35 spawn right on top of my house.
6. Ninetales: My all time favourite Pokemon, one of my very first 100% called in the early days of PoGo (back then I kept every Vulpix I caught, which weren't many though)
7. Grovyle (waiting for a CD): Another wild spawn on top of my house. Had my gotcha running, caught it nonetheless.
8. Sableye: My first 100% hatch.
9. Nidoqueen: Found her on holiday in Melbourne, Australia as a Nidoran.
10. Metang: Will be a beast after a Beldum CD. Hatched during a lucky spree (100% Dratini, 100% Beldum, 96% Bagon, 100% Swablu, shiny Aron).

It would be a large list of honourable mentions (most of those were caught by scanners, everything on the list is not). I did hatch a 100% Alolan Meowth today, though.



Raikou x 2

favorite not-maxed
Slaking level 30 wild
Pichu level 20 hatch
Wailmer level 20 hatch

btw: no scanner mons



Not a single 100%, at least not since appraisal system came out and not including pidgey-level spawns.

I do check every hatch, every research, every raid, and every Pokemon catch that could be remotely useful even if at 10cp though.

I've only had a handful of 98% as well. Probably around 100+ at 96% or 93% though... I get lucky with those. I had quit for a while, started again the first week of zapdos breakthroughs and of the 4 zapdos, two were 96%.



1. Groudon MS/SoB L38
2. Tyranitar B/C L40
3. Dragonite DT/O L40
4. Articuno FB/IB L36
5. Machamp C/DP L40
6. Machamp C/DP L40
7. Espeon C/FS L40
8. Golem RT/RB L40
9. Salamence DT/DM L38,5
10. Gyarados WF/HP L40
11. Jolteon TS/TB L40
12. Jolteon TS/DC L35
13. Gengar H/SB L35



1. Pinsir - my first one
2. Raikou - only legendary 100%
3. Machamp - most usefull (raid)
4. Tyranitar - (raid)
5. Scyther - egg, one of my favorite
6. wigglypuff- catched at home lvl 30



My 100IV by relevance:

1. Rayquaza (maxed)
2. Dragonite (maxed)
3. Raikou (maxed)
4. Blissey (maxed)
5. Legacy flamethrower charizard (maxed)
6. Legacy dragon pulse gyarados (maxed)
7. Hariyama (maxing)
8. Kingler
9. Wigglytuff
10. Skarmory



Top Hundo's:
2 Machamps (1 hatched, 1 wild caught)
1 Tyranitar (Raid Boss)
1 Totodile (Hatched during Water Event, saving for a Totodile CD)

Rest of the Hundo's:
2 Paras (Wild Caught)
2 Ratattas (Wild Caught)
1 Marowak (Hatched)
1 Azumarill (Wild Caught)
1 Beedril (Wild Caught)
1 Amphrose (Hatched... from an egg I got in the Mareep Community Day... AFTER Community Day ended so no Dragon Pulse...)
1 Wingull (Hatched during Water Event)
1 Kabuto (Wild Caught during Water Even)
1 Poocheyna (Wild Caught)
1 Tyrogue (Hatched)

But my Fav Hundo? My 0% Geodude. I've only ever caught 1 0% since I started keeping track of IV's, and I love my 0%.



I don't always check for 0%, but occasionally I do. I had one - a Swablu - until about a week ago when I caught two(!) 0% Chinchou in two days :D



I have been playing since the game launched and only just got my first 100% Pokémon recently. It's a Swablu that I hatched from an egg. I was pretty excited cause Altaria was one of my favourite Pokémon in the original games but then I found out it costs 400 candies to evolve and Altaria is apparently garbage in Go. How do you guys have so many 100% Pokémon? My luck must be awful!






1. Shiny Venusaur
2. Geodude
3. Alakazam
4. Entei
5. Walrein
6. Cloyster x2
7. Kabutops
8. Pichu
9. Pidgeot
10. Magikarp

Geodude and Magikarp are only there because of what they can become when I decide to evolve them.

Honorable mention:
Gengar - Has a legacy move, but the wrong one.
Typhlosion - Might have used it more if it wasn't at lvl 1.
Yanma - Might have a place in the top 10 later on.
Swalot x2 - Only because I found both on the same day.
Suicune - Legendary, but not great.
Latias - Legendary, but not great.
Beldum - I'm hoping to see it on a Community Day.
Pinsir - Had so much trouble getting it in Gen1, so I'm happy to now have a perfect one.
Wigglytuff - I've always liked this Pokemon, so a perfect one is great to have, even if it's not at a high lvl.



Most of my 100%ers aren't really meta relevant.

1. Machamp (Saitama) - My main gym demolisher. Found him at the playground next to my house. Tried to call more people to get it too, but none were close enough to arrive on time.
2. Hariyama (Sumo) - Helper in gym demolishing. Found him during the fighting event while searching for shiny makuhita which I've never found. Oddly, I've found this one near the museum where I've found most of my shinies.
3. Exeggutor (Kokonutz) - For when water, ground, or rock types are the opponent, but also helps with taking down machamp raids. Found her at a raid last summer during a very hot day.
4. Rhydon (Rhyna) - For facing steel, rock, and fire types. Found her in a nest at a park of a circus.
5. Xatu F & M (Satu and Cherokee) - Both help with machamp raids. Found them while walking on some streets, one of them was near an open-air market area.
6. Magmar (Moltra) - Hatched her. Will be a good magmortar.
7. Kingler (Crabcakes) - Completed the quest to battle a gym 3 times, was given 100% Kingler. Will be used vs fire, ground, rock.
8. Starmie (Superstar) - Most recent quest reward. Will likely be paired with the Kingler when in need of water attackers.
9. Sceptile (Sylvanna) - Hatched. I use her when I need some grass attackers.
10. Wailord (Batoza) - Found near my former school, tried to call people to get it too, they still couldn't arrive as there was a protest going on around there. Now I have an extra reason to put this giant critter on top of gyms.

Some that I rarely use:
Camerupt (Camy) - didn't get a chance to use her yet, would have been good vs Regice but she's not leveled up yet. Hatched her.
Piloswine (Wooly) - used her every now and then when needing an ice attacker. Got her from a raid.
Ariados (Arachnor) - I'm not sure what to use her for, but I keep her. Found her at a park near its lake.
Murkrow (Dona) - my oldest 100%, found near my home on the 2nd day of playing. I rarely use her against gyms for fun when my main team is all fainted.



1- Mew (When I got it, I though, "ya, everybody is likely getting a 100% I guess")
2- Machamp -My pride and favorite pokemon of the bunch
3- Tyranitar -Easy one, community day, some player called it, only had to pick it up.
4- Tyranitar -Second one on CD. But I caught it FIRST, and started the stampede when I called it. Greatest thing ever.
5- Exeggutor -First 100% loooong time ago
6- Flareon -Another oldie. Was hoping so much for a Vaporeon
7- Muk -Kind of like this one for what it is
8- Meganium Oh well, it's a bit rare
9- Golem Usefull
10- Victreebell (another oldie)





    Again: your top 10 100% IV Pokémon (2024)
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