PokeSquad - FanGirl210 - Pocket Monsters (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

"Man, feel that sun!"

" Piiii-kaaa! "

Seventeen-year-old Ash Ketchum smiled down at the little yellow creature beside him, its tiny arms stretched as high as they could go. Taking time off to relax with Ash's mother and her Mr. Mime, Mimey, came to a halt when Ash had received a ticket to the S.S. Anne in the mail, directly from the Vermilion City Harbor. It was a shame that Ash's mother couldn't be there to enjoy it with them, but at least she had Mimey to keep her company.

Tickets to the exclusive S.S. Anne didn't come every day, and the day couldn't have been more perfect. Warm with a faint breeze, the sky filled with white, fluffy clouds. The ship was smooth-sailing, and the air was filled with the happy cries of people and pokemon alike.

Not to mention the clear blue pool on the deck, glistening in the sun, just waiting for a cannonball. Well, it wouldn't be waiting long!

Ash hiked up his swim trunks. "Race you!"

Pikachu took off after him. At least until a lifeguard reminded them that they weren't allowed to run.

Ah, well. Ash still reached the diving board first. With a wide grin and a cry of "Cannonball!" Ash leaped off the board as the other swimmers gave him a wide berth. He sucked in his breath, curled up his body, and splashed into the shockingly cold water. He swam back up to the surface to find his best friend standing on all fours on the ledge of the pool, laughing as he instinctively shook off the spray. "Come on, Pikachu!"

Pikachu bolted for the diving board-


They flinched at the loud whistle, Pikachu stopping short at the very edge of the board. They looked to the source of the noise. A lifeguard with shaggy pale blue hair and sunglasses that covered most of his face stood not far from them. "I'm sorry," he called out in a voice that sounded vaguely familiar, "but there are no electric-type pokemon allowed in the pool."

"Oh, sorry!" Ash called back.

Pikachu's head and ears drooped as he turned and slowly walked on two feet off the diving board. Ash was just as disappointed. He didn't remember that being a rule, but he supposed it made sense; water and electricity didn't mix on or off the battlefield. He almost mentioned the Chinchou swimming below the surface before remembering that it was also a water-type. Ash smiled sympathetically as Pikachu flopped down on a nearby beach chair and stared at him unhappily. It may seem odd for a pure electric-type, but Pikachu really loved to swim.

"Ah, we can swim any time," Ash called out, climbing out of the pool. Pikachu's ears perked up curiously at his trainer's approach. He sat up, and Ash put his hands on his hips. "There's plenty of other things to do!"

Pikachu's head tilted. " Pika-chu? "

"Don't forget; there's a beach not far from home. That's way more fun than a pool, right buddy?"

" Pika! "

To anyone else, it may appear that Ash was just an ordinary trainer who cared about his pokemon. But, it went deeper than that. Ash had always been very in-tune with pokemon and was usually able to piece together what they were feeling or trying to say, though he could never make any more sense of their language than other humans could. But, Pikachu was different. Ash understood Pikachu better than he understood any other pokemon he'd ever met. Granted, he still couldn't figure out the exact words Pikachu was saying, but he just sort of... knew what was being said. Was it because of their closeness? Because of how long they'd been together? Neither of them knew.

"Excuse me." Suddenly, a woman in a sailor uniform appeared. She had magenta-colored hair pulled into a low bun and the same over-sized sunglasses as her co-worker. She seemed familiar too, but this wasn't Ash's first time on the ship. Perhaps those employees were on-duty last time as well. "We don't seem to have any record of your Pikachu being tested."

"Tested?" Ash asked, Pikachu echoing his confusion.

The employee adjusted her sunglasses. "Surely, you know about that strange disease that's been spreading among pokemon."

Ash did recall hearing about it. A group of pokemon just outside of Lavender Town had been reported running into things, attacking each other and humans, even attacking themselves in some sort of frenzy. Supposedly, not even any of the Nurse Joy's could help them. Ash shuddered. Those poor pokemon. As soon as they'd heard about it, he and Pikachu wanted nothing more than to go there and see what they could do. But, Ash's mother wouldn't allow it. "It's too dangerous," she said. "Not to mention a risk to Pikachu."

She had a point. Ash hated seeing innocent pokemon suffer, but what could they do? They didn't know anything about diseases. Besides, the mental image of his best friend driven mad with illness was more than enough for Ash to listen to his mother. If her "Mom voice" wasn't enough already.

"Don't worry," Ash assured the employee. "Pikachu's just fine. Right, buddy?"

Pikachu smiled. " Pika pika! "

"Oh, it's merely a precaution." The woman leaned in close, as if telling some deep secret. "Did you know that some pokemon carry the virus and don't have any symptoms until it's too late?"

" Pika!? "

His blood running cold, Ash looked at Pikachu, who was now checking over himself frantically. "I-I hadn't heard that…"

The woman smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure your Pikachu is fine, but better safe than sorry. I can take him down to the infirmary right now, just to make sure."

"Yeah, of course."

Pikachu let her pick him up. "We have a few other uninformed trainers as well, so there's a bit of a back-up. Why don't you enjoy yourself in the meantime?"

"Alright." Ash forced a smile for his best friend. "Let's meet up in our room at lunch time, okay?"

Pikachu nodded, his smile a little forced as well.

Once they were out of sight, Ash sighed and laid back on the beach chair. He usually tried to pay attention to current events, but he hadn't heard anything about this. And, if they were testing trainers' pokemon now, this illness must be even worse than he'd thought. Not for the first time, Ash wished he had gone to Lavender Town after all. How many were infected now? Was there any sign of a cure? He'd have to check as soon as he could.

Someone cleared their throat next to him. A very short man with thick curly hair and an equally thick beard held out a tray with a single glass of pink liquid. The man - another employee Ash could have sworn he'd seen before - gave him a big grin. His voice was high and scratchy. "You look a little down. How 'bout a complementary fruit punch to raise your spirits?" He winked. "Alcohol-free, for tw- kiddos like you."

Ash thanked him distractedly and took the glass. Pikachu was fine, he told himself as he sipped his drink. (Not bad, but there was a bitter aftertaste he couldn't place.) His partner was as happy and energetic as ever. No need to worry, as Dawn used to say.

Of course, that was when everyone worried the most...

Ash sighed again. He wasn't sure if he could really enjoy himself until he knew his buddy was alright. He downed the rest of his fruit punch - what was that flavor? - and decided to head back to their room. He had planned to check for updates on that virus, but he suddenly felt exhausted , like he hadn't slept in weeks. Odd, since just minutes ago he'd been wide awake, but he was too tired to question it.

Just a quick nap, he decided as he forced his legs to carry him to his room. Pikachu would be back around noon. Then, they could have lunch and learn more about the virus.

Just...a quick...nap…

Ash woke up to find that he had been asleep for four hours! It was two o'clock. Why didn't Pikachu wake him up? He rolled out of bed with a grunt, the room spinning as he stood. Maybe he was the one who needed tested.

Once the dizziness passed, Ash checked the door. Still propped open. He looked down both ends of the hall. A family of three, a few Krabby, but no sign of Pikachu. Realizing that he was still in his swim trunks, Ash changed back into his clothes as fast as he could, guilt pricking at him. Pikachu must not have wanted to wake him and decided to head down to the cafeteria. Ash hoped he wasn't still waiting for him to eat.

Another thought chilled him as he raced to the cafeteria, apologizing to the passengers he almost bumped into. What if the medics had found something when they tested Pikachu? He tried to push the thought aside. If Pikachu truly was infected, someone would have contacted Ash, right? If nothing else, they would have left him a note; he had left the door propped.

There was no sign of Pikachu in the cafeteria. Nobody he asked had seen a Pikachu come in. Suddenly, Ash lost his appetite.

He barely registered the people and pokemon he almost bowled over in his mad dash to the infirmary. His mind was filled with images of the various Rattata and Pidgey and Spearow online, throwing themselves around and attacking and scratching themselves and each other to the point of bleeding. Then, those images were replaced with Pikachu - sweet, sensible little Pikachu - clawing at himself and shocking himself and-

It took everything in Ash not to kick open the doors to the infirmary. Instead, he opened them normally and looked around. No one in there but a doctor. No fancy equipment either. Just the tables and medicine cabinets and health posters you'd expect from any doctor's office. Was he in the wrong room?

The doctor stood up from where he'd been doing paperwork. "Can I help you?"

"Where do you do the pokemon testing?"

"Excuse me?"

The dark pit in Ash's stomach expanded. "Uh, that thing that's making pokemon go crazy. Where do you do the testing for it?"

"I'm sorry; I believe you're mistaken. We don't do anything like that on this ship."

The last thing Pikachu remembered was that employee giving him a bowl of water. By the time he'd tasted the Sleep Powder in it, it had already taken effect. Now, he reluctantly opened his eyes, trying to get his bearings. He definitely wasn't on the S.S. Anne anymore. The walls around him were red, and he was surrounded by bars. Was he in a cage?

Then, he noticed the two humans, the Meowth, and the Wobuffet huffing and puffing in front of him as their legs spun on their seats. Pikachu could have zapped himself. The blue-haired lifeguard, the familiar scent of the woman who wanted to "have him tested." He bet his tail she'd made up that stuff about carrying the virus without feeling sick. He wondered if they'd sent that ticket too but decided that they probably weren't that clever.

When would Team Rocket give up? Well, they certainly kept Pikachu on his toes. He'd give them that.

"I still can't - huff - believe that worked!" Meowth panted.

"Do you think - huff - the twerp is-is still asleep?" James wondered.

"Who cares?" Jessie said. "We-we finally got Pikachu!"

As they and Wobuffet cried out "Whoo-hoo!" as heartily as they could while gasping for breath, Pikachu's mind went to work. The cage was probably shock-proof. Even if it wasn't, they were most likely in Team Rocket's Magikarp-shaped submarine. Using Thunderbolt underwater wouldn't end well for anybody. Iron Tail was always an option, but Pikachu didn't want them to realize he'd woken up. He could just wait until they reached dry land, but he didn't want to risk ending up at their headquarters or wherever they were taking him.

Wait, how long have those keys been on the floor? Pikachu rolled his eyes but couldn't help a smile. Team Rocket as a whole was nothing to sneeze at. These four? Sometimes Pikachu wondered how they still had jobs.

The cage was just barely big enough to hold him, but if he twisted his body just so…

"Now, if only," Jessie huffed, "our escape - huff - wasn't pedal-powered."

Pikachu's ears squished uncomfortably as he turned his head to the keyring now behind him.

"We need an engine,” James gasped, “or at least someone - huff - to do this for us."

Pikachu stretched his tail as far as it could go. Yes! Slowly, as quietly as possible, he slid the keys closer.

Meowth sounded seconds from collapsing. (How a pokemon had learned to talk like a human, Pikachu would never know, not that he wouldn't like to.) "I-I told you. It's-it's not - huff huff - in the budget."

Almost there…

" We're broke ," Wobuffet whined, though only the other pokemon could understand him.

Swallowing a triumphant squeak, Pikachu picked up the keyring, cringing when the keys jingled together.

Meowth's ears twitched. "Did you hear that?"

Jessie grunted. "Quit yapping - huff huff - and start pedaling!"

"I'm pedaled out," James moaned.

Meowth legs once again spun the bicycle pedals around and around. " You're pedaled out? Think of how-how me and-and Wobuffet feel!"

" I-I want human legs ," Wobuffet said.

Not for the first time, Pikachu felt sorry for them.

As quietly as possible, Pikachu tried the first key. Nothing. Not the second or third either. Something clicked on the fourth. He looked up, but Team Rocket was still preoccupied with trying not to pass out. A relieved smile tugged at his mouth. He pulled out the key but remained in his cage in case one of them decided to check on him.

Now, for the hard part. Pikachu mulled over his options. If they really were underwater, as he suspected, electric-type moves were just asking for trouble. Maybe, he'd call that Plan B. There was a hatch on the ceiling, but it was directly above Team Rocket's heads. Not only that, but he doubted he could open it without flooding the submarine. He was a strong swimmer, but he was no water-type and neither was anyone else in there. He spotted some oxygen tanks and masks on one wall, but there were only three. Of the three, only one was close to Pikachu’s size. For Meowth, no doubt. Pikachu wasn't exactly Team Rocket's number one fan, but he didn't want them to drown. Then again, Jessie and James would still have theirs. Meowth and Wobuffet would be safe inside their Pokeballs-

Did Meowth even have a Pokeball? Come to think of it, Pikachu wasn't sure, nor was he willing to risk it.

So...should he take his chances with Thunderbolt? It had always been his go-to with or without Team Rocket, but there was still the factor of being underwater. Hmm…


The submarine lurched, and Pikachu fell out of the cage, his chin colliding painfully with the floor.

"Alright," Jessie snapped, her exhaustion forgotten, "who's the wise guy?"

James's was anything but forgotten. "Remember - huff - the last time this happened?"

Jessie went white when Meowth said, "Maybe a Magikarp - huff - is trying to mate with us again."

Again? Pikachu shuddered as he attempted to shimmy back into the cage

Unfortunately, Pikachu's haste caught Wobuffet's attention. " Ah! Pikachu! Pikachu's out! "

"Tell me I'm translating wrong." Meowth turned around and fell out of his seat. "No, I'm not!"

Jessie and James saw him and screamed. Nobody seemed so tired now. "This is worse than the Magikarp!" cried James.

The submarine lurched again. Then again. Jessie glared daggers at the walls. "Do you mind ? We have bigger problems right now!"

Another lurch then another and another. Pikachu had barely gotten to his feet when an even bigger shift sent him flying directly into Wobuffet.

" I got him! I got him! " Wobuffet cried. But, Pikachu jumped off before Wobuffet could grab him. " Nevermind. "

Crash! Slam! Crash!

Whatever was outside was either really persistent or really dumb. " It's not a real Magikarp! " Pikachu screamed in frustration.

"This thing's made of metal!" Meowth added.

At this point, everyone was aching and scattered all over the already cramped submarine. The two humans - with their long, gangly limbs - were in especially odd positions. The submarine shook even harder, faster.

Thunderbolt, it is!

Pikachu started to gather up electricity, but Jessie (accidentally?) kicked him in her haste. "That's it!" she snapped, rushing to yank one of the oxygen tanks off the wall. "Pikachu is not worth this!" She tossed James an oxygen tank, which he managed to catch. The one she tossed Meowth's way rammed the poor pokemon in the stomach. She pulled off the last one and returned Wobuffet to his Pokeball. "I will not be lovers with another Magikarp!"

"I ain't arguin' with that!" Meowth agreed, quickly strapping on his mask.

"What about Pikachu?" James asked as they were thrown off-balance once again.

Jessie glared at him. "Worry about yourself for once!" James obediently put on his mask.

Another slam, and Pikachu somersaulted backwards, his head colliding with the cage. Dots speckled his vision as Jessie reached for the hatch on the roof. Pikachu barely had time to shake off his disorientation and take in a big gulp of air as she opened it, sea water filling the submarine in less than a second. Team Rocket swam out, Pikachu lagging behind.

Turns out, there really was a Magikarp, but she didn't appear to be in heat. She was flailing and twisting around in a frenzy and moaning, her face pinched in agony, blood welling from a few wounds. Was she infected? Pikachu didn't have time to worry about it. Instead, he propelled himself to the surface as fast he could. Team Rocket quickly disappeared from his line of sight. Pikachu's arms, legs, tail, and lungs worked overtime as he swam and swam, the surface seeming to get farther and farther away. His lungs screamed for air. There were no pokemon around to help him. That Magikarp, who was clearly in no condition to help anyone, must have scared them off.

Eventually, Pikachu's body couldn't take it anymore. His mouth opened automatically, filling his body with water. Suddenly, he thought of Ash in their cruise ship room, wondering where his partner was. Then, there was nothing.

Chapter 2: Enter PokeSquad!

Chapter Text

" All things truly wicked start from innocence." - Ernest Hemingway


Something jabs at my chest. I hear a voice, but it's faint, unintelligible. I can't breathe. Everything is black and empty. Suddenly, I'm on my side. I cough over and over, salty water spilling out. The voice is stronger now, asking if I'm okay. I force my eyes open. A brown blur stands before me. I blink a few times, and the blur morphs into a very young Eevee.

The Eevee smiles in relief. "You're awake. Thank goodness."

Memories come flooding back. The ship, Team Rocket, the Magikarp. I groan and try to stand up but can't even manage all-fours. My entire body is sore and cold, and my breaths are still too wet. I collapse and cough up more water.

"Stay here," Eevee says as if I have a choice. "I'll get help!"

As he rushes off via Quick Attack, I scan my surroundings. Sand warms my stomach. Sea water rhythmically brushes the tip of my tail. The beach is very small and deserted. A grassy plane stands at the end of it, speckled by a few trees. Mere inches from me are some large, jagged stones, which I'm very grateful to have avoided.

How did I end up here? Where exactly is here?

"He's over there."

Eevee is back. He climbs down the rocks, a larger pokemon with long white fur around its neck close behind. An Absol, I realize. Don't they usually reside in the mountains? Maybe there's a mountain nearby.

Eevee stands back, his tail wagging nervously, as his companion commands, "Head back and prepare a nest for him."


As Eevee runs off again, Absol turns back to me. "Can you get up?" I try, but waves of pain rock me back on to the sand. My head swims, and my vision gets hazy. "I’ll have to carry you by the scruff. Is that alright?"

I nod, and he lowers his head and picks me up with his teeth. As he carries me into the plane, I ache even worse as I sway, despite Absol's effort to be careful. My head feels foggy, and it takes everything in me to stay awake. Eventually, we find Eevee pacing in front of a tree. A small nest of leaves and dirt is behind him.

He steps aside as we approach and pushes a large dark green leaf closer to the nest. "I found a revival herb."

Absol gently lays me in the nest, and I fight a wail of agony. "Good work, Eevee." He nudges the herb closer to my mouth with his paw. "Here. This will taste bad, but it'll make you feel better."

I take a bite and try not to cringe. Revival herbs are unbearably bitter, but they have very powerful healing properties. With each mouthful, I feel a little less achy. By the time I'm finished, I feel significantly better. I manage to rise up to two feet, albeit rather stiffly.

"Thank you so much," I say sincerely.

Absol smiles and nods to his companion. "Thank Eevee. He's the one who found you."

Eevee grins at him. "Hey, you helped too, Absol!"

Absol chuckles. "Suppose I did." Then, he bends down and checks me over. "Well, your injuries don't look serious, though we should find something to put on those scrapes-"

"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!"

Out of nowhere, a wild Bellsprout wearing a tiny backpack appears, her thin, root-like legs sending her in circles around us as she continues her cry of "Oh my goodness!" Absol crouches down, ready to attack. Eevee and I just watch her curiously.

"What is it, Sprout?" Absol asks. So, she's a friend of theirs? "What happened?"

Sprout stops so suddenly she almost trips over herself. "You guys! I just felt a tingle ! I think I'm going to evolve !"

Absol rights himself, and Eevee gasps. "Really? You're finally evolving?"

Though I don't know Sprout, I'm happy for her. Evolution is a way to grow stronger, become a new pokemon, a new you . While I'm content to remain a Pikachu myself, I know that a lot of pokemon dream of the day they finally evolve, and it truly is a wonder to behold.

Sprout shakes her leaves a little and tilts her large head back. "Here...it... gooooeeeesss !" We wait. And, wait. And...wait. Sprout droops so much, her large head almost touches the grass. "I thought for sure that time."

Eevee walks up to her and sympathetically pats her leaf. "Ah, it'll happen some day."

Absol shakes his head, a fond smile on his face. "Poor Sprout," he says to me. "She's been trying to evolve since we've known her. It just isn't happening."

I wonder how long they've known her. "Hey, don't worry about it," I encourage her. "Bellsprout evolve by getting stronger, right? Just keep working at it, and you'll be a Weepinbell in no time. I'm sure of it!"

Sprout nods, still disappointed. "I sure hope so. Wait, I don't know you."

"Pikachu: the mouse pokemon! An electric-type!" I nearly jump out of my skin. I whirl around to find...a Wobbuffet? After what happened with Team Rocket, this is the last thing I need. The Wobuffet continues, blissfully unaware of my discomfort. "Pikachu store electricity in their cheeks. They like to zap tough berries to make them easier to eat." She rubs her stomach. "This also gives the berries a delicious smoky flavor."

Blinking, I glance at the other three. Eevee is curiously sniffing my cheek; I nudge him away. Sprout is staring down at herself and shaking, still trying to evolve. Absol sees my expression and is trying not to laugh.

I find my voice. "What's with the," I wave my hand in the newcomer's direction, "Wobbuffet?"

Absol chuckles. "Don't mind Wobbles. She does pretty much anything she wants to."

"Pikachu are the evolution of Pichu," Wobbles continues, "and they evolve into Raichu through the use of a Thunder Stone."

"I can evolve into Jolteon the same way!" Eevee adds. "I call dibs on the first Thunder Stone we see!"

He can have it. "You seem to know a lot about me," I say to Wobbles, my own experience with her species making me suspicious. In the back of my mind, I know that isn't fair, but I can't help it.

Sprout has apparently given up on evolving for now. "Wobbles knows a lot about pokemon."

Wobbles nods. "Bellsprout: the flower pokemon. A grass- and poison-type. Its thin and flexible body lets it bend and sway in various directions! It digs its feet into the ground to replenish water!"

Sprout bounces on her feet. "Oh, it's true! I do that!"

"So," I say to Wobbles, "you're like a walking Pokedex?"

"I don't know what that means," Wobbles replies.


"Either way," Absol says, "weren't you females supposed to be gathering food?"





I burst out of the nest, ignoring the ache that comes with the sudden movement. I check this way, that way, sniff the air.

"What's wrong?" Sprout asks.

I force myself to breathe, to try and steady my heartbeat. Panicking won't fix anything. "Have any of you seen a human?" It's probably a long shot, but I have to ask. "He's really big. Not round-big, but tall and muscular. He has dark hair and a red hat, and he goes by the name Ash?"

The more I look at their confused faces, the lower my heart sinks. Especially when Absol regards me wearily and asks, "Why are you looking for a human?" as if I asked to roll around in trash.

I'm too anxious to think much of it. "He's my friend. My trainer."

"You lost your friend?" Eevee says sympathetically.

I nod sadly. "Yeah. There was...an accident. Do any of you know about Team Rocket?"

That prompted another flurry of "Oh my goodness" from Sprout. After which, she said, "I've heard of them! They're a bunch of humans who kidnap pokemon and make them do bad things!"

"Yeah, pretty much," I confirm. "The short version is they kidnapped me, I escaped, and here I am."

"But, Ace isn't here?" Eevee asks.

"Ash. And no, he's not."

Absol is still staring at me with an expression I can't place. "What I'm getting at is that humans are the reason for your injuries, and you want to find another human?"

This guy is starting to get on my nerves. "Ash isn't affiliated with Team Rocket. He actually cares about pokemon."

Absol turns his head and mutters, "Still a human."

A growl rumbles in my throat, but Wobbles says, "Eh, don't mind Absol. He's not fond of humans." I noticed. "But, you? You are very obviously not a human, so Absol will most likely cave and help you."

Absol turns a sour look on her. "I'm right here, Wobbles."

"Yeah!" Eevee pipes up. "The PokeSquad helps all pokemon!"

"We don't call ourselves that!"

Sprout giggles. "Absol really hates that name."

"Because it's just something pokemon have started calling us, and it's stupid!"

PokeSquad? I wrack my brain, but the name doesn't ring any bells. Of course, Ash and I have been away on Ash's pokemon journey for quite some time, so it's possible that they formed while we were gone.

Eevee happily prances around me. "We wander all over the place and find pokemon in need, and we help them! We meet all kinds of pokemon and see all kinds of cool things. It's fun!"

"And, a little scary sometimes," Sprout adds.

That sounds a lot like what Ash and I do. "So...you all go on a journey together?" I ask.

Wobbles shrugs. "I guess you could put it that way."

Absol shakes his head, but that fond smile is back. "Whatever you want to call it, they aren't wrong. We do help out where we can." He gives me a hard look. "This trainer of yours. He cares for you? He's good to you?"

What is his deal? "Would I want to go back to him if he wasn't?"

Absol nods. "Fair enough. We'll help you look."

"R-really?" Considering how little he thinks of humans, I hadn't expected that response. Then again, he seems like the leader. Maybe he wants to set a good example, especially for Eevee, who can't be more than a few months old. "That's very kind, but I wouldn't want to inconvenience you all."

"Oh, it's not inconvenient," Sprout assures.

"Like Eevee said," Wobbles adds, "we wander. It's not like we have somewhere we need to be."

"Besides," Absol says, "your trainer can't be that far, right?" I sure hope not. Absol addresses the rest of his team. "Pikachu's still recovering, and it'll be dark soon anyway. Why don't we make camp for the night."

The rest of the team runs off to find food and nesting material, and I walk up to Absol on stiff, sore legs. "Anything I can do?"

Absol shakes his head and nudges me back to the nest with his horn. "You can rest. The revival herb helped, but you're still recovering. Wouldn't want you injuring yourself further."

I'm a little annoyed, but I bite my tongue. "Couldn't you just use a potion?" Absol frowns in confusion, and I feel my face heat up. "Uh, nevermind."

I crawl into the nest Eevee made me. As I sit down on the soft leaves, I try to ignore the prickle of unease under my pelt. It's not like Ash and I have never been separated before, I remind myself. By now, he's surely realized that I'm gone. As soon as the ship docks in Vermilion City, he'll come looking for me. Team Rocket couldn't have taken me that far, right?

"Pikachu." Absol brings me back to reality. "Where might we find this trainer of yours?"

"Well," I start, nervously shifting the dirt in front of me, "Vermilion City is a good place to start. Is that anywhere near here?"

Absol hums thoughtfully. "I'm afraid we don't keep track of human civilizations. Sprout knows a few names, but I don't think she's ever mentioned that one."

There's that prickle again. But, just because they don't know the name doesn't mean it's far. Ash and I may be apart now, but it won't be for long. Tomorrow, I'll go with these pokemon to the first "human civilization" we can find and I'm sure it'll be Vermilion City. Ash will be there, and we'll greet each other with open arms. Everything will be fine.


Chapter 3: Interview With a Wobbuffet

Chapter Text

" To save time, let's assume I know everything." - Unknown


Ash takes off down the empty city street, and I'm right by his side. Where are we going? Do we have a destination, or are we just running for fun? I can't remember, but it doesn't matter. As long as my buddy's with me, I don't care what we're doing.

He looks down at me with warm brown eyes and that easy smile of his. " Come on, Pikachu!"

Ash picks up the pace, so I do too. The faster he goes, the faster I go. Eventually, he runs so fast I have to use Quick Attack to keep up. And, he still goes faster, getting farther away from me.

" Hey," I call to his retreating form, "slow down!"

But, that only seems to repel him further. His form shrinks in the distance, and the street only seems to get longer and longer.

" Wait for me!"

He doesn't.

" Ash!"

I can barely see him now.

I run and run, but he's so far away! What if I can't catch up? His silhouette vanishes, but I know he's there! I keep calling to him, but there's no response. Suddenly, the ground shakes, and the city crumbles around me.

I wake with a gasp and practically leap to my feet. It takes a moment for me to remember why I'm in a nest of leaves in the woods. Still reeling from my dream, I give my pelt a good shake and survey my surroundings. It's still dark, not even the break of dawn. The PokeSquad members are still sound asleep. Absol's head is resting on his forepaws. Eevee is curled into a tight ball. Sprout apparently sleeps standing up like a real flower, her legs dug deep into the earth. Wobbles is...nowhere to be found. Her nest is there, but it's vacant. Perhaps she couldn't sleep and decided to go for a walk.

With a sigh, I lay back down. After some tossing and turning, I give up on sleep and look for a way to fill my time until the others wake up. I'd like to just go off and find Ash on my own, but it wouldn't be right to abandon these guys after they were kind enough to nurse me back to health. That revival herb really worked wonders, not to mention the oran berry juice Sprout put on my scrapes.

Maybe I'll look for Wobbles. A traitorous part of me says I shouldn't care about a Wobbuffet, but I push it back. She's not with Team Rocket, and I hate that I have to keep reminding myself of that.

Careful not to wake the others, I sneak over to her nest, take a good whiff, and sniff the air. I follow her scent deeper into the woods, a cool breeze ruffling my short fur. A Noctowl and a few Hoothoot coo above me. I pass over a large flower and apologize when I discover it's actually a sleeping Vileplume. Getting chased out of a Raticate's territory throws me off a little, but I manage to pick up Wobbles's scent again. I follow it to the base of a huge tree. The scent leads upward, and I have to squint to make out the blue speck high up in the branches. Well, Absol did say that Wobbles does whatever she wants.

Curiosity drives me to climb up the tree and see what she's doing. The darkness makes it a little more difficult, but I manage to avoid scratching myself or spooking any pokemon on my way up. Though I did get Wobbles's attention.

"You're up early," she says from the thick branch she's sitting on.

I climb the rest of the way up and, after testing the branch's strength, sit next to her. "I couldn't sleep. Guess I'm not the only one."

"Actually, we Wobbuffet don't need much sleep." She shrugs. "A few hours, and I'm good to go. But, you store electricity in your sleep. You should really get back to that."

"Oh, do you want some privacy?" I hope so. Being this close to her is putting me on edge.

"I didn't say that."

Okay then. "You really do know a lot about pokemon, don't you?"

Wobbles looks back in the direction of camp. "Eevee: the evolution pokemon. A normal-type. Eevee's unstable genetic makeup allows it to easily adapt to even the harshest environments. It has eight possible evolved forms, more than any other pokemon in existence, and our Eevee just can't seem to make up his mind. Not that I blame him."

I hadn't asked for an analysis, but I suppose this is Wobbles's way of telling me about her companions. Or, maybe she's just showing off. "I thought he wanted to be a Jolteon."

"And, before that he wanted to be a Glaceon. Absol: the disaster pokemon," she continues. "A dark-type. Absol can predict natural disasters by sensing changes in weather patterns with its horn. There was a bad flood about a year ago, and if it weren't for our Absol, a lot more pokemon would have been lost."

I nod solemnly. Any casualties at all is a bad thing, but at least those pokemon had some time to prepare.

Wobbles smacks her chest. "Wobbuffet: the patient pokemon. A psychic-type. We are a peaceful race who are completely incapable of initiating attacks. But, touch our tails and, well," she winks at me, "that's another story."

I laugh. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I know I've already mentioned Bellsprout, but did you know that they thrive in high heat and humidity?"

"I did not." Wobbles knowing about her friends' species doesn't surprise me, but she knows a lot about Pikachu as well. "How do you know so much?"

Wobbles shrugs modestly. "I've traveled a lot. Even before I met the PokeSquad." She stares out at the horizon. "Hoenn, Johto, Sinnoh. Name a region, I've been there."

"Oh, yeah? Did you have a trainer?"

"Nope. Never. I've found my own way around."

I have more questions, but my voice leaves me when I finally turn away. The view is spectacular! The sky is full of tiny, twinkling stars surrounding a half moon that gives a silvery glow to everything beneath it. Greenery stretches over the landscape, various pokemon either sleeping or exploring the night. In the distance, I see the faint silhouettes of mountains. Beyond that, I know there's a clear blue ocean. Beyond that, who knows?

No matter how many times I see the horizon, it's always striking. The world truly is a vast and strange place.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Wobbles says. I must have spoken aloud. "Ever since I was a hatchling, I've been curious about the world. Specifically, the pokemon in it. There's such variety, you know?" Her face takes on an awed, starry-eyed quality, her voice a hushed, almost reverent tone. "So many species, types, attacks, and abilities. Some pokemon even have two types or two potential abilities. Then there's evolution. Heck, even two pokemon of the same species can be so, so different from each other in temperament and personality."

"Not to mention," I add, humbled by her passion, "how types can be strong or weak or just average against each other."

Wobbles claps her hands together. "I want to learn everything I can. That's why I go everywhere I can." She pauses, something I can't place crossing her face. "It's usually just me. I pick up travel companions here and there, but they always end up doing their own thing in the end."

Nostalgia sets in. A sad smile pulls at my mouth as I remember all the friends Ash and I have made on our journey. So many, people and pokemon alike, that naming them would take all night. I wonder how they're all doing. Are they well? Are they still working on their own dreams, or do they have new dreams now? Do they ever think about us? My throat tightens. "I know how you feel."

Wobbles gives my head a comforting rub. "Yeah, I guess you do. You and your trainer- What's his name again? Al or something?"


"You and Ash must have made a lot of friends."

Flashes of Ash and our friends play through my mind. No longer trusting my voice, I simply nod.

"I bet I'm not the only one who's well traveled either. You've got the faraway look of someone who's seen some stuff."

I smile and dab at my eyes, hoping she doesn't notice. "I've certainly been around."

She's staring at me in a way that tells me she did notice. "Ever been to the Orre region?"


"Lucky. The place is a dump." The deadpan way she said that makes me laugh. She grins. "Yeah, you looked like you needed that. But seriously, don't go to Orre. Unless you like pollution and organized crime. In which case, send me a postcard. But, you know what's not a dump? The Orange Islands. You wanna talk about gorgeous? Wow."

"I've been there," I say. "They really are something. But honestly, the Orange Islands don't even compare to the islands of Alola."

Wobbles gasps and claps her hands again. "I love Alola! You know, there are a few things out there I've always wondered about but was never able to really experience. For instance, there's a special kind of attack that trainers in that region can have their pokemon use."

"You mean Z-moves?"

"Oh! Of course! You have a trainer. You must have used Z-moves before."

My smile is so broad now, I feel like my face is being stretched. "A few, yeah! Gigavolt Havoc, Breakneck Blitz, Corkscrew Crash. Though, my favorite is 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt."

"I've never heard of that one."

"Yeah, Ash and I kind of invented it."

Suddenly, Wobbles leans in really close. "You invented a Z-move?"

"Well, uh," I'm starting to feel like a science project, "it just sort of happened when we were battling this Ultra Beast-"

Her forehead is touching mine now. I think I've found the other thing she wanted to learn about. "You battled an Ultra Beast ?"

I guess I sometimes forget just how fantastic my and Ash's adventures can be. Which is probably why I then make the mistake of saying, "Y-yeah. See, we were in Ultra Space-"


Cue the startled cries and frightened scattering of the tree's inhabitants.

What follows is a series of questions thrown at me so fast, it all sounds like one giant sentence; everything from how many Ultra Beasts I've seen to what Z-moves smell like. ("Why would they have a smell ?" "So, Z-moves are odorless! That is most fascinating!") At some points, she gets so excited I have to steady her so she doesn't fall. At other points, I have to dodge her flailing arms so she doesn't knock me over.

And yet, I'm happy. I always enjoy telling stories, talking about my adventures, but no one's ever been this enthusiastic about them. It's nice to meet a fellow traveler, someone who's been all over the place and can relate to the nostalgia and wistfulness I feel sometimes. Ash understands, of course, but a new perspective, someone who hasn't experienced the same things as me, is refreshing.

But, it works the other way too. When my friends tell me of their own experiences, it helps me see the world from their perspective, to understand how those experiences shaped them into who they are today.

I would love to hear some of Wobbles's stories, if she could only take a breath.

She shuts up when we notice the hoard of irritated pokemon growling at us. I shiver under their glares. An apology is on the tip of my tongue, but Wobbles grabs me, crushing my insides as she wordlessly leaps down the tree. Luckily, no one is chasing us. They're either too tired or are just glad we're gone. I shrink into Wobbles's grip as branches come dangerously close to my face, but somehow we both avoid injury.

At long last, Wobbles slams feet-first on the ground, her torso rocketing forward then springing back up and shaking, me along with it. "And, that's why they call me Wobbles." She flings her arms wide, and I fall ungracefully into the soft grass. "Well, that and I was a really clumsy Wynaut."

Despite my disorientation, I start giggling which quickly turns into hysterical laughter. Maybe it's stress, or maybe it's just Wobbles's...Wobbles-ness, but I feel lighter than I have since Team Rocket showed up. As she looks at me with a mix of curiosity and concern, I realize that I don't see Team Rocket when I look at her; I just see Wobbles the Wobbuffet, my new friend.

Ash, I'm going to find you. Until then, I think I'm going to have a little fun.

Chapter 4: An Offer You Can't Refuse


Because I started writing this story long before "Journeys" was complete, it has been written as though the events of the series never happened. Basically, it starts not long after Ash becomes the Alola champion.

Chapter Text

"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." - Henry Kissinger


Security found me in the middle of practically turning the ship upside-down. After apologizing for the disturbance I'd caused and explaining myself, they said they'd be on the lookout for a lost Pikachu. Since no one else had reported missing pokemon or anything unusual, all anyone can do is keep searching. As the hours passed, afternoon slowly turning to night, it became painfully obvious that Pikachu isn't here.

I don't know what time it is, but sleeping is impossible when I'm this wound up. I came out to the deck, hoping the fresh sea air would clear my head, but that's not working either. I lean against the safety bars, staring out at the sparkling ocean, the distant horizon, and once again think over everything that happened before Pikachu went missing. There was the lifeguard who wouldn't let him swim. That woman who took him to be tested for the virus. The short man with the odd-tasting punch. For some reason, those three stick out in my mind. Stranger still, I've asked about the woman, but no one knew who I was talking about. She and those two men seemed so familiar though. The lifeguard with the shaggy pale blue hair. The woman with the magenta hair that looked like it would be pretty long out of its bun. The short man with the high, scratchy voice-

I groan. After years of dealing with Team Rocket's various disguises, how is it that I still can't recognize them? I bet that stuff Jessie said about the virus not affecting pokemon until later was made up too. Man, I'm such an idiot!

"Ash? I thought that was you!"

I jump. I was so busy berating myself, I hadn't noticed anyone approach. A woman walks up to me and props one elbow against the bar. Her waist-length black hair blows in the sea breeze. Her dark green eyes are the kind that really bore into you, but the smile on her thin lips is kind, familiar. Seeing Vivian Ketchum (whom I'd dubbed "Aunt V" back when I was too young to pronounce her name) is an unexpected sight but always a welcome one.

My smile is only a little forced. I push some stray hairs out of my face, wishing I'd put on my hat before I came out here. "Hey, Aunt V." I give her a hug. "I didn't expect to see you here."

She pulls back and fixes the neckline of her pastel yellow shirt. "I know the captain. Plus, my team thought that I should take a break. I said no, but then, well." She looks down at her leg. A bandage is wrapped tightly around her calf. "I guess that's what happens when you try to wrangle a sickly Rattata after going three days without sleep and running on nothing but coffee and willpower."

The laughter that bubbles out of me feels good after the day I've had.

"When I heard you were back in Kanto, I made sure you got a ticket as well. Of course, I okayed it with your mom first." So, that's where the ticket came from. "Now, what's up with you? It's been so long since I've seen you in person. You used to be shorter than me!"

I laugh again, just noticing that I have to look down to talk to her. "Guess I kind of shot up. So, how have you been? You must be pretty busy, right? What with everything going on."

My aunt is a researcher, specializing in the biology of pokemon. Since the disease - dubbed "Poke-X," according to the internet - started spreading, she's been the head of the research behind it. Hence the Rattata bite, I suppose.

"Things can be hectic, yes," she says. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. See, in order to understand the virus, we need to understand the pokemon and exactly how they're affected by it. How it alters their behavioral patterns and causes a spike in aggression and what have you."

"That makes sense," I say, only half-understanding.

Aunt V smiles patiently. "I'll just cut to the chase. Seeing you again isn't the only reason I got you that ticket. I was also hoping to recruit you."

I blink, thinking I misheard. "I'm not really a science guy."

"I'm not asking you to be. What I need is a strong trainer, someone who's good with pokemon. You've been all over the place, done all sorts of things since you started your journey." She puts her hands on her hips and smirks. "Don't tell me all that stuff about meeting Legendaries and winning the Alola League is a lie."

Grinning despite myself, I bashfully run my hand through my hair. "Alright, you got me. But, what would I even do?"

The way she speaks makes me think she practiced her response. "Simple. Whenever there's a sighting of an infected pokemon, you and the others - you didn't think I'd send you out there alone, did you? - would go find it then bring it right back to base. The scientists handle the rest. Of course, you'd have to stay with me in Lavender Town, but I'm sure your mom won't mind. Oh!" She snaps her fingers. "One other thing. You would have to keep all your pokemon in their pokeballs while on the premises. You wouldn't want to risk them getting sick." Before I can say anything, she puts her finger to her chin and squints at me. "Speaking of pokemon, I'm seeing a distinct lack of yellow. No Pikachu tonight?"

My joy at seeing her again fades. I tell her about the employee who took Pikachu for testing and my own suspicion that she was actually part of Team Rocket. This leads to me explaining how those three (four if you count Jessie's Wobbuffet) have been after Pikachu for years. Throughout my story, Aunt V has a hand to her cheek, listening intently and nodding occasionally, a thoughtful expression on her face. It feels good to tell someone about this.

When I'm finished, Aunt V drops her hand. "It sounds like that Pikachu has been a lot of trouble for you. Maybe it's good that Team Rocket finally succeeded."

Anger burns in my chest. My aunt has never been known for her tact, and I'm used to her saying whatever she's thinking. Still, I can't stop my hands from shaking and curling into fists. "It's not like that."

Her eyes widen as she realizes what she said. "I-I'm sorry. That didn't come out right. I just meant that you won't have to worry about them anymore, you know?" When that fails to make me feel better, she nervously twirls a lock of hair around her finger. "I just worry about your safety. You're my nephew, and I hate to think of you dealing with criminals all the time."

My temper finally cools. "I know, Aunt V. I just get upset when people talk bad about my friends, especially Pikachu."

She nods, her worried frown now a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure your Pikachu's fine. It probably got away and is still hiding somewhere on the boat. Or, maybe it got confused and started following some other teenager around."

Neither of those scenarios sound like Pikachu, but I'll take them over the alternative, whatever that may be.

"Anyway," she continues, "this just circles right back to what I was talking about. You know a lot about pokemon. You've dealt with them every day since starting your journey, and I know you've played with them before that. I really think you'd be an asset. And, I'm sure you'd get along great with our other field workers. So, what do you say? Wanna help us figure out the Poke-X virus?"

I stare down at my sneakers, thinking. Any other time, I'd say yes right out of the gate. It breaks my heart to think that pokemon are suffering, killing themselves and each other over something they can't control. I'd give anything to stop it.

Anything except…

"What about Pikachu?" I ask. "I want to help; you know I do. But, if Pikachu's not on the ship… Aunt V, what if he shows up in Vermilion City, and I'm not there?"

Aunt V hums and tilts her head. Then, she claps her hands together. "Okay. You know the gym leader, right? Lt. Surge?" I nod. "We'll just give him our cell numbers, and he can keep his eyes open. Maybe Nurse Joy, too. And, maybe we'll give them the number for HQ as well." She leans in eagerly. "Would that work?"


She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Your Pikachu wouldn't want you to waste time moping, would it?"


"What's worse: one missing pokemon that's fine on its own or the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of pokemon to lose their lives?"

I flinch, and she drops her hand. Factually, she has a point. Pikachu can take care of himself, and there are so many sick pokemon who can't.

But, what if Pikachu becomes one of- I can't let myself go there.

"How about this," I say, considering. "I'll come to Lavender Town and help with your research. But, I want to stay in Vermilion City for a few days in case Pikachu shows up. Sound good?" And, I can call Mom, Brock, Misty, Professor Oak, and Tracey and have them keep their eyes open as well.

Aunt V grins and nods. "Yes, yes, of course! That's more than fair. Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!" She clears her throat and dons a serious expression. "I-I mean, this is very important work, and I'm glad you're taking part in it." Then, she smiles again. "But, I really am looking forward to spending time with you. I've missed you."

"Me too, Aunt V."

I smile back, but I can't match her enthusiasm. I want to believe that Pikachu is still on the boat or is at least waiting for me in Vermilion City, but something in my gut is telling me that's not the case. I finger the single pokeball strapped to my belt: Pikachu's pokeball.

Buddy, wherever you are, I hope you're okay.

Chapter 5: On Your Gardevoir

Chapter Text

"' Jerky' is just a term non-jerks use to bad-mouth innocent jerks." - Stan Pines, Gravity Falls


Two days pass and still no town. We only found two humans, neither of which were familiar to me. Both of them tried to catch Absol. The first time, he simply knocked the pokeball back with his horn, glared at the trainer, and moved on. The second time, the trainer missed and Eevee ended up getting sucked into the pokeball. He popped back out, dazed but otherwise fine. Absol, on the other hand… Well, that was how I found out that he could use Shadow Ball.

The longer we travel, the more anxious I feel. Ash and I have been separated before but never for longer than a day. He must be worried sick about me. Part of me wants to break away from the group and run as fast as Quick Attack can carry me, but I know that isn't wise. These guys seem to know the area better than I do, and it's not like I know where I'm going anyway.

It's getting dark, so we decide to make camp for the night. Absol and Eevee are off looking for nesting materials while the females and I split up to search for food. I am following the scent of apples when I hear a pop and a frustrated grunt. Curious, I follow the noise, which is coming from the same direction as the apple-scent, and find a pokemon, a Gardevoir, standing beneath an apple tree.

His tongue sticks out of the corner of his mouth as he holds out his hands, one hanging over the other, and focuses on the small pink orb growing between them. Once it's big enough, he throws the orb - I recognize the attack as Moonblast - into the sky. He then reaches up to it and uses Psychic to stop it from getting too high. At least, I think that's what he's trying to do. The orb instead pops in a puff of glittery smoke. Gardevoir throws his head back and groans dramatically.

"Um," I start. Gardevoir jumps and whips around, the white protrusions hanging from his waist whipping around him. "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought that looked kind of cool."

Gardevoir relaxes but doesn't smile. "Eh, it's not really anything yet, but thanks." He starts up a new Moonblast. "What I'm trying to do is use Psychic to power this up even further." He throws it into the air and uses Psychic but gets the same result. He turns back to me and shrugs. "I'll get the hang of it."

I stare up at the shimmering pink-gray cloud. This almost sounds like the kind of move coordinators would use in pokemon contests, at least in the first round, which is all about the spectacle. Though, it could certainly be useful in battle as well, giving you quite the power boost.

"It could be that you're focusing on too many things at once," I say. His red eyes regard me with interest. "Maybe it would be easier to try using Psychic on someone else's attack first and work your way up to your own. Wanna try it with one of my attacks?"

He puts a hand to his chin and finally smiles. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Oh, I'm Gardevoir, by the way."

"Pikachu." My cheeks fizz with electricity, which moves along my skin, finally reaching my tail as I launch Electroweb into the sky.

Gardevoir holds out his arms, sticks out his tongue in concentration, and briefly manages to pause my attack with Psychic. But, Electro Web just as quickly continues its path until it lands high up in the apple tree, forming a sparking yellow web. I call an apology to the startled pokemon that fly off. Thankfully, it doesn't look like anyone was hurt.

Gardevoir puts his hands on his hips and glares at the slowly dissipating web. "Well, that was a little better, I guess."

"You stopped it," I say encouragingly. "I'd call that an improvement. Wanna try again?"

He agrees, and this time I'm careful not to hit anything. Gardevoir uses Psychic, but the same thing happens, and I have to launch a fresh Electro Web to keep the now-falling one from hitting us.

As they collide, resulting in a small explosion, Gardevoir crosses his arms. "Well, that didn't work."

"Practice makes perfect," I say. My eyes roam over to the apple tree. "Aw geez! I'm supposed to be gathering food."

"Got some friends waiting for you?" Gardevoir asks, using Psychic to bring a few apples down from the tree.

"Oh, thank you!" I say as they land in front of me.

Gardevoir smiles down at me. "Hey, you scratched my back, my turn to scratch yours. Is that enough?"

Three apples definitely won't feed all five of us, especially Absol and Wobbles, but I wouldn't want to trouble Gardevoir any further. But, he seems to be reading my mind, because he brings down six more.

"Thanks," I say. I try to gather them up but find that I can only carry three. "Think you could give me a hand? And, maybe you'd like to eat with us too? I'm sure my friends would," I drop one of the apples, "be willing to," trying to pick it up just results in dropping another, "to help you train."

As I continue my cycle of drop-grab-drop, Gardevoir hums and looks off somewhere. "I'm kind of waiting for someone. I promised I'd stay here 'til he got back." I'd be more understanding if these apples would stop rolling out of my arms. Taking pity on me, Gardevoir bends over and gathers up the remaining apples (meaning all but two of them). "But, I suppose this won't take long. You friends aren't far from here, are they?"

Holding on tightly to my apples, I smile in both gratitude and embarrassment. "Not at all. Thanks again."

"And then, a Gyarados jumped out of the water and went rrraaaaahh !"

The next morning, the PokeSquad and I continue our trek to the nearest town, and Eevee is telling us about the dream he had.

Absol smiles at him in amusem*nt. "It said 'rah?'"

Eevee runs forward to catch up to him. "You're saying it wrong. It's rrraaaaahh !" He leaps forward in emphasis and lands face-first in a large bush. Just as suddenly, he screams, pulls himself out, and turns to us with a look of horror. "First Pikachu, now Gardevoir? Why am I so good at finding bodies?"

"I'm not touching that one," I say before processing what he said. If it really is the same Gardevoir, what happened? He seemed fine yesterday!

We all push our way through the thick foliage, the branches scratching us as we break through to the other side. Gardevoir is in the exact same spot where I met him yesterday. Instead of training, however, he is lying on the ground, his long legs on top of a rock, his white protrusions splayed out around him, his mouth wide open.

"All of you, wait here," Absol commands. The rest of us huddle together nervously as Absol cautiously approaches Gardevoir.

Then, we hear a loud snore and let out the breaths we'd been holding.

Absol turns back to us with a smirk. "I think he's alright."

"But, wasn't he waiting for his friend?" Sprout says, echoing my thought.

Absol nudges Gardevoir, who wakes with a loud snort and mutters something that sounds like, "extra cheese." He blinks sleepy eyes at Absol. "You're not the waiter."

"I don't even know what a waiter is," Absol says matter-of-factly. "Or, cheese."

With a grunt, Gardevoir rearranges himself into a sitting position. "A waiter is a guy who brings you food. And, cheese is delicious. You should try it." He watches the rest of us walk up to him, and his situation slowly dawns on him. "Oh, did-did I fall asleep?" He looks up. "Is it morning ?" He curses and launches himself to his feet. He looks this way and that then rubs his arms and starts pacing. "He-he's never late. He probably got caught up in a battle or something. Yeah, I," he takes a breath, "I just need to wait it out."

"You mean your friend never showed up?" Eevee asks.

Gardevoir blinks as if just remembering he's not alone. "I'm sure he's on his way."

"Oh my goodness!" Sprout exclaims. "What if something happened to him!"

"If he isn't here by now," Wobbles adds, "he's either in trouble or you've been had."

Gardevoir looks like he's trying to use Glare. "Are you suggesting he left me here ?"

Wobbles raises her hands in a shrug. "I'm just saying it's possible."

"He would never do that." Gardevoir takes a dangerous step toward her.

Absol and I jump in between them. "Both of you calm down," Absol demands. "Fighting won't help anyone."

"We need to focus on finding Gardevoir's friend," I add.

"Really?" Gardevoir asks hopefully. "You'll help?"

Eevee smiles at him. "Of course! We're the PokeSquad!" Absol rolls his eyes at the name. "We help everyone!"

"Alright, team," Absol addresses us. "Gardevoir's friend is missing. We'll split up and search for him. Wobbles and Sprout, Eevee's with me, Pikachu stays with Gardevoir." We all nod in confirmation, but then Absol blinks at me sheepishly, remembering that I'm not actually part of the team. "I-If that's alright."

"Of course!" I say. "We all need to do our part."

Absol nods then turns back to Gardevoir. "Gardevoir, what's your friend's name, and what are we looking for?"

"His name's Evan. He's a human," Absol stiffens a bit, "my trainer. He has red hair, blue eyes, pale skin, probably wearing a flannel shirt. You know, one of those long-sleeved shirts with all the squares. I can't thank you guys enough."

The others left to search, but Gardevoir refused to go anywhere in case Evan showed up. If he hasn't shown up yet, I doubt that he will, but I can understand Gardevoir's point of view. He obviously trusts his trainer a lot.

Gardevoir said that I could go and search as well, but I'm not comfortable leaving him here alone. Still, sitting around like this is making me antsy. It doesn't help that Gardevoir's missing trainer has thoughts of my own trainer at the front of my mind. But, I know Ash wouldn't want me to ignore a pokemon in need, and frankly I don't think I could do that anyway.

Gardevoir sits on the rock he'd been sleeping half-on while I am perched in the apple tree, snacking as I search from above for a red-haired human in a flannel shirt. Or, a black-haired one in a red cap.

"Anything?" Gardevoir calls up to me.

Swallowing my last bite of apple, I look for a trash can before remembering where I am and tossing the core to the ground. "Just pokemon." I turn around and spy something in the distance. A speck of dark blue, the coppery color that humans for some reason consider "red" hair. "Hey," I call back down, "I think I found him!" Gardevoir practically jumps off the rock as I climb down as fast as I can. "Come on!"

I bolt in the direction of the specks, Gardevoir hot on my trail. I reach the human first. He is facing away from me, staring at a map and muttering, " Stupid map. "

"Oh," Gardevoir appears beside me, his voice breathy with relief, "he just got lost."

Equally relieved, I smile up at him. "Looks like that's all it was."

Evan hears us talking and turns around. He blinks and lowers his map. " G-Gardevoir? "

Gardevoir runs up and gives Evan a hug. I'm about to leave them be when Evan's frown deepens and he pulls back.

He opens his mouth, shuts it, opens it, shuts it, then sighs. " Gardevoir, you know I wanted a Gallade, right? " I freeze in place. So does Gardevoir. " That was the whole purpose of catching a male Kirlia. "

While both genders of Kirlia can evolve into Gardevoir, only the males can evolve into the psychic- and fighting-type Gallade, but a Dawn Stone is required for that to happen.

"I-I wanted to be a Gardevoir," Gardevoir says lamely, though Evan most likely can't understand him.

Suddenly, I remember a Charmander, lying in the rain, desperately clinging to life.

"Don't get me wrong. You're still a really cool pokemon. It's just… I mean, you knew I wanted a Gallade. Then, you evolved before I could find a Dawn Stone."

Next, a Chimchar who spent so much time without love that he sobbed his heart out when he finally got it.

" I tried to let it go. I did! But, you're just…not what I thought you'd be. "

Finally, a Tepig left tied to a stake in the ground and later found dirty and half-starved.

" Then, I released you, and you just kept following me. I thought maybe you'd get the hint if I told to wait there -"

My skin prickles with electricity, but Gardevoir steps in front of me before I can barbecue Evan. Even after hearing all this, Gardevoir is still protecting his trainer. Wobbles's pokedex description rings through my head. "Gardevoir: the embrace pokemon. A psychic- and fairy-type. Gardevoir are known for their loyalty and will gladly lay down their lives for those they care about. Especially their trainers."

Evan finally notices me and forces a smile at Gardevoir. " See? You've already got a friend. You don't even need me. " He turns around and says, " I…I'm sorry, " before walking away.

I can't take it anymore. I run past Gardevoir. My tail hardens in an iron tail, but Gardevoir tells me to stop. I whirl on him, still seeing red. "Gardevoir-"

Gardevoir's voice is emotionless. "It's his call."

I want to go after Evan anyway, but Gardevoir's face is pinched and his eyes are filled with tears. I can't just leave him like this. "Gardevoir, this isn't okay. He has no right to do this to you! You should at least let me give him a quick jolt. He deserves it for leaving you for no reason!"

Gardevoir just shakes his head sadly. "I don't expect you to understand." He starts to walk away. "You don't have a trainer."

One sentence, five words, and I feel like I've been Sucker Punched in the stomach. "Where are you going?"

"Back to the meeting spot. May as well tell everyone to stop bothering."

I had expected Absol to have some rude comment about humans, but luckily he holds his tongue. Instead, like the rest of us, he is quick to offer cuddles and gentle licks when Gardevoir eventually breaks down crying. I heard Wobbles mutter something along the lines of, "Saw that coming," but Gardevoir didn't seem to hear, so I ignored her.

Later, we are all sitting together, eating lunch, though no one has much of an appetite. Sprout is sadly rolling a mago berry between her leaves. Wobbles is eating but very slowly. Absol is alternating between scowling at his food and glancing over at me. (If he says one cruel word about Ash, I'll zap him the way I should have done with Evan.) Eevee is snuggled up to Gardevoir, who is simply staring at cheri berry in his hand.

The silence quickly becomes too much. "You know, some of my friends were abandoned by their trainers, too." Gardevoir blinks at me and looks over the other pokemon. "Not these guys," I clarify. "This was before I met any of them."

I don't know if talking about this will help, especially since they are my friends' stories to tell, so I feel a little weird revealing them. But, everyone's eyes are on me now, so I may as well continue. I suddenly find it difficult to face them, however, and am speaking more to my untouched fruit than the pokemon around me.

"There was a Charmander whose trainer thought he wasn't strong enough, so he told Charmander to-to wait for him to come back." I can only imagine what Gardevoir must look like right now. "There was a bad storm. I remember Charmander was holding a big leaf over his head, trying to stay dry. He was really weak when we found him."

"Then, there was Chimchar. His trainer was really mean, always making him take hit after hit so that his Blaze ability would activate. His trainer thought that Chimchar wasn't strong without it. Then, Chimchar clammed up during a battle, and that was that." I clenched my fists, swallowing rising anger. "Though, I suspect Paul was just looking for any excuse."

"Anyway, Tepig was the other one. He lost a battle, and his trainer left him tied to a stake in the ground. He broke free, but… When we found him, he was starving and so dirty you couldn't tell what color he was."

I look up at Gardevoir, who's staring at me in rapt attention. It isn't fair. Pokemon have feelings. We laugh and cry and love and hate just as easily as humans, though some humans seem to forget that. There are plenty of good ones in the world, but there are also bad ones and everything in between.

Come to think of it, aside from Wobbles, I don't know any of my new friends' stories. I wonder if any of them have a similar story to Gardevoir. It would certainly explain a few things about Absol.

"Where are they now?" Gardevoir asks. "Do you know?"

Charizard, fierce and bold. Infernape, courageous and full of energy. Pignite, kind and confident. I smile, pride overtaking me. "They're great. They're evolved and they're all friends, and…and it really makes me happy, you know?"

"See, Gardevoir?" Sprout says. "You feel bad now, but soon you'll be happy again!"

Absol nods. "They say when you're at your lowest point, you can only go up."

Eevee jumps and wags his tail. "Yeah! You've got to prove to Evan just how wrong he is!"

"You'll more likely never see him again," Wobbles says. "But, that doesn't mean you can't live your life."

Gardevoir contemplates our encouraging smiles for a long time. Then, he drops his berry and stands up. "Thanks for the food. Sorry for wasting your time."

"Where are you going?" Wobbles asks.

Gardevoir sighs. "I don't know. Just going, I guess." He shrugs. "What else am I supposed to do?"

Eevee props his forepaws on Gardevoir's leg. "You could stay with us. We're friendly."

Gardevoir smiles sadly and gently shakes him off. "Thanks, but I need time to think. Maybe someday," he adds when Eevee's ears droop. "Hey, if Pikachu's friends made it on their own in those conditions, I'm sure I'll figure something out."

I don't tell him that my friends weren't on their own, that they flourished under Ash's care. Instead I say, "There's a human I know. His name is Ash, and he helped my friends when their trainers left. If you find him, I know he'll help you with anything you need."

"Be careful," Absol says.

"Make lots of friends!" Sprout exclaims.

"So many, you forget all their names!" Eevee adds.

"Try not to get had again." We all glare at Wobbles, who frowns at us. "Too soon?"

We all say our goodbyes, and Gardevoir walks off. As we watch him leave, I try to ignore the weight in my chest. It doesn't feel right, just letting him leave after that heartache. I've always been able to help abandoned pokemon in the past. Why not now?

Because Ash was always there, I realize. My chest feels heavier. Ash would have caught Gardevoir without a second thought. They would have been great friends, and Gardevoir would have gotten stronger and stronger just like Charizard, Infernape, and Pignite. The thought hits me like Take Down. It was Ash who trained them, gave them comfort and care, taught them about love and family.

What did I do? I was there , sure. I gave them advice and a listening ear, but Ash did the heavy lifting. What did I really do?

Sprout's voice breaks through my thoughts. "Are you thinking about your friends?"

I wonder how my face must look. "Yeah," I say. It's not a lie. "Do you think… Do you guys think we could have done more?"

Eevee shuffles his feet. "I don't know."

Wobbles shugs. "I doubt it. I may be a psychic-type, but I can't change Evan's mind for him. None of us can."

Sprout nods. "I guess sometimes you just have to figure things out on your own. We could have let Gardevoir come along with us, at least for a little while, but would that have helped him at all? He must not think so, or he would have taken Eevee's offer."

"I feel like I didn't do enough," I say, but at this point I'm not sure if I'm still talking about Gardevoir.

Absol sighs and shakes his head. "The whole thing is just a mess. But, like Wobbles said, we can't change Evan's mind. And, who knows? Maybe Gardevoir is better off without a trainer." Did he just glance at me? Or, did I imagine that? "The problem is that humans are fickle. If things don't go their way, they overreact. They want us to do what they say, even if we hate it. If you ask me, that's no way to live." Now, I know he looked my way.

I'm about to retort, but to my surprise, Sprout does it for me. "Not all humans are like that." Her tone isn't unkind, but it doesn't invite argument. "Some of them are really nice."

Absol blinks sympathetically - curiouser and curiouser - but doesn't respond. He instead addresses all of us, back to his unspoken role of the leader. "There's nothing more we can do for Gardevoir. He needs to find his own path now. We've delayed Pikachu's mission-" Is that what we're calling it? "-long enough. Let's finish eating and move on. The town shouldn't be too much further."

As we finish our meals, though my own appetite is nonexistent, my thoughts are filled with Gardevoir and Charmander, Chimchar, Tepig, and Ash, Ash, Ash. He would have done everything he could and then some for Gardevoir, and what did I do? I let a heartbroken pokemon walk away. I shake off the thought. Absol's right. What more could we have done? I just hope Gardevoir is okay, wherever he ends up.

Chapter 6: Getting the Ball Rolling

Chapter Text

"Maybe we should try a six-week plan next time." - The Fairly OddParents


It turns out that "the town shouldn't be too much further" really means "the town is another day or two away." This gives me plenty of time to think about Gardevoir. Where is he now? Is he alright? Did he make any friends? Did he perfect that Moonblast/Psychic combo?


The cry is a sudden but welcome interruption to my thoughts.

"Look out!"

It's coming from behind us. We turn around and look up the steep hill we just climbed down. A red and white ball-like pokemon - spinning so fast that I can't tell if they're a Voltorb or an Electrode - is rolling down the hill, heading straight for us.

"I can't stop!"

We leap out of the way just in time, and the pokemon - now that they're closer, their size tells me that they're a Voltorb - speeds past us with another cry of, "Wheeee!"

So…are they scared or are they having fun?

We all stand there, staring at their retreating form. Eventually, Sprout breaks the stunned silence. "Um…what was that?"

"Voltorb: the ball pokemon. An electric-type," Wobbles replies. "Voltorb often gather in areas with strong electrical currents. They also explode when startled. Or, angry. Or, happy. Or, just because." Suddenly, we hear a boom and an oddly familiar scream and smoke puffs up in the distance. "Like that."

"Sounds like someone was caught in the blast," Absol says. "We better check it out."

We all run in the direction of the blast, arriving at a small patch of grass that's been burned away. Part of a tree trunk is also blackened, though the Voltorb themself seems fine. Of course, they're probably used to blowing up. Whoever got caught in the blast is gone, so they must be okay.

Voltorb blinks at us and grins. At least, I think they're grinning. It's hard to tell with pokemon who don't have visible mouths. "Oh, hi there! You're the guys I almost rolled over! Did you see the guy I exploded? He was a Meowth, and he was really mad! He was okay. He was just really mad."

A Meowth? No, there are plenty of Meowth in Kanto. It can't be that Meowth, right? And, Voltorb didn't say anything about humans or a Wobbuffet.

"Uh," Sprout says, "are you okay?"

Voltorb nods. "Oh, yeah. I explode all the time." Suddenly, they start rolling around, circling the ring of charred earth. "I like to explode. I also like to roll around and around, but sometimes I forget how to stop! Then, I roll into something or my friend grabs me, and then I stop."

I've met plenty of Voltorb, but they're always serious at best, downright mean at worst. This one is…perky. My friends appear equally stunned, staring at Voltorb in bewilderment. Except for Eevee, who likely has never seen a Voltorb and doesn't know what they're usually like.

"I like you!" Eevee giggles. "I'm Eevee."

Voltorb stops rolling. "I'm Voltorb." They resume their circle. "I like you! I like everything! I like rolling! I like exploding!" They stop. "Wanna see me explode?" We all protest loudly, and Voltorb sobers a little. "Why does no one ever wanna see?"

Absol clears his throat. "Well, if everyone's okay, we're just gonna move on."

Eevee's ears droop, but Absol can't seem to get away fast enough. Before we go, I approach Voltorb and hold up my hand, stopping their continued circle. Voltorb rights themself and looks at me. "We're heading for a place called Vermilion City," I say. "Do you know where that is?"

Voltorb looks down. I can practically see the gears turning in their mind. "There's a place nearby. I live there with my friend. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called."

The weight in my chest lifts. Will my own friend be there?

"Oh my goodness!" Sprout says, echoing my thoughts. "We're almost there!"

Eevee wags his tail, Wobbles has her usual blank expression, and Absol shoots me an apprehensive look - I'm too excited to care - and nods at Voltorb. "Lead the way."

Voltorb jumps up and rolls off. "This way! This way!"

As we follow them, they regale us with various facts about their life. I gather that the friend they mentioned is their trainer, but I quickly start to tune them out. Despite myself, I start to envision what will happen when we get to Vermilion City.

Ash will be standing at the entrance. When he sees me, his eyes will light up, his ever-present smile will grow wider. He'll run up to me and scoop me up and hold me against his firm chest, swaddling me in his huge hands as his heart beats rapidly against my ear. The scrawny ten-year-old I once knew had grown into a six-foot-seven beast of a man, but he still holds me in a way that makes me feel like the most precious thing in the world.

I press my mouth shut to keep from laughing. No wonder our pokemon friends call me a romantic. Still, the more we walk, the more I want to sprint ahead.

Then, Voltorb stops and turns back to us. "I-I don't think I'm supposed to be here." Their gaze darts this way and that. "Yep. I almost went to the place I'm not supposed to go. Silly me!"

"What do you mean?" I ask. Is the path unsafe? Is there a dangerous pokemon nearby?

They mentioned a Meowth. Is it Team Rocket? My pelt prickles at the thought of having to deal with those jerks now.

Voltorb blinks at me. "I mean I'm not supposed to go there. What aren't you getting?"

And now I'm just irritated.

"Why can't you go there?" Sprout asks, her eyes darting around like she expects us to be ambushed.

"'Cause my friend said so," Voltorb says unhelpfully.

Sprout and Eevee look confused, Absol seems to be physically biting his tongue, and I'm considering blindly trekking through "the place Voltorb isn't supposed to go."

Wobbles, however, is her usual self. She smacks her forehead with a groan. "Is there another way to the city?" Voltorb starts to reply. "And, if so, please take us that way."

Voltorb bounces. "Okay! We can, uh…" After scanning the area for a bit, they deflate. "I don't know another way."

Unbelievable. "Well, do you know why your friend doesn't want you in this place?" I ask, trying not to let my frustration show.

Voltorb nods. "Something bad happened." Ah, now we're getting somewhere. "Something really bad."

"I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle," Absol replies. "Besides, you're not allowed to go there, but nothing says we can't."

Voltorbs hums, as if Absol just told them the meaning of life. "That's a very good point. Okay!" Voltorb turns back to "the place they're not supposed to go." "Go this way until you see some bluk berry bushes. Then, eat some bluk berries because they're in season and they're really juicy and yummy." From the sound of things, I'm not the only one stifling a groan. "Head left and keep going and then you'll be there."

"Thanks," I say and run forward.

My friends shout at me to wait up, but I barely notice. I'm almost there. Vermilion City is so close! With any luck, Ash will still be there. No doubt, he's pieced together that Team Rocket kidnapped me, and he's probably sick with worry. I reach the bushes and take a sharp left, hope making my footsteps feel lighter, faster. I'm coming, Ash!

Then, I notice a strange, coppery stench. I slow down and sniff the air, more cautious now. The closer I get, the stronger the smell, the more my fur stands on end. Something's not right. Then, it dawns on me, and I stop entirely.

Blood. I'm smelling fresh blood. Someone's hurt!

"Pikachu!" Absol is the first to catch up to me. "You can't just run off like-" He sniffs the air, a grim expression on his face. The others are getting closer, but Absol stops them. "Do you all smell that?" They all take a whiff and cringe. "Stay there. I'll check it out." He heads toward the smell. I start to follow, but he nudges me with his back paw. "You stay, too."

"But, what if you need help?" I ask. "We don't know what's over there."

Absol considers me then nods. "Alright, but stay close."

We forge on, the stench getting stronger and stronger, my stomach knotting up more the closer we get. Soon, we hear footsteps besides our own, the slow, heavy footsteps of an adult human or a large pokemon.

Absol puts a paw in front of me, blocking my path, and lifts his head. Being about three times my height, he has a much better view of whatever's ahead. "Come on," he urges, breaking into a run.

"What's over there?" I ask, right by his side.

"A pokemon. Not sure of the species," he says. "Too far to tell if they're the source of the smell."

But, as we get closer, the coppery stench only grows stronger.

Then, the pokemon comes into view. She resembles a very muscular human with blue-gray skin and an extra pair of arms attached to her shoulders; a Machamp, I recognize. And, her legs are covered in blood. How is she still walking?

"Ma'am," Absol calls as we race over. His voice is calm but with an urgent edge to his tone. "Ma'am, you shouldn't be walking."

Machamp blinks at us - how is she so calm? - then glances down at the thick, dark red splotches covering her from the knees down. "Oh! Oh, don't worry. This isn't mine." Her voice is very deep for a female. "Hey, did you just ma'am me?" She adds, pointing accusingly at Absol. "I ain't that old, am I?"

Absol huffs, and I ask Machamp, "You're not hurt? Then, who is? Are they okay?"

Machamp sucks in a breath, puts three hands on her hips, and rubs the back of her head with the other one. "Well, uh, what's your definition of 'okay?'"

I guess that's my answer.

"Where are they?" Absol asks. "Maybe we can help."

Machamp looks sadly back the way she came. "I'm afraid that Drowzee is way beyond help now."

My chest tightens. "I-I'm so sorry. Were they a friend of yours?"

"Do you know what happened?" Absol asks kindly.

Machamp shakes her head. "Never seen him before in my life. As for what happened, I can make a guess. I was just heading to the river to wash all this off." She gives her leg a little kick. The Drowzee's blood speckles the grass. "Let's talk more down there."

"Sarge," someone calls. A male human rushes toward us through the wood, nearly tripping over a tree root in the process. He has brown hair hanging around his face and an exasperated expression behind his glasses. "Sarge, tell me you're not going to wash that off in the river."

Machamp- Sarge looks down at her legs and shrugs at the human. "I don't see the problem."

The human pushes up his glasses with his index finger. "Under normal circ*mstances, that would be bad enough. Don't forget that Drowzee was sick. Very sick," he adds with a pointed look.

Sarge flinches and laughs sheepishly. "Didn't think of that."

The human sighs up at the sky, but I can hear the affection in his voice when he says to her, "What am I gonna do with you?"

The way their dialogue flawlessly bounces off one another makes me wonder if this human can understand Sarge. Any time I see a human and pokemon speak to each other in such a way, I wonder if they have a connection like the one I have with Ash. So far, the answer has been no, but there's always a chance, right?

Something the human said hits me then. The Drowzee was sick? I had forgotten all about the Poke-X virus. But, that couldn't have been it, could it? It started near Lavender Town. How close are we? Has it spread very far?

The human notices Absol and myself with a gasp, runs up to us, and waves his hands in our faces. "Shoo! Shoo! Don't get near her-" Sarge pulls him away before Absol can bite him. Absol continues growling even as the human hangs back. "She's contaminated," the human continues more calmly, "and you don't want to get sick."

Sarge reaches up - the human is about a head taller than her - and pats his head. "This is Korou. He's my trainer, and he's very paranoid."

"Come on, Sarge," Korou says, rolling his eyes and grabbing her by the wrist, "we need to get you disinfected."

As he leads her away, she turns back to us and waves. "Be careful out there, you two."

Regrouping back by those bushes led to me having to explain the Poke-X virus to everyone. I'm a little surprised that none of them had heard of it, but I guess it is still fairly new.

"Fascinating," is Wobbles’s response.

I gape at her. "How-how is pokemon killing themselves fascinating?"

Wobbles just shrugs. "It's a pokemon thing I've never heard of." She leans in, a too-wide smile on her face. "Tell me more."

Sometimes I forget why she's our friend. "There's nothing else to tell. I just know that it exists."

"So, it's a deadly illness, and we don't know what it is or how you catch it or if there's even a cure?" Sprout starts shaking all over. "Oh my goodness! I don't like that!"

Eevee's ears flatten, and he shrinks back and looks among us. "Anyone could have it! Even us!"

"Oh my goodness!"

There was a flash of fear in Absol's eyes while I was explaining, but it's been replaced with what I've come to think of as his "leader face." "Nobody panic. From what Pikachu said, we would know if one of us was sick. This Poke-X is definitely something to watch for, but it doesn't sound widespread. All we can do is remain cautious-"


"Oh, not this again!"

Sprout squeaks and starts running in circles. "Oh my goodness oh my goodness where are they oh my goodness-"

Voltorb suddenly appears out of a bush, bowls over Sprout, and keeps going until they collide with a tree and explode. We are immediately blasted with hot smoke and even hotter debris. We all shake off the pain as Voltorb spins around, giggling.

Absol growls at them. "What's so funny?"

"I stopped all by myself!" Voltorb says, still spinning.

Eevee pauses in licking his wounds. "I thought the tree stopped you."

Voltorb stills. "There was a tree? Oh! You're the guys who wanted to go to the city! Did you find it?"

"Does it look like we found it?" Absol asks with thinning patience.

Sprout groans and shakily picks herself up. "What just happened?" She reaches behind her, fiddles with her backpack, and sighs in relief. What does she keep in that thing, anyway?

I'm about to ask if she's okay, but a new voice screams, "Yo, Voltorb! Where you at?"

Voltorb jumps up with a happy squeak. "My friend is here!"

A female human with dark brown skin and a head of very curly black hair is stomping through the brush. Her face is full of frustration, but the look turns to a tired relief when Voltorb rushes up to her and starts circling her legs, chanting, "Oh boy oh boy oh boy!" in a more child-like rendition of Sprout's "Oh my goodness."

The human shakes her head and stops Voltorb by placing her dirty white sneaker on them, leaving them perched upside-down. "Man, you gotta stop doing this. You're gonna roll all the way to Hoenn if you ain't careful." She nods to the rest of us. "Now, you say bye-bye to your friends, 'cause we gotta head back."

"Bye-bye!" Voltorb chirps at us. "Oh! Oh! We're going to the city! You can follow us if you want. Lorette won't mind." They gaze up at her. "You don't mind, do you?"

But, Lorette has already started away. She looks back and says, "You coming, or are you riding back in your pokeball?"

Voltorb seriously considers her question. "I think…I'll just follow you. Come on, new friends! We're going to Vermilion City!"

"We're not your friends!" Absol snaps.

But, we all follow. Lorette is confused by our presence - she definitely can't understand Voltorb - but she goes along with it when Voltorb starts weaving between us and saying please over and over. Eevee is the only one who enjoys this, as he can't stop laughing at Voltorb's antics. Sprout jumps on Absol's back, afraid of getting run over again. Wobbles just watches Voltorb with interest. Absol is scowling. I'm both eager to get moving and worried I'll get blown up.

Voltorb doesn't stop until Lorette says, "Alright, alright, I get it. They can do what they want. But, you, Absol, you stop staring at us like that."

This isn't Vermilion City. There are no cars on the roads. Heck, these pathways can barely be considered roads. This place isn't run-down, but there is a lot of grass and trees and other plant life. There are very few houses and people, and there is a huge building not far from us that, if memory serves, is a pokemon graveyard, though the name escapes me.

"Vermilion City?" Sarge says when I ask about it. Turns out that she and Korou are friends with Voltorb and Lorette. "No, no, no, this Lavender Town."

Their trainers work in a place that doesn't allow pokemon on the premises, so they are free to roam outside during work hours. Sarge, Voltorb, the PokeSquad, and myself are all gathered outside of the big, gray building that Lorette and Korou work in. It's a warm, beautiful day, the flying-types are chirping in the background, we're all having what should be a pleasant conversation, and I can't bring myself to enjoy it.

Because, this isn't the right place. If nothing else, it explains the presence of Poke-X, though that's still bad in its own right.

Sarge, clean now, is sitting on the stone steps with one leg crossed over the other. "This is probably my fault. This morning, I was telling Voltorb about this battle I had with the Vermilion City gym leader's Raichu. I lost, but it was a heck of a battle! Anyway, Voltorb gets confused sometimes." Voltorb, who is asleep against her hip, mumbles something at the sound of their name. I guess all that rolling and exploding would tucker anyone out. Sarge rests a hand on their head. "I guess they were so into my story, they forgot where they actually live."

"But, Vermilion City's not far from here, right?" I ask.

Sarge scratches her head thoughtfully. "I think it’s close."

"Will there be other Sarge when we get there?" Eevee asks.

"Other Sarge?"

"Yeah! I wanna see lots more of them!"

"Oh!" Sarge laughs and ruffles Eevee's long neck fur. "Sarge is my nickname, kid. My species is called-"

Wobbles clears her throat. "Machamp: the superpower pokemon. A fighting-type. Machamp are strong enough to knock a truck over without even trying. But, don't ask them to do anything requiring dexterity."

"Hey!" Sarge snaps. Voltorb's eyes flutter open. "For your information, Korou's shirt lost a button the other day, and I sewed that sucker right back on."

"It took three hours, and the button popped off," Voltorb says groggily.

Sarge glares at them. "Well, look who's up."

Sprout shivers and steps back, shooting Voltorb nervous glances. "Um, Sarge, you said Vermilion City isn't far, right? Do you have a map? That would help. I can read!"

"You can?" I ask. Color me impressed. The most I can do is recognize certain words.

Sprout nods. "Uh-huh. I've never read a map before, but how different can it be?"

"Sarge can read, too," Voltorb says.

Sarge smiles modestly. "Not very well. And, reading a map is a lot harder than reading words. The pictures don't make any sense. Not that I could find one, anyway." She points a thumb back at the building. "I'd ask someone inside, but… Well, you know."

I think back to the way she spoke with Korou.

"There aren't any pokemon you can ask?" Absol says.

"I told you," Sarge replies, "pokemon aren't allowed in there."

"Why is that? You didn't say."

"Didn't I? Well, you see, the folks in there are researching the Poke-X virus. You all know what that is?" We confirm that we do, Wobbles looking especially interested. "Then, you can see why pokemon can't go in. We have to either stay in our pokeballs or roam free outside. I think most of the researchers leave their pokemon at home, though. Voltorb and I like to explore, so here we are. Korou wanted to keep me in my ball, said it'd be safer," she winks, "but he knows he can't stop me."

"The Drowzee you mentioned," I say, a knot in my stomach, "he had Poke-X, didn't he? That was his blood on you."

Sarge holds up two of her hands. "I know what you're thinking, but don't worry. It's only spread through bodily fluids."

"What does that mean?" Eevee asks, his already fluffy fur standing up.

"If I had any open wounds for the blood to seep into, that would be a problem. But, I didn't, and I didn't get blood in my mouth or anything, so I'm safe."

Wobbles's hands are pressed together. "Interesting. Is that why you weren't allowed near there, Voltorb? Were you injured?"

"Voltorb? Nah." Sarge pats Voltorb on the head. "I just didn't want them getting in the way while the humans came and did their science thing. Voltorb's kind of prone to random bursts of energy, as you've noticed. I call it crazy mode."

Voltorb scowls up at her. "I'm right here."

"So…" I say, eager to get back on track. "Vermilion City?"

Sarge shakes her head. "Can't help you." My whole body droops, then Sarge rubs her chin in thought. "Well, there is someone who might know where that is."

"Really?" Please tell me they're nearby!

"There's an abandoned power plant just north of here. A horde of Voltorb and Electrode live there, and they're all pretty well traveled, especially the Alpha."

Voltorb makes a small sound and huddles closer to Sarge. "They're mean." Sarge pats them sympathetically. "They're mean," Voltorb repeats. I wonder how familiar they are with this horde.

"Yeah, they're not a friendly bunch," Sarge continues, "but they tend to be more welcoming of other electric-types." She nods at me. "If Pikachu's with you, they might at least hear you out."

"I can evolve into an electric-type," Eevee says. "Will they like me?"

Sarge hums and wiggles her hand in a "maybe" gesture.

Absol stands up. "Well, it's a place to start." He addresses the rest of us. "We should move out while there's still daylight."

Wobbles raises her hand. "Hold on, buddy. I wanna hear more about this Poke-X thing first. How it's contracted, the effects it has, how to cure it. Basically, I wanna know absolutely everything about it."

Sprout nods rapidly. "I wanna know, too. What if we get sick? We should learn everything we can!"

Sarge crosses two of her arms. "Not much to tell I'm afraid. Don't swallow their blood or spit," she lists, checking things off with a third hand, "they attack themselves, they attack everyone else. Just stay far away from anyone who's screaming about something attacking them."

Her voice is casual but there's fear in her eyes and her fourth hand is nervously rubbing Voltorb's head. Not that they seem to mind.

Screaming about something- I shiver. I don't even want to know what that implies.

We thank Sarge for the information and start north, Sprout using Vine Whip to drag Wobbles, who is still asking questions about the virus like nothing's happening, along with us. I wish Sarge and Voltorb could have told us more. I've seen the videos online- Well, part of a video. Ash and I had quickly realized that we didn't want to watch more than twelve seconds. But, I thought that I'd at least gotten the gist of what Poke-X does. Now, I'm not so sure. Seeing a video is one thing, but seeing something in person is very, very different. Especially something unpleasant.

But, I can't think like that now. I need to focus on getting to the power plant. Hopefully that horde will be welcoming of electric-types like Sarge said. At this point, it's my best chance of finding Ash.


"Wait," I tell my friends and run back to Sarge and Voltorb.

Sarge is walking away from the research facility with Voltorb sitting comfortably in her hand. She stops and turns around at my approach. "What's up?"

"Hi, Pikachu!" squeaks Voltorb.

"Hi, Voltorb," I say before addressing Sarge. "Sarge, this might be a weird question, but can Korou understand you?"

Sarge snorts and grins. "Understand me?"

My face heats up. Ever since Ash first started understanding me I've been paying close attention to how other humans speak to their pokemon. Usually, pokemon have to make an effort for their trainers to even get a clue. Those who are particularly close have an easier time with it, but they still lack verbal communication. (Except for Chatot, but the best they can do is squawk out a few human words before they get tired.) But, sometimes a pokemon will say something, and their trainer will respond perfectly, the way Korou did with Sarge in the forest.

Ash has always had a unique way with pokemon, bonding with them quickly or in unexpected ways. Greninja is the best example, their closeness unlocking a unique ability that made him one of Ash's strongest pokemon ever. Yet, they still didn't have that effortless communication; Ash could not understand Greninja on a verbal level. It's fun to feel like I have my own little thing with my best friend, but I've always wondered if it's truly our thing or if there's another human and pokemon out there like that.

At times like this, I think that I should just stop asking. Sarge's reaction is one of the better ones.

"It's just…" I say, trying to save face. "In the forest, you and Korou were talking, and…" I trail off, my voice failing me.

Sarge chuckles and waves a free hand. "Nah. That was just dumb luck. Whoever heard of a human who speaks pokemon?"

Voltorb blinks thoughtfully. "That would be neat, though. I could talk to Lorette all the time! I could talk and talk and talk and talk and-"

Sarge pats their head with a little grin. "Maybe it's good that they can't understand us."

I thank her and retreat back to my group. They are all looking at me curiously. "What was that about?" Sprout asks.

I give my pelt an embarrassed shake. "Don't worry about it."

Chapter 7: New Friends, Old Enemies

Chapter Text

"I wake up with a good attitude every day. Then idiots happen." - Unknown


Aunt V was kind enough to give me a week, but it didn't do any good. I hated leaving Vermilion City, but a promise is a promise. Now, she and I are walking up to the Pokemon Research Facility just outside of Lavender Town. Aunt V said that it was a warehouse that had long been abandoned. She and her team had converted it to a research building several years ago, and now the scientists inside are focusing on the Poke-X virus.

My shoulder feels empty. Pikachu's out there in the middle of all this. A chill runs through me when I remember that he's just as susceptible as any other pokemon. Unless he's at Team Rocket's headquarters. I'm not sure which is worse.

"Ash, you've been a worry-wart since the ship," Aunt V says as we pass some children playing hopscotch on the sidewalk. "Try to relax. You'll find Pikachu eventually."

I shove my hands in the pockets of my denim jacket. She's trying to comfort me, I know, but she makes it sound like I lost a hairbrush. Hairbrushes can't catch deadly diseases. They can't be tortured or forced into servitude or whatever by bad guys. If they go missing, it's inconvenient, but ultimately no one really cares.

Pikachu is not a hairbrush. I can't just go to the store and buy a new one.

"I think you'll like the other field workers," Aunt V says, oblivious to my mood. "Korou is quiet but very smart. And, Lorette takes some getting used to, but she's nice enough."

I just nod along, only half-listening as she names off a few of the scientists. Pikachu can take care of himself just fine, but grim thoughts still blow through my head like Gust. Where is he? Is he back in Vermilion City, expecting to see me there? Is he alone? Afraid? Injured? If he's with Team Rocket, what are they doing to him? If he's sick - I shudder at the thought - what is he doing to himself?

We stop in front of the research building as two workers walk out the door. One is a man with light brown hair that almost reaches his shoulders, glasses, and a white polo shirt tucked into khaki pants, making me wonder if he also works in a library or something. His co-worker is a petite black woman with kinky hair and an orange shirt that looks more like a bra with sleeves.

"I'm telling you," the woman is saying with a big grin on her face, "it was all squishy-like!"

Her co-worker looks away in disgust and holds up a hand. "And, I'm telling you, I don't need to hear any more. Oh, Dr. Ketchum, welcome back." Sighing in relief, he walks down the steps, the woman close behind. He looks up at me. "And, you are?"

"This is Ash," Aunt V says for me. "I told you guys my nephew would be joining you, right? Ash, this is Korou. And, that's Lorette."

I smile and tip my hat, grateful for the distraction and eager to meet my fellow field workers. "It's great to meet you both."

Lorette is looking me up and down, assessing me, and Korou says, "It's nice to meet you, too." He frowns thoughtfully. "Though, I could have sworn your aunt told us you were seventeen. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else."

"No, that's right," I assure, knowing where this is going. This happens every time someone new learns my age. It was a little weird at first, but I've gotten used to it. "But, I'll be eighteen next month."

Both of them stare at me in shock. Korou mumbles an apology, and Lorette's mouth drops open. "You're seventeen, and you're this big?"

I laugh awkwardly and rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, I guess so."

As I lower my hand, Lorette grabs my wrist. She can't be much taller than five feet, so my hand practically swallows hers as she presses them together. "Look at your hand! That is the beefiest hand I have ever seen!"

Well, that's a new one.

"Lorette," Korou admonishes.

Lorette whips her head around. "Are you seeing this? It's like a white baseball mitt!"

Also a new one.

Aunt V puts her hand on my arm. "I'll let you three get acquainted."

She heads inside, and Korou pulls Lorette's hand down and bows in apology. "I'm so sorry about her. She's not great with first impressions. When we met, she asked if I were a librarian," he adds with a chuckle.

Funny, I had the same thought. "You mean, you're not?"

Lorette bursts out laughing.

Turns out, they had just gotten off work. They offered to let me meet their pokemon, so of course I agreed. Like Aunt V had said, pokemon aren't allowed in the facility due to the risk of them getting sick. Korou had considered leaving Sarge - a Machamp - at home or in her pokeball, but apparently Sarge isn't fond of being cooped up in there all day and would jump right back out if you put her in. (Reminds me of a certain electric-type I know.) Lorette's Voltorb, in her own words, "does whatever the hell it wants, much like this hair, though I do make it work." Korou had shaken his head fondly at that.

Their pokemon like to play in the nearby forest, they said. On our way there, the two of them naturally have their own questions for me. Aunt V had told them I'd been a trainer since my tenth birthday and that I'm "a skilled traveler who knows a lot about pokemon" but not much else.

"So, what about you, Ash?" Korou says. "Who was your first pokemon?"

Sarge and Voltorb were Korou's and Lorette's first pokemon respectively. Korou had raised Sarge from a Machop egg, and Lorette said she'd heard about a Zapdos sighting but had found Voltorb instead.

"Was it Bulbasaur?" Lorette guesses. "You seem like a Bulbasaur kind of guy."

Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander are the three pokemon a new trainer can choose from in the Kanto Region, and I've caught all three at one point or another. "I actually do have a Bulbasaur," I confirm, "but he wasn't my first pokemon."

"So, who was?" Korou presses.

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing, but the truth is that I slept through my alarm on my tenth birthday. By the time I got to Professor Oak's lab, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander were already taken. So, Professor Oak gave me a Pikachu." I think back to the day we met, how the first thing my buddy did was zap me, and chuckle. "Pikachu didn't really like me at first, but," my heart aches, "we've really come to love each other, you know?"

Lorette smiles sweetly. "Aw, you're just a big ol' softie, aren't you?"

I look away sheepishly.

"So, will we be getting to meet this Pikachu?" Korou asks. "Or, is it a Raichu now?"

"Nah," I say, "Pikachu's never been interested in evolving. And, as for meeting him," God, I hope so, "he's actually not here."

We're in the forest now. Lorette steps around a resting Ratata in her path. "You didn't bring him with you?"

"I don't blame you, Ash." A tree whacks Korou in the forehead. He fixes his glasses. "What with everything going on. I'd leave Sarge firmly in her pokeball if I thought I could get away with it."

I'm not in the mood to explain about Team Rocket and their…antics, so I simply nod and finger the pokeball still strapped to my belt.

There's some kind of commotion ahead. I can see a large group of pokemon gathered and cheering.

"Oh, I didn't realize it was today," Korou says.

"What's today?" I ask.

"A few days each week, Sarge hosts some sort of game for pokemon. It seems to be a pokemon wrestling match."

"Pokemon wrestling match?"

"Right. From what I can tell, the goal is to pin down your opponent for three seconds just like in a regular wrestling tournament. And if you use your attacks, you're disqualified."

"It's dumb," Lorette says with a grin, "but it sure is fun to watch."

It does sound interesting.

The crowd roars. We run on ahead and peer over the various heads. In the middle of the clearing, surrounded by screaming pokemon, is a Primeape with his arms raised in triumph, his foot perched on the stomach of a Wigglytuff. A Voltorb - I can only assume they're Lorette's - is merrily rolling back and forth. Primeape steps back and helps Wigglytuff to her feet. I don't know what they're saying, but it's clear that they're friends or at least good sports.

A Machamp - she's the only Machamp here, so she must be Sarge - steps into the "ring" and ushers the competitors back into the crowd. "Champ champ champ. Mahchamp mahchamp!"

The crowd cheers even louder. Beside me, Lorette is screaming along with them, her arms flailing above her, though I doubt she understands Sarge any better than I do. Their excitement is contagious, however, and I find myself calling out for more as well. Korou is much more relaxed. His arms are crossed as he simply observes, but his eyes betray the love he has for his partner pokemon, who spots him and nods in acknowledgement.

Sarge calls out something else and points to one end of the ring. A Tyrogue pushes his way through the crowd, the much smaller pokemon quickly adopting a fighting stance. On the other end, Sarge calls in a Raticate who raises his tiny hands and growls.

Sarge stands back. "Maaah…" She raises two arms on one side. The new competitors grin in anticipation. Sarge quickly swipes her arms down. "Champ!"

Tyrogue and Raticate charge at each other as the crowd eggs them on. The two lock hands at first, staring one another down. Then, Raticate sneaks his tail around Tyrogue's legs, knocking him over. Raticate tries to leap on him, but Tyrogue counters by kicking his legs out, pushing Raticate off balance enough for Tyrogue to grab him and hold him down.

Voltorb rolls in, acting as the referee. "Vol. Vol."

Raticate uses his tail to push Tyrogue off. Voltorbs flees back to his place next to Sarge.

"Go, Tyrogue!" Lorette cries. "Go, Raticate!"

I cup my hands around my mouth and shout, "Keep it up!"

"Raticate's tail gives it an advantage," Korou observes. "If Tyrogue could find a workaround, it would stand a much better chance."

As if he'd heard that, Tyrogue grabs hold of Raticate's tail, whirls him into the air, slams him into the ground, and stands on his exposed stomach.

Voltorb comes back. "Vol. Vol. Vol. Voltooooooorrrrb!"

The crowd, including myself and Lorette, goes wild. Korou nods. "Impressive, isn't it?"

"Impressive?" I exclaim. "This is awesome!"

I spent the past week worrying about Pikachu, feeling worse each day, barely sleeping at night, constantly checking Pikachu's pokeball because if it broke on its own that would mean the worst happened. I needed this. I needed some levity, something to keep me from falling down the hole my mind's dug.

Sarge says something, and the crowd disperses. My enthusiasm is replaced by disappointment. It can't be over already. I was just getting psyched!

Korou chuckles, seeing my expression. "Don't worry, Ash. I think they're just taking a break."

I scan the area, curious as to what they all do during their break. Most of the pokemon are mingling, speaking to each other in words I'd give anything to understand. Off to the side, a Slowpoke is using Heal Pulse on Tyrogue and Raticate and several other pokemon who must have already competed. Wow, they even have a medic!

"Never seen that pokemon before," Lorette says. "Wonder what it is."

Korou follows her gaze. "I'm not sure."

The pokemon in question is a Gardevoir, who is standing apart from the others and looking a little lost. If Lorette and Korou have never seen him before, then he must be as new as I am.

"That's a Gardevoir," I inform. I dig into my pants pocket and pull out my pokedex, a new one that Professor Oak gave me when he found out I'd be researching the virus. "Here, I'll show you."

Lorette and Korou gather around me as I point my pokedex at Gardevoir and let the machine do the talking. The pokemon's picture appears on the screen. 'Gardevoir: the embrace pokemon. A psychic- and fairy-type. Fiercely loyal, Gardevoir will do anything its trainer commands. If someone it cares for is in danger, it will release all of its psychic energy at once to protect them.'

Lorette whistles. "I'd hate to be on that thing's bad side."

"Yeah, they're pretty strong," I say, slipping the pokedex back in my pocket. I walk up to Gardevoir, who gazes up at me with interest. "First time here?" Gardevoir nods. "Me too. It sure looks like fun."

"Vwarh!" Gardevoir confirms.

Korou calls to me, and I turn back around. He and Lorette are standing before us, their pokemon at their sides. "I'd like you to meet Sarge," Korou says, holding out a hand to his Machamp, who greets me with a wink, a thumbs-up, and a hearty, "Mahchamp!"

Lorette gazes down at the much smaller pokemon at her feet. "And, this here's Voltorb."

"Voltorb!" her partner chirps.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town. And, this is-" My heart lurches. On instinct, I'd almost introduced Pikachu. "This is Gardevoir." I say instead. "It's his first time here too." Gardevoir is looking at me kind of funny now. I wonder what's going through his head. "Gardevoir, meet Korou and Lorette."

Gardevoir breaks from his stupor and lowers his head to the others in greeting.

Lorette puts her hands on her hips. "So, you're a new guy, huh? Enjoying the show?"

Gardevoir nods.

"About that," I say. "I was wondering if humans were eligible." They all stare at me like I've turned into a Lotad. "Hey, why not? The pokemon aren't allowed to use their attacks, so it's not like I'll have that big a disadvantage, right?"

"Uh," Korou turns his wide eyes at his partner, "Sarge?"

Sarge eyeballs me and shrugs with all four arms. "Mah-champ."

Lorette shakes her head. "Ash Ketchum, you are one crazy dude. I think we're gonna get along."

"Or, get killed," Korou adds good-naturedly. "Whatever comes first."

I don't know much about wrestling, but I know you're supposed to go shirtless. Because of this, I had Lorette and Korou hold my tank top, jacket, bag, and hat, along with my pokedex, and Pikachu's pokeball for me. I must have caught them off-guard; the second I whipped off my tank, their eyes had grown huge.

"Hubba hubba," Lorette had muttered.

"He's a minor," was Korou's response.

"I know that."

"I wasn't talking to you."

I have no idea who he was talking to.

If the audience thinks it's weird for a human to join their competition, they don't show it. I stand at the ready in the ring as Sarge calls in my opponent. I'm expecting a pokemon roughly my size, but the much more petite Gardevoir steps in instead. Psychic-types tend to be less physically strong then other pokemon - particularly fighting-types, which seem to make up most of the pokemon here - so maybe that's the reason. Since I'm the only human, I guess Sarge doesn't want me to take on anyone too tough. Not that I'm underestimating Gardevoir, of course.

Sarge raises two arms then slashes them down with a shout. Gardevoir charges at me, but I grab his arms and throw him to the ground. The crowd screams for more. Gardevoir swipes his legs up and into the backs of my knees, knocking facedown in the grass. My opponent jumps on my back, hoping to pin me down. I grab one of the long, white protrusions around his waist and yank him off. He lands on his back with a grunt. I quickly roll on top of him and pin his thin arms in place.

As he struggles beneath me, Voltorb approaches and calls it. "Vol. Vol. Vol. Voltooooooorrrrb!"

The audience roars. Still hot with adrenaline, I pick myself up and help Gardevoir to his feet. He dusts himself off and grins at me. I can tell he's as fired up as I am.

"Man, you were awesome!" I tell him. "But, next time you might wanna keep an eye on those things around your waist. They're pretty grabbable, you know."

Gardevoir laughs and shakes my hand. If I thought Lorette's hand was small in mine, Gardevoir's may as well belong to a baby.

"Vol-torb vol-torb!" Voltorb is gazing at us with happy eyes.

Gardevoir looks away mock-bashfully. "Gar deh."

"Hey, Sarge," I call, "can I go again?"

Sarge smirks like she knew I would say that and addresses the crowd. "Mah mah-champ?"

The cheering gets even louder. Above it, I can hear Lorette screaming, "Yeah, Ash!" Korou is giving me a thumbs-up.

Ah, what the heck? "Sarge, I want you to be my next opponent!"

Sarge's smirk gets wider.

I lasted a whole second. No regrets, but I think my entire back is bruised. My chest, too, where Sarge had pinned me down with two of her massive biceps. Thank goodness for Slowpoke's Heal Pulse. I kneel down in front of him as he shoots dark pink waves at me from his mouth. They feel warm as a pleasant summer day and make my skin tingle all over, my pain quickly fading away. I thank him and stand as Korou, Lorette, and Gardevoir approach.

Lorette is giggling as she brings her forefingers together and points at me. "I like you. I really like you. You're a maniac."

"What can I say?" I chuckle. "For while, I-" I catch myself.

"For a while, what?" Korou says, noticing the change in my demeanor. Lorette and Gardevoir are now eyeing me with concern as well.

Dang it. I've never been good at hiding my emotions. "Truth is, I've had kind of a rough week. It's just nice to forget about all the bad stuff for a while, you know?"

"I hear ya," Lorette says kindly. "Sometimes, all you need is to drown yourself in something stupid."

Gardevoir nods, and Korou gazes over at Sarge, who is calling in a Breloom and a Makuhita. "I think that's why Sarge started doing this. She won't show it in public, but it really scares her to see other pokemon in such terrible states."

"Yeah," Lorette agrees. "Voltorb gets scared too. But then, who wouldn't?"

"I've seen it online," I say, leaving out the fact I couldn't even finish the one video I'd clicked on. "It's pretty bad."

Korou sighs. "It's much worse in person."

"I believe it."

Gardevoir looks confused. Maybe he doesn't know about Poke-X.

Lorette grunts and shakes her head. "Weren't we just talking about wanting a break from the world's crap? Let's cut the doom and gloom and let's-"

Korou's cry of "What in the world?" directs our attention back to the ring.

A strong wind is blowing but only where the pokemon are. It sends them hurdling into the brush, even the larger, heavier ones succumbing to its force. Korou and Lorette cry out for Sarge and Voltorb, and we all rush in. But, we're too late. As quick as it started, the wind was gone, taking all pokemon with it. Except, it wasn't just some random wind. Before us is a massive red machine on wheels. It's carrying a huge glass bowl, the pokemon trapped inside, begging for help. Some are attacking the barrier, Sarge among them, but it doesn't even crack. They stop when something explodes inside, leaving them all charred and stunned. Given the species' tendency to blow themselves up, I'm guessing that was Voltorb's attempt to break free.

I hear laughter, the laughter of people who think they can get away with something. My fists tighten. "Hey, I know who they are!"

Four all-too familiar figures appear on top of the machine, jumping right into the old routine.

"Prepare for trouble," Jessie begins, "you know us well."

"And, make it double," James continues, "you're under our spell."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

God, I want to climb up there and shut them up. But, if there's one thing I know about these creeps, it's that things go much more smoothly if you let them get through their motto first.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"


"And, James!"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now, or prepare for a familiar fight!"

"Meowth!" the talking pokemon jumps in. "That's right!"

"Waaa-buh-feht." Wobbuffet signals the end.

"Team Rocket!" I shout, shaking as thoughts of Pikachu fill my head.

"You know them?" Korou asks.

"Yeah, they're bad guys who are always trying to steal pokemon!"

"Gee, I hadn't noticed," Lorette drawls.

Team Rocket finally spots me with startled cries. "Twerp alert!" gasps Jessie.

"What is he doing here?" James adds.

Meowth flails his arms. "We don't have our story straight!"

Wobbuffet copies Meowth's panicked movements. "Wobba wobba!"

I don't get it. They almost seem afraid of me. They're the ones with Pikachu, so why-

My heart stops. What was that about having their story straight? Pikachu's pokeball was still intact, last I checked, which means he's alive. But, that doesn't mean he's safe, I realize with a jolt.

"Am I crazy," Lorette exclaims, "or is that Meowth using human words?"

"You hear it too?" Korou sighs in relief. "I thought I was the crazy one."

All I can think about is those people on the ship, the disease that's killing pokemon, how I still don't know where Pikachu is. Everything else disappears. It's just me and the ones who took him. But, then…aren't I the one who fell for their trick, handed Pikachu right to them? I store the thought away. Guilt can come later. For now… "Where's Pikachu?" All four of them visibly flinch. Not a good sign. "What did you do to him?"

Team Rocket stammers a bit before Jessie snaps, "That's on a need-to-know basis, twerp!"

"A-and, you don't need to know," James adds.

Meowth grins and puts his paws on his hips. "It's so need-to-know, we don't even know!"

Wobbuffet does his signature salute. "Waaa-buhfeht."

I swear, if a single hair is missing from my buddy's pelt…

A small hand lands on my arm. Lorette gazes at me pointedly. "I'll have some questions later," she points to the pokemon still trapped, "but we have a situation!"

"Let those pokemon go!" Korou demands.

Jessie crosses her arms and looks away haughtily. "Fat chance. Strong pokemon like these are just what Team Rocket needs."

"And, it looks like we missed one," Meowth says, holding up some kind of remote. I look over my shoulder and realize that Gardevoir is still behind me, his face twisted with rage. "Let's fix that!"

Meowth presses a button, and a panel slides open on the machine. A massive claw-like tube bursts out, and we just as quickly discover where the wind came from. The vacuum points directly at Gardevoir, who is immediately pulled in that direction.

Oh, no you don't!

I sprint in and push Gardevoir out of the way, only to be pulled in myself. I grab the edge and hang on for dear life, though the suction is so powerful, it feels like it's trying to pull my skin off. A fleeting thought has me hoping my belt holds. Lorette and Korou cry out my name and suddenly two sets of hands are on me, trying to pull me back, though as Korou's glasses fly off, it's clear that my new friends are barely hanging on. If I let go, we'll all be sucked in!

"What are you three doing?" James calls in outrage.

Meowth echoes his frustration. "Uncooperative twerps are the worst kind!"

My fingers are slipping. Off to the side, I see a large pink orb fly out. The accompanying cry tells me Gardevoir is attacking the machine. I hear a loud pop over the rush of wind, but nothing changes. Whatever Gardevoir did must not have worked.

My grip gives, and I'm thrust through the tube, Korou and Lorette right behind. Already scraped and burning from being rushed against metal, we fall into a pile of pokemon. I land on a Mankey, who is held back from attacking me by a Hitmonchan. Korou is lucky enough to be caught by Sarge, and the two hold tight to each other while Sarge hands him his glasses. Lorette is unlucky enough to land directly on top of Voltorb, who explodes on impact. It's a much smaller explosion than before, with Lorette taking the brunt of it, but she shakily assures us that she's used to it.

"We've caught twerps!" I can hear James's muffled reaction.

"Which means they can't do any more damage," says Jessie.

"Now for that Gardevoir!" Meowth adds.

Then, Wobbuffet chimes in. "Wobbuh feht!"

Panicked now, I push my way to the barrier and find Gardevoir with his fists clenched, his red eyes narrowed dangerously, and…his body with a strange white glow? Wait, didn't the pokedex say something about Gardevoir releasing all its power to protect others?

Gardevoir moves his hands close together, a pink sphere that I now recognize as Moonblast getting bigger and bigger. By the time Team Rocket positions their vacuum in front of him, the sphere has grown to almost Gardevoir's size. The vacuum's suction does nothing as Gardevoir flings Moonblast high in the air. Was is he doing?

I can't see the sphere from where I am, but I can see Gardevoir's eyes glowing blue as he stares at the sky with his hands raised. The forest takes on an odd, pinkish tint. Is he trying to power up Moonblast with Psychic? If so, it must be working, because the pink light gets brighter and Team Rocket starts screaming.

Before I can process what's happening the machine is caving in, glass shattering, metal crunching and splintering, and somehow all the broken pieces avoid those of us trapped. When the light returns to normal, the machine has practically disintegrated, there's a huge ring of charred earth around us, not a single person or pokemon within the barrier was harmed. As for Team Rocket, they are lying in a burnt pile nearby.

As I laugh with relief and the pokemon cheer, Sarge finally puts Korou down. "So, that's what happens when you release all your power at once," Korou says. Sarge nods, impressed.

Lorette is holding Voltorb and bouncing them like a baby. "Real glad I'm not on Gardevoir's bad side." Voltorb chirps in agreement.

Gardevoir himself is now being lifted up by some of the larger pokemon. He laughs as they all chant out their gratitude. Our eyes meet, and I call out to him. Gardevoir says something to the others. They put him down, and he tries to approach me but starts swaying on his feet. I guess that's also what happens when you release all your power at once. I catch him and help him stand. He shakes his head and blinks a few times, seeming tired but no worse for wear.

"You were using Psychic to power up Moonblast right?" I ask. Gardevoir puts his hands on his hips and raises his head proudly. "Man, I never would have thought of that. It was like whoosh, and then it went boom! And, it was so awesome!" Gardevoir just laughs again.

Team Rocket moans and slowly sits up, ruining my excitement. "What was that?" Jessie asks.

James hangs his head. "I feel like I've been hit by a bus."

"Ten buses," Meowth says, his eyes still closed.

"Feeehhh," Wobbuffet groans.

Then, they shrink into each other as they find themselves surrounded by some very unhappy pokemon, as well as three equally unhappy humans.

"You guys have a lot of nerve!" Korou snaps.

"Kidnapping pokemon and us?" Lorette adds with a snarl. "What's wrong with you?"

"This is what they do," I say.

And, that's all it takes. If there's one good thing about my size, it's this: when you're just over six foot seven, over three hundred pounds of pure muscle from years of training with your pokemon, and you get angry, people listen when you talk.

First, I check in with my friends and all the pokemon. "Is everyone alright?" Some reassuring noises, then I turn to Team Rocket, who cower under my stare. This is the first time I've seen them genuinely afraid of me without Pikachu present.

"You guys just don't quit, do you?" I start. "No one was seriously hurt, so I'm willing to skip over that part. I only have one question, and I think you know what it is."

Defiant to the end, Jessie crosses her arms and whips her head to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

James, however, has always been the cooperative one. "It was chaos! We thought Pikachu was behind us, I swear!"

There are tears in his eyes as Jessie slams her hand over his mouth and tells him to shut it. Under normal circ*mstances, I might be more sympathetic. But, I'm covered in scrapes and burns, I'm surrounded by pokemon who were almost taken by force to Lord knows where, my human friends almost suffered the same fate, guilt from handing over Pikachu on a silver platter is peeking through my heart again, the ones cowering before me are the cause of all of this, and I am pissed.

"What do you mean 'behind you?' What kind of chaos?"

They all huddle closer together, shivering. James whispers something that sounds like, "Has the twerp always been this big?"

"I miss the pint-sized twerp," Meowth whispers back.

"Fine!" Jessie snaps. She acts like I'm inconveniencing her, but her shaking betrays just how terrified she is. "S-so, we lost Pikachu. Happy?"

No, I'm not. I've been freaking out for the past week, not knowing what to think. I spent sleepless nights wondering just what Team Rocket does to the pokemon they capture. I had nightmares about pokemon who had been driven mad with illness, hurting themselves, bleeding, dying, even ripping off parts of themselves and others. Every one of those nightmares ended when Pikachu was the one covered in blood and gore, forcing me awake and sweating and shaking and clutching his pokeball to my chest. This whole mess wouldn't be half as bad if it weren't for that virus.

Now these creeps think they can drop in and steal all these innocent pokemon like nothing's changed. So no, I'm not happy. As a week's worth of fear bubbles up to the surface and turns into something else, I'm anything but happy.

"What do you mean you lost him?"

At this point, Wobbuffet grabs his pokeball from Jessie, bonks it against his head, and a red light coats him and returns him to the ball. Jessie glares at it and calls her pokemon a deserter.

Meowth shakes his head rapidly and flails his arms. "It wasn't our fault! We just didn't wanna be mates with a Magikarp!" I don't know what that means, and I don't think I want to.

"One minute, Pikachu was swimming right behind us," James says, "then suddenly he was gone!"

"You're saying too much!" Jessie screams.

Swimming. My blood freezes over. Were they in the water? Did they lose Pikachu, who can swim but isn't exactly a water-type, in the water? I don't dare check his pokeball now. "So, you don't know where he is." They frantically shake their heads. "Alright. I've said my piece."

"Forget Gardevoir," Korou mutters to Lorette as I back off to join them. "I'd hate to be on Ash's bad side."

Lorette nods then rubs her hands together. "Either way, I've been itching to do this."

"Vol torb!" I don't know how they got there, but Voltorb is sitting with Team Rocket, who shriek at their sudden appearance.

His fears briefly forgotten, Meowth glares at them. "Hey, you're the guy who blew me up!"

"And, if it blows up…" James says.

"Then, that means…" Jessie adds as realization crashes down on them.

"Yeah, it does!" Lorette confirms. "Voltorb, use Self-Destruct. Send them sky-high!"

Team Rocket screams as Voltorb glows a blinding white. The rest of us back up as Voltorb explodes in a huge burst of heat and smoke. I can't see anything, but a familiar cry of, "We're blasting off agaaaiiiiin!" tells me that Team Rocket's been successfully "sent sky-high."

The smoke clears, and everyone starts checking on each other, making sure everyone's really okay. Lorette rushes over to Voltorb, who is teetering in all directions, dizzy from the hefty amount of recoil damage their attack causes.

While she picks up her pokemon and checks that they're alright, I bolt for my stuff, which is lying miraculously untouched under a tree. I move my clothes aside and find Pikachu's pokeball hiding under my ball cap. Heart pounding, I examine it for even the tiniest crack or mark. I nearly weep with relief. Perfect condition, just the way I left it. I can't guarantee that Pikachu isn't hurt or something, but at least I know he's alive.

"Gar." I turn my head and look up at Gardevoir, who points to the pokeball. "Gar-deh?"

"It's fine. I'm fine," I amend when he keeps frowning. I stand up. "I guess you're wondering who Pikachu is." Gardevoir tilts his head. "He's my…" Best friend? Partner? Brother? Emotion rolls over me. "He's my buddy. About a week ago, those guys tricked me into handing him over to them." My grip on Pikachu's pokeball tightens. "It's good that they don't have him now, but I have no idea where he is or-or if he's even okay!" Though, from the way Team Rocket was acting, it's possible that they think Pikachu is dead. That means they won't go after him. That's something, at least.

Then, I spot Korou, Sarge, Lorette, and Voltorb. When did they get here? They watch me with pity as I blink away tears that had sprung from nowhere. "I'm really sorry you guys had to see me like that," I say. The fact that I'd come so close to losing my temper only makes me feel worse. I know how intimidating a guy my size can be, so I always try to keep my cool. I'm usually better at it than this. "I know I went kind of far there."

"Far?" Lorette blinks at me. "You didn't go far enough. If it was Voltorb, oof, man, I'd have smacked them into next Tuesday. Then blown them up."

"Torb torb," Voltorb agrees, still in their trainer's arms.

Korou gazes thoughtfully at Pikachu's pokeball. "I'd been wondering about that pokeball. You told us you didn't bring any pokemon with you, and I guess now we know why." He smiles sympathetically. "Try not to blame yourself, Ash. I may not know the whole story, but I'm certain it isn't your fault. It's entirely theirs." Sarge nods with two arms crossed.

"Still." I sigh, desperately wanting to believe that. "Pikachu means everything to me. He's tough, he's smart, but I just don't know-"

I hear what sounds like a zipper and realize that Gardevoir is rummaging through my backpack with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Before I can ask what he's doing, he stands up and presents me a pokeball.

Wait, does this mean…?

"Well, would you look at that," Lorette says.

"It seems Gardevoir wants to be your pokemon," Korou says, echoing my thoughts.

"Is that true, Gardevoir?" I ask him. Gardevoir holds the pokeball out further.

This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, but it's always a shock. A good shock, one that always leaves me with a warm feeling in my chest, but still unexpected. Pokemon don't just come along with trainers. Traditionally, a pokemon needs to be roughed up in a battle before it can be caught. Most aren't untrusting of humans, but nine times out of ten, a pokemon isn't just going to crawl inside of a pokeball. Sure, there are exceptions, and I have had to battle before catching, but I seem to attract that one out of ten. I don't know if there's something about me or if I'm just lucky.

All I know is that after the events of the past week, the mess we all went through today…I need some levity.

I take the pokeball from Gardevoir. "It's not that simple. If a trainer wants to catch a pokemon, they have to battle it first."


Gardevoir stares me down from the end of the ring, a new determination in his eyes. The crowd, my friends included, are silent with anticipation.


Noise explodes around me. Gardevoir lunges at me. I reach out to grab him, but he makes a sharp turn. As my own force leaves me bent over, Gardevoir jumps on my back. The sudden extra weight almost topples me over, but I catch myself, grab his shoulders, and flip him over my head. He lays in the grass, dazed.

I reach for the empty pokeball strapped to my belt and throw it with a cry of, "Go, pokeball!"

It hits him square in the chest, opens up, and a red light brings him inside. Voltorb rolls into the ring and watches closely as the pokeball shakes. "Vol." Shakes. "Vol." Shakes. "Vol." A tiny click and a flash of light. "Voltooooooorrrrb!"

"Yes!" The crowd echoes my triumph, and my heart soars higher than it's been in days. I just caught a Gardevoir!

…It's kind of weird without Pikachu here. I push the thought away, pick up the pokeball, and send Gardevoir out. His eyes are wide with a mix of nervousness and excitement. "We're gonna be great friends, Gardevoir," I assure him. "There's a lot of bad stuff in the world right now, but we're gonna get through it together!"

I raise my fist, expecting him to bump it against his own. Instead, he throws his arms around me. Laughing - a cuddle-bug, I see - I hug him back. Everyone, people and pokemon alike, gather around us, congratulating us, giving us their own hugs, smothering us with praise. Gardevoir is acting embarrassed while also making it obvious that he likes being the center of attention.

Me? I'm giggling like an idiot. This is how it should be, I think. Humans and pokemon together in harmony, in friendship. None of these pokemon batted an eye when I, a human, joined in on their fun. They didn't think twice about welcoming me into their group. Now, they're celebrating one of their own being caught by me. This is just one of the many wonderful things about pokemon. They don't see species. They see you. What you are physically doesn't matter to them. They look for character, for what's in your heart. If the whole world could be like that, man, that would just be awesome.

But, the world isn't perfect. It's full of pain and fear and anger. But, if everyone did even the smallest thing to make it better, show a little kindness every day… Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but I think we could achieve that some day. Maybe not in our lifetime, but some day.

I'll find Pikachu, but first I have to do my own part by working hard to stop Poke-X and protect these pokemon and all the others.

Chapter 8: An Electrifying Encounter

Chapter Text

"Puberty forgot about my height." - Unknown


There's a dampness in the air, the sky is slowly being covered by dark gray clouds, and the scent of coming rain tickles my nose. As we trek through the forest, I feel the slightest bite of static skitter along my raised tail. I inform my friends of the coming thunderstorm, and our pace quickens. Luckily, there is a large, gray building up ahead. Its walls are littered with holes and plantlife, so it could be the abandoned power plant Sarge told us about. If so, hopefully the hoard she mentioned is welcoming. If it's not the power plant, it will provide shelter if nothing else. Assuming the roof is intact.

"Alright, here's what we're gonna do," Absol says as the clouds continue to roll in, darkening the area around us. "If this is the power plant, then the Voltorb and Electrode horde will be there. Sarge said they like fellow electric-types, so Pikachu, I want you to act as leader. If they think you're in charge, they might be more hospitable. Do you mind?"

The prickle in my tail is getting stronger. I try not to let it worry me. "Not at all. That makes a lot of sense." And, it's not like I've never had to take on the leader role before.

Absol falls back, allowing me to take the lead. Behind me, I hear Eevee ask, "What's the big deal? That other Voltorb was really nice. Even if these ones only like electric-types, how bad can they be?"

"Most Voltorb aren't like that, Eevee," Sprout says.

"The one in Lavender Town was an exception," Wobbles adds. "In my experience, most Voltorb - and, by extension, Electrode - aren't nearly as," she fights for the right word before settling on, "bubbly." She clears her throat. "Electrode: the ball pokemon and the evolved form of Voltorb. An electric-type. It tends to store up more electricity than it needs, so it releases the excess energy by exploding. Unlike its pre-evolution, Electrode has total control over its explosions. Basically, if they blow up in your face, they're just being jerks."

Apprehension makes me tune out the rest of their conversation. Any pokemon can tell you when it's going to rain, but as an electric-type, I can tell you when it's going to storm. The subtle static in my tail is slowly turning into a pins-and-needles sensation, as though I've sat on it for too long. I'm really hoping that it's simply because there is a horde of fellow electric-types up ahead. The alternative is dangerous. Very dangerous, by the feel of it.

As we approach the building, I see an Electrode standing guard at a big, gaping opening. "Halt!" they call with a sharp glare. "We don't take kindly to trespassers. Move along!"

Well, we're off to a great start. "We just need shelter," I say, copying Absol's leader-voice. "You're an electric-type. Surely, you can feel how bad the storm's going to be."

"I wasn't talking to you. Electric-types are more than welcome here." Electrode turns to my friends with a hard look. "The rest of you, scram!" Sparks fizzle over their skin.

Sprout and Eevee yelp, Absol growls, and Wobbles huffs indignantly. I jump in front of them, forcing my fur to lie flat. "They're my horde, and I'm not leaving them out in this weather."

Electrode stares at me with a deep frown. "Eh, let me ask the alpha. Don't move."

They roll inside, and almost instantly something drips on my head. Then, there's a loud boom of thunder.

"We don't have time for this," Absol says. "Let's just come back when the storm passes."

Everyone else is agreeing with him, but I'm willing to wait it out. If there's even a chance that someone in this hoard knows how to get to Vermilion City, I don't care how drenched I get. On the other hand, I won't be able to sleep if I abandon the PokeSquad in the middle of a storm. The rain is coming down faster now. Maybe Absol's right.

But, just as we're about to leave, another Electrode rolls through the entrance. Now I see why the opening is so big; this pokemon is massive. The average Electrode is roughly Absol's height. This one, definitely the alpha, is twice that size. And, alpha pokemon aren't just bigger than average; they're stronger, too.

I stand a little taller (not saying much, since I'm still on all-fours) and remember what my mother told me about interacting with alpha pokemon: be respectful, but don't let them push you around. "Remember, Pichu," Mama would add with a wink and little spark in her cheeks, "you're my son."

Alpha Electrode's gaze is unreadable as they stare us down. We must look pathetic, standing in the cold rain. Sprout is whimpering. Grass-types like rain, but they do not like the cold. It doesn't help that it's pouring now and lightning is illuminating the sky above us. Despite my own shivering, I meet Electrode's gaze head-on, prepared to fight for my friends' safety.

Then, Alpha surprises me. "Why are you still standing there? Get in, all of you."

We all breathe out at once and make a break for the entrance as Alpha moves aside.

"But-but, they're not all electric-types," the guard stammers.

"We ain't savages," Alpha snaps at them.

As the guard mumbles and squirms under their leader's gaze, my friends and I practically throw ourselves inside. Those of us with fur give our pelts a firm shake. Those without cry out their discomfort at being peppered by the spray. I'm too relieved to care.

We all thank Alpha, who chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. This weather ain't even fit for water-types." Coincidentally, thunder roars outside and lightning flashes. Wind blasts at us through the gaping hole in the wall.

The room we're in now must have been an office at some point. There is a desk that smells like it's now used to store food. An old, box-shaped computer with a cracked screen rests on top. On the floor beneath it, a hatchling Voltorb is giggling as they roll back and forth across the keyboard.

Alpha smiles fondly when they see us looking. "Yeah, the little ones like to play on those clicky-things."

"Keyboards," I correct.

Alpha blinks at me. "Is that what they're called? Heh. You learn something new every day."

Nearby, two younglings are playing with a charred swivel chair, one positioned in the seat as the other jumps up and knocks the seat in circles. This sends the chair rolling around the room, though I notice they're careful to avoid us and the hatchling. The Voltorb in the seat is shrieking with delight as they explode periodically. That explains the charring.

"That looks fun!" Eevee says. He turns to Absol. "Can I play too? Pikachu?" he adds, remembering that I'm the acting leader.

Personally, I'd rather he not get blown up, but it seems that the Voltorb only do that when they're the ones spinning. "I don't see why not. Alpha?"

I know that this hoard only likes electric-types, so I'm not surprised when Alpha says, "The answer's no." Eevee's ears droop, but Alpha either doesn't notice or doesn't care. "This way."

We follow Alpha out of the office and down the hall, passing curious and/or suspicious Voltorb and Electrode, plantlife poking out of the cracks in the walls and floor, and a variety of broken human things. I peek into the rooms we pass and find mostly more of the same, though there are a handful of other electric-types as well: mostly Magnemite and Magneton, though there are also two Electabuzz playing with two Elekid, who I can only assume are their sons.

I'm on high alert as the storm continues to rage outside. My tail is almost itchy now, and I don't think it's from the presence of so many electric-types. I've never felt a storm this severe before. I glance behind me at Absol, who is his usual calm but cautious self. I take some comfort in the lack of change in his demeanor. Absol are capable of predicting natural disasters. Though I don't know what it looks like when they do this, I'm certain that our Absol would have said something.

"Um, Alpha?" Eevee peeps nervously. "Can I please say something?"

"Yeah, what?" Alpha replies.

A pause, then it sounds like Eevee has planted his feet to the ground just to scream, "You're so big!"

We all stop moving. "Eevee," Absol scolds, "no screaming."

Eevee lowers his voice but keeps gawking at Alpha. "I've never seen an Alpha before. You're so big! You're the size of an Onix!"

"Have you ever…seen an Onix?" Because I have, and Alpha is nowhere near that size.

"No, but I know they're really big."

Alpha huffs a laugh. "Cute kid. Let's keep moving. We're almost to the main room. Once we're there, we'll go over some ground rules."

I don't like the way he said that. My friends and I exchange apprehensive looks, but the rapid-fire sounds of thunder and lightning make our decision for us.

The main room must have been a lobby at some point. There is a desk with a computer that looks like it's been split in half, and I can hear giggling and rapid clicking coming from behind the desk; someone must be playing with that keyboard too. There are broken and/or overturned chairs and some smashed things that I think used to be tables. Pokemon are scattered throughout the room: mostly Voltorb and Electrode, with some more Magnemite and a handful of other species mixed in. Most of the pokemon don't pay us any mind, though I hear a few comments on how odd it is that non-electric-types were allowed in here. I know they're talking about the PokeSquad, and I feel self-conscious on my friends' behalf.

We stand uncomfortably in the doorway as Alpha's serious gaze rakes over us. "Alright, here's how this is gonna work. Pikachu- That is your name, right?" I nod. Though most pokemon simply go by their species name, some do have nicknames they prefer, so it's polite to ask if you don't know already. "Pikachu, you're free to roam around. If you get hungry, you can probably smell out the food or you can ask someone. Help yourself. If you wanna battle, take it outside. This place is messy enough as it is," they add with a chuckle.

That would be great, except that they were addressing me specifically.

"As for the rest of you, you're to stay in this room. If you get hungry, someone will bring you something. Mingle if you want, but don't expect to get chummy with Electrode Horde; that's all the Voltorb and Electrode. I can't speak for anyone else. The battle rule is the same, but if you piss off one of my horde," they smirk, a threatening gleam in their eyes, "I'll look the other way."

"Seriously?" I snap, though I'm not sure what I was expecting.

"Throw us a bone, man!" Wobbles says, throwing her arms in the air.

"I wanna go play with the chair," Eevee whines.

Electrode huffs superiorly. "My territory, my rules."

I'm about to argue further, but Absol says calmly, "It's fine." I open my mouth to argue with him instead, but he cuts me off. "Look, I'd be lying if I said I approved, but the fact is it's safer in here than it is outside. Yes, we're confined to one room, but it's not as if we're isolated or going to starve. All things considered, I didn't think we'd be treated this well."

Sprout is staring anxiously up at Alpha. "Plus, I'm not prepared to argue. Eevee's right; you're so big!"

Alpha rolls their eyes and mutters, "It was only cute when the kid said it."

I ignore them. "So, you guys are all okay with this?"

Most of them reluctantly confirm, but Wobbles snaps, "No!" As if the weather could hear her, the thunder crashes even louder. "Yes!"

Absol does have a point; as long we follow the rules, none of us are in danger. Staying here is certainly better than the alternative. Besides, if we want Alpha to point us in the right direction, we're better off not picking fights.

Eevee spots something behind me, and his eyes get big. "There's a Jolteon! Can I go say hi, Alpha?"

"Whatever," Alpha says. "Just behave yourself. That goes for all of you." That, at least, was directed at me as well as my friends.

Alpha rolls off somewhere, Eevee bolts - no pun intended - after the Jolteon across the room, and Absol says to me, "Well? You wanted directions, didn't you?"

Anyone not part of Electrode Horde is ignoring us, but I don't like the way those in the horde are staring at my friends. I shuffle my feet. "I don't wanna leave you guys alone."

Sprout huddles closer to Absol and hugs his leg as her eyes dart around. "I-I don't wanna be left alone." Absol gives her head a comforting lick.

Wobbles just shrugs. "Eevee seems fine."

I follow her gaze and find Eevee bouncing around and wagging his tail, Jolteon smiling patiently at the rambunctious hatchling. The sight brings me some peace of mind; not everyone here is a jerk. I spot Alpha in another end of the room with some Electrode and tell my friends, "Just stay together."

I ignore Wobbles's retort of, "Don't tell me what to do," and head in Alpha's direction.

The Electrode see me approaching. Alpha Electrode turns around, and I ask, "Am I interrupting?"

"Nah," Alpha Electrode says and shoos the others away. Alpha smirks at me. "Let me guess; you're gonna argue about your horde again."

My fur bristles. "That depends on how your horde behaves." Alpha blinks in surprise - not used to being talked back to, I assume - but doesn't retort. "But, one thing at a time. Now, I'm told that you're well-traveled."

"I've been around. Why?"

"My friends and I are looking for a place called Vermi-"

"Hold that thought."

I'm annoyed but then I see sparks covering Alpha's body. Small, soft sparks, not the harsher ones that signal an attack. Electric-types can speak to one another by sending waves of electricity through the atmosphere. Someone is sending Alpha a message, and the fierce, focused look on their face tells me it's important. The sparks fade just as quickly. New ones take their place as Alpha responds. Or, so I thought, but I hear a faint buzz and discover that Alpha is signaling their hoard. Every Voltorb and Electrode in the room has stopped what they're doing and is listening intently. I check on my friends. Eevee is close enough that I can hear Jolteon explaining what's happening. Farther away, Wobbles is speaking to Absol and Sprout, likely describing the scene herself.

Suddenly, all the members of Electrode Horde roll out of the room, talking excitedly. I try to make out what they're saying, but it's impossible with everyone speaking at once. It doesn't help that some of the Voltorb are exploding on their way out. Sprout is panicking, Absol is holding her in place with his teeth, Wobbles is standing in front of them and shielding them with Mirror Coat, and Eevee and Jolteon are taking it all in with a cautious interest. The remaining electric-types seem as confused as I am.

Alpha chuckles at our reactions. "Pikachu, you came at a good time." They send out another message, and my fur stands up and my cheeks prickle. It looks like this message is for electric-types who aren't part of the hoard. 'This is Alpha Electrode. I've just received word that Zapdos is on his way.' My stomach flips. Zapdos, the Legendary Pokemon, the Lord of Lightning, one of the most powerful pokemon in the world. That explains why the weather is so bad. Zapdos doesn't create storms, though his presence would certainly amplify them. 'When he gets here, he'll be resting from his journey, so don't bother him. My horde is preparing the Lord's Room right now for his arrival. Stay out of their way.'

There's a nervous energy in the air as the other electric-types start talking amongst themselves. Some of them head straight for Alpha, looking for information. I am rooted in place, remembering the last time I saw Zapdos.

It was years ago. Zapdos - along with Moltres and Articuno, the other two Elemental Birds - had been captured by a pokemon collector. This ended up sending the world in chaos, as tampering with the three Elemental Birds results in tampering with the balance of nature itself. The gist is that Ash turned out to be a part of a prophecy - "the Chosen One," it called him - to save them and the world. Pride swells in my chest. That was only one of the many times Ash saved the planet from destruction. We seem to attract that stuff, I think with a grin.

Absol calls my name, bringing me back to the here and now. Sprout and Wobbles are on his heels. "What's going on?" he asks me.

I start to answer, but Eevee comes running up to me, his dark brown eyes wide and his tail lashing. "Pikachu! Jolteon says that Zapdos is coming! Is it true? Also, who's Zapdos?"

My friends' eyes are all on me now, especially Wobbles's. I clear my throat and set my nerves aside. "Zapdos is a Legendary Pokemon. The Lord of Lightning, they call him. And, yeah, Alpha says he's coming."

"Oh my goodness!" Sprout shouts. "He's coming here? Please tell me he's friendly!"

"I'm not sure how friendly he is," I say honestly. "He wasn't last time I saw him, but the circ*mstances weren't great, so-"

Wobbles bends over, her intent gaze practically touching my face. "You've met Zapdos?"

I have to start watching what I say around her. "Y-Yeah." I take a few steps back. "It's a long story, and I'll tell you all about it later," I add when she leans in closer, "but yeah, I've met him before. I didn't really get a chance to talk to him, though."

Wobbles straightens, grins manically, and claps her hands together, and I immediately feel sorry for Zapdos. "Well, I'm getting my chance!"

She starts for the hallway, but Absol jabs his horn into her head. "No, you're not. You, of all pokemon, should know how powerful Legendaries are. The last thing we need is to annoy Zapdos."

"Absol's right," I agree. "Zapdos is incredibly strong. I've seen him battle, and he's no pushover. No Legendary is."

"Plus," Sprout adds, "Alpha wants us to stay in here, and I don't wanna make them mad."

"They’re the size of an Onix," Eevee says seriously.

I stare at the hallway's entrance, wondering if Zapdos remembers me. Ash was The Chosen One; I was right by his side, but he did all the important stuff. Ash is always doing the important stuff while I just sit on his shoulder and cheer him on. The only time I ever actually do anything is when he gives me a command. Pikachu, use Thunderbolt. Pikachu, knock it down with Iron Tail. Depending on the situation, I'm either a weapon or an accessory. I push the thought away and move with a purpose.

"Where are you going, Pikachu?" Eevee asks.

I stop and turn around. "I'm going to see if Zapdos remembers me."

Sprout makes a strangled sound and shakes her leaves. "You're going to see the Lord of Lightning?"

"Can I come?" Wobbles asks.

I shake my head. "I can move around freely, but you guys can't. I don't want you getting in trouble with Alpha Electrode."

"Can I come?" Wobbles repeats.

"Can I also come?" Eevee asks, crouched down as though ready to pounce. "I've never seen a Legendary Pokemon before!"

Absol's furrowed brow shoots them both down. "Too risky. There are too many members of Electrode Horde. Even if we all charged in at once, I don't like the odds."

"I can assess the situation and report back," I suggest.

"Fine by me," Absol says.

"Oh my goodness," Sprout says, "please be careful!"

I nod at her and walk away, Wobbles's cry of, "Give me all the juicy details. I want the juice!" following me.

"The Lord's Room" is easy enough to find; just see which door has the most Voltorb and Electrode streaming in and out of it, leaving trails of rainwater in their wake. The room must not have a ceiling, which I suppose makes sense if Zapdos comes regularly. As I head that way, I'm stopped by a harsh wave of electricity, a sign that a very powerful electric-type is nearby. My stomach swims, but I press on. One of the passing horde members warns me not to disturb Zapdos's roost. I nod in acknowledgment but otherwise ignore them. I can't make out any words, but I hear two voices coming from the Lord's Room. One is Alpha's, and the other, much deeper voice must be Zapdos's. The horde members have cleared away by the time I reach the door. I stare up at it, willing myself to open it. The hinges look rusted, and I've seen the limbless horde members push it open on both sides. It's easy, I tell myself. You don't have to worry about reaching the doorknob. Just push the door open.

But, what would I even say to Zapdos? Hi, it's me. The Chosen One's friend. I know you remember him. He was the guy who prevented the apocalypse. What about me, you ask? Well, I was there, so surely you remember me.

Maybe this isn't a good idea.

The door opens, and a soaking-wet Alpha rolls out and gives me a hard look. "I hope you're not here to see Zapdos. The Lord is resting from his travels. You'll have to come back later."

"So, he is here," I confirm. "Out of curiosity, Alpha, why does Zapdos choose to roost here?"

Alpha's eyes shine with pride. "Well, you see, the Lord's Room has a big honkin' human thing in it. According to my parents, that room used to be used for training. The human thing soaked up a lot of electricity and seemed to start creating its own because of that."

"Could it be a generator?" I suggest. "If this place was abandoned by humans, it's possible that you guys restarted it from training around it so much."

Alpha hums thoughtfully. "Maybe. You seem to know a lot of human terms."

Unsure of how they would react to my history with humankind, I just say, "A lot of my friends have trainers." It isn't a lie.

Alpha accepts my vague response. "Anywho, Zapdos likes to perch on that, uh, gen…"


"Yeah, that. He sits there, and the electricity restores his strength, lets him rest up after a long journey. Not sure where he goes, but this is where he relaxes."

So, Zapdos really does come here a lot. "Wow. You guys are so lucky."

"Yeah," Alpha says, staring reverently at the dilapidated door. "He's been coming here since way before I was born. It's a real honor, you know?" Then, they narrow their black eyes at me. "Like I said, he's tired and needs his rest. He'll call us in when he's good and ready. Only then will anyone get to talk to him."

I understand, of course, but that doesn't mean I'm not a little disappointed. How often does one get to meet a Legendary Pokemon face to face? Well, Ash and I have met them more often that most, but even so, it doesn't happen every day.

My doubts spring back up. If Ash were here, there's no doubt that the Lord of Lightning would recognize the Chosen One. Would Zapdos really recognize one little Pikachu?

Suddenly, my skin prickles. Alpha watches me with interest as energy skitters over me. It feels like receiving a message, but there are no words. It's almost like someone is trying to get a feel for me, for lack of a better term. Then, there are words.

'I thought so.'

Chapter 9: A Sport in a Storm

Chapter Text

"I may be small, but I am fierce." - Unknown


The static leaves me, and a deep, rumbling voice calls out from the Lord's Room, "Send him in, Electrode. I know this one."

Alpha sputters and their eyes dart from the door to me and back. "Of-of course, my Lord!"

My fur stands up, and my pulse quickens. That was Zapdos's energy I'd felt. He does remember me!

"Well, what are you waiting for, a lick on the cheek?" Alpha rolls behind me and nudges me forward, though the sheer mass of them makes me worry about being squished. "Lord Zapdos wants to see you!" They lower their voice. "Is it good or bad that he knows you?"

They sound less like they're concerned for me and more like they're debating throwing me out on my tail. I don't have an answer, though I'm hoping for good. Steeling myself, I push open the door only to be bombarded by cold rain. But, then I look up, and my physical discomfort is overshadowed by anxiety.

At a first glance, the Lord of Lightning doesn't seem like much; people often imagine Legendaries to be the size of buildings, but that isn't the case for most. Zapdos, for instance, is actually a little bit shorter than Alpha Electrode. His body is covered in yellow feathers, and the ones on his wings, head, and tail are longer and have an almost spiky appearance. My body is practically vibrating from the sheer force of electricity in his presence, and the thunderstorm doesn't help. It's not a bad feeling, but the suddenness of it makes me flinch.

Zapdos is perched on a large generator, and I can see the electricity radiating from it to him, as if the lightning itself has solidified. Which, in a way, I suppose it has. Zapdos had been facing away from me when I entered, but now he turns his head around and looks at me with unreadable black eyes.

"Pikachu." He turns fully and hops off the generator, plunging the "room" into the darkness of the storm. He seems unaffected by the weather. "I thought I recognized that energy." He steps forward, his talons clicking against the tiled floor. "It has been a long time."

I hope I'm only shaking from the cold. "Y-Yeah. I mean, yes, it has. My Lord," I quickly add with a bow of my head.

Zapdos huffs in amusem*nt, and my skin heats up. I lift my head to find him gazing around and I bet I know what for. "I assume your partner is here as well?" he asks.

I hate how grateful I am that he didn't refer to Ash as the Chosen One or the hero or something. But, my heart hurts all the same when I tell him, "No, Ash isn't here."

"Hm. What a shame. I'd like to see him again."

So would I. Ash would love this. I blink quickly as my eyes start to burn. There is no way I am getting emotional in front of the Lord of Lightning.

Unfortunately, the Lord picks up on my mood, and his eyes narrow down at me. "Something happened."

"Yeah, but Ash is fine." I hope. "I just…don't know where he is. I've been searching for a while now."

Zapdos relaxes slightly but stares at me with pity, which is somehow worse. Then, to my surprise, he bends down and scratches my head with his beak. Then, he straightens and nods. "I remember your strength back then, and I can feel that you've grown stronger since. I imagine Ash has as well. You will both be fine. A bond like yours is a rarity that is meant to be preserved. I am confident that you will find each other again."

Oh! That was… I hadn't expected that level of kindness. Then again, I am Ash Ketchum's partner. I choke back a bizarre mix of longing and pride and bitterness. "Um, thank you. But, what do you mean about our bond?"

Zapdos chuckles and gives me a side-eye. "A human can understand you and no other pokemon, and you ask what I mean? I remember hearing you two talk. Moltres, Articuno, and myself were most intrigued."

My heart skips. For years, I've been wondering how it was possible for Ash to understand me. Could I be about to get answers? "My Lord, do you…know something about that?"

"You do not?" the Lord asks with a head tilt. "Hm. Tell me, has Ash reached maturity yet?"

Well, that was random. Zapdos is surprising me left and right. "Maturity?" That's eighteen years for humans, right? Yes, I remember how excited Ash was to be a "legal adult, then I can finally get a tattoo without Mom's permission." And, then he showed me the design he wanted. I still have no idea what a tattoo is, but I fight a smile and say, "He will pretty soon."

"Interesting." He turns and, beckoning me with a nod, walks back to the generator. More confused and curious than ever, I follow but stop when he leaps on top with a flap of his large wings, spreading a thin layer of static in the process. "Sit with me, Pikachu."

I obediently climb on to the generator. Electricity shoots over my skin and into my cheeks with every footstep. It actually feels quite nice, I muse. The generator isn't huge, but it's tall and flat on the sides and slippery from the rain, so climbing takes some effort. Perhaps it's the extra jolts I'm receiving, but I'm not the least bit cold or winded when I eventually make it to the top and sit down. There is just barely enough room for both of us.

"What happens when Ash reaches maturity?" I ask.

Zapdos hums. "I cannot say for certain, but I am reminded of someone; a human named Akari, who could speak to pokemon, could hear their voices as though their language were her own."

"Do-Do you mean…all pokemon?" My blood is pumping as if I'm in the heat of battle. Does that mean that Ash…? I have to meet this girl! Ash has to meet this girl!

"Don't get too excited," Zapdos says. "This was before your time. Akari, and all who knew her besides myself, are long gone, I'm afraid."

"Oh." I turn away so he can't see how disappointed I am. Is it possible to grieve for someone you've never heard of?

Zapdos preens his wing then continues. "Gone, she may be, but I would never forget such a unique human. Akari existed back when the harmony between humans and pokemon was still forming. At that time, most humans were terrified of us and our power. But, she was not. I remember, I was relaxing on a mountain top when I saw her. She was cautious at first but quickly realized that I wasn't hostile. I can't begin to describe how shocked I was when she began to converse so flawlessly with me. I asked her what a human was doing so high in the mountain, and she revealed that she was one of several humans working together to study pokemon. All that they learned would eventually become the world's first…pokedex, I believe it's called."

"The first pokedex?" I gasp. "That's amazing!"

Zapdos chuckles. "I thought you might be interested. Anyway, I asked Akari how she learned to communicate with pokemon."

"What did she say?" I ask, trying not to seem too eager. When Ash first started to really hear me, he said it just sort of happened. Even more curious is that he can't understand other pokemon, only me. Unless you count Team Rocket's Meowth, but Meowth learned to use the human language himself somehow, so everyone can understand him.

"She didn't know," Zapdos continues. "According to her, it began with a Zorua she was very close to." Just like Ash with me! "Years later, she woke up one day and could suddenly hear the voices of pokemon. She said it happened after she 'became a woman,' as she put it. I assumed that meant she'd reached maturity. That's why I asked about Ash's age." Zapdos smiles nostalgically. "We struck up a sort of companionship, she and I. Zoroark - the evolved Zorua - as well, after his initial shyness. I don't usually associate with humans, but Akari was too interesting to ignore."

My mind is reeling. A human who understood pokemon; not just one specific pokemon, but all of them. Could Ash… Is it possible that… The thought excites me but also disappoints me a little. As much as I want to know how our connection works, I'm not sure how to feel about sharing it. It's selfish, I know, but it's always just been our thing. It's unique, it's special, it's ours. If Ash does one day hear all pokemon, of course I'll be happy for him, but…what would we have then? We'd still be best friends; we were even before he could hear me. It would just be, well, different. Not a big deal- Okay, a big deal but not in a bad way.

Ashton Satoshi Ketchum. There's something about him. I don't know what it is, but it's there. He shines with it. Even when I first met him, back when he was more arrogant, more temperamental, he was still kind, caring, thoughtful. Pokemon are drawn to him somehow. Even those who don't like him grow to love him; I'm living proof of that. He connects to pokemon in a way that other humans don't, and he can't even understand them verbally. If Ash does have some kind of ability, if he can one day talk to pokemon, he'll be over the moon.

I remember his reaction when he heard me the first time. Confusion, like he wasn't sure, then shock then the biggest smile I'd ever seen, followed by laughter and a tight hug. He said that it felt natural, like it was just supposed to happen. "It's like…like I've been waiting for something, but I didn't know what it was until now," he'd said. Of course Brock and Misty thought he was crazy until Misty hid something and I had to tell Ash what it was and where it was. It was a tampon, and Misty had put it in a garbage can in the girls' bathroom in the Pokemon Center. She was certain that he wouldn't even think to look for it, let alone actually find it. I don't know what a tampon is, but Ash was not happy when he came out of that bathroom.

"Ah," Zapdos brings me back to the present, "here it comes."

He's staring eagerly up at the thundering, flashing clouds. I squint against the rain, trying to figure out what he's looking at.

He shakes out his feathers, sparks wafting off of them. "Tell me, Pikachu, have you ever been struck by lightning?"

What? "I-Isn't that dangerous?"

He spreads out his wings, raises his head to the sky. "To others, it is a deadly occurrence. But, you and I, we are electric-types."

That's when it hits. I squeeze my eyes shut against a blinding light. White-hot pain sears at my flesh. My fur feels like it's being ripped out. My very bones are crackling with electricity.


It hurts. It hurts in ways I've never felt. But, at the same, I feel powerful, alive, refreshed, even. The feeling lasts only a moment, maybe less, but Mew's tail, that feeling. I'm left with energy like I've never experienced, I feel stronger than I've ever felt in my life. Colors are sharper and duller at the same time. I can't stop giggling.

Vaguely, I think I hear Zapdos laughing. "Amazing, isn't it?"

So much energy! My hands knead at the hard metal beneath me, the generator bringing me even more power. So much energy! My darting eyes land on the mass of feathers and lightning next to me. "Battle me," I blurt.

Zapdos blinks in surprise. "Excuse me?"

I jump up and crouch, ready to pounce while my hands continue kneading. "Battle me, Zapdos. I-I wanna battle you!"

Zapdos stares at me for a while - too long too long so much energy - then raises his head and laughs heartily. Then, he shakes out his feathers. "I can see why mortals avoid lightning."

What does that mean? Why won't you battle me?

"Alright," he says after so long. "I accept your challenge. If only so you don't end up overcharged because of this."

When an electric-type takes in too much electricity, they risk becoming overcharged. This leaves them in a weakened, feverish state. But, that won't happen to me! I'm handling the extra power just fine!

"Hey, can my friends watch?" I ask. "They're not allowed out of the main room because they're not electric-types. Unrelated, but I can taste purple now. Is that normal?"

It's still pouring rain, but there is enough ceiling for the hoard to sit under. After a thorough chewing out from Zapdos - I assume, as the message was sent via sparks - Alpha Electrode allowed my friends to watch the battle as well. Electrode Hoard is muttering amongst themselves and shooting me glances, and my friends stare at me in disbelief and concern as I pace back and forth and babble about my upcoming battle.

"A battle," Absol says when I take a breath. "With Zapdos. You challenged Zapdos. To a battle. In the middle of a thunderstorm, no less. "

Sprout shakes her leaves. "Why would you even do that?"

I suddenly feel the urge to twirl around on two feet, so I do just that. "I've been struck by lightning, and it's making me a little crazy!" My friends make strangled noises. "Zapdos got struck too, and he's not crazy 'cause, uh, uh- What was I saying?"

"Lightning?" Eevee exclaims. "And, you didn't die?"

I twirl in the opposite direction as Wobbles hums. "Actually, that makes sense. He is an electric-type, after all." I start to spin past her, and she stops me by putting her hand on my head. "So, this is what happens when an electric-type gets struck by lightning. At least, a non-Legendary one. Fascinating. A little alarming, but fascinating."

Zapdos calls me from across the room. "Are you ready?"

"You bet!" I charge back into the downpour - I'm already soaked through, so I barely notice, or maybe it's just mania - and take my place on the other side, a safe distance from the other pokemon.

My body tenses, my blood heats up, electricity warms me further. The thrill of battle, especially with a strong opponent, it's what I live for. And, with my buddy by my side-

I'm instantly sober. Ash isn't here. I have to battle without him. I'm battling a Legendary Pokemon without him. Someone says something I can't hear. What was I thinking, challenging the Lord of Lightning without Ash. He should be watching this battle, cheering me on-

Pain erupts all over me and I fly, landing hard against the wall, falling off and on to the cold, wet floor. Shoot, the battle's begun.

I pick myself up and shake off the pain, as Zapdos soars high into the air. White streaks pour over him like water as he descends; he's using Aerial Ace, a move that hits its target no matter what.

Focus, Pikachu. You challenged him. You are the reason this battle is happening. If Ash can't be here, I have to at least make this a battle he would be proud of.

When a move can never miss, your best bet is to hit it head-on. My fur flattens, and my legs move at an impossible pace. I jump, ramming him with Quick Attack. The collision hurts us both, propels us backwards. I spin mid-air and land on all-fours, sliding a bit on the slippery ground. Zapdos shakily remains air-born. Did he take more damage from that than I did? Or, am I imagining it?

While he's disoriented, I let out a Thunderbolt, but he dodges. Then, his beak glows, and his body spins, heading in my direction. My tail hardens, and I leap and twirl midair, my Iron Tail colliding with his Drill Peck. Then, while my tail's still on him, I use it to flip myself over him and, Iron Tail still active, nail his back. He cries out in pain, and crashes to the ground. He lays there stunned, and I leap off of him and land a safe distance away, waiting to see what he does next.

"Impressive," Zapdos grunts, carefully climbing to his feet and shaking out his feathers. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me." Electricity gathers over him, and he spreads his wings. "But, this battle isn't over yet."

Multiple tiny lightning bolts shoot out of him. Discharge is hard to avoid, so I try to use Quick Attack to weave around it. A few bolts, I avoid. Most of them graze my skin. The burning almost breaks my stride, but I press on. Any other time, electric- or flying-type attacks wouldn't cause this much damage on me, but this is a Legendary Pokemon; raw power is just one of the many things they're known for.

Keep it up, Pikachu! In my head, I can hear Ash cheering me on. You got this!

He may not be here in person, but my buddy's with me in spirit. The thought encourages me, and my feet move faster. I'm still taking damage, but I barely notice. I get closer and closer to my target. Once I'm right in front, I jump, ready to ram him in the stomach.

But, Zapdos jumps too. Before I can process what's happening, Aerial Ace smashes me into the floor, and waves of agony explode over me. Everything aches. My vision is tilting, but I'm not through yet! My body screams as I force it to stand quadrupedal.

I look up. Zapdos is hovering high above me, injured but not as badly. "Tell me, Pikachu," large waves of electricity roll over him, making him look like part of the storm, "are you still feeling the lightning's effects? How about now?"

Thunder is one of the most powerful electric-type attacks in the world. And, in the still-pouring rain, it's a guaranteed hit. All I can do is hit it head-on.

Thunderbolt isn't as powerful, but it's the strongest move I've got, not to mention my and Ash's favorite of my attacks.

A massive yellow lightning bolt blasts at me, and I blast it right back. We are at a standstill, trying to overpower each other. The storm rages over us. Zapdos slowly descends, still using Thunder, the closer range making it harder for me to fight back. I'm exhausted, but I wrench up my limbs and force myself closer to him. Seconds pass; they feel like hours. Thunder creeps over my skin, tiny jolts burning my flesh. Strong, too strong.

Don't give up, Pikachu!

I won't, Ash. We don't quit until it's over.

I scream and fire off Thunderbolt with everything in me. I am pain and power and love and agony. Distantly, I hear Zapdos cry out. I'm starting to break through.

Then, we cancel each other out. Our attacks explode, throwing us in opposite directions. I am once again smashed into the wall. I collapse to the ground and force myself up. Zapdos is across from me, struggling to his feet.

Everything hurts. Everything's spinning.

Everything's blurry…

"Why won't he wake up?" I hear a voice. I think it's Eevee.

"He just lost a battle with a Legendary Pokemon." Absol. "It's going to take time."

"He'll wake up when his body is ready." Sprout.

"But, he's been sleeping forever!" Eevee again.

I'm so sore, just opening my eyes is a struggle. The high I felt from the lightning is long gone. At least I'm dry now.

Eevee is standing over me, his tail lashing anxiously. There are tears in his eyes, but then he looks down at me. "Pikachu!" He buries his face in my chest, which doesn't do my body any favors. "I-I thought you died!" Eevee sobs.

"Hey, I'm alright," I croak out. "Um, you're kind of hurting me."

Eevee squeaks and jumps back. I look around and see that we're in a large room full of human things - a former storage room? - and I'm lying in a nest of leaves. I'm alone with three out of four PokeSquad members. I internally groan; I have a pretty good idea of where a certain Wobbuffet might be.

Sprout helps me sit upright on the old torn cushion I'm resting on. I hiss at the movement. "Take it easy," she says gently. "Where does it hurt?"

I stare at her. "Yes."

She laughs sheepishly. "Right. Well, now that you're awake I'm gonna grab you a revival herb. One of the Voltorb brought some in."

As she makes her way to the small pile of herbs nearby, Absol clears his throat, a little smirk gracing his mouth. "Well, Pikachu, it seems I've underestimated you. That was quite a battle."

My face heats up, and I can't help a proud grin. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I lost."

Eevee, his fears forgotten, pipes up, "Yeah, but you were so cool! You were like-like," he jumps and twirls mid-air, "bam! And, zap! And, another zap!"

Ha ha! He sounds like Ash. Ash…who didn't see any of that battle. Sprout returns with a revival herb. I chew on it, letting the horrible taste distract me. After swallowing, my soreness quickly fades away. Too bad herbs can't fix the ache in my heart.

The door opens, and Alpha Electrode rolls in. A few younglings try to follow them, but Alpha shoos them away and shuts the door. Then, Alpha wordlessly rolls my way and stares at me in a new way, almost the same way they regard Zapdos. "Why didn't you tell me you were the Chosen One's Pikachu?" How do they know about that? "'Course, I guess I wouldn't have believed you if Zapdos hadn't told us."

"Chosen One?" Absol asks.

I ignore him. "Alpha, how-how do you know about that?"

"Zapdos tells us stories about his travels when he comes here," they explain. "The Chosen One story is particularly popular among the little ones. The idea of some human kid saving the world makes them think anything's possible. It's actually turned into one of their favorite games."

Longing, pride, bitterness; there's that mix again.

The PokeSquad are staring at me quizzically. Alpha takes notice. "What, you didn't tell your own horde about that?" They make it sound like I committed some crime.

I sheepishly rub the back of my head. "It never really came up…"

Alpha huffs indignantly. "I say, your horde should know the pokemon in charge of them. My horde knows everything that went on in my past and everything that goes on in my head."

"Really?" Absol almost sounds uncomfortable. Yet again, I find myself wondering what his story is. "No secrets at all?"

"Zilch in that department. If you trust your horde, they'll trust you."

Wistfulness gets thrown into my mix. I smile sadly. "My mother was the same way. She was the alpha of the horde I grew up in, you see."

"An alpha's son, eh?" Alpha says. "That explains where your strength comes from."

I blush at the compliment. "Well, Daddy wasn't exactly a slouch either."

"Your dad's an alpha too?" Sprout asks.

"No, he wasn't. But, when he battled, I tell you, there was no stopping him."

Absol nudges me playfully. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Eevee fluffs up his fur excitedly. "I bet your whole family is strong! I bet there's a whole bunch of alphas in your family!"

I giggle and swipe at my ear in embarrassment.

Then, static fizzles over my fur. 'Ah, you're awake at last.' Zapdos is signaling me. 'Are you feeling up to a visit?'

'Of course,' I respond. Maybe I can ask him more about Akari. Between the lightning and the battle, I'd completely forgotten about her until now.

'Also, would you mind taking your friend back? She is…a lot.'

I smile and shake my head. 'Sorry about her. She's just excited to meet a Legendary Pokemon. She's harmless.' Mostly harmless.

'A harmless nuisance.'

I laugh as the connection breaks. "I think I found Wobbles."

Absol groans. "I knew it."

"We better go get her," Sprout says.


Oh, boy. Wobbles throws herself through the door and grabs me before I can process what's happening. Thank goodness for that revival herb; Wobbles is shaking me so hard she might have killed me without it. "Everyone's talking about a prophecy! You said you knew Zapdos, but you said nothing about a prophecy!"

My cheeks charge up.

"Wobbles, stop that!" Absol demands.

She ignores both him and the Vine Whip Sprout is sneaking her way. "You said nothing!"

I shoot off Thunderbolt on instinct. I hear more than one scream, and Wobbles lets go of me. My attack dies off, and I discover that the other screams came from the rest of the PokeSquad. They're close enough to me that I accidentally zapped them too. Now, all four of them are charred and dazed. I cringe and apologize.

Alpha Electrode bursts out laughing at the sight. "At least you're not overcharged!"

Eevee starts giggling. Maybe it's adrenaline, maybe laughter really is contagious, or maybe we're all just a little crazy, but the rest of us start laughing too.

Then, Zapdos pokes his head through the door, and we all fall silent. "Now, don't stop on my account." He steps fully into the room and tilts his head at my friends' blackened states. Wobbles makes a bizarre squee-ing sound and scitters toward him. His feathers spark threateningly. "Can someone do something about this one?"

Alpha shoots a murderous glare her way. "Have you been bothering him?"

Wobbles scoffs at them. "I just wanna know how he was born. And, about that Chosen One thing everyone's going about, Pikachu."

I shrug helplessly. "I said I'd tell you later!"

"But, you didn't give us any details. Anyway, My Lord, why did you come here to begin with? Did you create the world's first thunderstorm like the legend says? How much wood would a Bidoof chuck if a Bidoof could- mmmm."

Sprout had cut her off by wrapping Vine Whip around her body and mouth. Not that this has deterred Wobbles from speaking; we just can't understand her now. "I'm so sorry, My Lord!" Sprout exclaims with a bow.

Zapdos sighs and shakes his head. "Just keep her away from me." He turns a much friendlier gaze my way. "I just wanted to see if you were well enough for story time."

"Story time?" Eevee gasps, his eyes wide.

Zapdos chuckles at him. "Indeed, little one. Whenever I visit, I like to share stories with Electrode Horde and their guests."

"Oh, yeah," I say with a nod at Alpha, "Alpha mentioned that."

Wobbles wiggles excitedly. Sprout fixes her with a firm look. "If I let you go, do you promise to behave?" Wobbles nods. "Okay."

Sprout releases her, and Wobbles claps her hands and bounces on her feet. "I would very much like to hear your stories, Zapdos! All your stories!"

Zapdos glares at her. "You can sit in the back."

Wobbles raises her hand in her species' signature salute. "Fine by me."

"I'll keep an eye on her," Alpha says.

"Thank you," Zapdos says to them. "Anyway, Pikachu, I was hoping you would share the story of the Chosen One. I thought everyone, myself included, would like to hear it from your point of view. You were right at the Chosen One's side, after all."

Of course. Everything always circles back to Ash. And, why wouldn't it? Ash is amazing. He's kind, brave, selfless- So, why don't I feel happy? I love talking about our adventures. Even if they are really his adventures. I guess I helped, but mostly I was just kind of there…

I shake out my pelt, as if that will somehow dislodge the bad feelings, and force some enthusiasm. "Sure. I'd love to!"

Zapdos nods. "Excellent. I'll meet you in the main room." He starts for the door but turns around at the last minute. "By the way, I really enjoyed our battle. Let's have another one some time."

All dark feelings fade away, pride and real enthusiasm taking their place. Zapdos wants to battle me again! That means we're friends now, right? Am I friends with a Legendary Pokemon? I smirk. "Next time, I'm gonna win!"

He smirks back at me. "We shall see."

He leaves and Electrode follows him out to gather the hoard. Now, it's just me and the PokeSquad.

"Well," Wobbles says, her hands on her hips. "Looks like I'm gonna hear the story after all!"

I roll my eyes. "I said I'd tell you. It's just gonna be for a bigger audience now."

"Either way, I can't wait to hear it," Sprout says with a grin.

Eevee bolts for the door. "Let's go right now!"

Absol chuckles and says, "Whenever you're ready, Pikachu," before chasing after the hatchling.

I slowly stand up on two feet, testing my limbs. Everything feels good, so the rest of us start two follow them out, but Wobbles stops us. "Oh, I almost forgot. Hey, Pikachu."

Wary now, I take a step back. "Yeah?"

I'm expecting her to freak out again. Instead, she calmly slaps her hands over my cheeks. "I wanna touch your face."

How do you respond to that?

"Wobbles, do I have to tie you up again?" Sprout threatens.

"I just need to see something." Then, Wobbles leans in and stares at my face. Thoroughly creeped out, I squirm, but she just holds on tighter. "Everything looks normal."

I try to pull away, but her grip just tightens. All of a Pikachu's electricity is stored in their cheeks. Because of this, the cheeks are the most sensitive part of their bodies. In other words, Wobbles is now hurting me. My cheeks start to vibrate. Sprout sees this and scurries out of the room, knowing what's about to happen.

Wobbles, however, is oblivious. "I'm sure I saw-" And, then I shock her again. Once that passes, her hands are still on my face, but at least she isn't squeezing me anymore. "I forgot how sensitive your cheeks are," she croaks.

Equal parts confused and irritated now, I back away and let her face-plant on to the hard floor. "Okay, seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, thanks," she says to the floor. Groaning, she slowly rises to her feet. "When you were battling, your eyes looked like they were glowing. I wanted to look at them."

Glowing? What is she talking about? "Wobbles, we were two electric-types battling in a thunderstorm."

Wobbles arches her back and hisses in pain. "Yeah, I guess the lighting was kind of weird. Just forget about it."

But, I can feel her eyes on me as we make our way to the main room.

I wasn't sure what to make of story time at first, but it turned out to be a lot of fun! All eyes were on me as I recalled the day Ash saved the Elemental Birds from that pokemon hunter, restoring the balance of nature in the process. I answered a lot of questions and even got requests to hear more stories. Even Zapdos himself was eager to hear about my and Ash's many adventures! Naturally, I was happy to oblige.

It helped that Alpha Electrode gave Wobbles a quick shock every time she strayed too close. Though, I am a little worried she'll become an electric-type herself if this keeps up.

Overall, I had a blast! It was nice to be the center of attention for once, hearing the audience praise me for my actions, despite the fact that I was just doing what I was told. (And, if I left out that particular detail, well, no harm done.) The best part was when one of the children asked to be my friend. Then, another and another until an argument broke out over who should be friends with me. I happily agreed to be friends with anyone who wanted to be. This turned the fighting into a round of rather adorable cheering. I even overheard Eevee declaring that he was already my friend, prompting a youngling to tell him how lucky he was. The whole scene had made my heart sing.

Even so, I couldn't completely ignore the mental image of Ash sitting among the pokemon, listening to stories he already knows, laughing at the silly parts, cowering at the scary parts, cuddling up to someone during the sad parts despite knowing that everything turns out alright in the end.

"It's the way you do it," he told me once when I asked why he always listened so intently when I told our friends stories he'd heard before or was actually a part of. "You're so passionate. Your hands go all around, you act out some of it, you do voices, and sometimes you even get a little emotional yourself."

"I guess I never noticed," I'd said.

"Ha ha! Yeah, you get really into it. When you tell a story, even if I've heard it a million times, it always feels like I'm hearing it for the first time. You make it so exciting that I really feel like I'm there! And, when it's one of our stories, I remember that I was there, and that makes it even more awesome!"

The memory encouraged me, and my tales of battles and bad guys and Legendaries spread on until I realized that the rain had stopped and the sun had set. I should have been upset about another day of searching, but I was on such a roll that I kept going until the little ones started to doze off.

Now as their parents usher them off to bed, despite their children's protests, the remaining pokemon offer me more praise and ask some questions. I try not to let the attention get to my head, but I can't help eating it up just a little. Once the crowd dies off, the PokeSquad, as well as Zapdos and Alpha Electrode, approach me. The only one missing is Eevee, who is sprawled out on the floor, having passed out just after the tale of my and Ash's victory at the Manalo Conference.

"Oh, you have such a rich life," Sprout says with a big smile.

Absol nods. "If I hadn't watched you battle a Legendary Pokemon, I probably wouldn't believe half of those stories."

Alpha chuckles. "I'm starting to see why you don't tell them everything. There's a lot to tell, and some of it's pretty unbelievable."

"I believe it," Zapdos says. "Every word. And, I'm quite confident that's not all of it."

Fresh praise means a fresh warmth in my chest that makes me giggle. "Not even close!"

Wobbles just keeps staring at me. I try not to think about what that could be building up to.


Sprout jumps. "What was that?"


Finding the sound and the feeling itself familiar, I smile awkwardly. "I guess I was having so much fun, I forgot to eat." Everyone laughs, startling Eevee awake.

"I'll show you where the grub is," Alpha says, "then we can find you a place to nest." To my friends, they say coldly, "you all can sleep outside." Zapdos loudly clears his throat, and Alpha cringes and amends, "I-I mean, you can stay with Pikachu."

I fight a smirk. "I'll catch up. I wanna talk to Zapdos."

"So do I!" Wobbles says.

She tries to say more, but Sprout wraps her in Vine Whip and drags her away. Absol rouses a sleepy Eevee, and they all follow Alpha down the hall.

"I was wondering if you could tell me anything else about Akari," I say once I'm alone with Zapdos.

"I thought you might say that." But to my disappointment, all he says is, "If Ash is the same way, and I suspect that he is, then you'll find out in time."

The next morning, I finally remember to ask Alpha Electrode about Vermilion City. They point us in (what they think is) the right direction, and we say our goodbyes to Electrode Horde and their other guests. Wobbles is once again restrained by Vine Whip, though supposedly she did get some one-on-one time with Zapdos last night once she calmed down. And, had strict supervision from Alpha.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that everyone in the building has come outside to see us off and even more surprised when some of the younger ones start crying and begging me not to leave. I'm honestly kind of sad myself. Despite a rocky start, I've had a great time here. Plus, a traitorous part of me thinks, nobody here sees someone's pokemon; everyone sees me.

Still, I miss Ash terribly.

"Now, now," Absol soothes the children. "Pikachu's on a mission to find his trainer. He can't do that if he stays here forever."

That halts all the crying, and one of the hatchling Voltorb asks him, "Do you mean Ash? The Chosen One?"

"Come to think of it," a Magneton says, "where is Ash? Pikachu made it sound like they're always together."

There's a curious murmuring among the crowd. Before I can answer, Alpha whispers to me, "Why do I get the feeling you're not actually the leader of your horde?"

I shrink back, a bit ashamed of our ruse. "Sorry, Alpha. We figured you wouldn't let us in if you knew Absol was in charge."

"They wouldn't have," Zapdos mutters. Alpha suddenly seems very interested in the sky. Zapdos shakes out his feathers and addresses the crowd. "How about one final story before our new friends part?"

Everyone agrees, the youngest ones roll - or run, in terms of the two Elekid - to the front, Eevee plants himself down among them, and how can I say no?

I climb up a tree and sit on one of the low branches, offering me a better view of the many eager faces. "Okay. Several days ago, Ash received an invitation…"

I go on to explain how Ash and I were having fun on the S.S. Anne when that employee came to get me. Turns out they all knew already about Poke-X, though they hadn't known what it was called until now. I continue on, telling them about how the employee was actually part of Team Rocket. I explain how I escaped from the cage they'd locked me in, and tell them about the sickly Magikarp who was unwittingly responsible for freeing me from the submarine. I end with being found by Eevee and saying how grateful I am for the PokeSquad's willingness to help me. The PokeSquad all smile at that.

"And, here we are," I conclude.

"So, if you're still in the story," one of the Elekid says, "does that mean it's not over yet?"

I nod. "Right. But, once I find Ash, I promise I'll come back and finish the story."

Chapter 10: The First Assignment

Chapter Text

"I'm really afraid to feel happy because it never lasts." - Unknown


My aunt lives in a log cabin just outside of Lavender Town, walking distance from the research center, and the furniture is also made of wood. "Is it a fire hazard?" she'd said when I first walked in. "Probably, but it sure is cozy!" And, I agreed. If it weren't for the basic amenities like electricity and indoor plumbing, her house would fit right in on one of those old camping movies.

But, sitting on her couch with my arms crossed, my heart battered, my thoughts a jumbled mess, my eyes glaring down at my knees like it's their fault, I don't feel very cozy.

It's their routine, Korou had told me. After one of their jobs, everyone gets cleaned up and meets up to relax and try to talk things through, to make sense of how they're feeling after everything. It's therapeutic, he'd said. It reminds you that you aren't dealing with this alone.

That's why my friends and I are at my aunt's house right now. Aunt V is still working, so we have the place to ourselves for another hour. It's for the best; she was hesitant enough about having just Gardevoir in here, let alone two more pokemon, one of whom has a pension for physically exploding at random. At least Sarge and Voltorb aren't temporarily living here like me and Gardevoir.

"I just feel a little weird about having a pokemon roaming free in my house," Aunt V had said. I didn't push, and she seemed to grudgingly accept Gardevoir once she realized I wasn't willing to keep him outside or in his pokeball all day anyway.

Actually, Gardevoir is a bit of a mystery to me. When I brought him to the cabin the first time, he didn't have the child-like, wide-eyed awe most wild pokemon get when they first lay eyes on a human "den," with all our "strange and colorful human things," as Pikachu had put it. Gardevoir had gazed around at the decor, of course, but it was more reminiscent of going into a new friend's house and seeing how different theirs is from your own. More curiously, Gardevoir is currently in the kitchen making tea. He was a wild pokemon a few days ago, and he knows how to make tea.

Come to think of it, Gardevoir isn't a pokemon you find in the Kanto Region. Mostly, the Ralts-line can be found in Hoenn, with a few sprinkled in some other parts of the world, but not here in Kanto. That, along with his familiarity with human stuff, makes me wonder if he had a trainer before me.

"You're pretty quiet," Lorette says from her spot next to mine. "I don't blame you. I was a mess the first time." She looks behind us to where Sarge and Voltorb are conversing quietly in the corner of the room. "Voltorb was worse, though."

Korou sighs, leaning back in the armchair. "I'm sure this one was worse for Sarge. This is the first time we've had a fighting-type in such a state. I'm not sure if they were friends, but the fact that she knows Tyrogue can't be helping matters."

I shutter and touch Pikachu's pokeball for the umpteenth time.

The day had started out alright. I was on my first assignment as a Poke-X research field worker. As such, I was given a reddish-brown wristband with what looks like a tiny laser attached to it. Supposedly, it functions in a similar way to a pokeball; press a button, and the pokemon gets sucked in. Only instead of being caught, the infected pokemon we use them on are transferred to the lab for observation and so the scientists can try to figure out how to help them. (Science is so amazing!)

My friends had reiterated how awful Poke-X was in person and that they understood if I needed to step back since it was my first time. I was nervous, of course, but after everything I've seen and done after almost eight years of my pokemon journey, I thought I could handle it.

I was wrong.

There was a small meadow deep in the forest. Flowers of all shapes and sizes and colors bloomed there. It should have been a peaceful place; I'm sure it usually is.

When we arrived, most of those flowers were coated in red. We had all cringed at the sight. I'm not particularly squeamish, but the mere knowledge of where all that blood came from made my stomach churn. Pokemon blood is as thick as honey, and their skin is incredibly tough. For about half the field to be covered, something truly awful must have happened.

My friends and I tried to return our pokemon to their pokeballs, but they wouldn't have it, not that we thought they would. Seeing this kind of damage, knowing that the blood contained such a terrible illness, I would have even returned Pikachu, who can't stand being in a pokeball. He would have been furious with me; I wouldn't have cared.

There wasn't a wild pokemon in sight; they had the good sense to stay away.

Then, we heard the screams. A small group of terrified pokemon - all healthy and uninjured - burst into the field, saw the blood, and stopped, staring in horror. The one in front had short, stubby arms and a green mushroom-shaped head; it was a Breloom I recognized from wrestling. He recognized us as well and desperately called us over.

Steeling myself, I ran through the bloody flowers, my friends hot on my trail. Beside me, Sarge had Voltorb in one hand and had apparently thrown Gardevoir over her other shoulder like a sack. Gardevoir was shouting at her and pounding on her back, apparently forgetting that he had a type-advantage over her. Any other time, the scene would have been kind of funny, but this was Sarge's way of keeping Voltorb and Gardevoir away from the blood. Nevermind the fact that she herself was recklessly charging through it.

One of the pokemon, a Gloom, broke away from the group and beckoned us to follow. Two others, a Paras and a Tangela, tried to send us in another direction. Breloom started barking and waving his arms in protest, sparking an argument among the four of them.

"There must be more than one sick pokemon," Korou concluded.

"Then, we split up," I said. "Gardevoir and I will follow Breloom. Korou, Sarge, you guys go with Paras and Tangela. Lorette, Voltorb, you're with Gloom."

Sarge set Voltorb and Gardevoir down, and Lorette said, "Are you sure, Ash?"

No, but I nodded anyway. "We have to find everyone before things get worse."

"Ash is right," Korou agreed. "We just need to keep a sharp eye on our pokemon. The wild ones as well."

My thoughts are broken by a teacup tapping my nose. Gardevoir is standing in front of me, his concerned eyes on me as he holds the cup in my face. Lorette and Korou are already sipping their tea. Sarge and Voltorb must have finished their conversation. Now, Voltorb is in Lorette's lap, and Sarge is sitting cross-legged on the floor next to her own trainer.

I thank Gardevoir and take the cup from him, barely tasting the chamomile tea inside. He sits down on my other side and rests one arm over my shoulders. I lean into the touch, my mind still locked in the events of today.

Tyrogue was lying against a bloody tree trunk when we found him. I could see more blood leaking from some open wounds that I know he gave to himself. I suppressed a shiver. Even worse, I recognized this Tyrogue from the wrestling match. I wonder if he's friends with Sarge.

"Breh breh!"

Tyrogue looked up at Breloom's call. The motion itself seemed to cause him pain. He winced and moaned in response.

I'd heard about this. The infected pokemon are actively hostile and extremely violent to themselves and those around them, but there are also periods where they are lucid, eerily calm, quietly suffering. Do they know what they've done during their fits of rage? Are they aware of what happens during those periods?


Breloom tried to run up to his friend, but Gardevoir smartly held him back.

"Both of you stay there," I commanded. "I don't want either of you getting sick." Gardevoir tried to protest as I rolled up my sleeves. "Humans can't get it." As far as I know. "I'll be fine."

I knelt down in front of Tyrogue and took off my backpack. I dug out a potion, a pack of sanitary clothes, and a roll of bandages. Technically, I'd been instructed to just aim the transporter and send the pokemon to the lab, no hesitation. But, that's just not me. I get it if the pokemon is in a frenzied state, but Tyrogue wasn't. He was just laying there, staring at me with dull, sad eyes. This wasn't the spitfire who'd flipped a Raticate mere days ago. No, this was a pokemon in need.

"Here, let's get you patched up," I said, pasting on a smile for Tyrogue's sake. He didn't respond, only moaned some more as I cleaned and bandaged him. "You're in a lot of pain, huh?" Tyrogue squeaked pathetically, a few tears dripping down his face. My heart broke at the sight. I wiped his cheeks with my thumb. "I wanna help you, Tyrogue. See this thing on my arm?" I showed him the transporter. "If I point it at you, it'll send you somewhere with people who are working hard to help sick pokemon like you. They'll do everything they can to make you stop hurting. Then, you can get back in the ring. Maybe you can even take me on!" I added with a wink. Tyrogue cracked a little smile. "So, can I send you there? So that you can get better?"

Gardevoir and Breloom called out their encouragement. Tyrogue nodded, the tiniest hint of hope in his eyes.

"You'll be just fine," I said before firing off the transporter. A thin red light, not unlike that of a pokeball, shot out at Tyrogue, making him glow red, as if combining him with the light, and sucked him into the tiny machine.

I shivered as I rose, despite knowing that he would appear in the research lab, knowing that he would be among people who cared. All the scientists would help him, help all the sick pokemon. They would all be fine.

My throat closed up as my thoughts wandered back to Pikachu. My buddy's strong, really strong. But, that wouldn't stop him from getting sick. My hand meets his pokeball, still strapped on to my belt, right next to Gardevoir's. An intact pokeball means Pikachu's alive, but that doesn't tell me that he isn't hurt or…or sick. He could have Poke-X, and I'd never know! What if he's lying somewhere, bleeding and wishing for help? What if he's in a frenzy and hurting someone? Oh, he would never forgive himself!


Gardevoir's calm voice stopped me from having a full-blown panic attack. I put on a fresh smile and turned around. Gardevoir was crouched down with his arms around a shaking Breloom. My heart broke further, but I pushed through it and approached them. I crouched down next to them and wiped my blood-covered hands - in hindsight, I probably should have brought disposable gloves - in the grass.

"Tyrogue's your buddy, huh?" I asked. Breloom turned his wet, scared eyes to me and nodded. I reached out to pat his head but thought better of it and pulled back. I couldn't risk it. "The guys at the lab are really good at this stuff. Your buddy's in good hands, Breloom."

Gardevoir echoed my assurance, and Breloom calmed down a little.

"There you are."

I looked up and saw Korou walking toward us, his face pale. Sarge was close behind with a solemn expression. This didn't bode well. I stood and swallowed hard. "I got the pokemon. It was a Tyrogue." Sarge started at that. I couldn't look her in the eye. "The…one from wrestling."

Sarge sucked in a breath through her teeth and looked anywhere but at me or the blood. Korou put a hand on her shoulder and stood a little closer to her. He opened his mouth then saw Gardevoir and Breloom still holding each other. Korou leaned in and whispered to me. "I called in the clean-up crew, then I met up with Lorette. She said there were two Rattata both-both dead." His voice broke on the last word. My stomach curdled. Korou cleared his throat. "I guess Voltorb got scared and rolled off somewhere. Lorette's looking for it now."

Suddenly, we heard an explosion and a scream in the distance.

"I…guess she found it," Korou said.

"What about you?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't see how badly my hands were shaking. "Did you find anything?"

He takes a moment - too long a moment - to answer. "There was something. A pokemon, I-I think."

Dear God. "You think?"

"It was, uh, unrecognizable…"

And, that was when I stumbled away and threw up into a bush.

'Tyrogue: the scuffle pokemon. A fighting-type. Known for its strong competitive spirit, Tyrogue becomes stressed if it does not train every day. It will happily take on any opponent, regardless of the opponent's size.'

I sigh and put my pokedex back in my pocket. "I don't think Tyrogue is gonna be training for a while," I say. I down the rest of my now-cold tea and set the cup on the table.

Korou leans over and sets my cup on a coaster. Lorette and I just look at him. He shrugs. "What?"

"You're a dork," Lorette says. "That's all."

"Do you want rings on our boss's coffee table?" is his indignant response. Grinning like a bratty child, Lorette lets her cup hover over the table. Korou points threateningly at her. "Don't. Don't even think about it."

Despite my grim thoughts, I chuckle at the display. "You guys are like me and my friend, Iris. We used to pick on each other all the time. Well, it was mostly her picking on me." Out of nowhere, Gardevoir snatches my hat off my head. "Hey!" He puts it on backwards and lies back on the couch with his legs propped up on my lap and his hands resting behind his head. His tongue sticks out as he regards me with a smug smile. I smirk at him. "What are you doing?"

"He's messing with you, duh," Lorette says through her giggles.

"You've had a tough day," Korou adds, grinning. "Gardevoir's trying to make you laugh."

I shake my head, though I have to admit that I do feel a little bit better. "Alright, Gardevoir, hand it over." He uses Psychic to levitate my hat over his head, just out of my reach. "Seriously, give it back!"

"Champ champ!"

I turn around to see Sarge waving all four arms in the air. Gardevoir sends my hat flying over to her. She catches it and places it on her own head. I try to grab it, but she throws it to Lorette, who throws it to Korou, who throws it to Voltorb. It should be easy to grab something from a pokemon who doesn't have limbs, but Voltorb rolls back to Sarge, who picks my hat up. Before I know it, we're all playing keep-away, and none of us can stop laughing. Even when Voltorb explodes, covering both Sarge and themself in ash, we're all still giggling like idiots. For just a few moments, we've forgotten everything bad in the world in favor of acting like children. I've only known these guys for a few days, and we're already great friends. I love when that happens.

When our laughter dies down, we hear a banging at the back door. "I'll get it," I say, taking my hat back from Korou and putting it back on my head where it belongs.

I'm still grinning when I walk through the kitchen and open the door, but my mood darkens once more when I look down and see who's standing there, his small hands knocking into each other shyly. I bend down, but he doesn't meet my gaze. "Hey, you're Tyrogue's buddy, right?" Breloom nods, shuffling his feet. "I can't really tell you anything. He got there safely, but that's all I know. Sorry."

He coos sadly and turns to leave. I can't stand it. "Uh, Breloom?" He looks over his shoulder at me. I rub the back of my neck. "You can…come inside, if you want." He turns around fully and tilts his head. "My friends have been doing this stuff longer than I have. They might know more than me."

Breloom agrees, and I stand up and move aside. As expected, Breloom's eyes grow huge, and he steps inside and gazes around at the kitchen, making tiny, awestruck noises all the while. I grin. It's always fun to watch a pokemon enter a building for the first time. It's like bringing a little kid into a toy store. While he's distracted, I pull my pokedex back out and aim it at him.

'Breloom: the mushroom pokemon. A grass- and fighting-type. Breloom is incredibly light on its feet. It stretches its short arms to throw punches at speeds that are virtually invisible to the human eye.'

"Lots of neat stuff in here, huh?" I say, putting my pokedex away. Breloom ignores me, spinning around slowly to take it all in. Huffing a laugh, I bend over and tap his head. He looks up at me. "This way."

I lead him back to the living room. Voltorb, who'd been circling the couch for some reason, is the first to notice us and chirps curiously at Breloom. This draws everyone else's attention. Breloom hides behind my leg.

"Hey," Lorette says, "isn't that the Breloom from before?"

Korou frowns. "I assume you're wondering about Tyrogue." Breloom peeks out from behind me and nods. Korou shrugs. "I'm afraid there's nothing to tell. The scientists are doing everything they can, but it's too soon for us to have any real information."

Breloom sighs. Sarge, Gardevoir, and Voltorb approach him, matching sympathy on their faces. I step back, giving the four of them space. Gardevoir wordlessly kneels down to hug Breloom. Sarge raises a fist and offers what sounds like encouragement. Voltorb jumps up and down, supposedly echoing whatever Sarge said. Gardevoir stands up and coos kindly at Breloom, who smiles back and chirps his thanks.

There's something mesmerizing about hearing pokemon converse. Their voices are limited to only a handful of syllables, with some pokemon only grunting or growling, each species having its own assortment of sounds, yet they all understand each other perfectly. They can even understand us humans, yet our traitorous ears refuse to understand them in return.

The only exception - for me, at least - is Pikachu. Not all Pikachu, just my buddy. It didn't start out that way, but one day I just suddenly started understanding him. It's weird. On the surface, it still sounds like a bunch of nonsense. But, when Pikachu speaks, I just kind of know what it all means. It's instinct, I guess. The closest I've ever found to something similar was back in the Kalos Region with Greninja. But, even then, I could only really hear him when his Battle Bond ability was activated, and even then it was telepathy; I wasn't actually hearing his voice. I've never found another pokemon I could hear all the time like Pikachu.

Well, except for Team Rocket's Meowth, but he can (somehow) physically speak like a human, so I don't think he counts.

We let Breloom stay with us until my aunt gets home. We ask her about Tyrogue, but it turns out that it really is too soon to tell. Then, Aunt V tells us to "take it outside," referring to Breloom. She says that she doesn't want him in here since he was with Tyrogue, which makes sense, I suppose.

Breloom keeps shooting nervous glances at Aunt V as I walk him out. "You'll have to excuse her," I say. "She's pretty much the definition of 'brutal honesty.'"

"Brehloom…" He's anxiously scanning his body as I let him out the door.

"I don't think you'll get sick," I assure. "Uh, you didn't get any blood or anything in your mouth, did you?" Breloom grimaces and shakes his head. "And, it doesn't look like you're hurt at all, so you'll be just fine." I explain how this virus is transferred, and he agrees to let others know. There's a new determination in his eyes as turns to leave. I stop him. "I'll be sure to keep you updated on Tyrogue." Breloom smiles his thanks.

All of the pokemon I've caught over the years, with a few exceptions, live on Professor Oak's ranch. Other trainers have pokemon living there as well, but I think most of them are mine. Professor Oak has special drones set up there that allow trainers to see their pokemon, and vice-versa, even from across the world. Trainers can control these drones from a computer or smartphone. (Again, science is so amazing!)

After the events of today, I have to check on my friends. Professor Oak told me that they know about the virus - hard to keep something like that a secret - but they don't know about Pikachu. He thought it would be better if they heard it from me. I get it, but I'd rather not have to relive my own damn stupidity. Still, I know they'd figure it out eventually. Why put off the inevitable? Besides, I want to introduce Gardevoir to everyone.

But, I'm really hoping no one notices Pikachu's absence.

I sit at the computer in the guest room I'm staying in, controlling the drone the best I can (so far, I've only bumped into eight pokemon, so I'd call that an improvement over last time), and Gardevoir is beside me in the chair I'd brought over for him. Seeing my pokemon's smiling faces, plus Gardevoir's own enthusiasm over meeting the many friends I've made over the years, already has me in a better mood. Especially when my thirty Tauros almost stampede over the drone, and Gardevoir starts laughing hysterically as I barely manage to dodge them. Wait until he finds out they do that to me in person as well.

Sadly, it doesn't take long for someone to notice the, in Aunt V's words, distinct lack of yellow.

Three of my fire-type pokemon appear on the screen. Charizard is shooting Flamethrower straight into the sky, Pignite is hopping from one foot to the other, and Infernape is doing back-flips. I have no idea what's going on, but it's during those back-flips that Infernape finally notices me-


-and launches himself at the drone, his huge grin taking up the screen.

"Infernape," I laugh, Gardevoir giggling beside me, "we can't see!"

Pignite pulls him off the screen and waves at us. Charizard gives us a thumbs-up.

"Hey, guys! I want you to meet Gardevoir. I just caught him the other day. Gardevoir, meet Charizard, Infernape, and Pignite," I say, pointing to each pokemon in turn.

Everyone greets each other, but Charizard frowns, pats his shoulder, and growls quizzically. I flinch. Infernape and Pignite look at him, then their curious eyes move to my empty shoulder. Infernape presses himself against the screen again, trying to get a better look. This time Charizard pulls him off.

I swallow hard and glance at Gardevoir, who nods solemnly and rests his hand on top of mine. I swallow again. "S-so, about Pikachu. He's kind of- He, uh…"

God, this is harder than I expected. Not only do I have to tell them that Pikachu's missing, but they know about the virus. They know that means Pikachu could be in the thick of it. But, beyond that, I'm the trainer. It's my job to make sure the pokemon in my care are, well, cared for. I'm supposed to protect them, keep them happy and healthy. Their well-being is my top priority. And, I just handed Pikachu to Team Rocket. It doesn't matter that they were in disguise. They've been wearing disguises for years, and I always, always, fall for it. I've let Pikachu down. I've let all my pokemon down.

Pignite sputters, bringing me out of my thoughts. His eyes are darting all over the place. Charizard is frozen where he stands. Infernape looks ready to cry. I've been quiet for too long, and who knows what my face must look like! Moreover, they know I don't normally act like this. Of course, they're going to assume the worst!

"Not dead! Not dead!" I cry, waving my arms in front of me. "Pikachu's not dead."

As the three of them visibly relax, I take Pikachu's pokeball off my belt and press its button, bringing it to its full size. I roll it between my palms, trying to draw some strength from its cool, smooth surface. A few more of my pokemon - Gible, Torkoal, and Oshawott - have come over to see what all the commotion is. I make some brief introductions for Gardevoir. Pignite speaks to the newcomers, their startled expressions telling me that Pignite is explaining Pikachu's absence.

Gardevoir touches my shoulders and offers a sad but encouraging smile. Right. I can do this.

"See, Team Rocket showed up, and…and they got Pikachu. He got away, but…I haven't seen him since." My throat closes up. I can't bring myself to say anything else.

Gible and Oshawott scream and run in circles. Torkoal bursts into tears, and Pignite and Infernape desperately try to calm him down. Charizard is oddly still, staring at the ground with an unreadable expression and his arms crossed. His lack of reaction is the worst reaction. It's as if he expected something like this to happen.

Forcing myself to smile, I assure, "Hey, hey, Pikachu's tough. We all know that. Wherever he is, he's got this. We'll find him soon. Or, he'll find us. Whatever comes first."

I sound more confident than I feel, but everyone calms down. They're still scared, of course they are, but at least they aren't in a frenzy.

Charizard, however, hasn't moved.

I try to distract myself by checking in with my other pokemon. My heart's not in it, but I press on, pretending that everything's normal. But, as I go over everyone, I notice that several of them aren't as happy to see me as they usually are. Some of my flying-types are circling the sky, as far as the barrier will allow, searching, barely noticing me and Gardevoir. Other pokemon are speaking anxiously with each other. I know that word has spread about Pikachu.

They all love him. They're all worried about him. Imagine how much worse it would be if they knew he'd been missing for almost two weeks, that it's my stupid fault in the first place. I'm too much of a coward to give them the whole story.

Just as I'm about to turn off the program, I spot Charizard off to the side, deep in conversation with Snivy, who is standing on the palm of his hand. I say hi to them, but Snivy only gives me a cursory wave. Charizard won't even look at me. Great, now they're both disappointed in me. I'm sure they aren't the only ones. I can't say I blame them.

Finally, I shut down the program and sigh heavily, holding Pikachu's pokeball to my chest with both hands and resting my chin on it. Where are you, buddy? Please, please, be alright! I love you. Our friends love you. Whatever's going on with you, please stay strong!

Please, don't get sick…

A small hand catches the tear that slips down my cheek. Gardevoir leaps from his chair and hugs me, and I almost break at the contact. I scrub at my face and hold him a little tighter than is necessary. He's only known me for a few days, and this is what he has to put up with. I'm ashamed all over again.

"I'm sorry, Gardevoir," I say once I'm composed enough to speak. Gardevoir looks up at me in confusion. "The whole time I've known you, I haven't been at my best. The guy who you met at wrestling? That's me. At least a better me. I'm not moody like this. I don't normally let things get to me, and I hate that that's the me you know."

Gardevoir blinks at me, his frown deepening as he shakes his head. "Gardeh-vwarh. Deh-vwarh."

I wish I knew what that meant, but it sounds like reassurance. I gently pull him off me and stand. I walk over to the window and stare outside, as if expecting to find Pikachu standing in the yard, waving at me, giggling in his way (mouth closed, happy noises heard from within, covering his mouth with his hands if he's really amused, as if he wants to laugh out loud but doesn't want to be heard). He wouldn't want to see me like this. He'd tell me not to let my feelings cloud my judgment. It's happened before, he'd remind me, and it's never ended well.

Right. I take in a few deep breaths and turn back to Gardevoir, who is standing with his hands folded in front of him, his head tilted at my change in demeanor. "You know what?" I say, a new determination in my heart. "I'm gonna show you my best." Gardevoir tilts his head the other way, tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth. "I'm still worried. About Pikachu, about the sick pokemon, about all the pokemon. But, I'm not gonna let it get to me. Not anymore!" I walk up to Gardevoir and pump up the fist without the pokeball. "Determination and a can-do attitude. That's the me I like, and that's what you're gonna see from now on!" I lower my fist for him to bump. "Let's keep on keeping on, Gardevoir!"

Gardevoir grins widely, genuinely, bumps my fist, and wraps me in another hug.

Chapter 11: Shocking, Isn't It?

Chapter Text

"Does anybody else have a voice in their head that repeats, 'Slap the idiot! Slap the idiot!' No? Just me? Hmm...odd." - Unknown


"I want you to attack me."

Wobbles hasn't stopped staring at me since yesterday's battle, and I've been waiting for her to grab me and stare at my eyes again. Instead, completely out of the blue, she wants me to attack her? I mean, I'll take that over getting my face squeezed again, but…

"Wobbles, what are you up to?" Absol asks tiredly.

Wobbles puts her hands on her hips and ignores him. "I want to see something. So, Pikachu," she stretches her arms and puffs out her chest, "give me everything you got. My body is ready."

Eevee's tail wags. "Oh! Are you guys gonna battle?"

"But, Wobbles," Sprout says, "you don't even like to battle."

"It's not a battle," Wobbles corrects. "I just want Pikachu to attack me."

I feel like I should be used to her strangeness by now. "Wobbles, I-I'm not going to hurt you for no reason."

Wobbles doesn't move, doesn't drop her eager grin. "There is a reason, and that reason is research. So, show me your moves, Pikachu! Let's start with Quick Attack."

She's serious. She actually wants me to attack her. Unsure of what to do, how to react, I look to the others for guidance. But, everyone just shrugs helplessly. Even they don't know what to do with her.

Wobbles pats her chest and holds out her arms again. Well, if that's really what she wants.

I back up until my tail touches a tree, then I launch myself at her. She doesn't try to dodge or counter. Before I can process that I'm actually going to hit her, my Quick Attack lands dead on. Wobbles is knocked back but is somehow still on her feet. She springs back up.

"Didn't feel a thing," she says, though her eye is twitching. "Now, try Iron Tail."

What? I just gape at her, still baffled. "What are you trying to do, exactly?"

Wobbles ignores everyone's protests. "Just hit me, Pikachu, and make it a good one." As per request, I use Iron Tail. Once again, she is hit dead on and immediately springs back up, though this time she groans softly and rubs the spot on her side where I nailed her. "It's still not working. Try Thunderbolt."

"Wobbles," Sprout says worriedly, "haven't you been electrocuted enough?"

Eevee tilts his head and asks calmly, "Why do you want Pikachu to kill you?"

"I'm not gonna kill her," I assure him. "Wobbles, will you please tell me what it is you're trying to accomplish?"

"'Cause, right now," Eevee adds, "it looks like you're just trying to get killed."

Wobbles stretches out once more. "I'm testing a theory. Now, zap me, Pikachu!"

"I, uh, o-okay." So, I use Thunderbolt, though I make it weaker than I would normally. Yet, she still ends up swaying, moaning, and maybe paralyzed at the end of it. "Can we stop now?" I ask desperately. She looks a little closer to fainting than I like.

But, she maintains her prone position. "Not yet. Do you have any other attacks?"

Oh, Arceus. "E-Electroweb, but-"

"Hit me."

She's still swaying, still living up to her nickname. "Wobbles, I don't think-"

"Do it, man. I can take it."

Once again, I turn to the others for assistance. Once again, none of them know how to react any better than I do. So, once again, I reluctantly do as I'm told, wrapping Wobbles in a web that electrocutes her on impact.

She stands there, burnt to a crisp, salutes, and proclaims, "Nope. Your eyes did not glow like I thought they would." Then, she plops face-first on to the grass, still locked in a saluting position.

"Glow?" Absol repeats. "What is she talking about?"

I sigh, moving past confusion and now completely miffed that she would have me hurt her over this. "Wobbles thought my eyes were glowing when I was battling Zapdos."

Sprout blinks. "But, you were two electric-types battling in a thunderstorm. The lighting was crazy."

I shrug. "That's what I told her." I guess she just didn't listen. I look back at her unconscious form, feeling a little guilty. "I tried to go easy on her."

Eevee crawls up to Wobbles and sniffs her. "Is she dead? I think she's dead."

It's quiet, but I can hear her mumble, "I'm not dead," into the grass.

As Eevee and I help Wobbles to her feet, and I simultaneously apologize for hurting her and scold her for her recklessness, Absol's head suddenly shoots up. We follow his gaze to find a human standing a safe distance away. How long has she been there?

Having been caught, the human approaches us cautiously. Closer inspection tells me that she is around Ash's age. She has curly dark brown hair in high pigtails and amber-colored eyes behind glasses. She is wearing a black t-shirt with a white lightning bolt on the front, blue denim shorts, and black sneakers. In a group of other humans, she probably wouldn't stand out much, except for one thing: the pokemon on her shoulder.

Said pokemon has white fur and a tail that's bigger than her whole body. Seeing a Pachirisu in the Kanto Region would be odd on its own, but Pachirisu normally have a light blue stripe that starts on their forehead and ends on the tip of their tail, their ears the same color. This Pachirisu? Her stripe and ears are pink. That can only mean that she is a shiny pokemon: a pokemon that's an abnormal color for its species and has an extra sheen to its pelt, which is incredibly rare. I've been traveling for years, and I've only seen a handful of them.

"Um, hi there," the human says.

"Hiya!" Pachirisu greets. "Sorry for the intrusion. We saw electric-type attacks and came to see the battle." She nods at Wobbles, who is staring at her open-mouthed. Uh-oh. "But, it looks like we missed all the fun."

Wobbles points at her and screams, "Shiny! Shiny pokemon!"

"Wobbles, you're not supposed to scream," Eevee admonishes like a parent scolding a naughty hatchling. "Also, what's a shiny pokemon?"

"It's a pokemon that's a different color than normal," I explain. "They're really, really rare."

Eevee gasps and stares at Pachirisu in a new way. "So, you're super special!"

Pachirisu gives her ear an embarrassed swipe.

Wobbles clears her throat. "Pachirisu: the elesquirrel pokemon. An electric-type. Like Pikachu, it stores electricity in its cheeks. Despite this, electricity is actually released from its tail. It stores electrified clumps of fur with its food to keep the food from being stolen."

During that exchange, the human - I assume she's Pachirisu's trainer - had dropped to her knees and started staring at me the same way Wobbles stares at things that interest her. Great. Wobbles in human form.

But, instead of grabbing me outright, this human says, "Pardon me. It's just… You're just so beautiful!"

Beautiful? Now, it's my turn to swipe at my ear.

"My name's Ella. And, this is my partner, Patches," the human goes on, with her Pachirisu nodding at the nickname. "This is gonna sound weird, Pikachu, but may I take a closer look at you?"

"I don't know about this," Absol says, an edge to his tone.

Patches hops off her trainer's shoulder and smiles in understanding. "Don't worry. Ella just really loves electric-type pokemon. She'll feel you around, but she'll stop whenever you want."

I'm more than a little uncomfortable, but this human hasn't touched me once. She's grinning with barely contained enthusiasm, but she is waiting for my permission. I have to give her credit for that.

So, I walk a little closer to her, despite Absol protests. Ella gasps with glee and runs her hands over my fur. "Your coat is so soft. Is that muscle I'm feeling? You must battle a lot." I raise my chin proudly.

"You should have seen him battle yesterday," Eevee chirps. "He battled Zapdos!" Patches sputters at that. "It's true! Pikachu lost, but it was so cool!"

Ella had paused to stare in that blend of amusem*nt and curiosity that most humans get when pokemon speak to each other. Now, she rubs my ears between her fingers. "Not too long, not too short." She traces my tail with her fingers. "Such sharp edges."

"Hey, how come she can touch you, and I can't?" Wobbles snaps.

"Maybe because she asked first," Sprout deadpans.

"And, she isn't squeezing me," I add, irritation creeping over my good mood.

"That's fair," Wobbles says sheepishly.

Ella bites her lip nervously. "May I pick you up? Just for a moment?"

"Pikachu," Absol says in warning.

But, I ignore him and nod at Ella. She breathes out softly, wraps her hands around me, and lifts me up very gently, as if I'm an egg that's ready to hatch. "Your weight feels good, too." She sets me down, brings her fists to her chest, shimmies a little, and actually squeals. "You're the perfect specimen of Pikachu!"

We all jump at the outburst. "P-perfect?" I say, taking a step back. "Me?"

"Perfectly proportioned, exactly the right shade of yellow, flawless from the tips of your ears to the end of your tail! Truly the perfect Pikachu!"

"What's going on?" Eevee asks. No one has an answer.

As Ella whips out her phone and starts taking pictures of me and babbling about how great I am, I'm frozen in both confusion and nervousness. Not only is Ella really starting to weird me out, but I'm half-expecting Wobbles to pounce on me and confirm whether or not I truly am "the perfect Pikachu." Luckily - for me, at least - she is too enamored with Patches to bother.

Wobbles marches up to the shiny Pachirisu and politely asks, "May I touch you in places?"

At least she's trying.

Patches blinks a few times. "I think I know what you mean, so okay." Wobbles starts feeling her fur and mumbling excitedly, and Patches gives me a tired smile. "Sorry about Ella. As I said, she really loves electric-types." She nods at Ella's bright pink backpack. "She actually carries a scrapbook full of pictures of them. Uh, do you guys know what a scrapbook is?" Sprout and I nod, but Absol and Eevee shake their heads. Wobbles is lost in her own world, running her hands over Patches's stripe. "Basically, it's a book that humans put their favorite pictures in. It's lots of fun decorating- Gah!"

Ella lowers her phone at her partner's cry. "What's wrong, Patches?"

"Sorry," Wobbles says, both hands hanging in the air. "Got carried away. Now, you mentioned a scrapbook full of electric-types." So, she was listening. "Can I see it?"

"I wanna see, too!" Eevee chirps.

Sprout and I are also curious. Absol is silent, but the way he's staring at the backpack betrays his own curiosity.

Patches points to the bag and says to her trainer. "Ella, can we show them our scrapbook?"

Ella looks where she's pointing. "Need something?" She takes off her backpack and-

Out of nowhere a mechanical hand shoots out of the bushes. It grabs Patches and pulls her back as she desperately wiggles in its grasp. We all cry out in shock, with Sprout shouting her signature "Oh my goodness!" over and over.

"Patches!" Ella shoots to her feet. "Who did that? That is not your pokemon!"

Then, we hear laughter. Four all-too familiar characters slowly reveal themselves as they say their motto.

"Prepare for trouble; we're fully aware," Jessie starts.

"And, make it double; we don't really care," James continues.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"


"And, James."

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now, or prepare for a shiny fight!"

"Meowth!" the talking pokemon chimes in. "That's right!"

Wobbuffet, who is holding the machine, finishes with, "Thaaat's right."

"Team Rocket?" Ella says quizzically. "I don't know what that means, but you better give Patches back right now!"

"Give back a shiny pokemon?" Jessie sneers. "Not likely!"

James rests his hand over his chest and raises the other demurely. "We at Team Rocket love rare pokemon like your Pachirisu."

"That's them, isn't it, Pikachu?" Absol whispers dangerously.

I scrape my nails into the grass, itching to zap them into charcoal. "Yeah, those are the guys who kidnapped me!"

Absol steps in front of me. "Stay out of sight."

The rest of the PokeSquad crowd around me, much to my annoyance. Kidnapping me is bad enough, but Team Rocket just abandoned me in the ocean! Who knows what could have happened if Eevee hadn't found me! And, what about Ash? He has my pokeball, so he surely knows that I'm alive, but he has no idea that I'm with the PokeSquad. He probably thinks I'm at Team Rocket's headquarters. Or, with that virus going around, he might think that I'm sick and in pain. I don't know what's worse! Ash is surely driving himself mad, wondering where I am and if I'm even in one piece. And, knowing him, he must be berating himself, blaming himself for my disappearance.

But, it's entirely Team Rocket's fault.

Patches tries an electric-type attack, but the mechanical hand nullifies it. I can sympathize.

Meowth wags a finger up at her. "Don't waste your watts. We know how to deal with electric-type pokemon."

"Whoa!" Ella gasps. "The Meowth talks!"

"The Meowth talks like a human!" Wobbles shouts. She bolts to Meowth fast enough that she almost knocks him over. The rest of Team Rocket stare, dumbfounded, as Wobbles bombards Meowth with questions. "How are you doing that? Were you born that way, or did you learn it? What is the square root of forty-nine?"

Meowth turns desperate eyes on the other Team Rocket pokemon. "Do something, Wobbuffet! She's one of your kind!"

Wobbuffet smartly takes a few steps away. "It's not like we have a secret handshake."

At that point, Sprout pulls Wobbles back with Vine Whip. "What are you doing?" she asks incredulously. "They're bad guys!"

"But, the Meowth talks!" Wobbles argues. "Yet another thing someone forgot to mention," she mutters with a glare at me. I ignore her.

While everyone's distracted, Ella sneaks up to Patches. She manages to grab the hand before Jessie takes notice. "Fine!" Jessie grabs Ella's wrist and pulls the girl close, smiling threateningly. "You wanna act like a twerp, then you get treated like a twerp."

Ella pulls away and grabs fistfulls of Jessie's long hair, yanking with all her might. "Let Patches go!"

Jessie screams back in a mix of pain and fury. She grabs Ella's pigtails and pulls just as hard. "Let go of my hair!"

"Not until you let go of my friend!"

James shouts over their high-pitched shrieks, "Jessie, we got what we came for!"

Absol takes the opportunity to creep up to the machine, though everyone else is still holding me back. I know they're trying to protect me, but I want to get in there and give Team Rocket a piece of my mind!

"Let's go before someone loses their head!" Meowth suggests.

"No one messes with my hair!" Jessie argues.

Absol's claw glows purple. Wobbuffet is gawking at the hair-based tug-of-war, oblivious until Absol nails his arm with Night Slash. Wobbuffett cries out at the super effective move and drops the machine.

This draws everyone's attention. Ella and Jessie let go of each other, and I break free from my friends. Before anyone can stop me, I run up to Patches and use Iron Tail on the machine, smashing it to bits. Patches thanks me and shakes out her fur. She runs to Ella and jumps into her arms while Team Rocket gapes at me.

"Are you trying to get recaptured?" Absol snaps at me. I ignore him in favor of staring down my former captors.

Jessie blinks and leans closer. "Do my eyes deceive me?"

"Is that Pikachu?" James says hopefully.

Meowth is grinning in relief. "He's alive!"

Wobbuffet raises his hands in triumph. "We're not murderers!"

"Pikachu?" Ella says, she and Patches flicking their gazes between me and Team Rocket. "Alive?"

My cheeks buzz, my blood runs hot and fast through me as I snarl at Team Rocket. "Yeah, I'm alive. No thanks to you jerks! Dumping me in the ocean? That's low even for you!"

"Meowth, what's he saying?" James asks.

Meowth ignores him and flails his paws. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! We didn't dump you anywhere!" He's speaking like a normal Meowth. That tells me just how much I've riled him up. Good. "We looked for you everywhere. I swear we did!"

"What's with the 'meow meow meow?'" Jessie demands, her fists bunched in front of her. "Tell us what Pikachu's saying!"

I take a step forward, letting sparks flow from my cheeks. "Clearly, you didn't look that hard."

Meowth flinches, and Wobbuffet raises his hand and claims, "I was in my pokeball. I have a real excuse."

"Meowth," James whimpers, "his eyes are glowing." Wait, what? My eyes are what? "Please, translate before we find out what glowing eyes mean."

"R-right." Still staring at me in horror, Meowth clears his throat and switches back to human language. "Suffice to say, Pikachu isn't too happy with us."

Jessie stomps her foot. "I could have told you that!"

Suddenly, Ella steps in front of me. "I don't know what's going on," Patches jumps out of her trainer's arms, her cheeks and tail sparking, "but Pikachu's not the only one who's unhappy!"

Then, Team Rocket shrinks into each other, finding themselves surrounded by several angry pokemon and one equally ticked off human.

"We're the PokeSquad," Eevee announces from beside me, "and we don't tolerate bullies!"

"That's telling them, Eevee," Wobbles quips.

"PokeSquad?" Meowth repeats. "That's what you call yourselves?"

Despite everything, Jessie snorts. "What kind of stupid name is that?"

James grimaces. "Is this really the best time to insult them?"

"Pikachu," Wobbuffet says placatingly, "you have every right to be mad, mostly at them," Meowth glares at him, "but we really had no intention of leaving you behind. The situation was crazy. You know that."

"We were so busy freaking out," Meowth continues, "we didn't realize you were gone until it was too late!"

"Translate, Meowth!" Jessie snaps. "We're about to get blasted off here!"

Electricity zips over my fur. I've had enough of these creeps. "Sounds good to me."

With that I unleash Thunderbolt. Everyone else follows my lead; Shadow Ball from Absol, Swift from Eevee, Razor Leaf from Sprout, and Ella has Patches use Discharge. Wobbles is hanging back, as her species doesn't have any moves that cause direct damage.

The combined attacks explode on impact, sending Team Rocket into the sky with the usual cry of, "We're blasting off agaaaiiin!" followed by Wobbuffet's "That's riiiight!"

I shake out my pelt, feeling more satisfied than I usually do when I zap them. "Is everyone alright?" I ask, forcing my fur to lie flat. My friends confirm that they're unharmed.

Ella scoops up Patches and showers her in kisses. Patches giggles endlessly and reiterates over and over that she's okay. They're just like me and Ash, I realize with a pang. An electric-type that rides on its trainer's shoulder. Something about them attracts Team Rocket. And, now they're being openly affectionate with one another (though Ash only kisses me when we cuddle in private and not nearly as aggressively as Ella is kissing Patches).

Oh, Ashton…

"I'll ask you again," Absol snarls at me. "Are you trying to get recaptured?"

"I can't stand Team Rocket," is all I can say without crying.

Absol catches on to my mood. "Right. I understand," he says kindly. "Just try to be more careful."

Eevee lightly headbutts me, and Sprout runs her leaf over my head and says, "We'll get you home, Pikachu."

"Glowing eyes!" Wobbles shouts, oblivious as ever. "Those guys saw it! I knew it! I knew-" Then, she sees my expression and sobers. "Um, sorry."

I swipe my hands over my eyes and give my pelt another shake. "I'm okay," I lie. "I really am." None of them believe me.

"It's okay, Pikachu," Ella says, still cradling Patches. I hadn't noticed her approach. She kneels down and rubs my head. "The bad guys are gone. We're all safe now."

Patches stares thoughtfully up at the sky. "That Team Rocket. They didn't seem that smart to me, but," she turns her black eyes on me, "I get the feeling you know differently."

Everyone's eyes are on me now, even Ella's despite her not having a clue what we're saying. "They're clever when they want to be, though they seem to run mostly on dumb luck." I throw in a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. No one laughs. "You might want to be careful, Patches. Like they said, they like rare pokemon."

"Doesn't get much rarer than a shiny," Wobbles adds solemnly. Patches nervously runs her paws through her fur.

"Pikachu," Ella says, "those guys obviously know you. Are they after you?" I sigh heavily and roll my eyes. She gets the message and holds Patches tighter against her chest, glowering at the ground. "Poachers," she mutters. I guess she's kind of right. "Of course they're after you. A Pikachu of your pedigree?" I have no idea what a pedigree is. "They'd probably cash in big." Her eyes turn tender as she gazes at the pokemon in her arms. "They probably wanna do the same to you." Patches lifts her head and licks her trainer's chin. Ella's breath catches, but her eyes narrow. "Well, I won't let them."

Ella's steely determination perfectly mirrors the way Ash looks when someone, especially someone he cares about, is in trouble. And, the way she cradles her pokemon in her arms, gazing at Patches like nothing else matters in the world…

How long has it been since I rested in Ash's arms? Since he looked at me in that very same way? And, how much longer until I get that feeling again? There's no sign of him anywhere, not even the faintest scent. How far are we from Vermilion City? What if he's not even there anymore? I swallow a wail. My friends sense my distress and huddle closer, with Eevee licking my cheek. They're trying to comfort me, but their efforts are wasted.

"What's the story with Team Rocket?" Patches asks, jumping out of her trainer's arms. "Why do they want you? I'm certain it has nothing to do with your 'pedigree.'" She adds an eye roll to the last word.

I sigh and shrug. "I honestly don't know. I think at this point they're just annoyed that they can't hold on to me when they do manage to get me."

"Either way," Absol says, "they know you're alive. They were caught off-guard this time, but they'll most likely come after you again. We need to be careful. You too, Patches." We all nod in agreement.

During our exchange, Ella had been rummaging through her backpack. "Hey, Pikachu." She pulls out- A chill rakes over my body as she proudly displays a pokeball. "What if you were my pokemon? I mean, I'm not a super strong trainer or anything, but I'd really like to keep you safe. You're like Patches; you're a rare beauty that needs to be treasured! A gorgeous display of pokemon that comes around once in a lifetime! An assortment of genes that created the perfect-" Patches gives her a small shock. Ella clears her throat, a little embarrassed now. "Sorry. The point is, I wanna protect you, Pikachu." She lowers the pokeball to my eye level, and I instinctively take a step back. "Will you come with us?"

"It's not a bad idea," Patches says. "I know Ella's kind of weird, but she really is sweet. We can all look after each other." She flicks at her ear. "And, honestly, I'm the only pokemon she's got. It would be nice to have someone I can have a real conversation with."

Ella's a little hyperactive, but she does seem to care a lot. And, Patches seems kind and sensible. If things were different, I would consider their offer. But, I have a trainer, and seeing these two together only reminds me of how much I miss him.

Wobbles sums it up perfectly. "That's not an option," she says.

Patches gives her a funny look, but Ella frowns then smiles, trying to cover her disappointment as she tosses the pokeball back in her bag. "Alright. I get it. You wanna stay in the wild with your friends." I have no way of telling her the truth, so I just smile. "I could catch the rest of you, too! Hey, just because electric-types are my favorite doesn't mean I can't catch other pokemon." My friends shake their heads. Except Absol, who growls softly. Patches glares at him, and Ella shrinks back and holds up her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, message received!"

Wobbles claps her hands. "Okay, you know what? Let's all just calm down." She inches toward the still-open backpack. "Just relax." She reaches in and pulls out a large, thick book with a sparkly cover. There's something written on it, but "pokemon" is the only word I recognize. "Sprout, what does this say?"

"It says, 'Our Pokemon Journey,'" Sprout responds.

"'Our' meaning mine and Ella's," Patches says. "That's our scrapbook."

"Oh, do you wanna see our scrapbook?" Ella asks. Wobbles nods eagerly. "Yeah, let's all wind down after that mess." Ella takes the book and sets it on the grass as we all gather around her, though I notice Absol is standing the farthest from her. "I've gotta start a new one of these. This thing's getting full."

She opens it up and starts talking excitedly as she points at the pictures and reads us the notes that go along with them. I'm actually quite impressed with her work. Not only is there a wide variety of well-photographed pokemon - mostly but not all electric-types - but she's clearly taken a lot of time to do research on them, if what she and Sprout are reading is correct. Her passion for the subject is clear, and if she could tone down her boundless enthusiasm, I muse, she would make a good pokemon professor.

Once again, I see a lot of Ash in her, and my interest in her scrapbook wanes because of it. Ash has never been a crafter - the last time he tried, we spent almost an hour trying to get all the glitter out of my fur - but he does keep memories in his own way. He has boxes filled with the various little trinkets his pokemon have given him over the years. An oddly-shaped rock here, a lost earring there, anything shiny or neat-looking, really. He seemed confused by our gifts in the beginning, but he was always happy to receive them, and he's kept every single one. I didn't find out until later that most humans think our gifts are sweet but pointless at best, outright stupid at worst. I've even seen some trainers toss the gift aside when their pokemon wasn't looking. But, Ash isn't some trainers; he isn't most humans. All those boxes are stacked up in his closet, each one labeled with the gift-giver's name. Mine is the biggest one, the most full, if only because I'm the only one who's constantly out of their pokeball, the one who's been by Ash's side through his entire journey.

I fight another wail as Ella continues to babble, though it all sounds muffled to me now. I have to find Ash. I need to know that he's okay. He needs to know that I'm okay. There's no way for me to tell him. I've never wanted so badly to hold him, to lick his face, to hear his carefree laughter. How much longer until I can have that again?

Chapter 12: Lending a Helping Hand

Chapter Text

"You don't have to be crazy to be my friend. I'll train you." - Unknown


It took a while (and about a hundred thousand volts), but I did manage to convince everyone (read: a certain Wobbuffet) that I have no idea why my eyes glow pink sometimes. I'm still not completely convinced that they do that, but Team Rocket wouldn't have any reason to lie about something that bizarre. But, finding out isn't all that important to me at the moment. It's not like I've felt any different when it supposedly happened. When I find Ash, maybe I'll ask him if he's ever noticed it.

Two days after the incident, I wake up to find that Sprout and Eevee are gone. Wobbles and Absol are still asleep, so I decide to go look for the others. I follow their scents and find them battling in a clearing that's just far enough away that they wouldn't wake our friends if they were careful. Sprout and Eevee don't notice me right away, so I sit down and watch. A few other pokemon have gathered to watch as well.

Sprout uses Razor Leaf, and Eevee counters with Swift. The attacks collide and disintegrate each other, but a bit of Razor Leaf leaks through. Eevee dodges and comes at Sprout with Bite, but she is ready for this and uses Vine Whip to grab a tree branch and launch herself upward. Eevee screeches to a halt beneath her. She releases the branch and her body almost seems to blur as she uses Slam to propel herself downward, crushing Eevee to the ground. That attack looked powerful, but Eevee uses Bite while she's still on him. She cries out when Eevee's teeth latch on to her leg and he swings her off. She crashes into the same tree she'd used before but brushes off the attack.

As the battle progresses, the crowd becomes more excited, cheering on the two competitors and placing bets on who will win. There doesn't seem to be a clear favorite, which is fine because I want both of them to win.

Also, I just realized that Sprout is battling with her backpack on. I've been wondering what was in it, but now I'm wondering if it might be something that enhances her strength. Maybe a miracle seed or a poison barb, which strengthen grass-type moves and poison-type moves respectively. If Sprout wants to evolve, as I recall, it would make sense for her to carry around something that helps her strengthen her attacks.

By now, Absol and Wobbles have woken up and joined the rest of us, but there isn't much left to see. Eevee comes at Sprout with Quick Attack, but she meets him head-on with Poison Jab, sending him flying across the clearing. He doesn't get back up.

"I knew the Bellsprout would win," a Farfetch'd comments.

"No, you didn't," a Spearow says.

"I certainly did."

Two Oddish help Eevee to his feet, and Sprout races to him her signature, "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" Eevee shakes out his pelt as Sprout hurriedly asks, "Are you okay? You're not poisoned this time, are you?"

But, Eevee laughs and shouts, "I wanna do that again!"

The crowd disperses once it's clear that Eevee is fine.

"You two sure are strong," I comment as I and the rest of the team walk up to them. "That was a great battle."

Eevee's tail wags and he grins with all his teeth, exhaustion forgotten. "If you think so, then it must be true 'cause you're super strong!"

I giggle and swipe my hand over my ear, my face heating up at the praise. "I guess I've never actually seen you guys in action before."

"Oh, we train all the time," Sprout says. "I need to train super hard so that I- Oh!" She shakes her body and stares down at herself in excitement. Then, her face falls just as quickly. "I thought I was evolving, but I wasn't."

"It'll happen, Sprout," Absol assures.

Wobbles, on the other hand, is staring at Sprout with that blank look that she gets when she's thinking hard about something.

"Maybe it's 'cause I haven't been training as much," Sprout muses quietly.

"You haven't?" I ask. "Why not?"

She doesn't look at me when she answers. "Well, we gotta get you home as soon as possible, right? Eevee and I were the first ones up, so we figured now was a good time."

"And, now that we're all awake," Eevee says, "it's time to get moving again. Let's go! Let's go!"

"W-wait!" I call when he starts to take off in a random direction. "I-I'm not disrupting your lives, am I?"

Wobbles waves dismissively. "Please. We got all the time in the world. Besides, we haven't exactly been short on cool stuff with you."

Absol nods at that. "You're our priority right now, Pikachu. Don't worry about it."

But, I am worried! I am disrupting their lives! If they weren't busy helping me, would Sprout have evolved by now? What about Eevee? Would he have figured what to evolve into? I don't want to be a "priority" if it means my friends are neglecting themselves!

"You guys don't have to keep helping me," I say desperately. Everyone stares at me in shock. Am I really that needy? "I'm grateful for how far you've taken me, but-but I'll be okay on my own."

Absol fixes me with a stern glare. "I said not to worry about it. Besides, Team Rocket knows you're still around. They captured you once, and they could do it again."

"Well, uh…" My fur bristles. "They just got lucky!"

"And, how do you know they won't get lucky again?" Wobbles asks pointedly. I don't have an answer.

"I just...don't want to hold you back," I confess, feeling oddly embarrassed.

Sprout pats my back with a soft smile. "Don't be silly, Pikachu. You're not holding anyone back."

Eevee springs in front me and headbutts my throat. His tail wags merrily. "Yeah, you're super nice and strong! And, your friends with Zapdos! With you around, maybe we'll meet, uh, uh… Wobbles, name a Legendary Pokemon."

"Uh, Suicune," Wobbles offers.

"We might meet Suicune!"

I actually have met Suicune, but I'm in no mood to tell that story right now. "Maybe I could help you guys train," I suggest.

A huge grin takes over Eevee's face. "That would be so cool!"

"But, what about Ash?" Sprout asks me.

I've been gone for so long, I think miserably. There's nothing I want more than to leap into my buddy's arms. But, at the same time, I've been burdening these guys with my problems for the past two weeks or so-

Two weeks. Oh, Arceus, has it been that long? It's so hard to keep track. Ash's birthday, as well as the day we met, is the first day of April. He'll be an adult then. If Zapdos is right, Ash might even start to understand pokemon. How close is that day? What if I'm not home yet when it happens?

What if it's already passed by?

"Uh, Pikachu?" Wobbles puts her hand on my head and wiggles me a little. I duck away. "You kind of zoned out there."

"Sorry," I say, putting my own needs aside for now. "Look, you guys have been so kind to me. I just want to help you out, you know?" Plus, I'm worried I'm becoming a burden on them, especially since Team Rocket is sure to come looking for me again, but there's no way I'm telling them that.

Absol smiles in a way that tells me he hears what I'm not saying. "If that's all it is."

Eevee bounces and starts circling me. "Let's train right now! I wanna train with Pikachu! And, we'll battle and he'll be so impressed like, 'Whoa! Eevee's so strong!' And-and- whoa…" Out of nowhere, he slows down and sways on his feet. It seems that his battle with Sprout is catching up to him.

Sprout grabs him, steadying him. "Maybe you should rest first, Eevee."

"In the meantime," I suggest, "maybe you and I could battle, Sprout."

I expect her to agree, but to my surprise, she scitters away, saying, "Oh, no no no no no," and so on until she's hiding behind Absol, who gives her a stern look.

"Sprout, you have to battle tough opponents if you want to be strong enough to evolve," he reminds her.

"Yeah," she drawls, still in hiding, "but I've seen how tough Pikachu is so, no no no no no…"

I've met plenty of pokemon over the years who were afraid to take on tougher opponents. With a little practice, a little encouragement, they all managed to go at it. Even if they lost, every single one of them was proud to say that they gave it their all. I'm certain that Sprout is no different. Granted, it was mostly Ash who gave them confidence, but I was always cheering them on too, right? I can do this without him.

"Just try," I say kindly. "You might surprise yourself."

"Yeah, go for it!" Wobbles encourages a little too eagerly. "I wanna watch!"

I think that's code for "I want to study Pikachu some more," but I let it slide.

"And, then," Eevee chirps, "I can battle when you're done!"

Absol steps away from Sprout. "Come on, Sprout," he encourages. "You want to evolve, don't you?"

Sprout looks at all of us then rubs at her leaf, still anxious. "Well, okay."

We stand apart from one another, staring each other down, waiting to see what the other does. Even from this distance, I can practically feel Sprout's nerves, but I am glad she's willing to give it a go. It's not a serious battle, I'd reminded her. It's just training.

Absol and Wobbles are watching quietly, but Eevee is jumping all around, crying, "Go, go, Sprout! Go, go, Pikachu! Go, go, go!"

I turn and grin at him only to find him enveloped in a faint white glow. Sprout and I also start glowing, and I can feel my muscles strengthening, my cheeks warming with power.

"Eevee," Absol says, "isn't Helping Hand kind of pointless if you use it on both sides?"

Eevee stops bouncing and plops down, wagging his tail. "I want both of them to win."

"Oh, Eevee," Wobbles says fondly.

I cover my giggle with my hands. Sprout is doing the same across from me. "Now that we both have a power boost," I say, causing Sprout to stand at attention like a soldier, "let's get down to business." I drop to all-fours. "I'm gonna use Iron Tail. Let's see you deflect it."

"Okay," she calls back. "I'm ready."

True to my word, I sprint her way, Iron Tail at the ready. Sprout's leaves glow purple, a bad call on her part. I swing around, and my attack collides with her Poison Jab and, quite predictably, plows right through it and sends her flying. She lays prone for a moment before getting back on her feet and looking a little confused.

"Poison-type attacks have no effect on steel-type pokemon," I explain. "The same goes for steel-type moves. That's why Poison Jab didn't work there."

Sprout blinks in surprise. "Huh. I didn't know that. About the attacks, I mean."

"Try again. Here I come!" I come at her with another Iron Tail. This time, vines shoot out from beneath her leaves and wrap me up. Before I know it, I'm lying scuffed and dazed on the grass. I spring back up. "Not bad," I praise. Time to switch it up. "Your next goal is to hit me."

"Hit you with what?" Sprout asks eagerly. It seems the thrill of battle - or, at least, her success with Vine Whip - have boosted her confidence.

But, I'm confident too. "Just hit me," I say with a smirk.

I run all around and leap up and through trees, making sure to stay in plain sight but still running at full speed. Maybe even faster with the boost from Helping Hand. Meanwhile, Sprout is gawking at me and trying her best to actually see me in the process. The onlookers, most of which also witnessed the training session with Eevee, are attempting to follow the yellow blur I've surely become.

"Man, this guy's fast!" someone cries out.

"Electric-types are always fast," someone else comments, "but this is impressive!"

That prompts a bout of co*ckiness, and I can't resist stopping for a moment to wiggle my rear tauntingly. "I told you to hit me, Sprout," I tease before taking off again. "In a real battle, you would have been knocked out by now!"

So, Sprout screams, "Oh my goodness!" over and over while firing off Razor Leaf in all directions. I don't have a scratch, but some of the other pokemon end up getting hit, a few of them taking off.

I slam to a halt and shout, "Sprout, stop!"

She stops but not before I'm knocked over by a stray leaf, which I absolutely deserved. All but the PokeSquad are gone by now, and Sprout is staring at me with wild eyes, like she's expecting me to take off again. I sigh, feeling horrible now. I'm so used to training with Ash and all his other pokemon. Sprout's strong, but she isn't used to competitive battling. I have to remember that.

Absol's withering look and reminder that "No one likes a show-off, Pikachu," only makes me feel worse.

Maybe I can't do this without Ash.

I walk up to Sprout with my tail between my legs, guilt making my feet heavy. I wanted to help and only became more of a burden in the process. "I'm sorry, Sprout. I guess I got carried away."

Sprout finally relaxes. "It's okay. You guys are right. I really should broaden my horizons." She nods to Eevee, who is grinning manically and crouched down with his tail flying back and forth. "Battling Eevee helps, but if I wanna evolve, I really should-"

"I wanna battle Pikachu!" Eevee shouts so fast that it sounds like one word. He hops then resumes his crouch. "Please? Please, Pikachu? Please, please, please let me battle you!"

Wobbles snorts behind her hand and says, "Eevee, didn't you just lose a battle with Sprout?"

"Not to mention," Absol says with barely restrained amusem*nt, "that Pikachu is still feeling the effects of Helping Hand. I'd hardly call that a fair fight."

Eevee straightens and doesn't lose eye contact with me. "I don't care! Let's have at it, Pikachu!"

Eevee's passion for battle mirrors my own. Actually, it reminds me of when I was his age and would constantly challenge the biggest pokemon I could find to battles. I smile at the memory. Man, I drove Daddy nuts. He didn't mind as much when it was my massive alpha mother I would battle, but he would always try to intervene when little Pichu would challenge an Ursaring or a Heracross or whatever. Mama's parenting style, on the other hand, was "let the kid be stupid and realize he's stupid," with some exceptions, of course. Oh, I lost so many battles as a Pichu. But, my parents always reminded me that a loss helps you get stronger, too. I never forgot that lesson.

Still, I'm not going to battle someone who isn't at full health if I don't have to. Especially when I'm still charged up from the power boost that certain someone already gave me.

"Absol and Wobbles are right," I say. "It's not a good idea for us to battle right now." Eevee's whole body deflates. But, I'm sticking to my guns on this one. "Let's do it later, when the battle is more fair."

Eevee sighs. "Okay."

Sprout gently wraps her leaf around him and ushers him away. "Come on, Eevee. Let's go find some berries."

Absol and I start to follow, but Wobbles holds us back. She is frowning deeply at their retreating forms. Absol and I look at each other, wondering what's on her mind.

When our friends are out of earshot, she says, "I'm worried about Sprout."

"Worried?" Absol asks, echoing my surprise. "How come?"

"She seems fine to me," I add.

Wobbles crosses her arms. "I just feel like she should have evolved by now. She's already strong, so what's the problem?"

I don't know enough about Bellsprout to have a real say, but I can see where Wobbles is coming from. Sprout is obviously a strong pokemon. Come to think of it, she mentioned feeling like she was going to evolve more than once. Maybe there is something to Wobbles's worries.

Absol tilts his head. "Maybe she isn't strong enough?"

Wobbles hums unsurely. Then, she turns to me. "Pikachu, you're an evolved form. How did it feel when you evolved from Pichu?"

"Let's see." It was so long ago, but evolution is a sensation that's hard to forget. "There was a tingling sensation, like something was crawling all over me. Then my body got really hot, so hot I was cold, like I had a bad fever. Then, my body started morphing and growing, and I felt nothing but blinding pain." I shudder at that. "Then, suddenly, I was a Pikachu, and all the pain was gone."

Wobbles nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's how it was for me, too. Except the Pikachu part, of course."

Absol looks like he's glad he can't evolve. "Sounds horrible. Wait, you said it felt tingly?" His eyes narrow at the edge of the clearing, where Sprout and Eevee are munching on berries. "Sprout gets that way sometimes."

"Exactly," Wobbles confirms.

Now, I get it. "So, what do you think is holding her back?"

No one has an answer.

"It's later!" We've just come out of the forest, and Eevee is practically on top of me. "I feel better now! Can we please battle?"

It really isn't that much later, but Eevee did have a sitrus berry after my training session with Sprout. Sitrus berries have even stronger healing properties than oran berries, and Eevee is clearly feeling its effects. As for me, Helping Hand wore off a while ago, so I'm back at my normal strength.

"I'm pretty strong," I boast playfully, nudging Eevee off of me. "Think you can handle it?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Eevee runs a safe distance away and crouches, his tail lashing behind him. "And, don't go easy on me," he calls. "Let me have it!"

Wobbles rubs her hands together, way too excited. "Oh, this is gonna be good."

"Maybe go a little easy on him, Pikachu," Sprout suggests worriedly, making me feel guilty all over again.

Absol smiles and shakes his head. "Kid knows what he's getting into. Have at it, Pikachu." It seems he takes a page from my mother when it comes to parenting.

Our friends move a safe distance away, taking their seats in front of a massive boulder, and I drop to four feet. "Ready when you are, Eevee," I call. "You can have the first move."

With that, Eevee takes off running, quite literally, with Quick Attack. I try to meet him head on with Thunderbolt, but he dodges and nails me in the stomach. The impact sends me rolling back until I collide with a tree.

Eevee's fast, but so am I.

I leap to my feet and shake off the pain. Across from me, my opponent is…jumping up and down and celebrating?

"I hit Pikachu!" Eevee shouts to the others who look on in both wariness and amusem*nt. "Did you see me? Did you see me hit him?"

"Pay attention, Eevee," Absol responds.

But, it's too late. By the time Eevee remembers what we're doing, I've already charged at him and sent him flying with Iron Tail. He lands hard on the ground.

"An opponent's not gonna wait for you, Eevee," I inform as he staggers to his feet. "When you're in a battle, the battle is the only thing you focus on."

"Sorry," he says.

"Don't be sorry," I say. "Be alert!"

I charge at him with my own Quick Attack, and he swings his tail, sending stars in my direction. Swift is a move that never misses. I slam to a stop and switch to Electroweb, sending a massive, charged-up web straight at Eevee's attack. The plan is for the stars to dissolve on contact. Instead, to my surprise, the web breaks into smaller pieces, encircling the stars and sending them back toward Eevee in small, staticky balls of light.

That works, too.

Eevee bolts (no pun intended). Swift's accuracy has been diminished, so he manages to avoid most of the counter-attack. Still, a few lights explode against him and knock him back.

"That was so cool!" he yells, pain making his voice hoarse. But, I can see the fire in his eyes as he staggers to his feet. "You are so awesome, Pikachu!"

The more time I spend with Eevee, the more he reminds me of Ash. That drive, that eagerness.

Oh, Ash, you would love this kid.

Focus, Pikachu.

"There it is!" Wobbles shouts suddenly. "I told you! I told you!"

Nope. Not gonna ask. Not even gonna acknowledge her. There's a battle going on.

I rush at Eevee with another Iron Tail. He opens his mouth, catching my tail with Bite, probably trying the same tactic he used on Sprout. It doesn't work, as Iron Tail overpowers him. Now, he's the one rolling backwards, heading straight for our friends, who rush out of the way as Eevee collides with the boulder.

And, the boulder crumbles on contact.

Miraculously, none of the pieces fall on Eevee, who is now lying unconscious in front of the pile. Our friends crowd around Eevee, making sure he is alright.

But, me? I'm frozen, dumbstruck. I know I'm strong. I've caused structural damage during battle before. Hell, that's the risk everyone takes in battle. But, this feels…different, somehow.

Wobbles helps Eevee to his feet. His groggy, barely there look brings me back to reality. Especially, when he almost falls over again and ends up leaning heavily on her. A fresh wave of shame hits me. I went too far again.

"Eevee, I'm so sorry!" I say, running up to him. "Y-you're not hurt real bad are you?"

Eevee blinks at me slowly. "That was," a tiny smile grazes his mouth, "so cool."

We all breathe out in relief. "He'll be fine," Absol says.

"You all saw Pikachu, right?" Wobbles asks. "The eyes? It wasn't just me?"

Unbelievable. She truly has a one-track mind.

"I'm going to regret saying this," Absol says, "but there was something odd."

Wait, what?

Sprout turns to me and nods. "Yeah. Your eyes flashed pink!"

"It was neat!" Eevee chirps, more aware now. "And, then you hit me. And, then I died. And, then I didn't die."

"You weren't dead, Eevee," Absol corrects. "You were just knocked out."

"Wait," I say, trying to process this. "Are you saying my eyes actually glowed?"

Wobbles passes Eevee to Sprout and steps a little too close to me for comfort. "It was more like a flash, like Sprout said, but yes. And, unless I missed my guess, I think you get some kind of power boost." She leans until our faces are almost touching. "What is your ability, Pikachu?"

All pokemon have an ability: something in their biology that assists in battle or just survival in the wild, though isn't inherently necessary for it. There are many different kinds, and each one is helpful in some way, be it protection or scavenging. For instance, my ability is Static, which allows me to paralyze anyone who touches me in a threatening way (or just my opponent in battle). Unlike attacks, abilities cannot be controlled and simply activate on their own.

After taking a step back, I inform Wobbles of my ability. She considers this then asks, "Are you sure?"

Starting to get annoyed, I let a few warning sparks light my cheeks. "Would you like to find out?"

She smartly hangs back. "No, I believe you. And, you really don't know what it means?"

"No, I don't!" I snap. Everyone looks at me, surprised at my outburst. I sigh. As if I don't have enough to feel bad about. "Sorry."

"That's okay," Eevee says. To my relief, he's standing on his own now, albeit shakily. "I'm just glad I got to battle you! I'm gonna train really hard so that I can beat you!"

"And, I'm gonna train so that I can evolve," Sprout says. "Then, maybe I'll stand a chance!" she adds with a chuckle. I'm about to inform her that strength has nothing to do with evolution, but she goes on. "Imagine when you evolve into Raichu. You'll be unstoppable!"

My guilt is fading with each word, a grin spreading wide on my face. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I don't want to evolve."

Sprout's eyes widen in the awestruck way I've come to expect from Eevee. "Really? But, if you evolve, you'll be bigger and stronger. I figured you, of all pokemon, would want to be fully evolved."

"Yeah," Eevee agrees. "And, I bet Raichu is a really cool pokemon."

That's Wobbles's cue. "Raichu: the mouse pokemon. An electric-type. If it builds up too much electricity, it jams its tail into the ground and releases the excess safely into the dirt. Otherwise, it becomes cranky at best, aggressive at worst. Don't ask me how I know that." She turns to me. "Apart from that though, I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't want to evolve."

Absol clears his throat. "Uh, hello? Pokemon who isn't even capable of evolving here," he says good-naturedly. Still, the others look away sheepishly.

I chuckle. "Look, when I was a Pichu, all I could think about was evolving into a Raichu like my parents. But, when I became a Pikachu, well, it just felt right, you know? To be honest, I'm not sure I could be happy as a Raichu."

"And, Ash doesn't want you to evolve?" Absol asks. For once, he sounds genuinely curious instead of suspicious regarding a human.

I shrug. "I mean, Ash is always happy when his pokemon evolve, but he also wants us to be happy. He won't force us to evolve if we don't want to. He's always saying that he wants us to be happy and safe above all else. The rest is up to the pokemon."

Sadness creeps over me. Ash has no idea that I'm safe and sound with these guys. Am I happy? For the most part, but it's hard to be entirely happy when my dearest friend is potentially making himself sick worrying about me. I wish there was a way to tell him that I'm alright.

Wobbles nods and claps her hands. "I think I'm gonna like this guy. He sounds like he knows what he's doing."

"When it comes to pokemon, at least." Pride washes over me, but I have to fight off the wave of longing that threatens to overwhelm it.

Sprout puts her leaves on her hips and puffs out her chest. "Well, I want to be a Victreebel. And, the second I become a Weepinbell, I'm gonna start searching for a leaf stone."

I try not to worry too much about what Wobbles said before. For all I know, Absol is right, and Sprout's body simply isn't ready for evolution yet.

"So, I could just stay an Eevee?" Eevee ponders. Then, he groans, his legs giving out from the force of it. "As if I don't have enough options."

I always thought that it was hard enough for pokemon with just two evolution paths. Poor Eevee has eight, nine if you count not evolving at all. "What about your family?" I suggest. "Maybe think about what types they are and go from there."

Absol, Wobbles, and Sprout freeze in place. A sinking feeling hits my stomach.

Eevee is oblivious as he considers my question. "Well, Absol's a dark-type, so that's Umbreon. Wobbles is a psychic-type, so that's Espeon. Sprout is a grass- and poison-type, but I don't have a poison-type evolution, so that's just Leafeon. And, you're an electric-type, so that's Jolteon. You're saying I should pick one of those?"

I barely register that he included myself as part of his family. At this point, I have no intention of telling him that I'd been asking about his parents. "You don't have to, but that at least narrows it down, right?"

"Yeah, but if I were a Flareon, I could breathe fire. And, if I were a Vaporeon, I could swim really fast- Oof." During his musings, he'd tried to stand up but collapsed again. "A-and, if I were a Glaceon," he continues, steadily nodding off as he speaks, "I could make things cold. And, if I were a…a Sylveon…my attacks would be pretty…"

I guess our battle tuckered him out more than I thought. Absol leans forward and licks the sleeping hatchling's head. "He'll be fine once he rests," he says quietly.

"Where are his parents?" I whisper, figuring it's safe to ask now that the child in question can't hear.

"Heck if we know," Wobbles says with a pitying glance at Eevee.

Sprout shrugs. "We just kind of found his egg. No one claimed it, so we did it ourselves."

So, that's why Eevee's with the PokeSquad. I guess I'd just assumed his parents knew where he was. "And, you have no idea where they are? Or, even who they are?"

They all exchange sad looks. "We have one theory," Absol says. "One day, I sensed a forest fire. It was far away, but not so much that I couldn't detect it coming. By the time we got there, a group of humans- What did you call them, Sprout?"

"Firefighters," she answers. "They and some water-type pokemon were already at work, trying to put out the fire. A bunch of other pokemon were already fleeing the area, and we helped more of them get out."

"And, Eevee?" I ask.

"We found his egg in some bushes by a river," Wobbles responds. "We think it might have rolled down a hill in all the chaos." She sighs heavily. "We can only assume the worst about his parents."

My heart breaks for Eevee. "My parents are gone, too. But…at least I remember them." I gently brush my tail over him. "Does he know about this?"

Wobbles folds her arms and turns away, almost seeming ashamed. "He was…asking about eggs one day. When I told him the species comes from the mother… Ugh, I just can't help spewing factoids!"

She'd raised her voice a bit, and Eevee makes a small noise and twitches his ears. When he resumes his quiet snores, Absol whispers, "It doesn't matter. Eevee's with us. We are his family."

Sprout and Wobbles nod at that, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

Chapter 13: Another Electrifying Encounter


Shout-out to Lovwipurthe, who loves this story so much that they're translating it for a Chinese audience! That's quite a compliment!

Chapter Text

" Nature is like a runaway dump truck: hot, fast, and full of garbage." - Star vs the Forces of Evil


It's been two days since the whole mess with Tyrogue, and Ash has been making good on his promise. For the most part, anyway. He's been smiling and laughing more, though there are times when it seems a little too genuine.

I've been thinking a lot about that Pikachu who told me about Ash in the first place. I wonder if he was the same one Ash is missing. It seems like too much of a coincidence.

I ponder this as I sit at the dining table with Ash and munch on pokemon food. Ash is spooning cereal into his mouth like he hasn't eaten in weeks. He eats like this sometimes. At first, I thought it was a coping mechanism. Then, I heard his aunt muttering about "Ketchum men," and I realized that he always eats fast when he's excited. A sharp contrast to Evan, who has to be reminded to eat when he's excited.

Arceus, when am I going to stop comparing the two?

Vivian sits down with her own cereal and coffee cup, shakes her head at Ash's enthusiasm, and asks, " So, what are you up to today? Something fun, I take it? "

Ash tells her about our plans with our friends. At least, I assume that's what he's saying through a mouthful of cereal. Vivian gives him a stern look. He mumbles what sounds like an apology then swallows and tries again. " There's been a Zapdos sighting, so the guys and I are gonna check it out. "

Vivian's spoon hangs midway between the bowl and her mouth, her eyes wide. " Zapdos? As in, Legendary Pokemon, ridiculously strong, possibly murderous? "

Ash snorts into his coffee. " Murderous? "

Vivian shrugs incredulously. Humans and pokemon alike tend to fear and respect Legendaries due to their sheer, unrivaled power. But, murderous ?

Uh, actually, I'm not sure. I've never met a Legendary before. Dammit, now I'm nervous!

" Zapdos isn't murderous, Aunt V, " Ash continues. " I've met him before, and he seemed pretty chill after the planet stopped collapsing. "

He doesn't elaborate. Vivian and I look at each other, equally confused. Two things I've learned while living here: Vivian Ketchum has no verbal filter whatsoever, and Ash Ketchum doesn't always make sense.

Ash gets up and brings his empty cereal bowl and coffee mug to the kitchen. The phone rings, and I hear him pick it up. " Hello? Oh, hey! Any news? "

Must be someone Ash knows. Apparently, he has a whole gaggle of buddies on the look-out for his Pikachu. The kitchen is silent for a while, so I assume Ash is listening to the person on the other end.

But then, Ash speaks, sounding as if he's coming out of a trance. " Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. Sorry. "

He no longer sounds like a goofy teenager who's eager to see a Legendary Pokemon. Now, he sounds…older. We in the Ralts-line are sensitive to the emotions of our trainers, and I can feel his anxiety stirring up my insides. I look at Vivian. She may not be able to feel Ash's emotions, but it's clear from her furrowed brow and crooked frown that she hears the change in her nephew's tone.

" But-but, how did- How ? "

Vivian and I look at each other, both of us thinking the same thing. I'm not crazy about Vivian. I can't sense her emotions, but sometimes I feel like she only lets me live here because I'm her nephew's pokemon. But, she does genuinely care about him, so I can put up with it.

We both jump out of our seats and peer into the kitchen. Ash is facing away from us, one hand holding the phone and the other raking through his perpetually messy black hair. " No, no, it's-it's not your fault, " he says to the person on the other line. " No, I-I'm glad you told me. I'd be much more upset if you hadn't. "

What's going on? Who's he talking to?

" I-I'm okay. Don't worry. Well, do worry, but-but don't worry? " He huffs and smacks his forehead. " You know what I mean. " His hand drops to his side. " Yeah, yeah, I, yeah. And-and, again, it's not your fault. You know how he is. "


Ash hangs up the phone and stands there staring at it for a moment. Then, he sucks in a sharp breath, runs his hands through his hair, tilts his head up to the ceiling, and releases a slow, shaky breath. He freezes for a long time, sniffing occasionally. Bad news, then. Very bad.

Who's "he?" Could it be something with Pikachu? What else could make him react this way?

Eventually, Ash starts to turn around, and Vivian and I practically leap back into our seats. We duck into our breakfast, trying not to look guilty when Ash comes back into the small dining room. He stands listlessly in the doorway, looking at nothing in particular. I don't think he was crying, but his eyes are a little red, like maybe he was trying not to. Now, I'm really worried.

" You were in there a while, " Vivian says with faux nonchalance. " Everything okay? "

" Huh? " Ash blinks at her, a little more aware now. " Oh, yeah, uh, wrong number. Telemarketers, you know? "

" Was it a wrong number or a telemarketer? " Vivian asks with a raised eyebrow. This is the first time she and I have been on the same wavelength. It's both refreshing and a little unnerving.

Unprepared for the question, Ash rubs the back of his neck. " I, uh, well, I-I need to get dressed. "

" You are dressed. "

Ash starts patting his hands over his clothes - dark gray pants, white tank, and the usual unbuttoned denim jacket - as if checking that everything's there. " Well, uh, I need my hat. "

I pick his ball cap - red back and bill, white front with a black half-circle, resembling a pokeball - up off the table and hold it out for him. He just stares at it. I place it backwards on my own head and give him a little smirk, remembering that this amused him before. It doesn't this time. He still only seems half-here. My food feels too heavy in my stomach.

" Ash, what's going on? " Vivian finally asks.

Ash looks between us then blurts, " Teeth! I have to brush my teeth. Yes, because…hygiene. Yes. "

" Ash- "

" I'm fine! " he snaps suddenly. " Stop asking! "

I just learned something else about Ash: he's a terrible liar.

Fear is radiating off Ash in waves, and I don't think it's because of Zapdos. He hasn't let go of my hand once since we left Vivian's house, as if I'm some kind of lifeline. He also periodically looks up at the sky, which is even weirder. Despite this, he was all smiles when we met up with Lorette, Korou, and Sarge. Lorette claimed that Voltorb was sick with pokerus and staying at the Pokemon Center.

We believed her until we tried to leave town. Now, a cry of "Wait for meeeeee!" is getting closer and closer. We all turn around to find a perfectly healthy Voltorb bowling after us. They make a hard stop in front of us. "Oh, man! I almost missed you guys!"

The first Lorette grins in a hard, frustrated way. " Voltorb, " she says through gritted teeth. " What are you doing here? "

" Lorette, " Korou says curiously, " didn't you say Voltorb was sick? It looks fine to me. "

Voltorb stares up at him in confusion. "I'm not sick."

With her ruse now useless, Lorette laughs awkwardly as the rest of us frown at her. " Poor thing, " she says. " It's so sick, it doesn't even know it's sick! " She grits her teeth at Voltorb and snaps, " Now, go . Home . "

Voltorb blinks pathetically at her. "But…I love you."

" Why don't you want Voltorb to come? " Ash asks.

" I do want Voltorb to come, " she says. She glares back down at Voltorb, who shrinks back. " But, it can't . Because, it's sick . "

"But…I love you."

" Voltorb. " She kneels down in front of them, much more gentle now. " What if you see those bullies again? I don't wanna see you get picked on. That's all it is. "

"But…I love you."

" Bullies? " Korou asks. " What's going on, Lorette? "

Lorette sighs heavily and rises. " The short version is that when I met Voltorb, it was getting picked on by some other Voltorb. I don't know if they live in the area, and I don't care to find out. "

"They live in the old human den," Voltorb explains. "That's where I'm from."

"You mean the power plant?" I ask. "Isn't that where we're going?"

Sarge crosses her upper arms, puts her lower hands on her hips, and nods. "They're called Electrode Hoard. Let's just say, they're only friendly if you're an electric-type. And, not our pal, here," she adds with a nod at Voltorb.

"I have to go!" Voltorb begs, despite the humans lack of understanding. "What if the meanies hurt Lorette? Who's gonna protect her?"

Sarge taps her chin in mock-thought. "Let's see, I'm strong enough to roll a Snorlax up a steep hill, Gardevoir can disintegrate a huge machine with his mind, Ash is built like a fighting-type, and Korou…is also here."

I shrug at her. "I still don't see why Voltorb can't come. They're not helpless. If nothing else, they can just blow everything up."

"Exactly!" Voltorb chirps.

During our exchange, Ash and Korou were trying to convince Lorette to let Voltorb tag along. " If anything goes wrong, " Korou says, " you can always put Voltorb back in its pokeball. "

" A trainer should look after their pokemon, " Ash adds with a slight edge to his voice. Hm.

Finally, Lorette blows out a defeated breath. " Alright. I give. You can come, Voltorb. "

"Yay!" Voltorb circles her legs and chants, "Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!" over and over until Lorette stops them by stepping on them.

" But, if those bullies show up, " Lorette says, " You're going in your pokeball. Deal? "

"Yes, ma'am!" Lorette steps off, and Voltorb resumes their circle.

Ash is still holding my hand, still periodically checking the sky for…something, still a general bundle of nerves. What really worries me is that he barely even acknowledged Breloom, whom we met shortly after leaving. Korou delivered the news that Tyrogue had been attempting/failing to do push-ups which is probably a good sign? Breloom had chuckled at that. Apparently, the two had grown up together, and he was used to Tyrogue overworking himself. Breloom also mentioned that he'd been spreading the word about Poke-X, talking to all of us as if the humans could understand him. Then, his pride was forgotten when he saw Ash's lack of interest. "What's with him?" he'd asked. No one who could understand Breloom had an answer.

After Breloom leaves, Korou turns to Ash and says, " Ash, is everything alright? "

" Why wouldn't it be? " Ash responds, a little harsher than necessary.

Korou flinches a bit. " Well, for one thing, you've been holding Gardevoir's hand this whole time. "

Ash looks down at our joined hands with a dumb expression on his face. " When did that happen? " He still doesn't let go. Of course, I'm not exactly trying to escape.

" Not to mention, " Korou continues, " you keep looking at the sky like there's- "

Ash huffs and shakes his head. " Why are we still standing here? Zapdos isn't gonna wait around for us. "

His tone is so sharp that we all stare at him like he's another person. Lorette is the first to recover. " Right. Well, come on, y'all. " She turns around and starts back on the path. " Ash is being weirder than usual, so let's just- " She stops suddenly and looks around with an increasingly nervous expression. " Where's Voltorb? "

We all scan the area, but it's true; Voltorb is nowhere to be found. With that virus around, the last thing we should be doing is losing each other! Another spike in adrenaline shoots into me from Ash, so I know he's thinking the same thing. As is everyone else from the look of it.

Lorette claws at her thick curls and curses. " I knew it would do this. This is exactly why it should have stayed home! "

Ash roughly grabs her arm and snarls at her, " I told you a trainer should look after their pokemon! "

Lorette opens and closes her mouth like a beached Magikarp, and I can't say I blame her. I may not have known Ash long, but I know he's a gentle soul. Now, his alpha human (assuming those exist) stature is in full force as he attempts to use Mean Look on Lorette, who is basically a Wurmple compared to him.

What was that phone call about?

Sarge pulls the two apart, and her trainer moves to stand between them. " Calm down. Voltorb couldn't have gotten far. Let's split up and search- "


" And, we've found it, " Korou quips.

We follow the sound of the explosion to a small, recently singed clearing. Voltorb is turned away from us and facing a human about Ash's age (though her high pigtails and oversized glasses make her look younger) and a small pokemon I've never seen before, both of whom are covered in soot. The human is tall enough - only a few inches shorter than Ash, by the look of it - that only her lower half is charred, but her poor partner is quite small and completely covered.

" That was such a great explosion! " the human praises.

"If you like that sort of thing," her partner adds, less than amused.

Lorette stomps over to them. " Voltorb! Just what do you think you're doing? "

"Scanning the area for meanies," Voltorb states, as if they're a general reporting back to base. "No meanies here, but I did find these nice ladies. They're not meanies."

" You can't just go rolling off to who-knows-where! " Lorette scolds. " Do you know how freaked I was? "

"But…" Voltorb drawls sheepishly, "I love you."

" Uh, so, Voltorb is your pokemon? " the human confirms. " That's too bad. " She puts her hands on her chin and grins. " It's so cute, I was hoping to catch it! "

"Yes," her pokemon drawls. "What a shame."

As the pokemon grooms her soot-coated fur, beginning with her large, fluffy tail, Ash pulls out his pokedex. I sneak a peek at the screen. The picture reveals that she is supposed to be white with yellow cheeks, light blue ears, and a matching blue stripe that seems to run from her forehead to the end of her tail.

' Pachirisu: the elesquirrel pokemon. An electric-type. Pachirisu releases electricity through the spikes on the end of its tail. Its young rub their cheeks into the mother's fur in order to build up electricity. '

" I thought so, " Ash says, putting his pokedex back in his pocket. " Pachirisu, huh? That's not something you see in Kanto. "

The human brushes off her clothes and smiles. " That's because we're not from Kanto. We're from the Orre region. My name's Ella, and this is Patches. "

Patches takes a break from grooming to say to us, "Nice to meet you."

Korou nods at them and says, " A pleasure. My name's Korou, and this is my partner, Sarge. "

Sarge gives the newcomers a wink, a big grin, and a thumbs-up. "What's up?"

" My name's Ash, " my own trainer greets. He raises my hand which is still connected to his. " And, this is Gardevoir. " I nod in response.

Ella brings her hands to her chest and I swear I can see cartoon hearts behind her glasses. " You hold your pokemon's hand! That's so sweet! "

Ash looks down at our joined hands, blushes, and finally lets go.

Lorette bends down, picks up Voltorb, and regards the rest of us with impatience. " I'm Lorette. This is Voltorb. Everybody knows each other? Great! Let's get a move on. We got a Legendary to find. "

" You guys are looking for Zapdos, too? " Ella chirps.

Korou rubs the back of his neck. " Well, Lorette kind of roped us into it, but yeah. "

Ash chuckles. " Didn't have to rope me into anything- "

Suddenly, he is gaping down at Patches, who has mostly cleaned herself up at this point. And, I can see why he's staring. The pokedex showed that Pachirisu have blue stripes and ears. Patches has pink ones.

" You've got a shiny pokemon! " Ash exclaims, confirming my suspicions. " That's awesome! "

Patches looks away shyly, and Ella giggles as Ash pulls his pokedex back out and shows our friends what a Pachirisu normally looks like.

Shiny pokemon - pokemon with a different coloration and a, well, shinier pelt than normal - are exceedingly rare. I've been around the block even before Evan caught me, yet Patches is the first shiny I've seen. So, yeah, this is pretty awesome.

But, what's even more awesome is that Ash's nerves are starting to settle. He's a pretty friendly guy, so maybe he's just happy to meet new people and pokemon. Or, maybe it's simply the presence of a shiny. I'll take anything if it means he keeps smiling like that.

" Wow! " Korou chimes, gazing awestruck at Patches, who climbs up her trainer and rests on her shoulder (which, for some reason, prompts a flash of sadness from Ash and causes him to rub his own shoulder). " I've always wanted to see a shiny pokemon! "

" Yeah? " Ash says. " Remind me to introduce you to my Noctowl. "

While Korou excitedly questions Ash on that, Sarge grins and rubs two fingers between Patches's ears. "I'm with Ash. This is awesome!"

"It is pretty remarkable," I agree, marveling at the way the shiny's fur almost seems to shimmer in the sunlight.

Patches makes a sound that's somewhere between a laugh and a groan and covers her face with her tail. Ella chuckles at her pokemon's antics.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is all very cool, " Lorette says impatiently, Voltorb now perched under one of her arms. " We can admire the cool thing later, but there's another cool thing we're supposed to be checking out. "

Ella claps her hands together. " Of course! " She grins at her partner, who uncovers her face. " A Legendary Pokemon! We can't miss this! "

Patches headbutts her chin. "What are we still doing here, then?"

" By the way, Lorette, " Ella goes on, " I'm impressed with the way you're carrying Voltorb. " Lorette frowns in confusion and glances down at Voltorb, who looks up at her with their usual half-comprehending expression. " The average Voltorb weighs between twenty and thirty pounds. You must be really strong. "

"Lorette's my friend," Voltorb says.

" This one's on the lighter end, " Lorette says flippantly. She spins around on her heels and starts walking. " Now, let's go. We're burning daylight. "

Korou nods at Ella. " You may as well come too, " he invites. " We're all heading in the same direction. "

Ella happily takes up his offer. By which I mean that she grabs his hand and skips ahead, yanking the poor guy forward before realizing that he knows the way better than she does. Meanwhile, Ash takes Lorette's free arm, gently this time, and holds her and Voltorb in the back with me and Sarge.

" Hey, I'm sorry I was rough with you earlier, " Ash says. " Everything's just…kind of hitting me at once, you know? But, I shouldn't take it out on you. "

Lorette smiles softly. " Thinking about Tyrogue and Pikachu? "

Ash frowns deeper and stares at the ground, the bill of his cap shading his eyes. My chest is tight with his shame. While I can feel my trainer's emotions, I can just as easily tune them out. It's like zoning out during a boring conversation. However, after that phone call this morning, I decided to keep a closer eye on him. From what I can tell, Ash is the type to feel things hard and fast but to never let anyone know if he can help it. I need to be conscious of whether or not he's spiraling.

(I never read Evan's emotions, because he didn't like it. I guess now I know why.)

Lorette goes on. " Well, I do need to keep a better eye on Voltorb. You're not wrong about that. " She pauses, a strangely tender look on her face. " Do you know what EDD is, Ash? "

Ash nods, realization crossing his face. " Embryo Development Disorder. My Gliscor has it. "

" Then, you see why Voltorb is such a little goober. And, why I can carry it like this. Would you believe Voltorb only weighs five pounds? "

Ash slams to a stop. " What? That's crazy! "

Ella and Korou turn around at his outburst, prompting Lorette to explain what EDD is.

I'd heard about that during my travels with Evan. Embryo Development Disorder is a rare condition that happens when a pokemon doesn't form properly in its egg. Mostly, it affects the brain and how a pokemon thinks and acts, but there can be physical deformities as well. Voltorb makes a little more sense to me now, though now I'm wondering how it affects Ash's Gliscor. (Was he the guy who tried to fly down to the camera but landed in the pond instead? Ash has so many pokemon that it's impossible to keep track after only meeting them once, especially since I'd never seen most of their species before.)

But, Voltorb has their own definition. "It's basically a nice way of saying I'm stupid."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Sarge interjects. She steps forward and grabs Voltorb from Ella, who had been holding them with her mouth wide open, clearly shocked at how light they are. Sarge lifts Voltorb to eye level and narrows her eyes. "What's this about you being stupid?"

"Well, that's what Alpha said," Voltorb replies way too casually.

I decide that I don't care for this alpha. "You're not stupid," I say firmly. "Your head's just screwed on differently."

"Just because one pokemon said it doesn't mean it's true," Patches states from her perch on Ella's shoulder. The humans move on at this point, and we follow suit, though Patches leaps off her trainer and on to Sarge's shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Voltorb."

"I'm not being hard on myself," Voltorb - ahem - corrects. "I'm just stating a simple fact."

Sarge puts her three free hands on her hips. "And, your fact is a load of-"

We stop abruptly when Voltorb suddenly turns into a red light and disappears. Lorette is standing in front of us with their pokeball in her hand. " Too close for comfort, Voltorb. " She looks down at the pokeball with a stern expression. " We'll check for jerks, and I'll let you out if it's all clear. "

Ash nods in approval and takes my hand again. He isn't scared out of his mind anymore, thank Arceus, but there is a certain protectiveness that I felt the first time he grabbed my hand today. I decide to shut myself down for a while. Ash seems to be mostly okay now that he has a good distraction, and if we do see Zapdos, I want to have a clear head.

I'm so used to feeling Ash's emotions that it takes a second to realize that it's my own anxiety churning my stomach.

Then Voltorb leaps back out, somehow managing to land in front of our group and just as quickly breaking into a run - er, roll - and calling, "I'll check for meanies!"

Lorette throws her hands in the air. " For God's sake! "

We all chase after Voltorb, but their typing's natural speed makes it impossible to keep up. Luckily, Patches is the same type, so Ella sends her ahead to make sure nothing happens.

Soon, the power plant comes into view. It's a massive building littered with holes and plantlife and has generally seen better days, though it must be structurally sound if a hoard lives there. We find Voltorb and Patches in front of the power plant, being laughed at by another Voltorb and an Electrode.

Patches is in front of Voltorb, and I can see blue sparks skittering over her tail. "I said leave them alone," she threatens.

The Electrode sneers. "So, you're hiding behind your mate, are you?"

"She's not my mate," our Voltorb corrects in earnest confusion.

"Alpha's gonna love this!" the other Voltorb cackles.

Electrode looks up at us. "Ho, there. They're not the only trespassers."

"We can handle these guys," the other Voltorb says before rolling back into the building through an obnoxiously large opening.

Of course, alpha pokemon are pretty big…

Lorette curses and runs to her pokemon, calling their name. But, Electrode leaps over our friends and locks on to her with Rollout. She freezes in panic.

" Gardevoir, Psybeam! " Ash calls as he body slams Lorette out of the way, his hat falling off in the process.

My chest horn heats up, and I launch a dark pink beam of light. It's a direct hit, and Electrode gets knocked back.

"Lorette!" Voltorb screams.

They and Patches rush over to Lorette, who is still laying in the grass with Ash right on top of her. He starts to get up, but Electrode charges at them again, and Ash covers her once more. Every protective instinct in me starts screaming, but Ella beats me to the punch.

" Patches, use Dig! " she calls. " Make a crater! "

At speeds only achievable by an electric-type, Patches leaps in front of Ash and Lorette and spins around and around in the dirt. She jumps out just as Electrode hits her crater. Their momentum sends them swirling and flying out.

That's when Korou jumps in. " Sarge, use Brick Break! "

"Batter up!" Sarge quips. Two of her hands glow white, and she slams Electrode square in the face. The resulting aerial descent leaves them rolling through the grass, unconscious. Sarge puts all four hands on her hips and puffs out her chest. "I'd call that a home run."

I cup my hands over my mouth and breathe out loudly. "The crowd goes wild!" She grins and fist bumps me.

" Is everyone okay? " Korou asks.

" We're fine, " Ash confirms.

" I'm crushed, " Lorette mutters. Ash sheepishly apologizes, grabs his hat, and climbs to his feet. Lorette pushes herself up on her elbows and glares at Voltorb when they roll in front of her. " Will you stop freaking me out? " Voltorb flinches at her tone. " What if we hadn't found you? What would those assholes have done then? "

But, before she can chastise them any further, we hear a low rumbling. Before we know it, we're surrounded by about a dozen Voltorb and Electrode, joined by the one we knocked out, and none of them look happy.

Lorette hops to her feet, gazing around with barely concealed horror. " Where did they come from? "

" I wonder if they live in the power plant, " Korou guesses.

Sarge nods, clenching all four fists. "Yeah, this is the horde I mentioned."

"The one mentioned an alpha," Patches breathes, cheeks and tail sparking.

Ash steps forward. " Listen, all of you. We don't mean any harm. We just wanted to see Zapdos, but if that's a problem, we'll leave. "

" No one needs to fight, " Ella adds.

"Guess again," someone says. The crowd parts at the power plant's huge opening, and a massive Electrode, easily twice the size of the others of their kind, rolls into view. "We don't take kindly to trespassers." Their brow is low on their face, and their grin is anything but welcoming.

And yet, Ella squeals, pulls out her phone, and starts snapping pictures. " It's an Alpha Electrode! " She stops just as quickly. " Wait, this is bad, isn't it? "

I'm seriously tempted to smack her.

"So, you wanna see Zapdos, do ya?" Alpha sneers. "That's fine. But, you know, it's not gonna be that easy."

Their hoard titters around us. Ash curses under his breath. " Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out of this. "

"Oh, there will be fighting," Alpha says, "but not with you." They, along with the rest of the hoard, lock their gaze on our Voltorb, who makes a small noise and spins around fearfully. "So, you decided to show your face again, eh? That's bold, I'll give you that."

Lorette glowers at the hoard. " I don't like the way they're looking at my buddy. "

"Leave them alone!" Sarge snarls.

Alpha chuckles. "Nice to see you've met some folks who can stand you, Voltorb."

Korou spreads out his hands pleadingly. " Look, we'll go in peace. Just leave Voltorb alone! "

"What did they ever do to you?" Patches demands.

Alpha raises their brow at her, and a thin veil of electricity coats their body. At first, I think they're going to attack, but then I notice Patches's cheeks sparking faintly. She's down on all fours and her hackles are raised, but she doesn't appear threatened by whatever's going on.

Then, the electricity dissipates, and Alpha addresses their hoard. "The fluffy one's an electric-type. Leave her be unless she becomes a problem."

Patches hisses, her fur lighting up more harshly this time.

Alpha ignores the implied threat and returns their attention to Voltorb. "Now, as for you-"

" Oh, the hell with this! " Lorette snaps. She grabs Voltorb's pokeball from her belt and holds it out. " Voltorb, return. "

"But-" is all Voltorb can get out before they are sucked in.

Lorette holds up the pokeball for all to see. " There. Voltorb's gone. Happy now? "

Then, she jerks back as the pokeball bursts open, and Voltorb shoots back out. "But, I have to keep you safe!" they exclaim.

This leaves the crowd in a new fit of laughter, which Alpha silences with a small explosion. "Now, now, everyone. The 'mon wants to keep their trainer safe. Can't fault them for that. Alright, Voltorb, here's how this is gonna go. You and I are gonna battle." Voltorb yelps at this, generating some giggles. Arceus, I hate these guys. " If you win, you and your friends can see Zapdos, no strings attached. But, I win, and… Well, I'm sure even you can remember what we do to trespassers."

"What's your problem with Voltorb, anyway?" I demand.

"They have the brains of a pile of rocks!" someone taunts, causing a few giggles.

To my surprise, Alpha sends a glare in that direction. "Look who's talking, Voltorb." This results in even louder laughter, and the Voltorb who spoke shimmies back in embarrassment. Then, Alpha returns their attention to me. "If you must know, your pal here is a royal nuisance, though you've probably figured that out already."

"Why you-" Sarge steps forward, but Korou presses a hand against her chest. She settles for growling and death-glaring Alpha Electrode.

But, the oversized asshat ignores her. "We've all got our quirks, and some of us, myself included, have dietary restrictions. None of that is an issue." They leer at our Voltorb. "No, this one's problem is that they're always getting into trouble, shoving their face where it doesn't belong, blowing up pokemon who get pissed off and chase the little freak right back here. It was sort of forgivable when they were a hatchling, even a youngling. But, this guy's full-grown and still has the mental capacity of an infant."

The more they speak, the more power runs through me. Based on the electricity sizzling over Patches and the way Sarge growls louder and clenches all four of her fists, I'm not the only one.

"The last straw was when they blew up right in Lord Zapdos's face! We're lucky the Lord is so tolerant, or who knows what could have happened!"

" Enough! " Lorette snaps and stomps in front of Voltorb. " I don't know what you're saying, but clearly it's not anything good! Nobody insults my friends, especially Voltorb, ya hear? "

"Lorette, stop…" Voltorb whimpers.

Ash nudges me and nods with a fierce look on his face, a gesture I read as "be ready for anything."

Then, Alpha chuckles. "Well, Voltorb, at least your trainer likes you. But, back to business. That battle. You in or out?"

"You don't have to do this, Voltorb," Sarge says. "You have nothing to prove."

"Let's just curbstomp these guys and leave!" I add.

Lorette pulls out Voltorb's pokeball once more. " Forget this! Voltorb, get inside. "

But, Voltorb rolls away from the beam of light and hesitantly says to Alpha. "If I battle you, no matter the outcome, you have to leave my friends alone. I don't want them to get hurt. Especially Lorette."

"The brown one?" Alpha confirms. "You have my word that no one will touch her. Or, any of them."

"Then, I accept your challenge."

I hear Patches whisper, "Can Voltorb really beat an alpha?"

Not to underestimate Voltorb, but I don't like their odds. Alpha pokemon are extremely powerful. I don't know how much battling Voltorb does, but my heart races on their behalf.

" I think they're gonna battle, " Ella breathes.

" Voltorb can win, " Ash says certainly.

" I don't think it has a choice. " Korou adds.

Voltorb rolls forward, and Lorette takes the hint. " Alright. If it's a battle you want, it's a battle you're gonna get! Let's do this, Voltorb! "

Voltorb whips around. "No, Lorette! You could get hurt! You gotta stay away!"

Lorette just stares for a moment before nodding. " I get it. There are some things you just have to do on your own. " She takes a few steps back and pumps her fist. " Show this jerk what you're made of! "

Satisfied, Voltorb turns back to their opponent. "Okay. I'm ready."

"Should we start placing bets?" someone snickers.

Someone else laughs. "What's the point?"

It takes everything in me not to annihilate whoever said that.

The battle begins. Electricity runs over Voltorb, who blasts a wave of it at Alpha. Shock Wave always hits its target, so I'm not surprised when it hits Alpha Electrode dead on. What does surprise me is that Alpha doesn't move, as if the attack had no effect at all.

"Not bad," Alpha says. "But, it's my turn."

Alpha spins and spins, their body glowing a silvery-white as they come at Voltorb with Gyro Ball. Voltorb tries to dodge but gets grazed and sent rolling into the crowd. Some hoard members get plowed into and sent rolling in various directions, which would be pretty satisfying if Voltorb hadn't gotten hurt in the process.

Voltorb rolls back into the fray with some visible effort then transitions into Rollout. Alpha dodges then hits them with Swift, sending them back and flying in Korou's direction. Sarge jumps in front and catches Voltorb with two hands, holding them upside-down.

" Thanks, Sarge, " Korou says.

Sarge nods at him then asks Voltorb, "You alright?"

"Uh-huh," Voltorb pants.

Sarge reluctantly lets go. Harsh volts coat Voltorb's body, giving them a bright yellow glow as they roll Spark at their opponent. Alpha counters with their own Spark, sending Voltorb flying back once more.

This time, Lorette is the one getting smashed into the ground. She sits up, and a tiny red trickle runs down the back of her arm. " Are you okay? " she asks Voltorb, who's panicked gaze is on her.

" Lorette, you're arm! " Ella exclaims.

Lorette reaches over and feels the back of her arm. She pulls her hand back and looks down at the red splotch. Our human friends all comically bump into each other in their mad dash to help. Ash is the first to reach her. While he pulls medical supplies out of his backpack, Voltorb slowly turns back to Alpha Electrode, the look on the pre-evolution's face giving me chills. The horde seems a little uneasy now.

"You hurt Lorette," they growl.

Alpha blinks, the only indication that they're taken back by this. "I didn't do it on purpose."

Voltorb screams and leaps back into the battle. Their body glows white as they roll at full speed into Alpha. By the time anyone can stop Voltorb, they explode. Self-Destruct is a powerful attack, but it comes with a price: the user takes heavy recoil damage. Combine that with the damage Voltorb has already taken…

To my relief, Voltorb is still conscious, though barely, given their heavy breaths and the way they teeter this way and that. The closest hoard members have also taken damage, and I can't help a little grin at the sight.

Then, my stomach drops. Alpha Electrode is peppered with soot and scuff marks, but they are still grinning and even start laughing . "Of all attacks, you pick that one ? Even when it matters, you screw up." They gaze around at the crowd. "Everyone okay after that?" Some affirmative noises, then, "What's say I wrap this up?" Cheers ring out. Harsh bolts run over Alpha. "Last chance to surrender, Voltorb."

"Y-you hurt Lorette…" Voltorb whimpers with whatever strength they have remaining.

Alpha rolls their eyes. "Again, that was an accident. But, I get the message."

One of the Electrode starts chanting, "Thunder! Thunder!" and the rest of the crowd follows suit.

" I've seen enough. " The voice is so low and dangerous that I almost don't recognize it as Ash's. He stands and reaches up to turn his cap backwards. There is raw rage in his eyes as he glares at Alpha. I like where he's going, and I'm really glad that look isn't directed at me. " Gardevoir- "

But, he's cut off when Lorette cries out Voltorb's name and sprints into the battlefield. Lorette dives in front of Voltorb just as Thunder hits . We are all frozen, unable to do anything while our friend screams in agony, taking the impact for her pokemon.

" What is she doing? " Ella exclaims.

Ash's response is quiet, solemn. " Exactly what we would do. "

No one contradicts him.

Alpha halts their attack and blinks uncomprehendingly. "Uh…oops," they say stupidly.

Mutters of "Is she okay?" and the like ring through the crowd. But, they were all for attacking us on purpose? What hypocrites.

" Lorette, " Korou calls in panic, " are you alright? Say something! "

Lorette collapses and visible static runs over her; she's paralyzed, I think in horror. Then, she groans and opens her dazed dark brown eyes. Her face is tight with pain but softens considerably at the trembling pokemon who rolls in front of her. " Aw, don't cry, sweetie. " She slowly raises her hand, pauses at a wave of static, and gently runs her palm over Voltorb's head. " Mama's okay. Mama's okay. "

It's such a tender moment that I'm not sure I should be watching. Beside me, Ash releases a breath that's just barely reminiscent of a sob. I look up to find all traces of anger gone. His eyes are full of tears, and I know he's thinking of Pikachu. I take his hand once more. He squeezes back.

But, of course, Alpha Asshat over here decides to ruin the moment. "Uh, so, this is awkward." They clear their throat. "Heh. Uh, you wanna just call this a draw, Voltorb? We can, uh, we can get her some herbs. Eh, one of you go get some-"

Voltorb slowly turns around to face Alpha. "You hurt Lorette." Their voice is as low and dangerous as Ash's was a moment ago.

" Voltorb… " Lorette croaks.

But, Voltorb ignores her. "You promised not to hurt her." It's then that I realize it's not anger making their voice lower. Their voice shouldn't be that deep, no matter the emotion.

Then, I find out why.

Voltorb's body glows, encased in a rainbow of swirling, shimmering lights. The clearing echoes with surprised noises as Voltorb's body grows and grows, until they are three times the size of the foot-tall-with-change form they used to have. Then, the light dissipates, revealing a pokemon of the same round shape but with reversed coloring: white on the top-half, red on the bottom.

Voltorb - Electrode - tries to roll Lorette back to us, but Sarge and I rush over and help her to her feet. She hisses as static pauses her movements, but we manage to bring her back to our group and prop her against a tree. Ash and Korou sit on either side of her, keeping her in place as Ella and Patches tend to her.

Satisfied, Electrode turns back to Alpha. Before their opponent can react, Electrode repeats their earlier actions: screaming and rushing in with Self-Destruct. Only, their glow is brighter, beams of light shooting off them.

That's not Self-Destruct.

The detonation is louder, stronger, sending shock waves (not the attack) all over, as if the planet itself has exploded. Once the smoke clears, Ash comments, " I think they just learned Explosion. "

And, it looks like it did its job. The closest horde members have been knocked out by the blast, and Alpha, while still upright, is covered in soot and grimacing in pain. Explosion is the most powerful attack there is, but it causes even greater recoil damage than Self-Destruct. While the sight twists my insides, it doesn't surprise me in the least to see Electrode on their side and dead to the world.

"Well," Alpha pants, "that didn't go like I thought it would."

" Vol- Electrode! " Lorette pushes past Ella and stumbles to her pokemon's side. The paralyze heal Ella used seems to be working, but Lorette still slumps to her knees with a hard grunt. She rolls Electrode upright. They blink themselves awake but still teeter a little. Lorette keeps a hand on their cheek, steadying them. Her voice breaks. " You didn't evolve just for me, did you? "

Electrode just notices that she's there. There is so much love and tenderness in their eyes that I once again question whether I should be watching. "You're my friend," they say simply.

Lorette lets out a sob and throws her arms around Electrode, who closes their eyes and leans into the touch. My chest tightens at the sight. The still-conscious hoard members collectively "aww." Even their alpha seems humbled.

"I think they'll be alright," Patches says before her own trainer picks her up and holds her against her shoulder. Patches snuggles into her neck.

Ella gazes at the furry bundle through misty eyes and gently strokes her fur. " Pokemon are really something. "

" I'll say. " Korou agrees. He leans over and kisses Sarge on the cheek. She smiles and wraps two arms around him in a side-hug.

My heart full, I look up at Ash and my mood darkens a little. His gaze is locked on to the duo before us. His lip is wobbling, and he blinks too quickly as his eyes threaten to overflow. I don't know how much is Pikachu and how much is that phone call. I don't know if they're one and the same. I don't know if it would be better or worse if they were.

"Ash?" I say.

He releases my hand and pulls me in a tight hug, leaning on me like he's about to fall over. I can't help feeling a little like a stand-in. But, a quick check of his emotions tells me that's not the case. There is the grief and sorrow that I expected, but there's also trust, affection, love directed straight at me. I return his embrace and shut myself off, feeling guilty for doubting him.

Then, someone gasps, cutting the moment short. The knocked out horde members are slowly regaining consciousness, and one of them is staring with wide, scared eyes at something past Lorette and Electrode, who turn their attention in that direction with the rest of us. A pokemon I've never seen before is standing a short distance away. He is roughly Lorette's height and has large wings covered in jagged yellow feathers; some kind of flying-type?. He has a bright orange beak and sharp talons the same color. He also, quite frankly, looks like he wants to be anywhere else.

He smiles awkwardly at the on-lookers. "I, uh, I can come back later."

"No, no!" Alpha sputters when the new pokemon starts to back away. "No worries. We were just…having a friendly battle." They survey the wide-eyed trainers, who are still holding their pokemon. "And, it took kind of a weird turn. We didn't mean to wake you."

"Oh, my nap wasn't all that interesting. Though, it seems I missed all the fun."

The maybe-flying-type walks up to the group, who all stare at him with faces that scream, "Well, we're boned." Perhaps Alpha Electrode isn't the one in charge after all.

So, I say to the newcomer, "I'd hardly call this a friendly battle."

The pokemon stops and raises his brow at me. "Oh?"

Alpha rolls in front of him. Being taller and broader, they are completely blocking the new guy's view of me. "Don't mind him. He showed up late. He doesn't know what's going on."

"Yeah, he does," Sarge defends, crossing her upper arms and planting her lower hands on her hips. "These guys ambushed us!"

The new guy flaps his wings and hops over Alpha. His wings send tiny yellow volts into the air as he lands. An electric- and flying-type, then? Same as Zapdos, if my hunch is correct.

The new guy opens his beak then closes it when a thin layer of static rolls over his feathers just like what happened with Patches. Now, I remember; electric-types can communicate with each other with electro-magnetic-something-something. I don't know how it works, but the nearby crackle of electricity me tells me who's doing the talking. Sarge and I look over at Patches, who still rests in her trainer's arm - Ella is using her free hand to take endless pictures on her phone - and turns her head to give us a sh*t-eating grin. We don't need to ask what she's telling the new guy, and neither does the horde, by the way they tremble and whisper to each other.

The new guy's expression is unreadable as the static vanishes, and his voice also reveals nothing. He turns his head over his shoulder at Alpha, who would probably have pissed themself by now if they were human. "It seems we have a lot to discuss."

"Sir, it's my fault," Alpha begs. "Please, don't be mad at these guys. They were just following my orders!"

"I know you, Electrode. You don't make your horde do things they aren't comfortable with." The new guy's stern gaze rakes over the rest of the hoard. "Everyone here acted of their own accord." And, suddenly, that same everyone has something else to look at. A smirk grazes my mouth.

Then, the new guy's black eyes soften as he approaches Lorette, whose eyes and mouth are wide open, and our Electrode, who stares up at him in awe and…recognition? Of course, I think. Electrode used to live here. This was probably their leader back then. But, if that's the case, why was Alpha allowed to kick them out? Though, now that I think about it, Alpha never specified who kicked out Electrode.

But, it couldn't have been this guy. There's no malice or anything in the way he speaks to our friend. "My apologies on their behalf." He nods at Lorette. "They told me you had a trainer now. Though, they said nothing about your new form. I'm glad you're doing well."

"New form?" Electrode stares down at themself in confusion and shimmies a little. "Did I evolve?"

The new guy laughs. "It's that new, is it? Congratulations!"

Up to this point, the humans have been quiet. But, now Ash speaks up. " Hey, Zapdos? " And, my heart stops as a result. " Zapdos? Over here! "

Zapdos? This guy is Zapdos ? The Lord of Lightning himself? No wonder the horde is so nervous! I check to see if everyone is as freaked as me. Korou has Sarge's arm in a two-handed death grip. The Machamp herself is staring blankly around, as if expecting someone to jump out and say that we've been pranked. Ella continues taking pictures with a dopey grin on her face. Patches is staring at nothing, probably processing the fact that she just casually tattled on someone to a Legendary Pokemon .

And, then, there's Ash who is smiling and waving. He lowers his hand when freaking Zapdos tilts his head at him. "Zapdos, do you remember me? I mean, I guess it's been years." He chuckles and turns his hat the right way and shyly plays with the bill. "I look pretty different, now."

" Yo, Ketchum, " Lorette calls. " You know Zapdos? "

Zapdos blinks and stares at Ash in a new…almost reverent way. "Ash Ketchum. Of course."

" Yeah, " Ash answers Lorette. " We met when I was…a kid… "

He trails off as the hoard starts whispering excitedly. It's clear that they've at least heard of Ash, but I catch the phrase "Chosen One" more than once, and now I'm really curious. Especially when our Electrode gapes at Ash and asks if he's really " that Ash Ketchum." But, nothing catches my attention like the variations of "Does anyone know where Pikachu is?" making their way around. Then, the whispers turn fearful as it dawns on them that they've been threatening friends of Zapdos's apparent friend. One of them mumbles, "We're dead! We're dead! Zapdos is gonna kill us! And, then we'll be dead!"

"Silence." Zapdos doesn't raise his voice, doesn't even glance at the horde, but the murmuring stops as quickly as it starts. "None of you knew Ash was here, so I am willing to leave that part out of our discussion." Everyone calms slightly. Zapdos calmly walks up to Ash, and the two gaze at each other, familiar, even friendly. "Ash Ketchum. It has been far too long." He pauses and leans in a little, his brow co*cked as if anticipating something. "Pikachu and I had quite the battle."

What? Did he battle Ash's Pikachu? So, Pikachu was here, then. And, he battled Zapdos ? I'd love to hear the story behind that.

Ash grins and says to our very confused companions, " Hey, guys. I think Zapdos remembers me! "

Zapdos huffs a laugh and mutters, "Not quite yet," whatever that means. He turns around and dramatically spreads his wings, spreading tiny bolts of lightning that prickle my skin. "The Chosen One is among us. Let us welcome him and his companions with open arms." He pauses, as if remembering that he is speaking to literal balls with faces. "You know what I mean." He folds his wings and looks over his shoulder at the rest of us. "They won't harm you now. Come inside for a spell. Bring your trainers." He smiles wider at Ash. "Especially this one."

"Um, Gardevoir," Sarge says as Zapdos follows the crowd back inside while telling them to take Lorette and Electrode to the infirmary. "What's all this about?"

Patches leaps out of Ella's embrace and latches on to my arm. "Yeah, what's this Chosen One business?"

"First I'm hearing of it," I answer. Though, I do recall Ash mentioning that "the planet stopped collapsing." Could that have something to do with it?

Ash starts to follow Zapdos then stops and turns around. " You guys coming? "

" I-I guess? " Korou says, still clutching Sarge's arm. Sarge shrugs with all of her free arms.

Ella brings her fists to her chest and grins manically at him. " If Zapdos is friends with Ash, then I'm sure it's fine! "

When Korou hesitates, she grabs his arm and pulls him free of his partner, half-dragging his agitated self to the entrance. Patches sighs and shakes her head before hopping off of me and following them.

"Hopefully someone in there can explain all of this," Sarge says before joining the others.

Now, it's just me and Ash, who holds out his hand for me. His smile is broad, and his eyes are bright. It's like that phone call never happened. But, after the way he was this morning, there is no way that whatever it was is completely gone from his mind. But, that's a problem for later, I decide. Right now, my trainer is happy and eager. Determination and a can-do attitude, like he promised. Not to mention whatever Zapdos and Electrode Horde were talking about, which must be pretty amazing if the Lord of Lightning himself likes Ash so much.

For the umpteenth time today, but this time for a much happier reason, I take my trainer's hand.

Chapter 14: The Fiery Spirit of Friendship

Chapter Text

"Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that a story." - Marty Rubin


The power plant is as run down on the inside as it is on the outside. Anything man-made - tables, chairs, computers, ex cetera - is either broken or barely hanging on. Plantlife shoots through every crack and opening. Yet, it's a sort of controlled chaos. The longer roots and vines are laying along the edges of the former lobby, like someone had pushed them out of the way but wasn't willing to disturb the plants' growth. Certain parts of the walls are covered by flat chunks of wood or whatever man-made objects they could find, a pokemon's way of repairing its home. The building is old and worn, but its inhabitants take good care of it.

As soon as we were all inside, Zapdos called the horde to attention and I assume explained our presence on their territory. And, there are a lot of pokemon on their territory, though I can't say whether or not they all live here. Voltorb and Electrode seem to make up the bulk of the horde, but there are a handful of other species as well. All electric-types, I notice. I wonder how they feel about Sarge and Gardevoir being here. I noticed some suspicious looks when we first walked in.

Zapdos had started cawing and making hand- Er, wing gestures at us, mostly at me. (I still can't believe he remembers me!) Then they all looked at me with, to my surprise, awe and respect. Me of all people! As soon as Zapdos had stepped aside, a few younger Voltorb had rolled up to me, slowly joined by more and more until I was surrounded by spherical children. It was honestly a little embarrassing - and terrifying, considering that most of these guys could explode at the drop of a hat - and I have to wonder what Zapdos told them.

The others had backed away to a safe distance, though Ella looked kind of jealous. Luckily, the children's parents managed to pry their kids away from me. Alpha Electrode made some kind of announcement, and everyone gave us more space afterwards, though I still received a fair helping of attention.

Now, I find myself constantly surrounded by new friends who want me to pet them and chat with them. It's a sharp contrast from when we'd first arrived. I'd love to know what that was about. Lorette and her new Electrode had been carted off somewhere, and they came back looking much better. Apparently, they'd been brought to a makeshift infirmary and given healing herbs and berries. It's nice to see that not everyone here hates us.

Though, from the death glares and harsh tones that Alpha Electrode and the ambushers were getting from Sarge, Patches, and Gardevoir during the ambush, it's clear that the only ones who can explain are the ones who can't speak. Oh, well. I look up from the Electrode I'm petting to see that Lorette's Electrode is happily chatting with several of their kind. Lorette isn't straying too far from her partner, not that I blame her. I'd be the same way if it was one of my pokemon-

My pokemon…

The Electrode before me moves aside, and I receive the perfect distraction in the form of two Electabuzz holding hands and presenting me with two very young Elekid, one just a little bit older than the other, who stare nervously at me with their hands behind their backs. I kneel and give them my warmest smile. "Hey, you two! My name's Ash." The hatchlings don't respond. "Come on. I don't bite." I hold out my hands, and the boys look curiously at them. The parents nod, so I tentatively hang my hands over their children's head. When the boys don't move away, I lower my hands and run my palms over the short, bristly fur on their heads. The boys coo happily, and the sound lifts my spirits. "See? I'm not that scary."

Man, Pikachu would lose his mind in this place. I can picture him rubbing cheeks with everyone, sharing electricity the way electric-types do to say hello. If he were here, he would have put these Elekid to ease before they and their parents had even approached me. My buddy has always had a way with others, people and pokemon alike. With him around, maybe we could have even talked a way around that ambush.

And if not, I know someone who would have taken Alpha Electrode down in an instant…

"Ash? It's Professor Oak."

"Oh, hey! Any news?"

"Well, yes, but not about Pikachu. Ash…we need to discuss Charizard."

Don't think about it. Gardevoir can sense your emotions. You promised him your best, and you've screwed that up enough today. So, for his sake, just don't think about it.

"Chi chi pah chi pah!"

Thank God for well-timed distractions. Patches comes from nowhere and throws herself at me, knocking me on my ass and scaring the Elekid and their parents. The shiny Pachirisu climbs into my jacket and crawls on to my back, shivering as she clings to my tank. I almost laugh when I find out why. Some hatchling Voltorb are rolling our way, and I shoot to my feet when they start randomly exploding as their kind are infamous for doing. The Electabuzz smartly hold their sons back as the Voltorb stop at my feet and eagerly jump up and down, trying to get to Patches, I assume. The poor thing starts whimpering, and her grip tightens.

I try to keep the amusem*nt out of my voice as I tell the Voltorb, "Sorry guys. I don't think Patches feels like playing."

The group deflates, but the Elekid chirp happily at them. The kids run/roll off to play, and the Electabuzz coo gratefully at me, thanking me for being so kind to their sons, I imagine. I nod in acknowledgement and give Patches the all clear. She cautiously pokes her head out of my collar and sighs in relief.

I scratch her chin. "Why don't we get you back to your trainer."

I scan the room. Korou is watching some Magneton float around. Behind him, Sarge is picking up Voltorb one by one and rolling them across the room like bowling balls. They explode when they hit the wall. Korou freaks out when he sees this, though everyone involved seems to be having fun.

Not far from them, Lorette is on her knees, petting a Jolteon. Electrode is right beside her and seems to be policing anyone who gets too close. I watch as they send two other - rather irritated-looking - Electrode on their way but let another of their kind say hello to Lorette. There is a noticeable change in Electrode now that they've evolved. They seem more serious, more mature even. I noticed it right away. Granted, it could simply be the environment, what with some of the horde attacking us and all, but it isn't unheard of for a pokemon's personality to change after it evolves.

Charizard, for instance.

Don't think about it. Focus on finding Ella.

Elsewhere, Gardevoir picks up some Voltorb and Electrode with Psychic and starts juggling them with a few twirls of his wrist. Soon, the participants start blowing up mid-air, and Gardevoir shrinks back and covers his head, dropping everyone. They lay there for a moment before shrieking with joy and crowding around Gardevoir, demanding another round. My eye-wided pokemon looks my way, silently begging for help.

But, I know a losing battle when I see one. "You made your bed, Gardevoir. Now you have to lie in it." Patches giggles. I try not to echo her. Gardevoir starts shouting at me, and I don't need a translator to tell me that I'm being cussed out. "Look, I need to find Ella. I'll be back soon." Maybe it's mean, but I can't resist waving and adding, "Have fun!"

He gives me the most human gesture I've ever seen from a pokemon.

I walk the down halls, calling for Ella. Patches is sitting on my shoulder (I'm going to pretend that's not Pikachu's spot), doing the same. I guess everyone's congregated in the lobby, because apart from the occasional straggler, it's just me and Patches. Then, we are approached by a small pokemon I'm not familiar with. He kind of looks like a plump orange Pikachu with a shorter tail and fat forearms. Patches makes a curious sound, so I don't think she knows what he is either.

I pull out my pokedex. 'Pawmi: the mouse pokemon. An electric-type. In addition to the electric sacs in its cheeks, Pawmi has special organs in its forepaws that generate electricity. If it feels threatened, it rubs its forepaws against its cheeks, preparing an attack.'

Well, this Pawmi is smiling and wagging his tail, so I don't think we have anything to worry about. Especially once Patches (finally) jumps off my shoulder and rubs cheeks with him, generating tiny, happy sparks.

Come to think of it, they both kind of look like Pikachu. More so with Pawmi, though Patches certainly has similar facial features.


I kneel down and hold out a hand for the newcomer. "It's nice to meet you, Pawmi," I greet.

He sniffs me and, deciding that I mean no harm, cheerfully bats my finger with his paw. Patches squeaks in approval.

"I'd love to get to know you," I say, running two fingers between his large ears, "but we're looking for her trainer."

Patches chitters at Pawmi, who points to a door at the end of the hall. We thank him and head that way. The door in question suddenly flies open, and several Voltorb and Electrode roll out. We leap to the wall, trying not to get run over, but the group stops and stares at me. These are the guys who ambushed us, I realize. Some avert their eyes, and some are shrinking back like they think I'm going to hit them or something. I'd really like to know what Zapdos said.

I raise my hands placatingly. "Guys, it's okay. I don't know what all that was about out there, but you were just defending your territory from a bunch of strangers, right? You probably just targeted Electrode because they're one of your kind. Better the devil you know, as they say." Patches hisses at that. I look down to find her fur fluffed up and her cheeks puffed and staticky. "Come on, Patches. We can't fault them for defending their home."

"Chu pah," she snarls. Her fur is still raised, but the static is gone. Small victories.

I turn back to the group. "I forgive you guys, but I can't speak for everyone else."

Everyone visibly relaxes, and a few send Patches smug looks. She squeaks harshly at those ones, and they laugh and follow the others down the hall. Not for the first time, I long for the ability to understand pokemon.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" I ask her. She responds by grumbling and kneading the cracked tile floor. Huh. "Let's just find Ella."

The door the others came out of shows its age. It's so cracked that I don't know how it's still in one piece. It somehow latches, though the hinges swing both ways, which I suppose is useful for pokemon with no limbs. The door itself is surprisingly wide, like maybe people used to move machinery or something through it before this place was abandoned by humans. Considering that all the other doorways are crumbled on the sides and missing doors altogether, this must be the only entryway the alpha didn't have to alter to use.

I gingerly push the door open, cautious of breaking the one door they might actually want, and try to process what I'm seeing. It's a large room filled with broken machinery, including a huge generator that's lit up like it might somehow still be functioning. Given Pawmi's directions, I expected to see Ella in here.

Just not with Zapdos and Alpha Electrode.

Ella's long legs are spread apart like she's ready to flee, though her hand is hovering tentatively. Zapdos is standing in front of her, a wary but encouraging look in his dark eyes as he leans in closer. Beside him, Alpha watches with the same protectiveness that I saw in Lorette's partner.

Ella slowly lowers her hand to Zapdos's head then snaps back with a yelp when electricity cracks at her. He smiles apologetically, but a dopey grin pulls at Ella's mouth. "Thank you for-for letting me…try to pet you." Zapdos chirps kindly.

That's when Alpha spots me, and their serious gaze wavers. "Trode elec…"

Zapdos looks my way, and Ella's eyes follow. Ella grins and skips up to me. "Hey, Ash!" She starts as Patches climbs up her leg and rests on her shoulder. Ella brings a hand to her partner's cheek, bringing her closer. "Patches! I was wondering where you went." Patches nuzzles her neck, and Ella brings her fists to her chest. "Zapdos is so friendly! I thought a Legendary Pokemon would be intimidating, but it's so nice! I asked to feel its feathers, and it just let me! My hand kind of hurts now, but who cares?"

Anyone who sees a Legendary Pokemon and instantly asks to pet it is okay in my book.

While Ella babbles excitedly, Zapdos and Alpha Electrode walk/roll our way. Patches squeaks and hops to Ella's other shoulder, bringing her farther from the larger pokemon. Ella looks down at Zapdos when he nudges her arm and jerks his head at the door.

"You want me to leave?" she asks, disappointed.

Zapdos looks at me. Then he nudges her and nods at the door.

"I think he wants to talk to me," I interpret. "For lack of a better term."

"He? Zapdos is a boy?" Ella clarifies.

Patches throws her tail over her face in embarrassment, Alpha sighs and rolls their eyes, and Zapdos just looks amused. Frankly, I'm a mixed bag. Unless there is a physical difference, such as a Pikachu's tail or a Hippowdon's coloration, no one ever seems to know a pokemon's gender without asking it. It always seemed so obvious to me, but even seasoned pokemon professors call a pokemon "it" unless they can confirm otherwise. Pikachu says that males, females, and genderless all have an underlying scent that human noses can't detect, so maybe that's the problem. But, I don't smell anything, so how come I can tell?

Realizing that she'd voiced her confusion, Ella blushes and stammers out an excuse to leave. She rushes out the door, Patches in tow, leaving me with Zapdos and Alpha Electrode.

Anyone else would probably be quaking in their boots at the prospect of being so close to a Legendary Pokemon with lightning powers and what is essentially a six-foot tall bomb, but I've seen worse. Which says kind of a lot, I suppose. Either way, Zapdos made it perfectly clear that he has no intention of hurting me, so if he wants to see me for some reason, I'm more curious than concerned.

Alpha Electrode is the nervous one. They still won't look me in the eye. In fact, they seem ashamed. I wonder if Zapdos told them and our other attackers about my friends and I saving him, Moltres, and Articuno. That would explain a lot about how eager everyone is to see me.

"Uh, Alpha? I'm not mad anymore." Alpha looks up at me in surprise. "I mean, I don't like that you targeted my friend, but you were just protecting your home. I get it."

Alpha visibly relaxes until Zapdos gives them a side-eye and chirps at them. Then, they flinch and roll out the door. I wonder if I'll ever learn the whole story.

Zapdos taps his beak to my shoulder. At my blank stare, he repeats the motion and shakes some static from his feathers.

It clicks. "Uh, Pikachu?" He nods, and my heart sinks. I should have expected this. He remembers me, so of course he remembers Pikachu. "He's…not here, I'm afraid."

Zapdos shakes his head. He taps my shoulder again then takes a few steps back. He flaps his wings toward me twice, cawing and shooting off sparks with each flap. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out what a pokemon's trying to tell me, but I'm really coming up empty with this one.

Feeling embarrassed, I rub the back of my neck. "I-I'm sorry. I'm not getting this."

He smiles and shrugs, as if he'd expected this and isn't upset. Whatever he was trying to say must not have been very important.

There is a comfortable silence as we head back to the lobby. When we walk in, everyone stops talking and turns to stare, making me decidedly uncomfortable. Zapdos shakes his head and chuckles. He squawks for a while, then everyone returns to their conversations. There is an obvious respect from the hoard members, but there's a familiarity as well. Zapdos must come here more often than I thought.

The Legendary turns toward me, taps my shoulder again, and gestures to the crowd with his wing. I rack my brain for the meaning. A shoulder tap means Pikachu, I think. And, the pokemon seem to be important…

"Is-is Pikachu here?" I ask, but Zapdos shakes his head. "Was he here?" A smile and nod from him, but the rush of hope is all mine. "So, I guess you know what's been going on with us." A sympathetic head tilt. "Did he…look okay?"

Once again Zapdos flaps his wings and shoots off tiny lightning bolts.

"Does that mean yes?"

He winks at me before joining the crowd. I would have expected him to be as disappointed in me as some of my pokemon seemed to be. Particularly Charizard.But, Zapdos doesn't seem the slightest bit upset with me. I wonder how much Pikachu told him.

Actually, Zapdos doesn't seem concerned at all. It's like it's a simple fact to him. The sky is blue, the grass is green, Pikachu is missing. It makes me a little angry. How dare he not care! Who knows how long it's been since those two saw each other? Even if it was as recent as this morning, Zapdos shouldn't be so damn flippant about the whole thing!


I nearly jump out of my skin. Gardevoir is suddenly right beside me. I throw a hand over my heart, as if that will slow its rapid beat. "Jesus, Gardevoir!" I snap. He flinches. I force myself to relax. I'm being irrational; I know I am. "I'm sorry." Then, I spot the handful of Voltorb and Electrode behind him. "I'm also sorry for, well, leaving you," I add with a glance down at the group.

Gardevoir turns around and shoos them away. Once they're gone, he turns back to me and places his hand on my chest.

"Yes," I confirm, "you almost gave me a heart attack."

He frowns deeper and shakes his head. He pats my chest then puts his hand over the small red horn on his own.

Of course. Gardevoir must have sensed my rising temper and came to check on me. I wonder how that works for him. Does he feel my emotions like they were his own? Or, is it more like background noise? Or, somewhere in between? I hope it's the second one. I feel horrible enough without the thought of having to share all this mess inside me. It's bad enough that he has to put up with it as a bystander.

Whatever the case, I can't keep this from him. If I'm going to be an asshole, I should at least explain myself. But, this isn't the time. "Later," I promise.

He nods but stays by my side when I put on a smile and venture back into the crowd. Fortunately, my smile isn't fake for long. Various pokemon, Pawmi included, gather around me, demanding attention. Gardevoir tries to police them like Electrode, but I tell him not to worry about it. He must feel my heightened spirits, because he backs off and lets me play with everyone.

I look up from the two Voltorb I'm petting to see Zapdos across the room with Korou and Sarge. Korou looks less terrified of the Legendary but still keeps close to Sarge. Sarge is laughing at something Zapdos said.

When Zapdos leaves, I excuse myself and head over, Gardevoir not far behind. "Zapdos is awesome, isn't he?"

Sarge gives me a cheeky grin and a thumbs-up a move so distinctly Charizard that I inwardly cringe. Korou smiles weakly and brushes his fingers through his longish hair. "Well, it's- He's certainly less intimidating than I expected." He looks around with a thoughtful frown. "Though, I must say, it's quite a juxtaposition."

"A what-position?"

Sarge shrugs, but Korou chuckles and pushes up his glasses with his index finger. "I mean that now is a huge difference from when we first got here. I have to wonder what exactly was going on."

"Yeah, I hear you," I agree. "Personally, I think it was just a territory thing. We were strangers to them, and I imagine they don't see a lot of humans."

Korou ponders this. "I suppose that makes sense. And, Electrode is their own kind. Maybe they felt some sort of betrayal or something, and that's why they targeted it."

"I hadn't thought of it like that, but that makes sense too." We spot Sarge and Gardevoir glaring meaningfully at each other, a hidden message that doesn't need words. "Unless our pokemon learn to talk, I guess we'll never know."

"I don't care what the reason is," Lorette says, sauntering our way with Electrode by her side. "If anyone tries to mess with my buddy again, they're gonna hear from me." Electrode snuggles her hip, and she scratches their head.

They're so much like me and Pikachu that it feels like they've just thrown a rock at my chest. Gardevoir stands a little closer, silently offering support. I try to push the bad feeling away, but it doesn't do anything but sit there, weighing down my heart.

Lorette ponders whether she can still lift her partner and bends over to try. She moans and struggles for a while before finally giving up. At Electrode's distress at the idea of her never carrying them around again, she says, "Hey, at least petting you is easier. Plus, there's more room to rub." She proves this by aggressively rubbing their smooth, hard surface. Electrode coos and closes their eyes, pleased with the compromise.

"That's not so bad, is it, Electrode?" Korou chuckles. Sarge laughs and shakes her head.

"Hey, where'd Ella and Patches go?" I wonder.

I search the crowd just in time for the two of them to come running up to us. Well, more like staggering quickly, in Ella's case. She's charred and burned all over, and her pigtails are huge from static. She also has a manic grin on her face and a Joltik on her head.

I'm about to ask her what happened, but Lorette beats me to it. Sort of. "Girl, you look like you lost a fight with a hundred power cords."

"Are you alright?" Korou asks.

"Am I alright?" Ella spreads her arms out and spins around. "I'm surrounded by my favorite pokemon type, and I've never been electrocuted so much in my life!"

"Maybe you've been electrocuted too much?" I suggest with a chuckle, and Gardevoir laughs with me. Ella would probably squeeze Pikachu's cheeks just to get him to zap her.

She stops twirling, and I notice her eyes are a little unfocused. "There's never too much! And, now I know what purple tastes like!"

Patches sighs tolerantly, used to her trainer's antics.

"I think you need a break, Ella," Korou comments, properly concerned. "Or, maybe a hospital."

Before Ella can argue, I wrap my arm around her waist. "Let's get you some fresh air."

"You do that," Lorette says. "I'm gonna get some one-on-one time with Zapdos. He seems like a cool dude." She stabs her finger at my chest and narrows her eyes. "And, when you get back, you better tell us how you know him."

"Me too!" Ella chirps.

"Yeah," Korou agrees. "That has to be quite a story."

"I promise, you'll hear all about it," I say. "Now, let's go, Ella."

She struggles against me as I guide her out but relents when I threaten to throw her over my shoulder and carry her like a potato sack. I bring her outside, and we take off our backpacks and sit next to each other against the wall.

She crosses her arms and pouts like an angry toddler. "I still say I'm fine."

"You were tasting purple," I argue. "I've been shocked enough times to know that means you need a breather."

And honestly, I could use a breather myself. Any more time around electric-types and trainers and pokemon who love each other so fiercely, and I'll surely lose whatever composure I have left. I steal a second to survey the sky again. I don't know why I keep bothering. I know Charizard's not going to be there.

I was already a mess over Pikachu's disappearance. And, now…

No, Ash. No. Stop clenching the grass in your fists. Get the image of Charizard glaring at the ground and ignoring you out of your mind. Forget about what happened when he evolved from Charmander. This isn't like that. Because, this can't be like that.

Distraction. I need a distraction.

"Um, you didn't introduce us to your buddy," I say around the lump in my throat.

Ella blinks at me in confusion. "You already met Patches."

"No, silly." I point at the tiny yellow pokemon still resting in her hair. He squeaks and shrinks back. Not great with strangers, huh?

Ella raises a hand to pat her head, only for her eyes to widen when she taps Joltik's back instead. Having been caught, Joltik reluctantly crawls on to her hand and down her arm.

"I thought something felt off." Ella lowers her arm and smiles warmly at the little guy. "Well, hello there! What were you doing on my head?" Joltik squeaks again and squeezes his four blue eyes shut, trembling as if expecting to be punished. I can practically see Ella's heart melt. "Aw, it's okay." She carefully strokes Joltik's tiny head with her index finger. "It's okay, Joltik."

"So, I'm guessing this isn't your pokemon," I say as Joltik calms down and leans into the touch.

"Nope. Patches is my only one. I've never even seen a Joltik in person before."

"I have. Its evolution, too."

I pull my pokedex out of my back pocket, scan our new friend, and show Ella the screen. She stares intently, soaking in the data like a sponge. 'Joltik: the attaching pokemon. A bug- and electric-type. It is unable to generate its own electricity. Instead, it absorbs electricity from outside sources, such as other pokemon or electrical appliances.'

"Makes sense that it would be here, then," Ella comments. "This place must be like an all-you-can-eat buffet."

I put my pokedex away, as a lightbulb flashes in my head. "I wonder if that's why he latched onto you." I chuckle at the thought. "You've been electrocuted so much, he probably thinks you're an electric-type, yourself!" Her hair isn't puffy anymore, I notice, which proves my theory.

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Is Ash right?" she asks Joltik. "Am I a tasty snack?"

"Johl, johl," Joltik mutters, shuffling his forefeet.

Ella brings him closer and nuzzles her nose on his fuzzy face. "That's okay! I don't need electricity like you do. Chow down!"

I grin. "I'm pretty sure they don't actually eat electricity, Ella."

"Whatever." She giggles when Joltik starts gently nibbling on her nose. "See? I am a snack!"

This is exactly what I needed. There is nothing like watching a new bond form between a trainer and a pokemon. "Joltik sure seems to like you. Why don't you catch him?"

Ella's eyes shoot up at me so fast that Joltik almost falls off her arm. "C-catch him?" She smiles sheepishly and twirls a pigtail with her free hand. "To be honest, I've never done that before."

Now, that's the last thing I expected. Of course, just because she's a teenager doesn't mean she hasn't just started her journey. Even so, with her enthusiasm and the fact that she's from another region, I would have expected at least one catch. "Never? But, what about Patches? You caught her, didn't you?" Unless Pachirisu are starter pokemon in the Orre region, though I doubt a professor would use a shiny for that.

"Actually, my mother caught her. She found Patches while gardening and recognized her as a shiny. Patches kind of became the family pet after that."

"And then she came with you on your journey? That's awesome!" A memory strikes that warms me completely. "My mom has a Mr. Mime, Mime Jr. back then, who I really wanted to travel with when I was little. But, Mimey prefers the quiet life. He's pretty content with my mom."

"So, who was your first pokemon, then?"

"Oh, a Pikachu," I say, pretending my throat isn't closing up again.

Luckily, Ella doesn't notice my discomfort. "That's funny, because I saw the most amazing Pikachu the other day!"

My pulse quickens, but I can't let myself get excited. There are plenty of Pikachu in Kanto if you know where to look.

Ella goes on, repositioning herself so that she's on her knees. Joltik crawls onto her upper arm. "And, not just a Pikachu. The perfect Pikachu!" She brings her hands to her chin and sighs dreamily. "Fur the exact color of a ripe lemon, perfectly circular scarlet cheeks, a tail with edges sharp enough to cut your hair on!" She does a little shimmy and lets out a weird squeeing sound. "And, just imagine him as a Raichu!" She sighs again. I'm pretty sure she stopped talking to me a while ago.

"You had me, and you lost me," I say, though I can certainly relate to her passion for pokemon. That said, if there's even the slightest chance that it could be my buddy… "If that Pikachu was that impressive, why didn't you catch him?"

She deflates slightly. "I asked, but he didn't want to come with me. I guess he didn't want to leave his friends. I offered to catch them too, but they said no."

Friends? My mind snaps to Charizard. If he and Pikachu had found each other, I would feel so, so much better about the whole thing. But, as soon as the thought hits, I realize that it isn't possible. Ella said that she saw this Pikachu the other day, and Professor Oak wouldn't wait a few days to tell me about Charizard. The thought of Pikachu having travel buddies brings me comfort though. Assuming this is my Pikachu Ella's talking about.

"That reminds me," Ella says after a moment. "I should warn you about the poachers."

"Poachers?" I say. As if there isn't enough going on, now are poachers in the area?

"They call themselves Team Rocket. They showed up out of nowhere and tried to steal Patches from me!" So, Team Rocket is still around. Figures. "And, get this. That perfect Pikachu? It sounded like they were after him, too." My heart stops. Ella crosses her arms, and her next words sound far away. "We got rid of them - me and Patches and Pikachu and his friends - but they didn't get what they wanted, so they might come back. We should warn Lorette and Korou, too. Plus, all those other pokemon."

I finally find my voice, and I somehow manage to keep it steady. "Ella, by any chance, did these guys have a talking Meowth with them?"

I half-expect her to think I'm nuts, but instead her jaw drops. "You know them? Wait, the Meowth really does talk? I thought I was losing my mind."

That clinches it. I want to take Ella by the shoulders and throw a million questions at her. Where is Pikachu? How did he look? Who are his friends? Did Team Rocket hurt him? Did he seem unwell in any way? I reign myself in before my desperation can freak her out.

My voice weakens when I speak, but through some miracle, it doesn't shake. "Ella, two weeks ago…my Pikachu was taken by a group of guys with a talking Meowth."

I watch as my words sink in. Even Joltik tenses up. Ella whips around so fast that Joltik cries out and barely holds on. "I took pictures!" she cries as she digs around in her backpack. "Where's my phone? Here's my phone!"

She plays with her pink and rhinestoned cell phone, and I clutch my jacket to keep from taking her phone and searching through it myself. I can't work myself up. What if it's just a coincidence? With where my head's been today, I might actually break down crying if it's not him. I have to calm down and just breathe, but my lungs aren't working.

After an eternity, and a mumbling of "Wow, I took a lot of pictures today," she breathlessly asks me, "Is this him?"

She shows me the picture. It's all there. Dark brown, almost black eyes that lighten when he gets emotional. Ears that react to his emotions (in the picture, one is upright and the other is lopsided as he stares mystified at the camera). A rigid lightning-bolt-shaped tail, the only part of his appearance that he genuinely cares about.

It's my buddy. He looks completely dazed, but there isn't a mark on him. He's not sick. He's unharmed.

Wherever Pikachu is, he is completely fine.

"He is your Pikachu, isn't he?" Ella exclaims. She lowers her phone. "What about his friends? Are you missing any other-"

"Charizard?" I croak out. Now, my voice is trembling, and I can't stop it. "W-was there a Charizard?" I don't even know why I'm asking, but it could be possible, couldn't it?

Ella narrows her eyes in thought. "Let's see. Eevee, Bellsprout, Wobbuffet. There was another one, but I can't remember the name. What does Charizard look like?"

I don't trust myself to describe him, so I turn to pull out my pokedex and subtly dab my eyes on my sleeve. My heart races as I type in Charizard's name and show Ella the screen.

'Charizard: the flame pokemon. A fire- and flying-type. It breathes out flames hot enough to melt nearly any material. Fortunately, it has complete control over its fire's temperature and reserves more powerful flames for battling strong opponents.'

As the pokedex did its thing, I saw no spark of familiarity on Ella's face. I knew that would be the case, but I had to try. "So, that's a no, huh?" I say, my arm unusually heavy as I put my pokedex away.

"Sorry," Ella says sheepishly. "The other one had long white fur and a black horn on its head, and it walked on all-fours."

I try to picture it. "Could it have been an Absol?"

"Yeah. That sounds right."

An Absol and a non-Team Rocket Wobbuffet in the Kanto region? Unexpected, but I suppose anything is possible. But, it doesn't matter what pokemon they are. What matters is that Pikachu isn't alone.

So, where does that leave Charizard?

"Hey, give me your number," Ella says suddenly. "That way if I see Pikachu or Charizard, I can let you know."

"Really?" I ask. "You'd do that?"

She grins determinedly. "Of course! If they were my pokemon, I'd want someone to do that for me." Joltik chirps in agreement, and Ella glances down at him. "Oh, Joltik. Sorry, I forgot you were there."

"So, are you gonna catch him or what?"

"Well, I should see if Patches likes him first."

"Good call." We pull out our phones and exchange numbers. "I really appreciate you doing this, Ella. Especially since we just met."

Her amber eyes harden suddenly. "Hey, those poachers took your pokemon from you." They didn't take Charizard, but I don't have the balls to correct her. "And, did you hear about that Poke-X thing?"

"Actually, I'm part of the research team for it, and my aunt's in charge of it, so yeah."

She blinks, the only indication that this surprises her. "Then, you know how serious it is. It hasn't spread much yet, has it?" I shake my head. "Well, that doesn't mean your pokemon aren't still in danger." She raises her hand in front of her and makes a fist. "And, I won't stand for that!"

Who is this person, and where is that goofy girl who got electrocuted on purpose? "Are you me as a girl or something? 'Cause that sounds like stuff I would say."

She giggles, collects her backpack, and stands. I do the same. "Well, I'm feeling a lot less shocky now," she says. She smiles at Joltik. "I'm thinking you had a hand in that."

Joltik responds by crawling back on to her head.

I chuckle. "If he and Patches get along, you might have to get used to wearing a hat." I tip my own for emphasis.

"Fine by me!" Ella says.

"By the way," I add, "would you mind sending me that picture of Pikachu? Or, would that be weird?"

Her eyes turn tender. "Why would that be weird?" She digs into her backpack and pulls her phone back out. "How many do you want? I took…" She swipes her finger over the screen for a while. "I took thirty-three." At my expression, she shrugs. "Pure perfection covered in fur. I got excited."

Part of me wants all of them, but even I have to admit that would be ridiculous. "Uh, just a couple, I guess."

"Okay. I'll scroll through later and send you the best ones. Why don't we head back inside?" She winks at me. "I promise not to get shocked again."

I want to go back inside and pretend that everything's fine, that my thoughts aren't occupied by lightning and fire. I want to walk into a room full of friendly electric-type pokemon and not imagine Pikachu having the time of his life. I want to look at Alpha Electrode and not envision Charizard challenging them to a battle just for the fun of it.

My friends can take care of themselves, and at least one of them isn't alone.

But, my heart has never felt heavier.

When my emotions threaten to overwhelm me, it's like alarm bells ring in my head. Red alert, red alert, evacuation protocol, like in those disaster movies my mom likes. I hate getting upset, and I hate others seeing me upset even more. So, I say to Ella, "You go ahead. I, uh," I jerk my thumb behind me, "I have to use the bush."

"Oh, okay," Ella replies. "I'll see you inside." She starts for the hole in the wall we'd come out of.

"Don't catch Joltik without me. Oh, and Ella?" She stops and turns around. "Could you…not mention anything to Lorette and Korou?" She and Joltik give me funny looks. "I just really don't wanna think about bad stuff right now." It's only half a lie. The whole truth is that I just remembered that those two don't know about Charizard, and I don't have the strength to tell them right now. Later, of course, when my heart isn't wedged into my throat, but not now.

Ella raises an eyebrow. "They do know about your pokemon, right?" I nod because they know about a pokemon, so it's not technically a lie. "Alright. I won't say anything. Come on, Joltik. Let's go meet Patches."

When I'm finally alone, I slump back down into the grass. I unclip Pikachu's pokeball from my belt and bring it to full size, giving it another thorough examination. Still no cracks or marks. There's no guarantee that nothing bad happened since Ella saw him, but knowing he's alive is good. Sometimes it feels like this pokeball is the only thing keeping me sane. I should have Professor Oak send over Charizard's.

Charizard. I remember when I met that Charmander who was sitting in the rain with nothing but a big leaf as shelter. He was on death's doorstep when we met, and now he's one of the strongest pokemon I know.

Charmander was a shy but friendly pokemon. Then, he evolved and did a total one-eighty. Charmeleon ignored me in battle, constantly disobeyed me and seemed to outright hate me. It got even worse when he evolved into Charizard. I never found out what happened. I asked Pikachu countless times back then, as he and Charizard were still close despite this, but even he wasn't sure.

Things changed when Charizard got knocked out by a powerful Ice Beam and ended up with a horrible case of frostbite. I'd stayed up all night talking to him and trying to keep him warm. Then, he finally cared about me the way he did as a Charmander. I'd walked on eggshells around him for a while after this, terrified that I would do something to start that awful cycle all over again. But, thankfully, his friendship and loyalty were here to stay.

At least, that's what I thought.

A tear lands on the pokeball and rolls down the side. I squeeze my eyes shut before more can fall. I have to pull myself together. If I don't go back in soon, someone will come looking for me.


I jump and make a very unmanly sound. "Son of a bitch," I mutter. "Where do you keep coming from?"

Gardevoir is cross-legged beside me, his face pinched in concern. When did he get here? He must have felt my change in mood. I'd promised him my best, and I'm still screwing it up!

I put the pokeball back on my belt and scrub at my face. "I'm fine. It's, uh, the pollen, is all." Gardevoir narrows his eyes, silently calling me out. I sigh heavily. "What am I doing? You can feel what I'm feeling. I can't hide anything from you." He stiffens. "Yeah, I know you can do that. I don't mind," I add quickly. "But, uh, are you able to turn it off?" He hesitates then nods, still too tense for my liking. It's like I've caught him doing something wrong, and he expects me to be angry. Still, it's a huge relief to know that he can stop whenever he wants. "Like I said, I don't mind. I just hope I haven't messed you up because of it." He shakes his head, relaxing a little. "I assume you've been doing it a lot today, and I can see why."

Gardevoir scoots closer to me, silently urging me to continue. I may as well. He deserves an explanation, and I'm sick of hiding this.

"I should have said something this morning. I just… I just wanted to keep my promise to you. Plus, we had this Zapdos thing planned. Adventures like this are normal for me, and…I just…I just wanted to feel normal."

Gardevoir wraps his arm around me when I swipe at my eyes again and compose myself.

"That phone call this morning. You probably figured out that it wasn't telemarketers or whatever the hell I said. No, it was Professor Oak. You met him when you met my other pokemon. Remember?" He nods. "Well, he called this morning about-about Charizard. The one with the big wings who was breathing fire?" Another nod. "Apparently, he…he got out somehow. Nobody can figure how, but…" I blink against the fresh tears and sniff. "I guess I have two friends missing now."

Gardevoir is silent for a moment, then he takes Pikachu's pokeball and holds it up.

"Yeah. The working theory is that he's looking for Pikachu." He puts the pokeball back. I almost don't want to say what else is on my mind, but at this point I can't stop. "But…I'm worried that…that it's something else. You see, when I first caught Charmander, he was so sweet and kind of timid even. But, then he evolved and-and Charmeleon just-just hated me for some reason. And, God, don't get me started on when he evolved into Charizard."

Gardevoir frowns deeply and tilts his head, his tongue peeking out of his mouth.

"I don't get it either. This went on for a long time, and then he lost a really tough battle. I spent all night talking to him and nursing his wounds, and things were better after that. Things were amazing, actually." Just keep going, Ash. You can do this. "But, now, I'm worried that-that with Pikachu gone… When I told everyone, he wouldn't even look my way. I'm scared that…that he knows it's my fault and…" Now, I'm shaking and tears are dripping down my face. I no longer care. "W-what if he hates me all over again? *hic* What if he d-doesn't w-want to be my pokemon anymore?"

As soon as I put the thought out there, the dam bursts. Harsh sobs overtake me, and I muffle them by throwing my hands over my mouth. I bring my knees to my chest, scrunching into a ball as if making myself smaller will make the hurt smaller.

I can picture them as clearly as if they were standing right in front of me. Pikachu and Charmander playing together, training together. Even after Charmander evolved and changed in the worst way, those two remained brothers in every way but blood. Oh, they had their arguments, mostly about Charmeleon/Charizard's treatment of me, based on Pikachu's side of it. I recall several occasions when Pikachu and Charmeleon/Charizard would go at it when they thought no one could hear them. There was even a particularly explosive fight after my mess of an attempt at the Indigo Plateau. That day will forever live in infamy, not as my first serious loss, but as "the day Pikachu snapped."

Yet, through every harsh word plus Pikachu's meltdown on that particular day (which, in hindsight, was kind of funny considering that Charizard was cowering in fear of someone who is roughly the size of his foot), they always made up somehow. Pikachu could laugh at something Charizard said. Charizard knew Pikachu's favorite places to be scratched. Pikachu would never admit it, but when we come home from other regions, Charizard is the pokemon he’s the most excited to see outside of a screen.

Now, Pikachu's gone missing in the midst of what could be a disastrous outbreak. I'm the trainer, and my pokemon's safety is my responsibility. Charizard knows that. That's surely why he left.

I've never truly hated myself until today.

Once my sobs slow down, I hear a quiet, "Gardedeh," and force my head up. Gardevoir cups my face and wipes my wet cheeks. Thoroughly embarrassed, I finish the job by wiping my nose on my sleeve. Gardevoir narrows his eyes and beats his fist against his chest. "Gardeh-vwarh."

I sniff. "Are you saying you have my back?" He smiles and beats his chest again. My heart feels a little bit lighter. "Thank you. I admit, it does feel good to get all that off my chest."

Gardevoir smiles in relief, but that undoes some of the progress. I broke my promise to be better, to be myself. I try, but I keep going back to being a wreck. That's not the real me, but it's the only me he knows, and I hate that. And, I won't let this go on.

I stand up and hold out a hand for Gardevoir. Curious now, he takes it, and I help him to his feet. I reach up to turn my hat around then put my hands on my hips. "Listen, Gardevoir. What you just saw was a setback. Everyone has setbacks, and I'm no exception. Hell, you should have seen me in the Unova region. Oof, puberty hit me hard." He laughs at what I wish was a joke. "Anyway, here's how it works for me. When I'm upset, I stew for a while, shed a few tears if I'm really bummed. But then, I pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back on track. You've been so supportive and patient, and I can't tell you how much that means to me, but no more. I'm sick of having to lean on you all the time. I'm supposed to be one who gets leaned on, and I absolutely hate myself for being anything else."

"Gardeh gardevwarh-"

I raise my hand, stopping his protests. "Take me as I am, Gardevoir." He crosses his arms but doesn't argue. "I'm scared. I'm scared of Poke-X and what it does to pokemon. I'm scared for the pokemon themselves. And, I'm especially scared for Pikachu and Charizard. But, falling apart isn't going to fix anything. Like I said, what you just saw was a setback. I won't lie to you; depending on what happens, there could be another one. But, if that's the case, all it will do is slow me down. It will not stop me. I don't quit until it's over, and it's nowhere near over, you got that?"

Gardevoir's smile is just as fierce as I'm sure mine is.

"That's the spirit. And, one more thing. Have you ever heard the saying 'friendship is a two-way street?'" He shakes his head. "It means that love and support goes both ways. You can count on me just as much as I've been counting on you. I want you to know that you can come to me for anything. I can't guarantee that I'll understand- Actually, I can guarantee that I won't understand." He huffs a laugh. "But, I'm here. If you need a shoulder to cry on or something, I've got you, Gardevoir. You're not the only one who can initiate a hug, you know."

He responds with a warm smile and a tight hug.

"Hey, what did I just say?" I jest and wrap my own arms around him. "We should get back in there before we're missed."

"Vwarh," he agrees.

The second we step back inside, most of our friends are there to greet us. "There you two are." Korou says. He takes a better look at me and frowns. "Ash, are you okay?"

Crap. I forgot how red in the face I get when I cry. "Uh, yeah, yeah. I-I kind of pissed off a poison-type pokemon."

"By pissing on it?" Lorette asks with a wide grin that fades when no one laughs. Even Electrode looks annoyed. "Sorry. Ella said you were doing your thing, and I couldn't resist. But, seriously, everything good, man?"

I may be feeling better than when I left, but I'm not sure I'm stable enough to explain. I resolve to tell them about Charizard when we get back to Lavender Town. "Where is Ella, anyway?" I ask instead of answering. "We keep losing that girl."

Sarge points somewhere in the crowd. "Champ mahchamp."

We spot Ella's dark brown pigtails among all the red and white and head that direction. Ella is crouched down and fingering her bright pink backpack. She is laser-focused on Patches and Joltik, who are a short distance away and totally oblivious. Patches points to her cheek, and Joltik hesitantly touches it, calming when he soaks in her electricity. I think it's safe to say that those two are getting along.

I bend down and tap Ella's shoulder. "So, are you gonna catch that Joltik?"

"Catch Joltik?" Korou repeats.

Lorette chuckles and shakes her head. "Man, that thing was sitting on her for so long, I assumed it was already hers."

Ella blushes and unzips her backpack. She pulls out a pokeball, brings it to full size, and switches her gaze between it and Joltik, rinse and repeat. "What if he doesn't want to be caught?"

"There's only one way to find out," Korou encourages. The rest of us nod.

Ella stares at us before turning back around and crawling toward the Patches and Joltik. "Joltik?" Joltik looks up at her. "Um, do you wanna come with us, maybe?"

A broad grin takes over Patches's face. She chitters at Joltik, who patters his feet on the ground in excitement. Looks like a yes to me!

"Really? You really wanna be my pokemon?" Ella confirms. Unbeknownst to her, Zapdos and a few others heard this and turned to watch. "Okay. Here we go!"

She taps the pokeball on Joltik's head, sending him inside. The ball shakes for a moment in her hand before clicking. Patches wags her tail and squeaks in pleasure, and some of the on-lookers chant their own congratulations.

"Alright!" I cheer. "You just caught a Joltik!"

Gardevoir echoes my joy. Sarge grabs Ella's shirt, lifts her to her feet, slaps her back so hard that she's almost on the floor again. Electrode gleefully circles Ella's feet. Zapdos caws and bobs his head, which everyone takes notice of. Anyone who didn't already congratulate Ella does so as a result.

"Looks like you've got Zapdos's approval," Korou comments.

"Zapdos is a cool dude," Lorette says. "I'm glad I got him pegged right."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Lorette gives me a side-eye. "My book, doofus. I mean I think I portrayed him right in my book."

"You wrote a book?" I exclaim. "Why am I just hearing about this?"

Korou raises an eyebrow at her. "You never told him?"

Lorette hums and touches a finger to her chin. "I thought I did. Maybe I didn't." She bends over in a mock-bow. "Anyway, Lorette Jenkins. Author of several works of fiction. Nice to meet you, Ketchum."

"Several?" This is getting more awesome by the minute! "I read all kinds of stuff! How come I've never heard of you?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. There are a lot of authors out there. Anyway, that's why I wanted to see Zapdos so badly. My latest work involves him in a big way. The story's already on the brink of publication, but I wanted to see how accurate I was. Besides, who doesn't wanna see a Legendary Pokemon up close and personal?"

"Man, I've gotta read that book. I've gotta read all your books!"

Lorette gives me a big toothy grin, and Korou says, "You should definitely check them out. Now, what's up with Ella?"

It turns out that Ella had spent our entire exchange staring at Joltik's pokeball with an unreadable expression. Our pokemon are gathered around her, poking and prodding her, trying to break her from her daze.

It isn't until Patches shoos everyone back and releases a bright blue Discharge that Ella finally wakes up. So much for not getting shocked again. She's burned to a crisp, and her pigtails have morphed back into giant fuzzballs, but at least she's lucid enough to raise her pokeball, kick one leg in the air, and shout, "I did it! I caught my first pokemon!" She shakes the pokeball. "Come on, Joltik! Come out of there!"

Joltik shoots out the pokeball and lands on his new trainer's head. He spins around twice before settling in.

I have to laugh. "Looks like you've got a new hat."

Lorette giggles. "It's very stylish."

"So," Korou adds, "are you gonna give Joltik a nickname like you did Patches?"

"Maybe if I can come up with something," Ella answers.

Patches climbs on to her trainer's shoulder and squeaks at Joltik, who chirps and waves in reply.

Zapdos walks up to Ella, and she and Patches stare down at him in awe. Joltik hides his face in Ella's hair and trembles. Zapdos lowers his head. Taking the hint, Ella does the same. Zapdos then reaches up and scratches Joltik's back with his beak. Joltik slowly turns around, and the Legendary chirps soothingly at him.

"Zapdos really is as awesome as I remember," I comment.

"You still haven't told us how you guys met," Ella says.

Zapdos coos at this and flaps in my direction, calling out to everyone. Before I know it, I have curious eyes all around me.

"I think you have an audience," Korou says in amusem*nt.

"Well, I can't be the only storyteller here." Lorette sits cross-legged on the ground. "Tell us what's up. Now's as good a time as any."

My other friends, human and pokemon alike, follow her lead. Once again, thoughts of Pikachu and Charizard fill my mind. They were right beside me that day. They should be here to help me tell the story.

But, Pikachu has friends, and Charizard is, well, Charizard. Granted, that doesn't mean that they're safe. It doesn't mean that Charizard isn't angry with me for letting Pikachu get captured. For all I know, Pikachu himself could be angry with me as well-

No. Put those thoughts away. It's time to get back on track.

I clap my hands together and say to my audience, "Okay. Here's how it all went down."

Chapter 15: Let Butter-Freedom Ring

Chapter Text

"Hey, you. Yeah, you. No, not you. The other guy. Yes, you. Do you like tacos?" - Unknown


Professor Oak's Ranch is encircled by a barrier specifically designed to keep pokemon from getting out. Don't ask me how it works. It sounds stifling, like a prison or something, but there's so much space on the ranch that you don't notice until you bump into an invisible wall. And, there are plenty of other pokemon, so we never feel lonely. On the contrary, we're all quite comfortable living there, though some of us miss the call of adventure.

I guess that's partly why I left. That and the fact that the only non-human or -fire-type that I could casually call my brother has gone missing. In the midst of an outbreak of some fatal illness that the humans call "Poke-X," no less. Not a great name, but whatever.

I don't know how Snivy figured out that escape route, but I owe her big time. Not so much that I would let her come with me, no matter how strong she is or how badly she wanted to help. She's persuasive when she wants to be, but I refuse to have someone else to worry about. In the end, she angrily relented, merely telling me to "just be careful, you glorified campfire."

I love that bitch.

By now, I'm sure that Ash knows about my absence. Professor Oak always lets trainers know of anything significant that happens to their pokemon, and I'd say this qualifies. Ash is probably furious, but he'll change his tune if and when I find Pikachu.

That said, I've been at this since yesterday, and I'm not making any progress. I've asked anyone who would stop to listen, and all I learned was that several Pikachu lived in Viridian Forest. My own friend was born there, so I already knew about that, but it was something. Sadly, I didn't recognize any of those Pikachu, and none of them recognized me or the name Ash Ketchum. I even scanned for Raichu (a long shot, but you never know), but the few I found were dead ends.

I took flight after that, and now I find myself leaning against a tree just outside of some city and wondering what my next move is. I won't give up on Pikachu. No matter what. After all that he and Ash have done for me, I owe them that much and more.

"Why, you look like a fellow with a head full of thoughts." I look up and find a Butterfree clinging upside-down to the tree trunk and staring down at me with those huge red eyes. He skitters down until he is too close for comfort. I step away, and he stops when we're at eye-level. "I can relate. I got thoughts in my head too, yup yup."

Any other time, I would ignore him and move on. But, there's something about him… "Do I know you?" I ask. "You seem familiar."

Butterfree tilts his head at me and hums loudly. "Well, I've been told I got one of them faces." His huge white wings propel him off the tree, and he flies all around me, stopping in front of my face. "Though, you got something about you, yup yup. Curious. I don't recall ever meeting no, eh…"


"That name." He clicks his tongue in rapid succession. "That there name."

We stand there, staring each other down. Clearly, we've met before, but where? Suddenly, I recall that Ash had a Butterfree on the team in his early days as a trainer. Said pokemon fell in love with a female Butterfree and left to go be with her. We were all sad to see him go, but we weren't going to deny him his happiness.

But, this can't be that guy, can he?

This Butterfree continues babbling. "Now, I knew a Charmander back in the day. Maybe that's why the name gets me. Sounds kind of similar."

"By any chance," I begin, suspicious now, "does the name Ash Ketchum mean anything?"

His eyes light up, and I have my answer. "Why, sure 'nuff! I used to bebop all over Timbuktu with that feller. His other pokemon too. Let's see. There was Pikachu and Pigeotto and that Charmander I mentioned-"

I laugh in both disbelief (because it's been years since I've seen this guy) and amusem*nt (because he still talks your ear off). I tap a claw against my chest. "That would be me. I'm Charmander! Though, as I've said, my name is Charizard now."

I stifle another laugh as Butterfree's mouth drops open and he stares up and down at me. "Well, tan my hide! You got a heck of a lot bigger!" He flies around me, and I feel him land on my back. "Nice set of wings, too." He crawls along one wing, and I shake him off with a hard flap. He somersaults mid-air but flies back in front of me, undeterred. He crosses his arms and nods sagely. "Mm-hm. I'd say that's a mighty fine form you got there."

The praise warms me, but I reign in my ego, remembering why I'm out here. "Look, I'd love to catch up, Butterfree-"

He lets out a little gasp, the interruption grating me a bit. "Oh, duh! If you're here, that means Ash is too, right?" He twirls with glee. "Yeehaw! I'm as happy as a Psyduck without a headache!"

And, now I have to burst his bubble. Lovely. "Actually, Ash isn't here."

"Oh." He deflates a little then shoves his dopey grin in my face. "Well, he can't be far behind, right?"

How am I supposed to explain this? He's so excited to see Ash again, that the last thing I want is to tell him that Ash is on the opposite side of the region (then again, I have no idea where I am right now). On a more selfish note, I'm going to get enough of an earful for leaving from Ash. And, assuming Butterfree hasn't changed too much, he's never exactly been known for his ability to shut up. A lecture from him could take a while. A long while that Pikachu might not have. Still, I have to tell Butterfree something.

"I'll give you the short version," I decide, pushing him back with my finger. "Team Rocket- Do you remember them?"

"Hard to forget them," he confirms. "You know, they're a peculiar bunch. I always wondered-"

"Anyway," I say before he can go off, "I wasn't there, so I don't know the whole story, but apparently Team Rocket managed to kidnap Pikachu. He got away, but no one's heard from him in a while."

Butterfree shakes his head and clicks his tongue again. "Ah, I do not miss those folks. Sure hope Pikachu's alright." He's not the only one. "So, Ash sent you off as a search party, huh?"

I nod, ignoring a twinge of guilt. But, what Butterfree doesn't know won't hurt him. "I'm going to assume that means you don't know where Pikachu is."

He shrugs helplessly. "My hands are tied, partner." Then, he gets an odd look on his face. "Say, where exactly did Pikachu get captured?"

I like the way he said that. "Not entirely sure," I say honestly.

Given the timeframe, I'd say it was somewhere between Vermilion City and Lavender Town, but that's a pretty wide range. And, for all I know, Team Rocket could have plucked Pikachu right off of the S.S. Whatsitsname. Ash didn't say. He'd been making that face he pulls out when he's holding on for dear life, so I doubt any of us would have asked even if we could use human-language.

Butterfree stares me down, sizing me up like we're preparing for a battle. I can practically smell the smoke, he's thinking so hard. I'm about to run out of patience when he says, "I'll tell you what. I might have something for you. But, if I scratch your back, you gotta scratch mine."

Seriously? I'm tempted to blow fire in his face. Chances are, Pikachu doesn't have time for me to do favors. Then again, I doubt Butterfree would do this if it wasn't important. And, I need everything I can get if it means finding one of my oldest friends. "Fine. What do you want?"

"Let me come with you."

…I don't know what I was expecting, but I know it wasn't that. "Excuse me?"

Butterfree's face suddenly resembles Ash's when things get intense. I can almost picture Butterfree reaching up to flip a ball cap around. "I wanna come along with you, Charizard. Thing is, I've been off searching for Ash for a while now. You know where to find him, right?"

"Well, yes, but-”

"Then, I'll tell you what you wanna know if you bring me to Ash afterwards." He sticks out a hand, though it's not much of a gesture since he doesn't exactly have arms. "We got a done deal?"

Yeah, no. Under normal circ*mstances, I might go along with this, but I'll cover more ground on my own. Not to mention, I don't know how much Butterfree's kept up with training, if at all. I'm not saying that having a mate and probably kids could make him soft, but it would certainly be a distraction at least.

Come to think of it… "Don't you have a mate? What about her?"

Butterfree's face tightens, and I immediately regret mentioning it. He turns his head and twiddles his thumbs, er, fingers? "Uh, b-both my daughters have trainers now. I, um, I-I got nothing keeping me." No mention of his mate. I don't push the matter. He shakes his head, as if that will dispel whatever bad thoughts were in there. "L-look, I know it's been a long time since I left the team, but I'm tough. I can look after myself. I'll help with forging and I can battle and all that."

"Butterfree…" The implications about his mate make me waver a bit, but I'm not backing down.

But, neither is he. "Come on, Charizard!" He folds his hands desperately in front of him. "Please? Pretty please with tamato berries on top? I can't eat those things. Too spicy for me. For most folks, I reckon. But, I know you fire-types like them. Besides, the place I'm thinking of ain't all that easy to find if you don't know what you're looking for."

I'm wasting time, and I need that information. I sigh through my nose, deliberately blowing smoke in his face and taking more pleasure than I should in watching him cough and wave at the air. "Alright, you've twisted my arm. Tell me what you know, and I'll take you to Ash." Assuming he's still in Lavender Town. Assuming I can find Lavender Town…

Butterfree's eyes brighten. "Yeehaw!" he cries with a triumphant mid-air flip.

"Just one thing. If you're coming along with me, I want to make sure you're aware of something."

"Let me guess," he says slyly. He flutters closer and nudges my chest. "You're a big hot shot final evolution, and you work alone. That's why you're here all by yourself, right?"

Sufficiently annoyed, I push him off me. "Um. No. There's a deadly disease going around. As far as I know, it's isolated to Lavender Town and the surrounding area, but it could have spread. The humans call it Poke-X. Hear anything about it?"

"Poke-X, you say," Butterfree repeats. "No, I can't say that I have. But, it can't be that bad if Ash let you go off on your own." I must make some kind of face, because Butterfree squints at me. "He doesn't know you're out here, does he?" Busted. I try to stammer out an explanation, but he wags his finger at me like I'm a naughty hatchling. "Ah ah ah, I'm a father, Charizard. You cannot, I say I said, you cannot lie to me. I'll see through it easier than a Luxray staring at a window." He pauses at my blank expression. "Luxray can see through walls, hence the-the window- Forget it. You know what I mean."

I groan and run a hand over my face. "Fine. Ash doesn't know I'm here. But, he also doesn't know where Pikachu is. This whole thing would be bad enough without Poke-X. I mentioned it so that I know you'll know what to avoid."

"So, I am coming with you?"

"Only because it sounds like I'll need a guide. Now listen. From what I hear, Poke-X causes some sort of hallucination that makes you attack yourself and others. To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention beyond that, but- Uh, are you okay?"

His eyes are somehow wide and narrow at the same time, and there's a catch in the flutter of his wings that makes me worry he'll lose his hover. But, he shakes his head and blinks back to reality. "Sorry, I-I kind of zoned out there. But-but, I heard you. Heard you loud and clear, yup yup. M-makes you, uh, makes you hurt yourself…" His voice trails off, and he doesn't look at me.

The fear in his eyes isn't a fear of the unknown. It's a fear of the familiar. The way he spoke, the way his naturally loud voice grew alarmingly quiet; that's realization.

And, I have my own realization: he still hasn't mentioned his mate.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" I ask not unkindly.

"You know, Ash is probably worried to no end about you," he says suddenly. His voice is hard, but there's a fragility to it, like getting angry will keep him from breaking down. I recognize the tone because Ash also copes through distraction, and that can result in anger on his part as well. "Not to mention Bulbasaur and Squirtle and whoever else Ash has these days."

Oh, he has no idea.

As curious as I am, I'm not going to question him further if he's not willing to talk. I need to be on his good side, and I'm not going to count on simply being old friends to keep it that way. A lot of time has passed, after all.

It has nothing to do with some fear of saying something that will make him feel even worse, nor does it involve me generally sucking at emotions. Getting back to business is purely strategic on my part. Definitely.

But, something occurs to me that I have no choice but to risk mentioning. "You know, Ash is actually at work researching Poke-X."

Butterfree's eyes brighten with interest. "He is?"

"Yeah. I don't know all the details, but I suspect he's seen it up close and personal. If you rejoin the team now… Butterfree you would be on the front lines with him. And, that's assuming he keeps you with him throughout. Now that I think about it, he probably wouldn't want any pokemon with him at all right now." Granted, Ash did catch that Gardevoir, but Arceus knows what the circ*mstances were.

"He brought Pikachu."

"Pikachu went missing before Ash was recruited." I assume. "Butterfree, I've never seen an infected pokemon, but from what I've heard, it isn't pretty."

"I know it ain't pretty!" Butterfree's hands are shaking, but the look on his face is fierce. A few passing Sentret and a Furret look our way, and Butterfree lowers his voice. "I think I might have seen it, alright? And…and, I know I'll never see anything worse." His voice started breaking at the end, confirming my suspicions. He pounds a fist to his chest. "I can handle anything, Charizard!"

I've never had a mate (some casual flings with Alpha Charla back in Charicific Valley, but I don't think that counts), but I've seen pokemon lose their own mates. It's one thing if it's natural causes. But, I've seen stronger pokemon than me left as complete wrecks from the sudden, unexpected loss of their significant other. I'll give Butterfree some credit; he's on his feet, in a manner of speaking, and he's not wallowing in grief. That I know of, at least.

But, I don't know what would happen if he saw Poke-X in action. Again, from the sound of it.

I shouldn't. I shouldn't ask, but I can't stop myself. "Your mate had it, didn't she?"

I half-expect him to crumble to the ground and sob into the grass. Instead, he scrubs at his huge eyes, retaining that broken determination. "Look. When I lost Flutter, I was in a real funk. I watched my gal tear herself apart, and nothing I tried could stop her. We'd flown off on our own, so the hoard wasn't around to help out. Telling everyone what happened was the hardest thing I ever did. I'm just glad our girls had already left with their trainers before all that."


He goes on, lost somewhere I could never find him. "I was mad at the world, and I hated myself for not saving her, and nothing felt right anymore. The horde was kind to me, but you wouldn't have wanted to see me then. Then, one day, I finally got sick of the pain and asked myself, 'Butterfree, when's the last time you were really happy?' Flutter wasn't an option. Our girls were off on their own-"

"And, you thought of Ash," I realize.

He blinks back to reality. If he's embarrassed for revealing all that to me, he doesn't show it. "Now, I never forgot him, but I hadn't thought of him that much since he let me go. So, I said my goodbyes, and here we are."

I want to respond, but nothing comes to me.

"You say Ash is looking into this?" he confirms.

"Yes," is the only sound I can make.

Butterfree gives me a firm nod. "Then, I absolutely have to find him. I want to figure out what happened to Flutter."

This guy has more fortitude than I gave him credit for. My resolve finally crumbles. In a perfect world, I'd be at this on my own, with no one else to watch out for except Pikachu. And, when he turned up, I'd deal with whatever state of mind and body he'd be in. We'd make our way to Ash, and then everything would go back to normal. Or, as normal as things can be for our family.

Sadly, if Butterfree's story is anything to go by, the world isn't perfect.

I find my voice. "Pikachu comes first. Then, I'll take you to Ash."

"Right. Absolutely." Butterfree clears his throat. "When I left Butterfree Horde, I stumbled across another horde. This one lives in a big meadow deep in the woods. Kind of a hidden gem. You don't even really notice it by air if you don't think to look for it. And, even then, the trees are bent all funny, so it doesn't look like much-" My turn to clear my throat. "Sorry. Anywho, the horde's chalked full of pokemon of all kinds from all over the place, and I ain't just talking Kanto. They take in folks who've had some kind of trouble, you see."

"Sounds promising."

"And, they're led by an alpha." He pauses dramatically then leans in, as if revealing some big secret. "An Alpha Raichu."

The evolved form of Pikachu. "Even more promising. Are they nearby?"

"About a day or so's travel by air, I reckon."

That's not so bad. "And, you think Pikachu might be there?"

Butterfree shrugs. "Well, I was there a few days ago, and he wasn't, but he could be there now. And, even if he ain't, someone might know something. Like I said, them folks are from all over, yup yup."

It's not a guarantee, but it's the only lead I have. "Good enough. Lead the way."

Butterfree salutes the best he can. "Yes, sir!" We take to the skies. "I think you'll like Alpha Raichu," he says over his shoulder. "She's a tough cookie, but she's real nice, yup yup."

As we fly, he goes on about the horde, and I take mental notes. At least, I try to, but his chatter snaps between important information (like there also being an Alpha Vulpix living there) and random crap (like every single color of every single flower) so quickly that it doesn't take long for me to tune him out.

Regardless, hearing so much about this horde makes me think of everyone back on the ranch. I'm sure Snivy told them why I left, but that won't stop them from worrying about me. I'm sure Ash won't be the only one yelling at me when I get home. But, it doesn't matter. Finding Pikachu will be worth every harsh word.

Chapter 16: Hattrem's Den

Chapter Text

"If I'm upset, hold me and tell me how beautiful I am. If I growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate." - Unknown


While Eevee rested from our battle, Sprout, Wobbles, and I decided to make ourselves useful by gathering food. Meanwhile, Absol stayed behind to guard the hatchling while he slept. I had spotted a lum berry bush when I'd heard a faint, feminine human voice say the words "powerful pokemon."

"A powerful pokemon, you say," the response is from another human, this time a male.

"You heard me right!" the female chimes. "I overheard some trainers talking about it. It's called Hattrem, and apparently it lives in this area. Sounds right up our ally, don't you think, boys?"

The next voice belongs to a pokemon. "Hey, you know I'm up for anything."

"Oy vey. I don't know if I'm up for that." The fourth voice - a high, scratchy one - puzzles me a little. It's human language, but there's something…off about it.

I know these voices. As the four converse, I follow the sounds, hoping to see whom they belong to.

The male human sounds worried as he replies, "Is it your stomach, old chum?"

"Don't tell me it's still bothering you," the female adds, equally concerned.

"It's probably just something I ate," the scratchy voice assures. "I'll live."

The voices are loud enough now that I must be close, but I decide to turn back. I don't want to stray too far and get lost. I got separated from one friend already. I don't want to lose anyone else.

I forget about the familiar-sounding voices when I spot buildings in the distance. We continued our trek after Eevee woke up and we had all eaten. Now, we are all standing at the top of a steep hill, but that doesn't stop me from sprinting down so fast that I end up tripping and rolling the rest of the way down. I end up flat on my back, staring up at the fluffy clouds in the quickly darkening sky. In my disorientation, or perhaps my own desperation to find Ash, I can't help thinking that the biggest one is shaped like one of his signature ball caps.

I'm not sure how long I lay in the grass, blinking away speckles, but eventually Eevee's furry brown head appears in front of me. "Are you dead?" he asks.

"What is your fixation with death?" I reply. Then, I remember what the others told me about his parents and the forest fire, and I inwardly cringe.

But, Eevee just shrugs nonchalantly as the others catch up to him. I roll over and shake out my pelt as Absol - I'm starting to get used to this - scolds me for my recklessness. But, the words roll right past me as I stand there, impatiently kneading at the grass and wishing I could still see the city from here. Alpha Electrode had pointed us in the right direction, and I don't think we've strayed too far from the path. That has to be Vermilion City up ahead! Ash has to still be there! And, if he isn't, maybe someone can contact him or at least tell me where he went.

Just a little longer, Ashton.

Absol swipes his huge paw over my ears, bringing me back to the here and now. "Are you listening to me?" I'm too distracted to do anything but stare up at him. He flicks my ears again. "Look around, Pikachu. Notice anything?"

That's when I look between his long legs and see a small shack up ahead. It's kind of a strange sight since we're still a ways away from the city, but I don't see what the big deal is. "You mean that shack?" I ask. Eevee spots it and squeaks and hides behind me, trembling. Whoever lives there must not be very friendly. "What's going on?"

Absol blinks in surprise. "You don't know?"

"You're forgetting," Sprout says, her fearful eyes locked on the shack. "He's not a wild pokemon. I'm not surprised he doesn't know about Hattrem."

"Hattrem?" I repeat. Wasn't that the pokemon those humans were talking about? "Who's that?"

"Hattrem: the serene pokemon," Wobbles informs. "A psychic-type. Its hair doubles as extra limbs that it uses for all sorts of things. Most famously - or, infamously, I suppose - it uses its hair to beat you senseless if you're being too loud." She shudders. "Learned that the hard way."

"She saw a shiny one and lost her mind," Absol explains with an eye roll. He glares at the Wobbuffet. "Thank Arceus I'm a dark-type."

Wobbles grins sheepishly. "First time seeing a shiny. What can I say?"

Absol just shakes his head "Anyway, Pikachu, the Hattrem who lives here is incredibly dangerous."

Sprout whimpers and shivers her leaves. "They say that she attacks anyone who gets too close! She's attacked us just for saying hello!"

"She's mean!" Eevee adds.

"I-I'm sure Hattrem isn't that bad," I say, ignoring a tingle of nerves. "I mean, no one would be that aggressive for no reason."

"Whatever the case," Absol says, "we stay far away from her."

That night, I can't get any sleep. We'd backtracked and made camp a safe distance from the shack, and the others had no trouble nodding off in the soft grass. Me, not so much. My mind is heavy with thoughts of Ash Ketchum. Every time I close my eyes, his face brings me a bout of insomnia. Expressive eyes the color of milk chocolate. Thick black hair that I like to rub my face in, which always generates a giggle from him. A warm, friendly smile that makes you feel like everything will be alright no matter how bad things get.

When I do manage to force him out of my mind, Hattrem takes his place. What's her story? Is she really as scary as my friends say? There must be an explanation.

After tossing and turning for what feels like hours but is probably only a few minutes, I realize that Wobbles is nowhere to be found. She doesn't need as much sleep as the rest of us, and she's had little midnight jaunts before, so it doesn't surprise me. Still, feeling the situation familiar, I decide to follow her scent. Maybe talking to her will bring me comfort the way it did when we first met.

Unless she decides to experiment on me again. I'll take my chances.

I trek through the clearing, thankfully not waking anyone like last time, and find Wobbles crouched behind a shrub and peering over it. I'm about to ask her what she's doing, but I hear a call of "Miriam? Miriam?" coming from the direction she's looking. I step a little heavier, not wanting to startle her as I get closer.

Wobbles looks at me over her shoulder. "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep," I whisper. "What's going on?"

She hesitates then waves me closer. I approach cautiously then poke my head around the shrub. We're a short distance from the old shack, and there is a pokemon wandering around out front, calling for someone named Miriam. The pokemon is one I've never seen before. She is small, roughly my size, and has a round blue back with a white and pink cone-shaped appendage - a horn, maybe? Two large, round blue feet carry her across the grass. Then, she turns around, and Wobbles drags me back behind the shrug. Luckily, there is a gap in the brush just big enough for me to see through. To my surprise, what I thought was the pokemon's back and feet are actually part of her head. Or, more accurately, it's like someone stuck an enormous wig on a tiny doll. The pokemon has a pink body that resembles a stick-figure drawing in a dress. Her legs are too short to reach the ground, so she is carried by the two round appendages that resemble pigtails. Is she walking on her hair?

This must be Hattrem, and her cries for Miriam are growing more desperate.

I want to leap out of my hiding place and see if I can help in some way, but Wobbles grabs me before I can. She shakes her head and gives me a look that screams, "don't even think about it."

On one hand, she's more familiar with Hattrem than I am, and the fact that Wobbles is being cautious raises some red flags.

On the other hand, Hattrem is starting to cry.

The sound is killing me. This doesn't sound like an aggressive pokemon. Hattrem is in pain. I wonder who Miriam is and how long Hattrem has been searching for them. My mind instantly goes to Charmander. If Ash, Brock, Misty, and I hadn't found him when we did, how long would he have waited for his old trainer to come back? Forget that; how much longer would he have survived? And, what about Gardevoir? If we hadn't found him, would he still be sitting under that tree, waiting for Evan to return?

While I'm wrestling with indecision, Hattrem drags herself back into the shack, still crying softly. At last, Wobbles lets go of me. "That was Hattrem," she whispers sadly. "The night after she attacked us before, I was wandering around and happened to see her doing the exact thing you just witnessed."

How long has this been going on? My heart breaks on Hattrem's behalf. "Who's Miriam? Do you know?"

Wobbles frowns deeper and rubs the back of her head. "The locals say that her trainer dumped her here years ago and never came back. That's probably who Miriam is."

"And, Hattrem's been waiting all this time? Do-do the others know about this?"

Wobbles shakes her head. "You weren't there, Pikachu. We were just passing by, and Hattrem went ballistic. Absol and I held her off while Sprout got Eevee out of there. My Counter and Mirror Coat kept the worst of it at bay for me, and we Wobbuffet have really good stamina anyway. Absol ended up with the most damage, but luckily I was able to stun Hattrem with a well-timed Mirror Coat and get him out of there."

"But, you said that Hattrem is a psychic-type, right? Absol should be immune to those kinds of attacks." Said the guy who once knocked out a ground-type with an electric-type attack, I think with less pride than usual.

"I believe I've mentioned Hattrem's other method of attacking," Wobbles says. "Besides, being isolated for so long has clearly given her plenty of time to perfect her psychic powers. She also knew Dazzling Gleam," a fairy-type attack, super effective on a dark-type like Absol, "so that didn't help."

Now, I really want to nail Hattrem with Thunderbolt, but I can't get the sound of her quiet, broken sobs out of my head. "That doesn't explain why you haven't told everyone about her trainer."

"I'm getting to that. Look, Absol was badly hurt, and Eevee was still pretty fresh from his egg at the time. I knew that if I'd said something, everyone would come back to try and reason with Hattrem, and I didn't want to risk anything." She turns back to the shack and sighs. "I'd mostly forgotten about it until we came back here. I only told you all that because, well, you're here to see it. I'd like to help her, but what can I do?"

I'm still confused. None of this explains why Hattrem attacks others on sight. Is her isolation the problem? Is she so desperate for her trainer that she can't stand the sight of anyone else?

Could that have happened to my other friends? Charmander most likely would have died before he got to that point, but what about Chimchar and Tepig? Would Chimchar have spent the rest of his days pining for Paul to take him back? Would Tepig have kept searching for Shamus until he starved to death? And, I don't even know where Gardevoir is.

What about me? I've been desperate to see Ash since I woke up on Team Rocket's submarine. What if I didn't have friendly faces to keep me grounded?

Suddenly, my mind flashes to a time before Ash, before even Professor Oak. A time when my father would wrap my pre-evolved self in his tail and lift me high in the air and run around so that I could pretend I was a flying-type. A time when I would try to eat tamato berries like my mother and she would laugh and laugh when I inevitably spit out the spicy fruit and dunked my head in the river. A time when little Pichu/Pikachu was surrounded by others of his kind, when loneliness was a foreign concept.

And then, the poachers came.

I start for the shack, but Wobbles grabs my tail, an action that would earn her a good shock under normal circ*mstances. "Oh, no, you don't," she warns.

I yank my tail back. "I just wanna talk to her."

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Every word. Look, I'll admit that this is the first time I've seen a Hattrem, but it isn't the first time I've seen a pokemon in pain."

Wobbles glares at me but huffs when she sees that my mind is made up. "Well, I'm going in with you."

"I'll be fine," I insist. "Besides, the others will worry if we're both missing without an explanation."

"You make it sound like you'll be here a while."

I hesitate, preparing for an argument. "I think I'll spend the night if she lets me. After what we just saw, I don't think she should be alone."

To my surprise, Wobbles doesn't try to disway me. In fact, she looks pleased. "Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. You sure you don't want me to come in with you? Hattrem might feel more comfortable with a fellow psychic-type around."

"Like I said, everyone will worry if we're both gone when they wake up. I'll be fine."

Wobbles puts her hands on her hips. "Okay, but we need a signal or something. 'Cause I'm not leaving until I know you're gonna be alright. Or, until I know you're dead. Whatever works."

How encouraging. "If everything looks good, I'll…" I glance up and point to the shack. "I'll stick my tail through that window."

Wobbles looks up at the broken window as if memorizing its location then turns back to me. "And, if you're fighting for your life?"

Damn, this woman. "I…I'll use Thunderbolt. You'll be able to see that pretty easily."

Wobbles nods, satisfied. "Alright. Be careful."

With that, I start away but pause. Just to be safe… "If I'm not back by sunhigh, come find me."

She salutes, and I push through the brush and head for the doorway. Upon closer inspection, the shack doesn't look as rundown as I'd initially thought. Sure, it has some loose boards on the walls and plant life growing up the sides, but it seems structurally sound. There are bushes by the door that are covered in plump qualot berries. A bunch of pretty stones are lined up as a makeshift pathway. Overall, the place looks less like an abandoned building and more like an old home that someone's doing their best to keep nice, even if their attempt is a little iffy.

Of course, I don't know what the inside looks like.

Unsure of how to proceed, I start by knocking on the door, which makes it open slightly. Old house, old hinges, I guess. I look back at Wobbles, who stares intensely at me and salutes again. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart, and carefully push open the door.

"Hello?" I call. "Hello?"

It's as dark as I expected. Even when my eyes adjust, it's hard to see. I let some sparks come to my cheeks, which helps quite a bit. I survey my surroundings. I'm standing on a bristly mat that was probably red at some point but is now a pale orange (or maybe that's just the yellow light from my cheeks). I step off it and onto a hardwood floor. There is a huge, puffy chair that leaks stuffing in some places. The couch isn't any better and is even charred in multiple places, as if a fire-type had used it for target practice. The coffee table has a cover that appears to be made out of woven vines. I go for a closer look and discover that it really is made of vines that are starting to deteriorate. I wonder if Hattrem made it. If so, she did an excellent job. Overall, apart from the expected wear and tear, the room is actually quite clean.

I hear a rustling and jump. "Hattrem?" I call, starting to feel the main character of a horror movie.

The rustling gets faster. "Miriam?" a voice responds. Hattrem rushes in from another room. The rustle seems to be from Hattrem's feet-like hair hitting the ground. "Miriam?"

The excitement on her face dissolves completely when she sees me. "Um, sorry. I'm not Miriam," I say guiltily. "My name is Pikachu." No response. Just a blank stare. I swallow thickly and shuffle my hands on the floor just for something to do. "Uh…I-I like your tablecloth," I add stupidly. "Did you make it yourself?"

Hattrem's eyes glow blue. Before I can react, something slams into me and knocks me on my stomach. My cheeks give out, plunging everything into darkness. I can't move. I can't fire off an attack..

"Hattrem, please!" I beg. "I just wanna talk!"

Whatever's covering me presses down harder, slowly squishing me into the floorboards, and I still can't move. Panic creeps over me, and I fight it back as much as I can. Think, Pikachu, think!

Suddenly, Wobbles's story pops into my head. "I lost my trainer!" I shout. The cover is still on top of me, but it's no longer pressing down. "I lost my trainer. We-we've been separated for a while now. I…I just wanted to spend the night here. Please?"

For a long time, nothing happens. Then, miraculously, the cover is gone and I can move again. I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and shakily rise to four feet. Hattrem's eyes are still glowing but are fixed on something above me. I look up and watch as the vine tablecloth - that must have been what was holding me down - floats back to its original spot on the coffee table. I want to respark my cheeks, but at this point I'm terrified that she'll assume I'm going to attack. For now, I'll have to make due. Hattrem herself seems to have no problem seeing.

She touches a tiny, fingerless hand to her chest. "Hattrem." She points at me and tilts her head, making her voluminous hair shift.

Okay, this is progress. I stand upright and touch my own chest. "I'm Pikachu."

But, Hattrem shakes her head. "Trainer."

"My trainer's name? It's Ashton. Er, well, everyone calls him Ash, but-but I like to call him Ashton sometimes. I just- I like the way it sounds. I think it-it suits him…" I trail off when I realize I'm babbling. Embarrassed now, I clear my throat. "So, is Miriam your trainer?"

Hattrem’s eyes gloss over, a soft smile crosses her mouth, and she folds her tiny hands over her heart. "Miriam…"

I'm going to assume that means yes. "So…is it okay if I spend the night? I, um… I'm just not used to being alone. 'Cause, Ash always sleeps with me, you know?" It's not the whole truth, but at least I'm not lying. And, it seems like reminding Hattrem that we're in similar boats is keeping her from attacking me again. That said, that blank expression has returned to her face. I scratch my ear nervously. "I-I'm not suggesting we sleep in the same bed or anything. Just, you know… Could I just stay here for the night? Just one night? Please?"

Hattrem sizes me up some more then nods and gestures for me to follow. When she turns around, I nearly collapse with relief. I can't let my guard down, not completely, but I think I'm safe enough.

Before I follow Hattrem, I remember my agreement with Wobbles. Luckily, the torn up chair is positioned directly in front of the window. I climb up the soft, squishy fabric to the very top and manage to stick my tail out the gap in the glass without scratching myself. Then, I spin around and peek out the window and see Wobbles's retreating form. Relieved that she doesn't have to worry (as much) anymore, I follow Hattrem into wherever she's leading me.

That turns out to be the kitchen, which is tiny and contains only a fridge, an oven, and some cabinets. The former two probably don't work, and I'm not sure if Hattrem uses the cabinets. Still, the room is immaculate, and I suspect the other two rooms I noticed are clean as well. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd assume that the house was simply old and worn instead of outright abandoned.

Hattrem and I stand in the middle of the room, the former still using her hair as legs, and I watch as some aspear berries float in from outside, surrounded in a blue glow. Normally, pokemon using Psychic have to focus their gaze on whatever it is they're trying to manipulate, with bipedal pokemon often moving their arms in specific ways. Not Hattrem. She is perfectly still and looking in the opposite direction. The glow of her eyes is the only indication that she's doing anything at all.

"You're really good with Psychic," I comment as the berries float down in front of us.

"Practice," Hattrem says. She picks up her berry and starts whacking it on the floor.

"Can I show you something?" I ask. Hattrem stops and blinks at me. "We electric-types have a certain way of eating these things." She nods and sets the berry down.

Nuts and certain fruits have a hard outer shell that needs to be cracked open to get to the edible parts. Some of these foods, aspear berries for instance, can be especially tough. Luckily, electric-types, my kind in particular, can use our own store of electricity as a makeshift nutcracker. Or, berry-cracker as the case may be.

I lower my face, pressing one berry against each cheek, and let the sparks fly. I freeze at Hattrem's sharp hiss but relax when she doesn't do anything else. I think I made the right call not utilizing my internal flashlight. I pick up one berry, lightly tap it on the floor, and show Hattrem how easily the shell cracks. She hums, impressed, and does the same with the other one.

"Yeah, electric-types are good with this stuff. The Pichu-line in particular are known for it. Our electricity gives it a unique flavor, you see." Hattrem scoops out a handful of the soft flesh, nibbles curiously at it, and mmm's at the smoky tang. If there's a nut or berry that doesn't pair well with a quick jolt, I have yet to find it. "Say, couldn't you have just opened these with Psychic?" I ask, digging out the large seed inside and biting into it, enjoying the familiar crunch and flavor of smoked nuts.

Hattrem shrugs. "I like the manual process. It feels more satisfying."

I nearly choke on my seed. Here, I was expecting nothing but one-word answers all night.

Hattrem swallows a mouthful of fruit then goes on. "You mentioned Pichu. Are you its evolved form?"

I blink out of my shock. "Y-yeah. Pichu, Pikachu, and then Raichu. What about you?"

"Hatenna, Hattrem, Hatterene." She scoops out more of the fruit and smiles dreamily. "I feel like I will be evolving soon. Miriam will be so happy when she gets back."

My delight at Hattrem using full sentences wavers at the mention of her trainer. "You want to evolve and surprise her?"

Hattrem holds up a hand while she chews then answers after swallowing. "I've already evolved. I was Hatenna when she brought me here. But, I would like to be fully evolved when she returns."

"I see," is all I can say. My appetite vanishes, but I keep eating so Hattrem doesn't ask what's wrong. "So, what's Miriam like?"

Hattrem tilts her head back with a content sigh. "She is brilliant, a truly brilliant woman. And, she has a great sense of humor. And, she is always looking out for her fellow human."

But, not her pokemon, apparently. Arceus, the repercussions of saying that out loud… "She sounds pretty great," I say instead.

"And, Ashton?" Hattrem asks. "Tell me about him."

The words snag on my heart. I knew that not thinking about Ash would be a challenge, but I hadn't expected to be outright asked to think about him. For the umpteenth time tonight, his face pops into my head. All bright smiles and laughter and a genuine love of all creatures, human and pokemon alike.

My throat tightens, and it takes me a moment to speak. "Ash is… Well, kind is the first word that comes to mind. And, he's really good at thinking on his feet. He's also kind of reckless. But, there's no one better in a crisis. Pressure is where Ashton really shines. And, even when he's down, he-he always manages to spring back up." I have to stop before I start crying.

"I am sorry that I attacked you," Hattrem says suddenly. "Other pokemon scare me. They do not understand."

She doesn't elaborate. She doesn't need to. "I understand," I say around the lump still wedged in my throat. "I've made friends since Ash and I got separated, but I still feel lonely, you know? Maybe, instead of attacking other pokemon, you could try befriending them. While you're here, you may as well make the most of it, right?."

Her dark eyes soften even more, and she takes my hand in hers. "You are my friend, Pikachu. My first in a long time."

I can only nod.

We finish our meals in a companionable silence. But, the more I think about all this, the angrier I get. Why does this keep happening? Here we have a sweet, scared pokemon who wants nothing more than her beloved trainer's returned affections. I hope I never meet Miriam. No, I hope I do meet her so that I can zap her into charcoal.

More than that…I wish Ash was here. I would relay Hattrem's story to him, and his heart would break along with mine. He would ask to catch her, to give her a home and all the love and care she deserves. She would say yes because of course she would. She would evolve for someone who truly loves her, who wants her to be happy.

But, Ash isn't here. That means it's my job to make Hattrem happy.

"You said you want to evolve, right?" I confirm, licking the juices off my hands. "How do your kind do that?"

Hattrem is licking her hands as well. "Getting stronger."

"Well, that's easy enough. Let's have a battle, Hattrem!" She pauses mid-lick and looks at me like I've suggested we dance the tango, but I won't let that deter me. "Battling is the best way to get stronger, and I've seen a number of pokemon evolve right in the heat of battle." Then, I remember what time of day - or not day - it is. "I mean, we should probably wait until morning-"

"We can go now," Hattrem interrupts, sending the shell pieces floating back out the window.

I blink in surprise. I'm glad she agreed to battle, but… "Hattrem, it's the middle of the night. Most pokemon are asleep."

She starts toward the door. "No one will hear us." She turns and gestures for me to follow when I fail to do so right away.

I'm hesitant but she seems confident, so I follow.

"Are you sure no one will hear us?" I ask. "I'd hate to wake anyone."

I had expected Hattrem to lead me to some remote area, far enough away that we wouldn't be heard by any sleeping pokemon. Instead, we are barely ten feet from the front door of the shack. The forest is far enough from here, I suppose, but I have no doubt that there are sleeping pokemon we can't see.

"It is fine," Hattrem says, walking a good distance away from me. "When you are ready, Pikachu," she calls when she is in position.

I guess I'll have to trust her.

I start off by charging at her, my tail hardening behind me. She doesn't move until I get close. I see a flash of red as I spin around to hit her and make contact with something that sends me flying backwards. I catch myself on all-fours, and it looks like Hattrem had been thrown back as well. But, she recovers just as quickly and claps her hands, firing a dark pink beam of light at me.

I counter her Psybeam with Thunderbolt just long enough to throw her off. Then, I launch myself her way with Quick Attack, managing to nail her and send her flying back once again. She picks herself up after a moment. She growls, low and threatening, but there's a spark in her eyes that tells me she's having fun.

Her hair glows a dark red - Brutal Swing, I realize - and she charges at me. I let her get close then jump out of the way of her swinging pigtails. A wave of static races up my tail, and I throw an Electroweb. A direct hit, and a yellow web holds her on the ground and zaps her a second later. Call that payback for the tablecloth.

She groans but gets back up as her eyes glow blue. She sends me up in the air. A pins-and-needles sensation crawls over me, and I can no longer move. Psychic is a tricky move; difficult to escape from and highly unpredictable, as there's no telling how the opponent will use it. And, I know that Hattrem is very proficient with it. Sometimes I can break out if I use Thunderbolt, as that one doesn't require the use of anything by my own energy. I try this and feel nothing but a tiny jolt in my cheeks. Hattrem's strong.

Then she releases me, but a blinding light appears as I fall. I slam my eyes shut, but this does nothing to stop not only the impact from my landing, but the searing of my skin, like I've been thrown into an oven. Wobbles did mention Dazzling Gleam. Clever of Hattrem to hold me in place and guarantee a hit.

Make that two hits. Before I can recover, Brutal Swing finally does its job and sends me rolling back. I groan as I force myself to my feet. Hattrem is a powerful pokemon, but I have plenty of fight left in me.

Hattrem tries to move but winces when a thin veil of lightning runs over her skin. My Static ability must have activated. It's not the opening I expected, but I'll take it!

I launch another Thunderbolt. Hattrem tries to move but paralysis prevents it. She screams in pain as my attack fries her. I stop and watch her sway from side to side.

Yeah, Pikachu! Keep it up!

That voice. I heard Ash cheering for me in my mind before, when I battled Zapdos. In fact, it's even louder than it was then. Part of me wants to look around and see if he's really here.

The other part sees Hattrem smack her cheeks and regain focus. I wonder if she hears Miriam cheering her on.

Hattrem claps her glowing hands and fires Psybeam. I duck away and charge at her with Quick Attack again. She tries to meet it head-on with Brutal Swing, but she doesn't get the chance. I ram her, and she shoots back. Way back, somehow flying straight through the still-open door of the shack.

How… How did I do that? Not sending her back inside - that was just dumb luck - but launching her that far. Our battle had taken us pretty far from the shack. I know that I'm strong and Hattrem - considering that most of her body is just hair - probably doesn't weigh that much, but-

Actually, this is similar to what happened when I trained with Eevee. Everything was normal, and then I got that random power boost. That had been Iron Tail, and now Quick Attack? Is it something with my physical attacks?

"Damn, you're strong!"

A new voice startles me out of my confusion. I look up to find a large blue pokemon with narrow eyes and a wide mouth that seems to take up most of his face. His long blue and purple wings propel him down beside me. At first, I wonder if Hattrem was wrong and we did wake someone, but then I remember that Golbat are nocturnal.

"And, how'd you manage to battle that quietly?" Golbat asks in amazement.

Quietly? That's not a word I ever thought would be used to describe a battle. And, this one was no exception. "I-I'm not sure. Are you here to see Hattrem?" I ask, praying that I'm not really the only friend she has.

But, Golbat disappoints me with a loud laugh. "The psycho-psychic? Not a chance! I just happened to be flying by and saw the battle. 'Bout time someone put that bitch in her place."

My blood runs hot, and it's not just leftover adrenaline. "Hey, don't talk about her like that!"

Golbat blinks, stunned at my outburst. Then, he sighs and shakes his massive head. "You're not from around here, are you? Buddy, let me give you some advice." He points a wing toward the shack. "The female in there? There's a reason we call her the psycho-psychic. She attacks on sight, no questions asked. Not everyone who gets too close gets out in one piece. And, that's when they get out. You just might be the first pokemon to beat her."

I fight the fizz in my cheeks and the rise in my temper, but a little bite leaks into my words. "Maybe you should get to know her before you listen to rumors."

Golbat huffs. "Rumors, my ass. I fly crooked because of that bitch, and she got me when I was a Zubat! You wanna make nice, knock yourself out, but don't say I didn't warn you."

I swallow a growl, but I suppose I can't fault Golbat for feeling this way. He doesn't know how scared and lonely Hattrem is. True, her story doesn't excuse her aggressiveness toward strangers, but I find it impossible to hate her for it now that I've spent time with her. Maybe now that she knows how nice it is to have a friend, she'll be more willing to be kind to strangers.

"By the way," Golbat calls as I head back to the shack, "what was that pink move you used at the end there?"

Hattrem had apparently crash-landed into the now-shattered coffee table. I return to find her struggling to her feet (her actual feet). I help her up and notice that her hair is frizzy and puffed up, like someone tried to pull her pigtails out of their ties. Or, maybe the ties are also just hair. It's hard to tell with so little light.

I ask Hattrem if she's okay, and she smiles at me. Her hair flattens back into place, and she rises back up on her pigtails. She stretches out her whole body and grunts happily. "I will evolve very soon, Pikachu."

My chest warms, and I can feel my tail wagging. "I can tell. Your voice is different." It's true. Her voice is lower, a little raspy even. "That's a good sign. I'm so happy for you, Hattrem!" Then, I remember what Golbat had said. "So, how did you manage to keep anyone from hearing us?"

"I simply manipulated the air around us while we were battling."

How- She- What?

Hattrem presses her hands together and hums, examining me. "Will you evolve soon?"

Okay… I guess we're going to ignore the fact that she somehow manipulated the air. "Actually, I'd need a Thunderstone to evolve. But, it doesn't matter, because I don't want to evolve anyway."

Hattrem tilts her head. "Ashton does not want you to evolve?"

"Not if I don't want it myself."

"He does not prioritize strength?"

I frown. "He prioritizes happiness. Being a Raichu wouldn't make me happy, so he doesn't want that any more than I do." I want to add that strength has nothing to do with evolution, but her comment bothers me. "Does Miriam prioritize strength?" Could that have something to do with her abandoning her pokemon?

Hattrem considers this for a long time. "Miriam likes things that are useful. We pokemon may like our pretty things, but Miriam will not accept something that is merely pleasant to look at. So, to answer your question, a powerful pokemon is, indeed, worth something to her."

I don't really know what to say to that. "Why did Miriam bring you here?" My stomach knots up. I don't know why I asked that. The question just flew out of my mouth, and there's no taking it back.

But, thank Arceus, Hattrem doesn't get angry. "She brought me here to keep me safe."

Whatever I was expecting, that wasn't it. "Keep you safe? From what?"

"As I've said, Miriam is a brilliant woman," Hattrem says with pride. "She is a master of chemistry and is always experimenting, and I am more than happy to assist. But, there are those who do not appreciate her genius." Hattrem balls her fists, getting angrier as she speaks. "Small-minded creatures who do not understand her. They called her mad. They wanted to hurt her!"

Out of nowhere, she and I are pelted with sharp bits of wood. What was left of the table had physically exploded. The vine tablecloth appears to have been shredded by them, and tiny splinters are everywhere. Hattrem does nothing to acknowledge the explosion or the fragments now stuck in her hair.

My stomach churns. After hearing what she did while battling, I have no doubt that Hattrem made the table explode, whether intentionally or not. Her eyes weren't even glowing, so she wasn't using Psychic. Wobbles wasn't kidding when she said that Hattrem had perfected her psychic powers.

I am really glad that I'm on her good side, and I fully intend to stay there.

Hattrem clears her throat, and the fragments slide out of her hair and onto the floor. "Bad people were after Miriam. She didn't want me to end up in the cross-fire. So, she brought me here and said she would come back once it was safe."

The story sobers me. Wobbles had said that Hattrem has been here for several years. So, either Miriam lied or she's still in danger…or she's dead. I don't like any of those options.

"Ash and I were separated by bad people too," I tell her. "They're a group called Team Rocket. They've been after me for years, and they finally got me. I got away, but Ash was nowhere to be found." A familiar weight settles in my chest. "I think I'm getting close, but…" I sigh. "I'm just not sure."

Hattrem hums sympathetically then yawns. "We should get some sleep."

My body finally catches up to me, and I echo her yawn. "Sorry I kept you up."

Hattrem shakes her head and smiles warmly. "No. I am happy you came. Thank you, Pikachu."

Her words lift the weight off my chest. "Of course. I'm just glad I could help."

Finally, finally help.

Gardevoir walked away with a broken heart. Training with Sprout and Eevee was a mess. And, even before all that, I was always useless. Anytime someone needed help, it was Ash doing everything. Ash held their hand. Ash dried their tears. Ash gave advice and encouragement.

And, me? I tried to do the same, but all I really did was piggyback off of what Ash had already done. He didn't need me. No one ever needed me.

At long last, I know how it feels to be needed.

Hattrem and I force our battered bodies up onto the charred couch. I curl up on the cushion and watch in awe as Hattrem's pigtails unravel and wrap around her. She looks like a big clump of hair. I can't even see her face anymore.

A muffled, "Good night, Pikachu," is the only indicator that she's actually in there.

My heart lighter than it has been in weeks, I snuggle closer. "Good night, Hattrem."


I grunt and open my blurry eyes. It's too dark to really tell, but nothing else happens, so I sigh and close my eyes once more.

Thunk! Followed by a muffled voice.

Ugh. Fine. To think, I was having such a nice dream about Hattrem and a ten-year-old Ash playing together.

I blink sleepily at Hattrem, who is still cocooned in hair. Not wanting to wake her, I carefully pull myself up and climb off the couch.


"Be careful, Wobbuffet!" The voice is clearer now, human-sounding. Whoever it is must be getting closer. "You'll wake the whole forest!"

The sounds are coming from out front. I tiptoe to the door.

"It's heavy, Jessie," another voice, presumably Wobbuffet, complains. Not that his presumed trainer can understand him.

Wait. Wobbuffet? Jessie?

Those voices I heard in the forest… Arceus, I'm an idiot!

This was going so well. And, no doubt James and Meowth are here as well. I have to get rid of them before Hattrem wakes up. Considering how she tried to squish me just for showing up, I can't imagine what would happen if Team Rocket tried to take her. I don't know who I'm more worried about.

The door creaks open. A light shines into the room. I instinctively duck behind the chair and peer around the side.

Jessie pokes her head in and shines her flashlight around the room. She steps inside and continues her search as Wobbuffet follows, carrying something that's bigger than he is and can only be described as a mechanical tube of toothpaste. Wobbuffet staggers under its weight, knocking the door back in the process.

Fed up, Jessie huffs and shoves the flashlight at her pokemon. "Here!" she whispers. "I'll handle this." She takes the machine and nearly topples over. She groans and somehow manages to lift it up to her chest. Wobbuffet shines the flashlight under his face, revealing a smug grin. "Oh, shut up!" Jessie snaps, just barely raising her voice. Is it me, or is she extra cranky tonight? "Let's just get Hattrem and go."

No time for a sneak attack. I leave my hiding place and run up to them, putting some spark in my cheeks. Wobbuffet gasps and snaps the light my way. Jessie nearly drops their machine.

"P-P-Pikachu!" Jessie says too loudly. "What in God's name are you doing here?"

I want to look back and see if Hattrem woke up, but I don't want to give her away. As long as she's tucked in her hair ball, she isn't recognizable.

"I was sleeping," I whisper as viciously as I can. I point to the door. "Now, beat it!"

"Believe me," Wobbuffet says miserably, "that's all I wanna do."

Jessie regains her composure and readjusts the machine in her arms. Thankfully, she lowers her voice again. "Well, Pikachu, we're not here for you, so feel free to ignore us."

"Well, I'm the only one here," I lie, pressing my hands to my chest, trying to convey this to her. I point to the door again. "Now, leave and let me sleep!"

Jessie rolls her eyes and mutters, "I wish Meowth was here."

Meowth isn't here? I turn to Wobbuffet who looks away with a forlorn expression. Then, I remember hearing them mention a stomach ache before. Is Meowth sick? Does that mean James isn't here either? Would Jessie and Wobbuffet really come here alone? Maybe they don't know Hattrem's history with strangers. Or, maybe they do, and they want her on their side.

Jessie confirms the latter a moment later. "Look. We know there's a powerful pokemon here, and it is joining Team Rocket whether it wants to or not. I'm not in the mood to deal with you, so-"

Suddenly, she drops the machine, which crashes down and leaves a large dent in the floor. Her face strains and her eyes widen. Her head tilts upward and her mouth is wide and making harsh choking sounds. The rest of her body is frozen in place, and I realize that Wobbuffet has dropped the flashlight and is in the same position, making those same ungodly sounds.

My stomach churns, and I turn around. Hattrem is no longer swaddled. Her pigtails are in place, and there is an eerily serene expression on her face. She's doing this. Whatever this is, I know she's doing it.

"Hattrem." My voice shakes. "Hattrem, you-you need to stop." No response. "Please! Please stop!" Still nothing. It's like I'm talking to the air.

Air. Hattrem can manipulate the air.

The choking gets louder, more frantic. She's suffocating them. She's stealing the air from their bodies or cutting it off completely or something.

I can't let her do this. No matter what Team Rocket's done, this is just cruel.

Electricity runs over me, and I hit Hattrem with Thunderbolt. Her screams of pain make me waver, but I need to bring her down from this. I won't let her kill them.

I release my attack and watch Hattrem collapse back onto the even more charred couch. The sounds of gasping and coughing make me turn around. Jessie and Wobbuffet are on their hands and knees, gulping air back into their lungs. I almost fall over myself but with relief.

"Are you two okay?" I ask.

Wobbuffet is able to nod and nothing else. Jessie is so busy gasping that I doubt she'd respond even if she could understand me. I turn to Hattrem to find her staring at them with hurt, murderous eyes.

No. Not at them. At me.

"You protected them." Hattrem's voice is so cold that I swear she turned into an ice-type.

My body shakes so much that even staying quadrupedal is a challenge. "You…you were…"

I hear Jessie and Wobbuffet rise behind me. Hattrem hops down from the couch, walking on her hair through the shards of table like water. "You are with them."


"You lied to me."


"Okay," Jessie pants behind me. I turn to find her inching closer to the door. It's hard to see in the darkness, I know there's raw fear on her face. "Okay. Clearly you're not Team Rocket material, so come on, Wobbuffet!"

She reaches for the doorknob. She pushes and pulls with all her might. Nothing. Wobbuffet grabs the knob and helps her, but it's no good. Hattrem is keeping it in place.

"Hattrem, I didn't lie to you!" Tears blur my vision. "I'm not with them, I swear! I-I'll make them leave. Just don't hurt them."

Hattrem doesn't move, doesn't lose that hateful glare. The table shards rise up. Seeing what she's about to do, I bolt to Jessie and Wobbuffet's side and ram them with Quick Attack. I knock them out of the way just as sharp bits of wood slam into the door. The three of us lay in a pile, breathing heavily, trying not to panic.

"Psychosis," Wobbuffet breathes. I don't know what that is, but now's not the time to ask.

Something thick and sticky coats my head and stings my eye. I wipe the sticky stuff with my hand and stare in shock at the dark red, honey-like substance on it. Then, I notice the white-hot pain in my ear. I must have gotten hit. It is very, very difficult to break a pokemon's skin, let alone enough to warrant this much blood. Hattrem genuinely wants to kill us, and that scares me more than anything.

Wobbuffet gasps, staring at me in horror with his hands over his mouth. The cut must be pretty bad. I gingerly reach up to touch my ear-

-only to find a tiny stump that burns like fire when I touch it.

It doesn't fully register until I find the flashlight conveniently pointed at a bloody yellow and black spike laying on the floor.

Is the room spinning or am I?

Hattrem is staring at my-my ear as well. There is a grim calmness about her that makes me forget everything else. She turns her head and blinks at me, waiting for a reaction. No warmth, no malice, nothing. There's no reasoning with her now.

Jessie stirs, and I turn to check on her. She had landed on her stomach, facing blissfully away from the carnage, and now rolls over with a grunt. Wobbuffet steadies her as she sits up. She presses her palm against her head and groans. She seems okay but for how long?

Then, she finally opens her eyes. She stares groggily at me, and her eyes grow bigger. Her breaths get faster, more shallow as her gaze darts from me to my ear on the floor to Hattrem and repeats the cycle.

Jessie screams, an ear-piercing shriek of terror.

Hattrem makes a sound as well. A quiet snarl that's barely heard under Jessie's fear.

Jessie leaps to her feet, scoops me up, and grabs Wobbuffet's hand. She pulls us to the door and stupidly tries it again, screaming for help, for someone to let us out. A rhythmic slamming makes me think that Wobbuffet is throwing himself against the door. Maybe neither of them knows what else to do.

Jessie has me tucked under her arm, facing what is behind her, and that is Hattrem with her hands covering where her ears would be if she had them. Jessie's long hair is in my face, and blood pours into my eye, but I can still make out Hattrem's pained expression.

Hattrem hates loud noises. That's what Wobbles had said. I can't breathe, can't move, can't think.

There is a loud crash, and Jessie falls back with another shriek, dropping me. Jessie and Wobbuffet land flat on their backs. I land on my stomach and wipe blood or tears or both from my face. I roll over and see that the floorboards in front of the door have shot upward, sticking straight up.

I roll back over and struggle to my feet, my muscles screaming at me to fall back down. I haven't slept enough; I'm still not fully healed from the battle.

Hattrem is glowing now, encased in a shimmering rainbow of lights that's hard to look at in the darkness. At first, I think she is going to use Dazzling Gleam.

But, then she grows taller.

Things just got a whole lot worse.

Chapter 17: Hatterene's Den

Chapter Text

"I wouldn't exactly have chosen madness if there had been a choice." - Vincent Van Gogh


We watch Hattrem evolve in a horrified silence. Her small stature grows higher and higher and higher still. She might even be taller than Ash, who is considered quite large by human standards. The light dissipates, throwing the room back into darkness. The coloration is difficult to see, but the new pokemon before us seems to have a gradient of blue on top, pink in the middle, and finally white on the bottom. Her long body is curved in that way that humans consider "shapely," though there's a good chance that it's all just more hair, considering her previous form and the fact that she sports no visible arms or legs. The cone-like thing on her head, which I suspect is also hair, now has a wide brim that makes it resemble a pointy hat. But, what really gets my attention is the long tentacle hanging off it, which ends in what looks like an enormous three-fingered hand. I don't think it's just for show.

Hatterene looks down at us, and I realize that I'm wrong. What gets me are her eyes. Eyes that are devoid of all emotion. Gone is the kind and lonely female who shared her food with me. She has been replaced by a monster.

And, it's my fault. I helped her evolve, helped her turn into this.

"Hatterene," I choke out. My throat is too tight for me to say anything else.

Not that she gives me the chance. With an eerily calm expression that is sure to haunt all three of us, she raises her new tentacle, which glows a dark pink, and swipes it at us.

Jessie cries out and futilely throws her hands over her face, but Wobbuffet jumps in front of her. His body glows orange with Counter. Psycho Cut - because of course Hatterene learned that on top of everything else - makes contact. There's a burst of light, and Hatterene is thrown back, landing in the thankfully-empty fireplace. Her hair spills out around her, revealing a tiny stick-figure-like body that's only slightly larger than it was before evolution. Counter causes that opponent to take twice the damage they'd inflicted on the user. Considering how strong Hatterene was even before evolving, not to mention our battle earlier, she should be down for a while. I hope.

Wobbuffet groans and sways on his feet. I wince at the sight. That's the problem with a move like Counter; it only works when the user takes damage, and Wobbuffet no doubt took a lot, despite a psychic-type's natural resistance to other psychic-type attacks.

"Wobbuffet." Jessie pulls herself to her knees and steadies her partner. I've never heard such a gentle tone come from her. "Wobbuffet, are you okay?"

Wobbuffet gives himself a hard shake. "Yeah, yeah, I think so." He sounds winded but not close to fainting. Wobbles wasn't kidding about her kind having good stamina.

Jessie grabs something from her belt. "Get in your pokeball," she commands, bringing the object in question to full size. Wobbuffet makes a pleading noise and frantically shakes his head. Jessie grits her teeth and snarls, "Get in! No arguments!" She returns him to his pokeball before he can respond. She reclips it and turns to me. Her gaze catches on my open wound and something passes over her face, but it's gone just as quickly as it appeared. She ever-so-gently picks me up, and for once I let her. She rises to her feet. "Let's get out of here before that freak wakes up."

"She's not a freak," I argue weakly.

Predictably, Jessie doesn't respond. She creeps to the door and tries to move the still raised planks, which are flush against the door. She breathes out a string of curses and tiptoes around the shack, her heart beating loud and fast against my remaining ear. As she searches for an exit, she cradles me to her chest in a way that, while strange coming from her, is achingly familiar.

How many times has Ashton held me in a similar way? How many times have I looked up and saw him glare daggers at whoever had hurt or upset me? Watched helplessly as tears fell from his beautiful eyes when the world became too much even for him? Snuggled into his chest as he gazed at me adoringly when we were simply in the mood to cuddle?

Did Miriam ever hold Hatenna that way? Does she care enough, or is she even able to, hold Hatterene like that?

What would Miriam think if she saw what I'd done to her partner, assuming she even cares? She'd be furious. She would scream at me and maybe even hit me, and I would let her. And, what will Ashton do when he sees me with only one ear? He'll be horrified. He'll hold me and stroke me and his hands will shake as he tries to push down his pain because he always wants to be the strong one even when it's killing him.

How will I tell him what I did to Hattrem? There's no guarantee that a pokemon will behave the same way after evolving, but a change in personality is uncommon enough that I hadn't even considered it.

Maybe it wasn't even the evolution. Maybe I just didn't get Jessie and Wobbuffet out fast enough. Maybe I shouldn't have come to their rescue. No. No, I don't regret saving them. Maybe I should have just tried harder to convince Hattrem that I didn't betray her.

Or, maybe I shouldn't have come here at all.

I don't even realize that I've started crying until Jessie shushes me because, "Now's not the time, and I am so bad with crying!"

I choke down my sobs as Jessie attempts to open the broken kitchen window with one hand, the other still holding my pathetic form. Her white Team Rocket uniform is soaked with my blood. Under normal circ*mstances, she'd have a screaming fit over her clothes getting ruined. For some reason, the image makes me giggle.

"Oh great," Jessie mutters. "The little sh*t's hysterical. Better not zap me."

That only makes me laugh more. Maybe I really am hysterical.

Jessie sets me on the counter top and tries to open the window with both hands. It looks hopeless, but then the window flies open and Jessie almost falls back. She breathes out in relief. "That'll do. You first."

She reaches for me, but I jump back. I wipe blood out of my eye again and point to her then to the opening, silently begging her to go first.

Jessie gives me a look that would make anyone else obey. "I'm not the one who's bleeding to death!"

A lot of humans don't realize just how long it takes for blood loss to become a problem for a pokemon. We aren't like humans with their delicate skin and blood that flows like bright red water. Sometimes I can't help but wonder how humans as a species have survived for this long. They're just so fragile. They don't even have attacks or abilities. I guess that's what weapons are for.

Jessie reaches for me again, but we both jump back when the window slams shut. Her eyes are wide, and her breathing quickens. "Please tell me that was just gravity doing its thing."

I look behind her, and my heart pounds harder. Hatterene is standing in the doorway, her voluminous hair back in place, her eyes filled with murder. But, she seems to be swaying a little. She's still weakened from our battle and Wobbuffet's Counter. Maybe we still have a chance.

Especially when Wobbuffet leaps out of his pokeball and stands in front of us, facing Hatterene down with his arms outstretched protectively. I'm not thrilled about someone else being in danger, but I'll take all the help I can get.

Jessie, however, has a different opinion. "Wobbuffet, you were supposed to stay in your pokeball!"

"Do you know me?" he quips in response.

Hatterene stares at us, and a sharp gust of wind blows Jessie and Wobbuffet against the wall, while I end up careening against the oven door. Blood continues to sting my eye, but I've since stopped caring. The oven opens, and pain explodes over my back when the door slams on top of me. I think Hatterene might have done that on purpose, because now I'm pinned to the floor. Hatterene is staring down at me with those empty eyes, and I'm really, really hoping that the oven no longer works.

I hear something clattering nearby, but Hatterene doesn't seem to notice. She just keeps glaring at me-

Suddenly, my lungs constrict, my chest is too tight. As I choke on nothing, I'm brought back to the mishap on Team Rocket's submarine, when I just couldn't hold my breath anymore and saltwater filled my body. The oven door presses harder, as if Hatterene couldn't decide whether to crush me or suffocate me so she's doing both. Dots coat my vision and my limbs flail in panic and my mind is filled with thoughts of friends and family I'll never see again.

Then, it stops as suddenly as it started. The pressure on my back eases and my body goes limp and I gulp down sweet, sweet air. My wound aches and throbs and my eye stings from the blood that poured down my face in my frenzy and left its coppery taste in my mouth. I spit, pray that it is indeed blood from what's left of my ear, and look up.

Jessie must have been rifling around for a weapon, because she is stabbing Hatterene in the side with a rusty knife. Or, trying to, as the knife passes harmlessly through Hatterene's hair. Jessie continues stabbing with a dumbfounded look on her face, muttering, "I don't know why I thought this would work." Any other time, the scene would be kind of amusing in a grim sort of way. But, there is nothing amusing about the look Hatterene gives Jessie, who holds up the knife and asks with forced cheekiness, "Free haircut?"

Then, Jessie's hands jerk in front of her, and she cries out at the movements that are not her own. Her hands shoot together, clutching the handle of the knife, pointing the blade at her own chest. She lets out a string of quiet no-no-no's and stares wide-eyed at the blade.

I shoot out from under the door and nail Hattrene with Quick Attack. At the same time, Wobbuffet hits her with an empty drawer that breaks on contact. Hatterene goes down, though her hair is still in place, telling me that she's not through yet, and the knife falls from Jessie's hands.

She braces herself against the counter top and pants heavily as tears drip down her face. "Oh God. My life flashed before my eyes." She turns her horrified gaze toward me and laughs brokenly. "I spent a lot of time chasing after you."

Against all odds, I laugh too. So does Wobbuffet. I think we're all hysterical at this point.

Hatterene begins to stir, and we all stop laughing.

Wobbuffet nudges me, a surprisingly determined look on his face. "Look after Jessie," he whispers. "I've got an idea."

He leaves the room with no further explanation. Jessie calls after him, and I press down on her boot. I glance in the direction Wobbuffet went and press down again. She nods, getting the message.

Hatterene rises and looks down at us with those eyes, deciding how to proceed, how to spill more blood.

"Hatterene, I'm your friend," I plead, my voice shaking. "I never lied to you. I care about you, Hatterene!"

Deep down, I know that she is beyond reason, but I can't stop myself from trying. After meeting her, battling her, learning her story, I truly have grown to care for her. Hattrem wasn't a bad pokemon. She was lonely yet so afraid of those who couldn't possibly understand her. She had a deep trust and longing for someone she may never see again. She had a deep desire to get stronger for that person.

I related to Hattrem so much. She can't be completely gone.

"I had so much fun battling you!" I shout, my face wet with tears and blood. Hatterene doesn't react. She just keeps staring at me. I take that as a sign to keep talking. "I-I loved talking to you and sharing food and-and I wasn't lying about Ash and I want you to find Miriam! Hatterene…" I run out of words too quickly.

Hatterene lets out a low hiss that makes my fur stand on end.

"Pikachu," Jessie says, "whatever you're doing, I don't think it's working."

Where is Wobbuffet? Whatever he's doing, I hope it works at least.

Nothing I do ever seems to work. When it seems like I'm doing something right, I always end up failing in the end. I can't do anything right outside of a battle, and most of the time Ash is guiding me through those anyway.

Oh, Ashton, none of this would have happened if you were here.

Hatterene readies another Psycho Cut. I jump in front of Jessie, who whimpers behind me. As Hatterene swipes her huge hand, I meet it head-on with Quick Attack.

At least, I think it's Quick Attack. Either way, I manage to not only overpower her, but send her and myself crashing through the wall and back into the living room. We land on the chair, toppling it over. We roll into the wall, and her solid mass of hair goes limp once more. I sneeze at the dust that's been kicked up and lay there panting, hot with adrenaline, waiting for Hatterene to get back up. She makes a small sound but doesn't rise.

"Well," Wobbuffet says. He is standing in the kitchen doorway, his face slack in shock though his tone is impressed. He nods at the large tube-thingy he must have been dragging along the floor, the machine that he and Jessie had arrived with. "I was going to suck her into this thing, but it looks like you've got it covered."

He stares at the wall, and my legs scream as I step around the chair and follow his gaze. This is why trainers don't hold pokemon battles in rooms that weren't designed for them. There is a massive hole where the wall should be, and dirt and debris are everywhere. Hatterene and I are filthy, and some deranged part of me is concerned about my open wound getting infected.

Jessie gapes at us for a moment before regaining her composure. "Is it safe?"

I nod, though the action makes my head swim. I'm starting to feel the effects of the blood loss. I hope I can get back to my friends before the adrenaline wears off.

My friends. Arceus, I hadn't even considered how they would react to my missing ear. How long have I been here, anyway? Is it sunhigh yet? Are they looking for me?

Jessie returns Wobbuffet to his pokeball, picks me up once more, and carries me back to the kitchen. She reopens the window, climbs onto the countertop, and crawls out the window with me in tow. I barely register any of this.

My friends in the PokeSquad are going to be so upset, so afraid when they see me now. My family back in Pallet Town, Delia and Mimey and everyone on Professor Oak's ranch, will feel even worse. Charizard in particular is going to want to incinerate Hatterene despite my injury not really being her fault.

And, Ashton… I can already see the look on his face. The fear, the pain, the anger. He'll hate Hatterene in an instant. Will he feel that way when he learns that I'm the reason for Hatterene's anger?

Hatterene. I have to talk to her. I have to apologize, to find a way to fix this. Can I even fix this? I'm not Ash Ketchum. Ash could have calmed Hatterene with a few words and a gentle caress. All I did was attack her.

Attacking. Is that truly the only way I'm any use?

I must have lost consciousness. One minute, I was in Jessie's arms, feeling sorry for myself. Now, I'm lying on a blanket in the middle of the forest. The sky is still dark, but the stars are starting to fade as dawn quickly approaches.

Despite my aching, well, everything, I force myself into a sitting position and realize that my fur isn't heavy and sticky anymore. I gingerly touch the sore, throbbing spot where my ear was and feel a rough bandage on my head. Three, actually. Someone cleaned me up and dressed my wound.

"Well," someone says. "Rise and shine, Pikachu."

I look over my shoulder and wince as I turn to face Meowth, who is curled up on the other end of the blanket. That's when I notice the smell. A sharp, sour smell coming from him. His large eyes are glossy and tired, like just keeping his head up is a huge effort. So, he really is sick.

"Are you okay?" I ask and immediately feel stupid. Nothing about him looks okay.

His mouth twitches in false amusem*nt. "Everything's attached, ain't it?" Then, he flinches and hastily apologizes.

"Pikachu?" Jessie's voice is cautious, unsure.

She, James, and Wobbuffet are next to us, sitting around a dwindling fire that James is trying to stoke back to life. But, his efforts are dropped when he sees me awake. The three of them quickly crowd around me, and Meowth tells them to back off. But, he does so in his native tongue, so only Wobbuffet hangs back. Jessie and James are a little too close for comfort.

Jessie is no longer wearing her uniform which is likely ruined. Instead, she is wearing a pale blue shirt with sleeves that only reach her elbows and long jeans. This must be part of her latest civilian disguise. Then, I spot the bandage peeking out from under her sleeve. I have no doubt that she's hurt other places too. How did I not realize? Was I really so caught up in my own problems that I failed to notice that Jessie had been hurt? How selfish is that?

"How's your head feeling?" James asks me, snapping me back to the here and now.

I tilt my head and wince at the soreness. They all get the message.

James smiles sympathetically. "I suppose that's to be expected." He turns to Jessie. "You did a good job, Jessie, but I think it would be best to have Nurse Joy look at him." Jessie only nods.

"Jessie patched me up?" I ask. I don't know why this surprises me so much.

"Wouldn't let anyone else touch you," Wobbuffet says.

"Why would she help me? I didn't do anything."

Wobbuffet blinks in disbelief. "You're…kidding, right? In case you've forgotten, you're the reason she and I are here in the first place! You save our lives, Pikachu!"

In the back of my mind, I know he's right. I did protect them. But, could there have been another way? Was there something I could have done to prevent them from needing protection in the first place?

I need to see Hatterene. I need her to understand that my saving Jessie and Wobbuffet doesn't mean I'm with Team Rocket. My friend can't be gone just because she evolved, right?

I remember when Charmander evolved. He went from being sweet and shy to being stubborn as hell and even outright mean at times. But, even if we argued from time to time, even if his poor treatment of Ash grated at me like nails on a chalkboard, we never stopped loving each other. And, he did manage to soften after a time.

But, only because of Ash.

Ash isn't here, and after tonight's events, I'm not sure I can fix this mess without him. But, that won't stop me from trying.

"Meowth, help me out here," Jessie says suddenly. Then, to me, "Why did you save us? We've been enemies since the day we met. You can't just help us when we've been nothing but mean to you. That's not how it works!" James places a calming hand on her shoulder. Jessie shakes it off with tears in her eyes. "If I hadn't been there, you wouldn't… You lost your ear because of me, so why help us?"

Words fail me. Jessie blames herself for this? I suppose their wanting to capture Hatterene is what triggered this whole mess initially. But, if I hadn't helped Hatterene evolve, maybe I could have talked her down. Or, maybe everything started with Miriam leaving her there, whatever the real reason.

Maybe it's no one's fault. Or, maybe it's everyone's fault.

So many maybe's and no answers to speak of.

"I just wanted to help," I say, not sure who I'm talking about.

Jessie and James, who had been watching with a stricken expression, turn to Meowth.

Meowth just moans and blinks at them, unseeing. His chin meets the ground, and my stomach drops. It had only been a few days since I'd last seen him, and he'd seemed completely healthy. Now, he's so unwell that he's barely awake and can't even translate one sentence? I know that diseases can hit pretty hard out of nowhere but-

He couldn't have Poke-X, could he? No, probably not. I don't see any injuries, and I doubt Jessie and Wobbuffet would have left if they thought Meowth was a danger to himself and James. But, whatever Meowth has must be really bad regardless. That stench coming from him, it almost smells…rotten. Arceus, please don't let him have the rotting disease!

As Wobbuffet comfortingly rubs Meowth's back, Jessie and James exchange hard looks. "We can't wait any longer," James says.

"Agreed," Jessie replies.

Wobbuffet wordlessly picks up Meowth, who squirms a little but is unable to do anything else. A few days ago, he would probably have clawed Wobbuffet's face.

Jessie says to me, "We're heading to the nearest Pokemon Center, and you're coming with us." Her tone leaves no room for argument, but I shrink back when she tries to grab me. Her eyes narrow further. "This isn't a trick, if that's what you're worried about." She throws her hand toward Meowth, who has gone limp, resigned to being carried. "Look at him. Who could fake that? Not even me, and I'm the best actress I know." Her teammates, Meowth included, collectively roll their eyes. "Now, stop being stubborn."

She reaches for me again, and I practically leap backwards and shake my head, which turns out to be a bad idea when my head throbs and tiny speckles briefly coat my vision. I need a Pokemon Center. They're not wrong about that. But, I can't just leave my friends, especially when they know or will soon know where I was all night. If they can't find me, who knows what they'll think?

And, if they show up at that shack with Hatterene in her current state… Arceus, I can't think about that.

Luckily, James has always been the sensible one between the two humans. "Jessie, he's probably with the twerps. Or, the twerpy squad. Either way, someone is going to be looking for him."

Thank you, James, but… "Twerpy squad?" I turn to the pokemon, genuinely offended even if I'm only with the group temporarily.

Wobbuffet gives me a placating look. "Meowth coined it. Blame him."

Meowth is apparently feeling well enough to growl at him.

Jessie scoffs but doesn't object. "Fine. I'll get him where he's going. The rest of you get Meowth to the Pokemon Center."

"I'm coming with you," Wobbuffet says, handing Meowth off to James. Wobbuffet then moves to my side, places his hand on my back, and looks up at his trainer to convey his wishes.

"You want to come too?" Jessie interprets.

"It's not a bad idea," James says, rising to his feet and repositioning Meowth in his arms. Meowth weakly argues that he can walk, but he's still not speaking human, so James can only glance at him worriedly. To Jessie, James says, "With Pikachu in this state, whoever he's with is likely to attack first and ask questions later." He grimaces. "Don't forget our last encounter with his trainer."

Wait, they saw Ash? I shouldn't be surprised. Jessie's shudder at the reminder shouldn't surprise me either. Considering that these guys are the reason we were separated in the first place, I can only imagine how Ash would have reacted to seeing them again. He's not a violent man in the least, but when a loved one is hurt or in danger, it's like a switch flips. Ashton Ketchum is incredible as a friend and an absolute nightmare as an enemy. It doesn't help that his size would likely make him an alpha human if such a thing existed.

"Fine," Jessie concedes. "Wobbuffet and I will take Pikachu wherever we're taking him. You just get Meowth some help."

"Why were you guys there alone, anyway?" I ask Wobbuffet.

He, Jessie, and I are walking back to where I'd last seen my friends. Jessie had once again tried to carry me but relented when she saw that I could walk, at least on all-fours. If she or her pokemon notice that I'm walking slower than normal, they don't mention it. My whole body is aching from the movement, but I force myself to press on. These two have been through enough tonight without me adding to their burden. Again.

Wobbuffet shrugs, trying to be nonchalant despite the heaviness of his tone. "Jessie couldn't sleep, and she knows I don't need a lot of sleep anyway. But, I think she was looking for a distraction more than anything."

A distraction from what, I wonder. Then, it hits me. "Meowth is that bad, huh?"

Wobbuffet sighs. "He isn't that good."

"I could smell him. How long's he been like that?"

"'Bout a day. It just kind of hit him. He started out insisting that he just ate something bad, but I don't think so. He just kept getting worse as the day went on."

So, that's what happened. Jessie was overwhelmed by the bad stuff, so she just needed something else to do. Ash is the same way when he's upset. Distraction isn't a bad coping mechanism, but the bad stuff always comes back to hit you in the face. It seems tonight was no different for Jessie. I wonder if Ash has needed any distractions since we were separated.

"I still don't see why you saved us," Jessie says from the rear. "Unless I missed my guess, there were no issues until we showed up." Her footsteps stop, then there's a quiet, "And, I'm the reason we showed up."

Wobbuffet and I turn around. Jessie's arms are crossed, and she is glaring down at the grass. I've never seen Jessie…remorseful before.

"This isn't your fault, Jess," Wobbuffet gently assures.

Jessie scoffs, still not looking at us. "Why am I bothering? It's not like you can respond."

I know what she means, but she's wrong. I walk up to her and tug on her pant leg, prompting her to finally look at me. I give her a wide smile and tug again, letting her know that I don't blame her for my ear, for anything that happened with Hatterene.

Jessie's stern expression wavers, her eyes blinking too much. She grunts, balls up her shaking fists at her sides, and stares straight ahead. "Just take us where you're taking us," she commands, her voice breaking a little. I turn back around, satisfied that my message has been received, and hear her mutter, "You twerps make no sense."

"In her own way," Wobbuffet says as we set off once more, "she really is sweet. I know she can be kind of a hot head, but she's a good person deep down."

I'm starting to realize that. "You guys are really close."

Wobbuffet chuckles, as if there's a joke I'm not privy to. "You should have us in the beginning. Jessie was…not fond of me to say the least. Luckily, I'm the type to just go with the flow. It took some time but we worked it out and now we couldn't be closer."

It's like all the pain in my body has seeped into my heart. "Sounds like me and Ash in reverse."

"You didn't like him at first?"


I'm grateful to these guys for patching me up, even if it sounds like it was mostly Jessie, and it's clear that they aren't totally bad. Wobbuffet always seemed like the most level-headed of the group, just going with the flow as he put it, and Jessie wouldn't understand me anyway. But, I'm not sure I'm ready to share that particular bit of information with them.

Luckily, Wobbuffet gets the hint. "Too personal. Got it." There's a pause, then he changes the subject. "Nice new move, by the way. What was that?"

Now, if only it was a subject I understood. "New move? What are you talking about?"

Wobbuffet frowns at me. "That-that pink move. I thought- Ah, nevermind. Must have been something Hatterene used."

But, his words nag at me. Supposedly, there have been points when my eyes glowed pink and I got a power boost for whatever reason. And, come to think of it, didn't that Golbat ask me about a pink move? I had kind of ignored him at the time, but now I'm wishing I could find him and ask what he'd meant. Wobbles had thought it was an ability, but could I actually be learning a new move?

Come to think of it, this sort of thing happened the last time I learned a new move. While there are thousands of different attacks out there, a pokemon's mind and body can only handle the knowledge of how to use four at most. When a new move is learned, it takes the place of something else. I could use Electro Ball, once upon a time, but one day the move started going haywire and, long story short, morphed into Electroweb. Ordinarily, new moves just appear out of thin air unless you're actively trying, but there are times when a move can take a while to form. Professor Kukui thinks it's because a pokemon's body is trying to prepare itself for the move, though he notes that it usually only happens with particularly powerful moves like Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Electroweb may not be the strongest attack in my arsenal, but it certainly has its uses.

I have to think about this, because the more I walk, the more my aching body wants to shut down, and Jessie and Wobbuffet have fallen silent. Soon, fatigue starts overriding my need to keep walking, but I refuse to give in no matter how raw and heavy my legs feel. At one point, Wobbuffet offers to carry me, and I hate how weak my voice sounds when I decline. When Jessie tries to outright pick me up, I make the mistake of wasting energy by generating warning sparks. The act not only makes my brain feel like it's melting, but it also prompts Jessie to mumble something rude-sounding about men.

Finally, blissfully, I see a familiar Bellsprout pass by, apparently searching for something. I try to call out to her, but even my throat feels numb.

Sprout must have heard whatever sound I made, because she spins around, sets her fretful gaze on me, and makes a beeline for me. "Pikachu! Oh my goodness! Wobbles told us what…you…" Then, she really looks at me, what's left of me, her wide eyes locked on the bandaged spot on my head.

Jessie awkwardly clears her throat. "So, you must be with the twerps. I, um… Wobbuffet, help me out here."

Wobbuffet sputters a bit, but before he can say anything coherent-


I figured Sprout would be the most - ahem - vocal about this, and her scream does nothing for my pounding head. She stands frozen in shock as, one by one, the rest of our group appears. Eevee is the first, taking in my new appearance with a shriek that, to my dismay, is somehow louder than Sprout's. Wobbles is next. She gazes at me with shock that quickly morphs into resignation.

"What's going on?" Last but not least, Absol.

He takes in the sight of Sprout's paralysis and Wobbles holding a now-crying Eevee. Then, he sees me and gasps. Then, his gaze rests on Jessie, and his hackles raise and he bares his teeth, a low, dangerous growl rumbling in his throat.

Wobbuffet's panicked, "It wasn't us," comes at the same time as Jessie's, "I realize this looks bad."

"It wasn't them." Speaking takes too much effort. I manage to get out, "Hattrem evolved," before the world goes black.

The sun is up when I finally come to. The pounding in my head and the soreness of my muscles has eased enough that I at least don't feel like death. Sprout sees my blurry eyes open, gets behind me, and eases me into a sitting position, murmuring gentle encouragement. Eevee, who was curled up next to me, leaps to his feet, his fur wet with tears that start anew when we lock eyes. He tries to speak but whimpers instead.

Feeling horrible, I lick his wet cheeks and stroke his fluffy neck. "I'm okay, Eevee." My throat is scratchy with thirst. Clearing my throat does nothing. "I'm so sorry I scared you. All of you," I add to Sprout.

"Don't worry about us," Sprout coos, still holding me upright. At least she's calmed down. "You just focus on you."

"Psychosis," I hear Wobbles say with carefully contained fear. "You're sure?"

She and Wobbuffet are deep in conversation close by. Jessie is sitting against a tree and watching them with a bored, uncomprehending expression.

Wobbuffet nods, his arms crossed. "Positive. Granted, I've never actually seen a case before, but I'm certain that's what it was."

"I saw it once." Wobbles groans and puts her head in her hands. "I can't believe I didn't think of it!"

"This isn't your fault, Wobbles," Sprout says.

Wobbles looks miserably in our direction. Her face brightens at the sight of me upright than crumbles once more. "Pikachu!" She runs up to me and throws herself at my feet. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have let you go in there alone!"

Everyone's blaming themselves. Yet, I'm the reason for all this grief.

"Wobbles." I rub my hands over her large head, something that helped calm me when I was little and always helps Ash and some of our friends too. "Wobbles, please. You did nothing wrong." She looks up at me with wet eyes that make me feel impossibly worse. "You tried to stop me. I chose not to listen. This isn't your fault."

At that point, Absol appears from the brush, carrying a hunk of dripping-wet moss in his mouth. He makes no comment on the scene before him and instead sets the moss at my feet and says, "Good. You're up." He pushes it toward me. His tone is clipped, professional, yet there's a gentleness to it. "Here. Drink this."

I obediently lap up the cool water, but I barely feel the relief it brings to my dry throat. Everyone's upset because of me, yet everyone is still taking care of me. I messed everything up. Why is no one mad at me?

"You should drink more," Absol says when I stop. "You've barely touched it."

I shake my head. My heart is stuck in my throat, and my stomach feels like it's full of rocks.

"Don't rush him, Absol," Sprout says patiently.

Eevee finally speaks. "I could drink it for him. Would that help?"

No one has the heart to tell him that's not how it works. Wobbles just nudges the moss his way and says, "Give it a try."

While Eevee licks the moss unhappily, Jessie and Wobbuffet, who had been giving us room, cautiously approach, the former on her hands and knees. They stare at me and then each other helplessly, neither knowing quite what to say.

"What's psychosis?" I ask just to fill the silence.

Wobbles climes to her feet, wipes her cheeks, and clears her throat. "Well, as you probably already know, each pokemon type has some form of unique, inbred trait that other types don't. Ghost-types can access the underworld, for instance. And, ice-types can survive in extreme cold. But, for psychic-types, it's a little more complicated."

"We psychic-types," Wobbuffet continues, "are theoretically capable of telekinesis."

"What's telekinesis?" Eevee asks.

"That's when you can move things by thinking about it, right?" I confirm.

Wobbuffet nods. "I say theoretically because accessing this ability is extremely dangerous. To put it bluntly, it can screw up your mind big time."

"Hold on," Absol interrupts. "We've seen pokemon move things using Psychic and Confusion, and they seemed fine."

Wobbles takes over. "That's different. Psychic and Confusion utilize the body as well as the mind. When your mind's doing all the work, there can be consequences. Really, the only pokemon with a strong enough psyche to handle telekinesis is the Abra-line. No one else that I'm aware of. Wobbuffet told us what happened to you guys. His theory is that Hattrem was on the verge of psychosis, and the power boost from evolving was…more than she could take, so to speak."

This really is my fault.

When silence falls, Jessie sighs through her nose and says, "Whatever that was, it sounded pretty serious." She rises on to her knees and turns to Wobbuffet. "But, we should probably get going." Wobbuffet nods. Jessie gazes at my friends then looks off to the side. "Um, thank you, Pikachu." She stands up and starts away. "Come on, Wobbuffet."

Wobbuffet puts his hand on my shoulder, says a sincere, "We owe you for this," and follows his trainer.

When they're gone, Absol turns to me. "Well, we know their side of the story, and we know Wobbles's-"

"I'm sorry!" Wobbles blurts, looking like she might cry again.

Absol gives her head a comforting lick. "We told you; we understand why you never told us about Hattrem." He lowers his voice, but I can just barely hear him. "And, we know that Pikachu's like you in that he does whatever he wants."

I look at my feet in shame. What can I say to that?

Eevee laps up the tear that slips down my cheek. "Don't cry, Pikachu. We still love you."

A small, pathetic whine escapes me. I swipe my hands over my eyes before I can break. I don't have the right to cry it all out, not when I'm the one who screwed everything up.

Useless. Utterly useless. Battling and being the cute, fuzzy thing on Ash's shoulder is all I'm good at.

Sprout rests her leaves on my shoulders. "If you're feeling up to talking, I think we'd like to know your point of view." I look at her over my shoulder. Whatever's on my face makes her jump back and wave her leaves in front of her. "N-no pressure or anything! If you don't wanna talk, you don't have to."

I don't want to talk. I want to crawl into a hole and never come out. I want to go find Hatterene and see if there's even the slightest chance of fixing this. I want to nuzzle Ashton's neck while he holds me and murmurs comforting words.

But, my friends are looking at me with so much fear and concern that the words all tumble out of me.

"When I was a youngling, some poachers came to my hoard. You know that my mother was an alpha…but she was also a shiny pokemon."

"A shiny alpha," Wobbles repeats with less interest than she would normally have. "Now, that's a rarity."

I nod. "And, it made her a prime target. She got captured. So did some of the hoard. Others were scattered, and my father… Daddy pushed me into a deep alcove in a tree. He told me to stay there until it was safe. I was young and scared, so-so I stayed there. I stayed there until I couldn't hear anything, and even then I waited longer. No one ever came for me. Eventually, I came out on my own." My voice shakes. "Everyone was gone. I was alone."

I don't tell them about all the blood and gore. I don't tell them that I can't go in my pokeball because being in there brings me right back to that alcove. I don't tell them that I tried to rouse my father with licks and electrocution until reality crashed into me.

"That's why I wanted to help Hatterene," I say instead. "I know how it feels to be alone, to not know who to trust. I…I don't want anyone to feel like that." I squeeze my misty eyes shut, unwilling to see anyone's faces. "She called me her friend. She was happy and then…and then she wasn't…"

My voice was too high, too wobbly at the end. If I go on, I'm afraid I'll lose whatever composure I have left. No one speaks for a while. The only reaction I know of is Sprout wrapping her leaves around me. I lean into her and try to pretend that everything's normal, that this is just a casual hug from a friend. It's not working.

"What I'm hearing," Absol says eventually, "is that you made a lonely pokemon happy for a while. True?" I force myself to meet his gaze. His normally stoic expression is softened by a sad smile. I nod, and he nods back. "That means more than you might think. Regardless of how it ended."

Sprout tightens her grip. "He's right. You're a sweet pokemon, Pikachu. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I'm sure it meant a lot for Hatterene to have someone there who understood her."

My friends mean well, but they weren't there. They didn't see the way Hatterene looked at me, like I'd spent the whole night torturing her and she was finally getting revenge.

"Um," Eevee starts, shuffling his forepaws. "My parents are gone, too. There was a fire before I hatched, and I guess they didn't make it."

I don't tell him I already know this. I just lick his head and say, "I'm sorry, Eevee. Hey, Wobbles." Wobbles had been staring sadly at the ground with her arms crossed but looks up at my voice. "Could you tell me about Hatterene? I'm not familiar with the species."

"Hatterene: the silent pokemon," she begins with less enthusiasm than usual. I hope she perks up soon, though I get the feeling she's going to be mad at herself for a while. "A psychic- and fairy-type. Like its pre-evolution, it isn't fond of loud noises, but instead of pounding you into the dirt, it uses the claws on the end of its tentacle to-" She grimaces, her gaze falling on my injury as she draws her own conclusion. "Well, you get the gist."

I nod and roll forward in a quadrupedal position. "I'm gonna go see Hatterene." My friends cry out in shock and protest. Absol even asks me if I have a death wish. "We were getting along!" I counter shakily. "We ate together. We talked about our trainers. We even had a battle." More quietly, I add. "I can't forget all of that."

My friends exchange looks, unsure of how to respond. Before they can decide, I start in the direction of the shack. I don't care what they say. I don't care how dangerous it is. I'll never forgive myself if I don't at least try to explain everything to Hatterene, to tell her that I never lied to her and that I genuinely care about her. I know I already tried that, but maybe now that things have calmed down, she'll be willing to listen.

Soon, I hear footsteps behind me and stop as everyone catches up to me. Wobbles salutes and says, "We'll be nearby in case things go south."

Arceus, bless these guys.

When we arrive at the shack, Hatterene is sitting cross-legged against the door, her long, long hair spilled out in all directions. A pile of vines sits in front of her, and she is weaving and tying them together with her hands because she likes the manual process. I wonder what she's making.

My friends are hidden in the brush, and I can feel their eyes on me as I walk up to Hatterene and stop a safe distance from her. She is so focused on her task that she doesn't notice me until I say, "Um, hey, Hatterene."

She pauses in her work, large black eyes on me. No emotion.

"I…I know things got…out of hand last night," I continue, ignoring the pounding in my chest, the instinct telling me to get out while I can. "Hatterene, I meant every word I said to you. I didn't lie about anything. I care, Hatterene!" When she doesn't react, I take a chance and cautiously approach her, following the stone pathway. "I get why you were mad. I saved the people who were there to hurt you. That couldn't have looked good, but-but what you were doing wasn't right either! Pokemon are afraid of you because you attack first and ask questions later." I stop walking, now almost directly in front of her, only her long puddle of hair separating us. Hatterene still hasn't moved, but she hasn't attacked me either. A flicker of hope warms me. "I know how it feels to be alone. And, I know what it's like to miss others. I don't like the idea of anyone feeling like that. And, I don't want you to stop trusting me. I want us to trust each other, Hatterene. I want us to be friends."

We stare at each other for so long that my flicker of hope starts to burn out. If Hatterene still hates me, couldn't she at least say something?

The stones along the pathway rise up into the air. Before I can process this, they shoot at me and crush me under them. Pain explodes all over as Hatterene squeezes me like she did with the tablecloth. But, the pressure eases as quickly as it began. I hear cries that sound like Hatterene and Absol as Sprout and Eevee dig me out of the pile.

"Are you okay?" Sprout asks breathlessly. Eevee whimpers beside her, his fur fluffed up.

Before I can answer, Absol is knocked back by a powerful Brutal Swing. Sprout and Eevee whip around at his cry. Hatterene's hair is back in its body-like shape.

Hatterene fires off Dazzling Gleam, but Wobbles jumps in front of Absol, who rises to his feet. Wobbles's body glows a shimmering, pinkish-orange, and her Mirror Coat throws Dazzling Gleam right back at Hatterene ten-fold. Hatterene flies back and lies in the grass, stunned though her hair is still in place.

"Let's get out of here!" Absol commands.

My friends bolt past me, but the gravity of the situation leaves me unable to move. I vaguely register Absol lifting me by the scruff and carrying me to safety. I half-expect Hatterene to follow us into the forest. But, when Absol puts me down, I peer through the brush and watch as Hatterene returns to the spot where she'd been sitting before. Her body lowers to the ground, and her hair falls limp, flowing around her in a pool of blue, pink, and white. She picks up her discarded vines and continues weaving, as if my interruption had been nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Of course she didn't chase us. Miriam told her not to leave the shack.

I squeeze my mouth shut, blink hard against the tears, desperate for control.

Eevee lightly headbutts my chin. "Um… I liked your speech," he says sadly.

"You did a good thing, Pikachu," Sprout says. "Even if it doesn't seem like it. I'll find you guys some berries." I don't need to look to know that that part had been directed at Wobbles and Absol, who had done all the fighting while I just laid there like a lump. Sprout lightly touches the bandages on my head, which I now realize had come loose. My wound is throbbing, and I feel a trickle of fresh blood. "I'll look for a new cover for that while I'm at it."

"I'll help you," Eevee offers.

The two run off, and I check on Absol and Wobbles. Absol's fur is messy and he's panting a little but his eyes are clear and serious as he watches Hattrem. Wobbles is scuffed up but seems more upset than anything. All in all, neither of them seem particularly worse for wear. I try to take some comfort in that.

Wobbles sighs. "I know you're gonna say it's not my fault," she starts with a glance at the empty space on my head, "but I still kind of feel responsible."

Absol sighs as well and shakes his head. "Maybe this is no one's fault." Then, he turns to me. There's that soft smile again. "Sprout's right, you know. No matter how it turned out, the fact is that you tried to make Hatterene happy when no one else would even go near her. And, you succeeded, even if it was just for a little while. That speaks volumes about you, Pikachu."

In the back of my mind, I know he means that as a compliment. But, I can't bring myself to see it that way.

The fact is, I let Hatterene down. No, it's worse than that. I earned her trust, and my actions caused her to believe I'd betrayed her. I don't regret saving Jessie and Wobbuffet, but I do regret that I couldn't save Hatterene, that I couldn't stop everyone from getting hurt.

Ash wouldn't have failed so miserably; he wouldn't have failed at all. Even if he didn't catch Hatterene, though I suspect he would have, she still would have been left with a new, brighter attitude toward life. That's just the effect Ash has on others, especially pokemon.

But, I'm not Ash Ketchum. I'm just his Pikachu. And, unless there's a battle or someone needs a fuzzy thing to look at, I can't do anything right.

Chapter 18: Doing the Right Thing Can Be Difficult

Chapter Text

"I'm insane, I'm emotional, but I'd rather be that than a robot." - Melanie Martinez


Yesterday, Professor Oak called and told me they figured out how Charizard escaped. Turns out there was some kind of break in the barrier that was hidden behind the brush, which was immediately fixed. I don't know what possessed me to ask how they'd found it, but Professor Oak reluctantly informed me that they'd caught Snivy trying to sneak out through it. Snivy herself had confirmed that she wanted to search for Pikachu, but I can't help thinking about her conversation with Charizard and wondering if she actually just doesn't trust me anymore. I was too much of a coward to check on her and ask what's really on her mind.

A few hours later, I found out that Tyrogue died. He wasn't the first victim of Poke-X, he probably won't be the last, but his death hurt the most so far. Lorette, Korou, and I brought in a few others, and lost a few others, since we first found Tyrogue, but no one else has had the support system that Tyrogue had. Breloom wasn't the only pokemon who came looking for information. Maybe that's why losing Tyrogue bothers me so much. I'm sure that the other pokemon had friends, but it's different when you actually meet those friends and know how loved that pokemon was.

Yeah, yesterday kind of sucked.

This morning, Sarge and Breloom organized a little memorial service for Tyrogue, which came as a bit of a surprise to me. According to Pikachu, pokemon handle death by simply burying their loved one and grieving however they need to. They don't have a whole funeral like humans do. Maybe having a little gathering at the wrestling spot to share memories - and I don't need a translator to tell me that's what they were doing - was Sarge and Breloom's way of coping. Or, maybe Tyrogue was just that popular. Or, maybe it's because the wrestling group lost one of their own. The reason doesn't matter.

Lorette, Korou, and I had hung back, allowing all the pokemon their space. I think we humans all felt a little out of place. Then a Heracross waved us closer, inviting us into the group. We hesitantly joined the gathering and watched as the pokemon talked and wept and even laughed at certain points. The whole scene made me as emotional as everyone else, despite my best attempts to keep it together. But, crying is expected at a funeral, so I could allow myself a few tears. Korou and Lorette had been crying as well.

That's something that I envy about pokemon: their genuineness. With a handful of exceptions (mainly destructive behavior or a dangerous situation), they don't hide their emotions. Ever. Pokemon are allowed to feel however they need to, no matter how ugly it is, and they're never judged for it. They are mystified by human culture and its dictation that we keep our feelings in check in public. According to Pikachu, some pokemon think that humans have no feelings at all, though whether that's interpreted as bravery or heartlessness depends on who you ask. I wish we had the luxury that pokemon have, especially these days.

And, especially tomorrow: my birthday, which I made no effort to mention to my friends. My tenth birthday was the day I met Pikachu. And, unless he and Charizard miraculously appear on Aunt V's doorstep, I'm not celebrating this year.

The first time I met Connor, he'd been wearing a shirt that said, "I like big boobs and I cannot lie." When Korou introduced the man as his husband, I was extremely confused. Connor had laughed at my expression and explained that he "enjoyed messing with your gaydar." I still have no idea what that means, but I'd instantly liked the guy. Especially when I tasted his cooking. He and Korou co-own a cafe here in town called Just Eat! (the exclamation point was Connor's idea), and Korou has been separating his time between there and working on Poke-X research. I haven't tasted Korou's cooking, but if it's half as good as Connor's, I can see why they're in that business.

Their house is a little bigger than Aunt V's and is surprisingly lacking in decor. Apart from some framed photos here and there, their house only has the basic furniture and electronics and stuff. If I didn't know better, I'd assume no one lived here at all. The house seems kind of lonely to me, but its owners seem content with it.

Of course, Connor's wardrobe, which seems to consist mainly of fun shirts, makes up for it in a way. Today, he's sporting a white t-shirt featuring a sleeping Snorlax and the words, "Please Don't Make Me Do Stuff." The shirt's owner is what one might consider a textbook pretty boy: tousled blond hair, large light brown eyes, soft facial features, and a friendly smile.

But, that smile is absent when he makes his appearance, just for a quick visit before he heads back to the cafe. "So, how was the funeral?" he asks, setting two small red boxes on the table.

The guys and I were seated at the dining room table when he arrived. Our pokemon had huddled in the backyard to have their own vent-session. Personally, I'd rather have them here with us, but I guess they needed to talk with friends who could understand them. It makes sense, but I still miss them even though they're right outside.

Lorette sighs heavily. "It was a funeral. What do you expect? Whatcha got there?" she adds, now eyeballing the boxes.

Connor opens one of the boxes he'd brought from Just Eat!, revealing three large chocolate chip cookies. The aroma is so strong that they must be freshly baked. "I figured some comfort food might ease the blow."

Korou smiles sadly at him. "Thank you, Connor, but I don't think any of us have much appetite right now."

"Agreed," Lorette says. "We'll snack later."

I just shrug apologetically. Sadness is one of the few things that ruins my appetite.

Then again… "Maybe I'll just pick at it," I mutter, grabbing a cookie, realizing that it's still warm, and taking a bigger bite than I probably should. Connor's right; there's nothing like warm, chocolatey goodness to perk you up. Still holding the cookie, and ignoring the identical smirks around me, I point to the other box with my pinkie finger. "What's in that one?" I ask through my mouthful.

"These are for your pokemon." He opens the other box, revealing three pokemon-friendly cookies iced to look like pokeballs.

"Sweet," Lorette says. She turns to me and snorts. "In more ways than one."

It isn't until I look at my cookie, the bite-sized remaining piece, that I realize what's so funny. I shrug again. "A big guy's gotta eat," I say and pop the last glorious piece in my mouth.

"And, we thank you for lightening the mood," Korou quips. He turns back to Connor. "Lorette and I will have ours later."

Connor closes the box. "I figured." He looks shyly down at the lid. "I just… I don't know. I felt kind of weird about not going."

"Did you know Tyrogue?" I ask.

"No, not really," he says. "I've seen him wrestle, but we never really interacted. But, Sarge and you guys and…" Suddenly, his voices softens. "But, then I think of Dachsbun, and-" He shakes his head. "I-I don't know. Am I being weird?"

Korou sighs. "It's a weird situation all around, hun."

"Who's Dachsbun?" I ask. Then, I see the flash of pain on Connor's face and regret asking. "Sorry. Uh, nevermind."

"No, it's alright," Connor says solemnly. "Dachsbun was my pokemon." Was. Not is. Was. Now, I really regret asking. Connor pulls up a chair and rests his arms on the table. Korou reaches over and takes his hand. "He got really sick, and…well."

"Ah, man. I'm sorry," I say because what else can I say? Pikachu and Charizard may be gone, but at least I know they aren't gone gone. My pokemon are my family. I can't fathom losing them that way.

Come to think of it, Torkoal was pretty old when I caught him, and that was years ago. And, he's not the only one getting on in years. God, why am I thinking about this?

"It's fine," Connor says. "It's been two years. The ache's dulled, but…" His voice gets quiet again. "I guess this is just…bringing back some stuff, you know?"

So, that's why he didn't come. I can't say I blame him. I don't know if I could go either. My hand meets the three pokeballs strapped to my belt.

"I remember Dachsbun," Lorette says with a nostalgic smile. "He was a lot of fun. Used to play with Electrode all the time. Well, Voltorb, I should say." She huffs.a laugh. "Used to roll Voltorb all over the place like a regular ball."

Korou chuckles. "And then freak out when Voltorb exploded."

Connor grins with tears in his eyes. "He never learned."

My hand tightens around my pokeballs.

'Dachsbun: the dog pokemon. A fairy-type. It gives off a pleasant aroma that helps wheat grow, making it a common partner for farmers. Its skin hardens when exposed to intense heat.'

The image on the pokedex is of a brown, quadrupedal pokemon that is apparently not much larger than Pikachu. It has a pronounced snout, round ears that hang limply on the sides of its head, and a tail that bares an odd resemblance to a hairy sweet roll. So, this is Connor's old partner. I wish I could have met him.

I sigh heavily, stick my pokedex back in my pocket, and lean back on Aunt V's couch. Gardevoir is beside me, nibbling on Connor's pokeball cookie half-heartedly, as if just looking for something to do. He's as listless as I am.

"This sucks," I say just to fill the silence. Gardevoir makes an agreeing sound.

Tyrogue is far from the last victim, I know. More research facilities opened up and hired their own field workers like me, Korou, and Lorette. Word is that Poke-X is spreading farther from the areas around Lavender Town. I hope Zapdos and Electrode Hoard are doing okay. I hope Pikachu and Charizard are far, far away from those areas. I hope they found each other. I know they would want to be together.

Even if they don't want to be with me.

I push the thought away and try to focus on the here and now. "Do you think we're doing enough?" Gardevoir looks at me and chews on his last mouthful. "Poke-X, I mean. I know it's spreading slowly, but it's still spreading, you know? It just feels like no one's making any progress."

Gardevoir chirps and spreads his arms out wide.

"I know more people are working on it. But, is it enough?"

Tyrogue was merely a bitter taste of what was to come. The guys were right; it's far worse in person than it is on a computer screen.

As soon as Gardevoir and I returned from the power plant, Aunt V had practically thrown me inside. A sickly pokemon had somehow gotten into the house, and poor Aunt V looked like she was struggling not to have a heart attack. I'd ordered - yes, ordered - Gardevoir to wait outside and he obeyed but I could tell he wasn't happy about it. I don't like invoking the "Gardevoir instinctively obey their trainer's commands" thing, but I wasn't willing to risk him getting sick. It's one thing having him with me out in the open. It's another having him surrounded by walls and minimal exits. Looking back, he probably would have stayed in his pokeball if I'd told him to, but I think that would have driven him just as crazy.

Aunt V led me to the kitchen, which was a total mess of broken things and spilled over food and a dark red substance that had to be pokemon blood. The back door was wide open, and Aunt V confessed that she must not have closed it all the way. That's probably how the pokemon got in. A blast of electricity blazed through me before I saw Thundershock's user. At first, I was thankful that Pikachu's constant "love shocks" had made me all but immune to electrocution.

But, then I saw the pokemon.

A Pichu. Out of all the pokemon in the world. A god. Damn. Pichu.

If it had been a Pikachu, I might have seriously snapped. Didn't stop my heart from seizing in my chest.

Pichu are about half the size of their evolved form without their huge diamond-shaped ears. They have large pink circles on their cheeks, mitten-like hands, and a small black tail. Seeing the fuzzy yellow bundle roll out of the cabinet under the sink should have been a cute and funny sight.

There was nothing cute or funny about this.

The Pichu writhed and squealed and rolled through the debris, trailing blood from the cuts littering her body and shooting lightning at odd intervals. She even shocked herself a few times. It's common for Pichu to zap themselves by accident, but I had a feeling she was doing it on purpose here.

All of that would have been bad enough. But, the tip of her ear was missing and her tail was lying on the floor. The cabinet she'd fallen out of was where Aunt V kept her cleaning supplies, and I prayed to God and Arceus and whoever else that she hadn't swallowed anything.

I'd finally broken out of my stupor when she bit into her arm and started pulling on her skin.

"Get my transporter," I commanded, turning my hat around. "It's on my nightstand."

"You didn't bring it with you?" Aunt V asked incredulously.

"I didn't think I'd need it." But, I decided to wear it from that point on. She started wearing one as well after that.

Aunt V ran upstairs, muttering about how she could have dealt with this already, and I lunged. I managed to grab Pichu before she could damage herself further and squish the poor thing against me, forcing her to hold still until help arrived. Her blood drenched my clothes. She growled and sank her teeth into my shirt and electrocuted me and electrocuted herself, something I couldn't prevent. This Pichu wasn't young, but her jolts weren't particularly powerful, like maybe she didn't train much.

She was so small, so fragile. I'd used both hands to hold her down, but she would have been swallowed by just one. I felt like she would fall apart if I moved my pinkie finger the wrong way. I was powerless to do anything but stroke her small, sticky head and murmur false reassurances. And, try not to picture Pikachu in her place.

Aunt V had reappeared and aimed the transporter at Pichu, but I'd turned and blocked the shot. When my aunt demanded to know what in God's name I was doing, I ignored her. Maybe it was stupid of me, but I couldn't send Pichu to the lab in this state. Wouldn't she be even more terrified if she came out of this in a strange environment? Er, stranger than this one, anyway. What about the scientists? I guess they're used to dealing with frenzied pokemon, but what if something happened?

"Let me handle this. And, get the first aid kit." I said to Aunt V, who obeyed but made a face like I'd just said the dumbest thing imaginable. Maybe I had. So be it.

I knelt there on the floor, Pichu still trying to attack and escape, me still trying to settle her, until she eventually fell limp against me. I kept it together even when she started crying weakly into my torn and bloody shirt.

"There, now," I whispered, fighting an instinct to kiss her head. "It's over. My name is Ash, and you're safe with me."

Pichu had looked up at me with wet, fearful eyes that were asking if it was truly over, if he-if she was truly safe. I desperately wanted to lie.

I stroked her head with my thumb. "I won't lie to you. This will happen again." Pichu let out a broken sob. "But, there is good news. I know some humans who know exactly what's wrong with you. They can help you, Pichu."

Pichu blinked cautiously at me.

Aunt V had returned a while ago and had been watching us, waiting for my cue. I waved her over, and she knelt down beside me. "This is Vivian," I introduced. "She's my aunt, and she's in charge of those people. Think of her as their Alpha."

"Uh," Aunt V waved awkwardly, "hello, Pichu." She cleared her throat, switching to a more professional tone. "My nephew is correct. We are working on the cause of your condition."

I nodded. "Will you let us help you, Pichu?"

Pichu moaned but gave me a tiny smile.

"That means yes, right?" Aunt V asks, slightly exasperated. "Can I transport it now?"

"One last thing," I requested. I gingerly sat Pichu down, trying not to wince at her pained whimpers, and opened the first aid kit.

Aunt V raised an eyebrow. "You know they can do that at the lab, right?"

Now I was just trying not to get annoyed. "Humor me and my conscience."

Aunt V threw her hands up in surrender, and I got to work cleaning and bandaging Pichu. All the while, Pichu stared up at me with those scared brown eyes. Patching her up was the only thing keeping me from scooping her up in my arms again.

Not him. Not him. Not him.

"That cabinet you came out of," I said to stop my head from going in that direction. Pichu frowned, and it occurred to me that she probably didn't know what a cabinet was. "Um, that hole over there with the-the funny-looking…plastic things?" I pointed to what I was doing a terrible job of describing; there was a good chance she didn't know what cleaning supplies were either. Pichu grimaced but managed to turn her head enough to follow my finger. "You fell out of there. Do you remember that?"

Pichu nodded as well as she could, and my stomach churned. She remembered something from her fit. Was she conscious throughout? If so, how much?

"Those things are full of cl- Uh, human…water?"

"I think he's trying to ask if you drank any of it," Aunt said for me. I smiled in embarrassed thanks. "Did you?"

Pichu barely shook her head. She had been aware. At least enough that she knew she didn't poison herself. Are other infected pokemon aware of their actions? A chill ran up my spine.

"Good," Aunt V said. "That would have complicated matters."

"That stuff is really toxic if you drink it," I told Pichu. "Take some comfort in knowing that you didn't."

Pichu had calmed down by then but didn't look very reassured. There was nothing I could do about her ear and tail, but I finished bandaging her with no further incident.

Aunt V gave me another exasperated look, but there was a hint of love in there as well. She aimed the transporter. "Are you done now?"

Pichu's fearful eyes shot to the small device, and I gave her head a little scratch. "It's okay. That's a special machine that can send you to the lab. They can help you there. I promise."

Pichu looked up at me and nodded tiredly. She didn't care what we did. She just wanted the pain to stop. She looked so broken that my throat closed up. I couldn't speak. I just nodded at Aunt V, and she fired off the transporter. Pichu vanished in the red light, to reappear wherever in the research facility. I wiped my hands on the clean parts of my jacket, stood up, and walked into the dining room. I needed something less gruesome to look at.

Now that it was over, images of Pikachu were flashing through my mind. How he selflessly stops whatever he's doing when someone needs help. The way his gentle nature switches to a sharp intensity when we battle. The feel of his tiny hands clutching my shirt when we cuddle.

And, then the scenes from my nightmares of him shredded and mad with sickness.

"You just might be the sweetest man on planet Earth," Aunt V said, blissfully ignorant of my thoughts. "Also, why do pokemon like you so much?"

I didn't respond. I just brushed the tears off my cheeks before she could see them. I'd already cried my eyes out over Charizard. I refused to break down twice in one day.

I felt my aunt's hand on my shoulder, right where Pikachu usually rests. "You did well, Ash. You did a little more than you needed to, but I get it." I finally looked at her. Whatever she saw on my face made her go pale and throw her hand over her mouth in a gasp. "Pichu. Pikachu. Oh my god. Oh my god. I- I didn't think. I was gonna call someone, but-but I saw you outside and- Oh my god."

"It's okay," I assure, my voice miraculously steady. "It's okay. I-I mean, I have a lot of pokemon. This sort of thing was bound to happen, right? It just…happened to be a Pichu. But, I-I'm really fine. I promise."

I was lying through my teeth.

"Damn it all!" I slam my fist on the couch cushion hard enough that Gardevoir jumps beside me. "What did Tyrogue do? What did- What did Pichu do?" The fight leaves as quickly as it came. I slump forward, resting my forehead in one hand, my other hand dangling off my knee. "What did any of them do that was so bad?"

"Deh vwarh," Gardevoir says sadly.

"It's not right." My free hand curls into a shaking fist. "It-it's just… It's just horrible!"

Gardevoir is silent.

Suddenly, guilt burns my chest. I sit back up. "What am I doing? Here I am, wallowing in my own misery, and I haven't asked how you were feeling." Gardevoir just shrugs. "Same as me, huh?"

He doesn't deserve this. He didn't sign up for this when he asked me to catch him. Why am I putting him through all this? I wish we could have met before Poke-X happened, back when my biggest concern was looking for my next adventure.

"Maybe I should send you to Professor Oak's ranch. You'd be safe there." His head shoots up at my words, his red eyes wide in disbelief. "Don't look at me like that. I know this isn't what you expected when I caught you. You don't wanna see innocent pokemon die any more than I do. You saw a fun, happy person and…" I sigh and rest my hand on my head. "Look at me. I swear I've cried more in the past few days than I have in the eight years I've been on my journey. And, get this; tomorrow's the anniversary of when I met Pikachu, so unless a miracle happens, don't count on me being all rainbows and sunshine. I'm a goddamn mess."

Gardevoir snatches the hat off my head, places it backwards on his own, and narrows his eyes.

I smile despite myself. "I get it. You don't want to leave. You're in too deep now." I suppose that's my fault too.

Pikachu and Charizard are Lord knows where, and now Gardevoir is smack in the middle of the outbreak. Three of my pokemon are in danger because of me, and Snivy would have been number four if she hadn't been caught.

What kind of trainer am I?

Sensing my spiral, Gardevoir puts my hat back on my head, purposely setting the brim way too low. I adjust it and find him smiling softly, his tongue poking out as usual.

Despite my mood, I can't help but smile back. "I guess I'd rather cry than not care."

"Gar deh-vwarh," Gardevoir agrees.

Such a kind, patient pokemon. And, there are other pokemon as sweet as him out there, including Pikachu and Charizard. They're all susceptible, and I'm sitting on my ass when I could be doing something about it.

But then, what can I do? Everything I know about science comes from Clemont, one of my friends from the Kalos region, and his techno-babble, as amazing as it sounded, always went in one ear and out the other for me. My brain just isn't wired for science.

But, it is wired for pokemon.

"I wanna do more," I say. Gardevoir makes a curious sound. I cross my arms and lean back. "I'll be frank. All I know about science is that pie isn't just a dessert. Wait, is that science or math?" Gardevoir's blank stare is all the answer I get. "It doesn't matter. The point is I don't get science. But, I do get pokemon. I'm sure I could learn pokemon science."

Gardevoir tilts his head, his tongue peeking though once more, wondering where I'm going with this.

The more I speak, the more I like my idea. "Since I don't do science things, I'm not allowed anywhere but the lobby. Neither are Lorette and Korou. I don't know about them, but I want to be a bigger part of the action. I know quarantining the sick pokemon is important, but it's not enough for me. I can't even go and check on them myself. The guys and I had to ask someone about Tyrogue, and now I'll have to ask about Pichu instead of walking in and seeing her face to face. I guess it's a safety thing, but it just doesn't sit well with me, you know?"


"I've made up my mind, Gardevoir. I'm gonna learn pokemon science, and I'm gonna talk to Aunt V about helping the scientists study the virus. Hell, even if she just makes me an errand boy or something, at least I'd be helping, right?"

Gardevoir hums with interest then frowns deeply. He places one hand on my chest, right over my heart, and gives me a quizzical look.

I remove his hand. "You're right. Seeing all those pokemon like that, it would just kill me. But, you've seen me under pressure. You know I can keep it together. And, if I have to break down at the end of the day, then I'll break down. I wouldn't like it, but I'd do it." Then, I remember that he can feel my emotions whenever he wants and suddenly find it hard to look right at him. "I mean, you probably shouldn't try to check on me if I get the job. I doubt I'd be feeling anything you'd wanna feel."

I look up when Gardevoir places his hand on my shoulder. He gives me a fierce smile and a firm nod.

I grin and tip my hat to him. "You're awesome." I pump my fist. "Alright. Here's the new game plan. We'll keep doing our thing here until everything settles down. Then, we'll go somewhere. You, me, Pikachu, Charizard, and whoever else. We'll go somewhere awesome that we've never been before! Like, uh, uh, like Orre! That's where Ella said she's from, right? You ever been to the Orre region?"

Already looking excited, Gardevoir shakes his head.

"Well, that settles it. Once everything's back to normal, we're heading out!"

"Gar-deh!" Gardevoir chirps, kicking his legs.

I spring off the couch. "Let's look it up right now. Come on!" Then, I spot Aunt V's laptop sitting on the coffee table and sit back down. I'm sure she won't mind if I borrow it.

It feels good to plan my next adventure. Though Pikachu isn't here to bounce ideas off of, though Charizard isn't here to lovingly roll his eyes at my enthusiasm, there's a sense of normalcy to this. I can briefly pretend that nothing's wrong in the world, that the only thing I need to do is bring a new friend to a new place.

At least, until I set the laptop on my lap and open it. Apparently, Aunt V had forgotten to turn it off, because there is a news story on the screen with the title, "Poke-X Causes Human Casualties." The story goes on to describe how a group of four friends had been picnicking on Route 12 and came across two Corphish - shutter - who had been tearing themselves and each other apart. The humans had tried to stop them and ended up on the receiving end of their massive claws. Only one of the friends had survived. She had sustained serious injuries, and her Trevenant had been infected and taken to one of the new research buildings. The Corphish had died of their own injuries. The article then goes on to assure that the blood of pokemon cannot contaminate the river because blah, blah, blah, science.

I can't concentrate on reading anymore. All I can think about is my own goofy, energetic little Corphish.

You ever feel like the universe just hates you?

I check on Gardevoir, gauging his reaction. He is staring at the screen, no sign of comprehension, and subtly glancing my way as if wondering about my change in demeanor. He must not know how to read. Good.

For his sake, I mentally file the information away and… What was I doing? Oh, yeah! I type "Orre region" into the search bar, though the article still lingers in my mind.

We are still doing research when Aunt V gets home, three grocery bags in tow. I offer to help her out, but she declines and brings them into the kitchen. I can hear her putting things away, and she plops herself next to me when she's done.

I expect her to ask what I'm doing, but the first thing out of her mouth is, "Remind me again why you gave me money to buy, and I quote, 'a bunch of cheese samples?'"

"Vwarh?" Gardevoir chimes with interest.

I huff a laugh and jerk my thumb towards him. "That's why."

I had first discovered his love of cheese when I caught him sneaking a slice out of the fridge. When I asked what he was doing, he just ever-so-slowly took a big bite, a gesture that screamed, "What are you gonna do about it?" It reminded me of Pikachu with ketchup. Now, I want to know what Gardevoir's favorite cheeses are. I figure he's earned it, considering how much he has to put up with around here.

Aunt V looks at the screen, which displays information about Mt. Battle (the name alone says that it's right up my alley), and shakes her head with a smirk. "Don't tell me you're already plotting your next adventure."

"Okay, I won't," I quip. "You don't mind me using your laptop, do you?"

"Nah. I honestly forgot I left it out."

I hesitate, then, "You left it on, too."

"Did I?"

"Yeah." I should stop. I should just let this go, but… "You were looking at a news story." My aunt tenses beside me. "You didn't tell me."

Aunt V lets out a breath and looks up as if begging for strength. "Ash…Ash, there's nothing you can for those people-"

"They're dead." The words come out harsher than I intended. I ignore Gardevoir's gasp next to me. "No one can do sh*t for them!" Aunt V flinches, and I force myself to calm down. "You know I have a Corphish, right?"

"I thought you had a Kingler."

"One of each. And, when I read that… It just rattled me, okay?" My throat closes up for the umpteenth time. I need to get my act together. "I know there are pokemon attacking humans. But, killing them…and, I…"

Aunt V nods sympathetically, a grim acceptance in her green eyes. "It's different when your own species is affected. Everyone's working hard, but we can't control everything. Can I confide in you for a moment?"

"Of course," I say.

"When I saw the extent of Poke-X, when I saw how it affected humanity, even indirectly, I wanted to quit."

Now, that surprises me. Aunt V always seemed like a go-getter, someone who persevered no matter how hard it got. Supposedly, most of my dad's side of the family is like that, myself included.

Aunt V goes on. "Then, I remembered that life is full of the unexpected. You can't plan out everything. Bad things happen no matter what."

"You make it sound like their deaths don't matter."

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying that the world is full of hurt. We can't stop all of it. But, we can try to make it easier. I never expected Poke-X to affect humans." There's a haunted look in her eyes at that. "All I want to do is make the world safer. That's why I do what I do."

I knew there was a reason we were close. I shut the laptop, set it back on the table, and give my aunt a hard look. "I wanna do more, Aunt V."

She blinks in confusion. "More what?"

"More work. I wanna do more with Poke-X." She looks like she's about to protest, so I go on before she can stop me. "Look, I know I'm not a science guy, but I can learn. I already know some things about a pokemon's biology. I'm sure I could figure out the rest."

She sighs through her nose and doesn't meet my gaze. "Ash, I know you mean well, but this isn't stuff that you can learn overnight. It's not just a matter of memorizing body parts. Everyone doing the hard stuff has years of schooling backing them."

"I went to school in Alola."

"A school that taught the basics of pokemon, which you already knew."

Fair point. "They taught other stuff too. And, I've taken online classes over the years."

"And, how often did you do that versus how often you focused on your pokemon journey?"

Another fair point. I'm running out of arguments. "I still learned things! For instance, did you know that pie isn't just a dessert? It's also a number that goes on forever."

I'd felt so smart when I said it, but the tolerant look on my aunt's face makes me feel the opposite. Was I wrong about pi? Then, out of nowhere, she asks, "Tell me what dopamine is."

Crap. I hadn't expected a quiz! "Uh…" Think, Ash, think! What sounds science-y enough to maybe be right? "It's a…collision of…" that tolerant smile is still there, and my face is getting hotter and hotter, "bone…density…?" Now, she's clearly trying not to laugh. I can even hear Gardevoir's barely restrained giggles. Either he knows what dopamine is, or my answer is just that stupid. I huff and throw my hands in the air in defeat. "Okay, you've made your point. But, there's gotta be something I can help with."

Aunt V rests her hand on my shoulder. "You are helping," she says sympathetically. "I know it doesn't always feel like it, but you are. So are Korou and Lorette and the field workers at the other locations. You bring the infected pokemon in so that they aren't causing any more harm. The scientists are equipped to handle those conditions. Your job is protecting those who aren't."

When you put it that way, it does sound pretty important. But, I'm still not satisfied. I shrug off her hand. "I get all that, but there has to be something I can do in the lab. Anything! Even if I just run errands or push buttons or something. Please, Aunt V! Just give me a chance."

Aunt V is silent for a long time, drumming her fingers thoughtfully on her knee. I can smell the no coming, but I don't know how else to plead my case. Finally, she speaks, not looking at me. "I haven't forgotten how you were with that Pichu. And, I'm told that the Tyrogue came in bandaged up as well."

Where is she going with this? "So, I patched them up. Isn't that a good thing?"

"It is, but it isn't." She finally looks at me, a weary resignation in her eyes. "Ash, your problem is that you think with your heart before your head. You can't be that way in the lab." She cuts me off when I start to protest. "Do you know why I asked for your help in the first place?"

"Because of my experience with pokemon, right?" Even as I say it, I can already tell that's not the real answer.

Which she confirms. "That was a factor, but the main reason was that I knew you'd show up anyway. I know you, Ash. You can't stand seeing anyone in pain, regardless of their species."

"Well, yeah, but-"

She holds up a hand, cutting me off. "It's not a bad thing, but like I said, you think with your heart. That can be dangerous, Ash. The last thing we need is someone making rash decisions that cause more problems than they fix. I asked for your help because I knew that you would make your way here and not take no for an answer. You'd just go off on your own and do something reckless and stupid. Am I right?"

I'm rapidly losing steam. Everything she's saying makes sense. How many times have I leaped into harm's way to protect someone else? How many times have my friends been held up because I was hurt and they didn't want to leave without me? I like to think I'm more careful now than when I was a kid, but the need to protect only grew stronger with age. I've gotten more than one lecture about my recklessness, but I just can't help it. Maybe my aunt's right; the way I am, I'd be more of a hindrance than a help.

When I don't respond, Aunt V pulls out her ace in the hole. "You're a dedicated pokemon trainer, Ash. You feel a responsibility toward your pokemon's well-being. I seem to remember you once telling me that your pokemon's pain is your own."

"So?" I ask.

"What if Pikachu or Charizard gets the virus?"

My blood freezes at her words.

"Could you keep your cool? Imagine them ripping themselves apart, Charizard melting its own flesh, Pikachu reducing its own tail to ribbons-"

"Oh God, please stop!"

I leap off the couch and take a few steps away, suddenly needing to move, needing to hide the fear that I'm sure is all over my face. My hand has a death grip on my friends' pokeballs. They're alive. They aren't necessarily okay, but alive is good. I feel tiny hands wrap around my elbow, on the arm still latched on to the pokeballs. Gardevoir is purring softly and nuzzling my arm. I try to slow my breathing and use my shaking free hand to stroke his head.

"I'm sorry for being graphic," Aunt V says, "but you need to consider the possibility." I don't tell her that I've been trying not to do that, though the thought is always there. She rises and calmly walks up to me, regarding me with understanding and maybe a little regret. "That's a worst case scenario, but it could still happen, Ash. Could you stay calm if it did?"

Yes. No. I have no idea and no desire to find out.

Aunt V smiles apologetically. "I just don't want you to get hurt. I know it's not what you want to hear-"

"No, it's okay. You've kind of got me pegged. But, um," I add, forcing out the words, "if…if that worst case scenario happens…"

Aunt V stands on her toes to kiss my cheek. "Yes, you can be with them. Now," she puts one hand on her hip and waves the other in front of me, "get all of this sadness out today, because, in case you've somehow forgotten, tomorrow is your birthday." As if I could forget. She taps my nose as she speaks. "No. Sad. Birthday boys. Understood?"

I can't help but laugh. I raise my hand in a mock-salute. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good man. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to check in with someone."

"Who's that?" I ask as she pulls her phone out of her pocket.

"Her name is Miriam Waybright. She's an old friend of mine and she offered to come down here and help us with Poke-X." She points to me. "You know, if you want to help, you could pick her up from the airport when she gets here. That way, I know she'll get here in one piece."

Perfect! A chance to help more! I'll take anything at this point. I raise two thumbs up. "Sounds awesome! When does she get here?"

"I'm not quite sure. She was busy doing research in the Johto region at the time, so-" Her phone vibrates in her hand. She looks down at the screen, and her eyes light up. "Oh! Good timing. That's her now. Excuse me."

She heads upstairs to take the call.

When we're alone, Gardevoir nudges my arm. He looks up at me with a cautious curiosity, tongue out, silently asking how I feel about all this.

I put my hands in my pockets and shrug. "Okay. So, that didn't go the way I wanted. Hey, at least she'll let me bring her friend in. This Miriam must be pretty important if Aunt V wants her to have a bodyguard, right?" I throw in a chuckle so that he knows I really am fine.

Well, maybe I'm a little disappointed, but Aunt V isn't wrong about me. Truthfully, I don't know if I could spend entire work days watching pokemon suffer and keep my sanity while doing it. I really admire everyone who does. Who knows what must be going through their heads while they do what they do? Now that I think about it, it sounds like torture.

I'd still like to at least have access to the upper floors. Just so I can see the pokemon myself, so they feel like they have a friend, someone who visits just to visit and isn't getting paid to do so. I know that's what I'd want.

And, if the worst does happen, if Pikachu and Charizard do catch Poke-X, they'll have that if I have to break the doors down to get to them.

PokeSquad - FanGirl210 - Pocket Monsters (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.